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ZEN Stone 2008运动版;摩托罗拉ROKR E8;Logitech diNovo Mini;华硕DRW-2014L1极速光雕王;孩之宝摇滚电子吉它[编者按]  相似文献   

有关Zune的谣言;Zune可以像iPod一样成功吗;折叠时代;经典再现;奥林巴斯E-400诞生;扔掉你的有线耳机。  相似文献   

1 移动化生活的发展移动化生活 ,已经与我们息息相关。移动商务正在改变我们的生活。只要到汉诺威计算机展走一圈 ,你会发现人们口袋里有各种各样的移动装置、移动电话。可见 ,移动商务正在逐渐取代人们天天谈论的电子商务。移动电子商务 (M- Commerce) ,它由电子商务(E- Commerce)的概念衍生而来。现在的电子商务以 PC机为主要界面 ,是“有钱的电子商务”;而移动电子商务 ,则是通过手机、PDA(个人数字助理 )这些可以装在口袋里的终端与我们谋面 ,使我们无论何时、何地都可以开始。正因为这种方便、灵活的特性 ,才使它得以迅速发展。据…  相似文献   

美国时间9月4日.惠普公司将以价值250亿美金的股票收购竞争对手康柏.惠普46岁的女老板费卡利.奥莉娜兴奋地拍着康柏公司CE0迈克尔.卡佩拉斯的肩膀.  相似文献   

通过分析各历史阶段的不同移动办公模式,回顾移动办公的发展历程与技术沿革,对比各种移动办公模式的优缺点,论述移动办公的先进性、必要性以及未来移动办公的可能性。  相似文献   

移动学习方式是一种有效实现自主学习的新途径。分析了移动学习和自主学习的定义及移动学习在自主学习中的优势,重点阐述了在几种移动设备支持下的自主学习,目的是让学生自主学习更便捷、更灵活、更有效。  相似文献   

移动学习就是通过移动设备可以在任何时间任何地点进行的学习[1][2][3];然而移动设备间的差异性很大,处理平台的异构性使不同的移动设备支持不同课程资源显示格式。为了使移动设备可以象PC机一样获取网络课程资源,适应异构的移动计算环境,本文利用Agent技术建构了智能的自适应系统模型。他可以自动转换资源的格式,识别移动设备的性能。  相似文献   

由于输入操作的需要,Android系统的移动设备均选用一块全触屏作为主要输入方式,本文通过对Android的体系结构及触摸屏原理进行分析,编写了触摸屏驱动程序的关键代码,并归纳了开发Android驱动程序的核心思想。  相似文献   

一种基于个性化信息服务的移动搜索引擎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出一种基于个性化信息服务的移动搜索引擎系统,从个性化和系统体系结构分别进行了设计.系统可以为用户提供WAPS(无线访问协议服务)、SMS(短信息服务)和MMS(多媒体服务)的搜索功能,还提供WEB搜索功能和系统管理功能,从而使各类用户都能够按照不同的需求获得更加准确的信息,提高了移动搜索的效率,降低了用户的通信成本.  相似文献   

由于许多移动个人用户越来越多地依赖于全天候运行的移动解决方案,企业用途与个人用途之间的硬性界线正变得越来越模糊。据IDC题为《移动个人消费者;2003年调查结果》(Mobilizing theConsumer;2003 SurveyResults》的最新调查显示,  相似文献   

通过探讨部分高水平的权威管理科学期刊论文合著情况,试图初步揭示和解释我国高水平管理科学合作研究的特点,为科技管理部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Insects which turn and look   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The compound eyes of insects and crustaceans are not uniform: regions which look in different directions become specialized for different functions. Some regions have larger facets and smaller angles between adjacent visual axes. Larger facets allow greater resolution for individual ommatidia of the eye; smaller angles between their axes allow a greater density of sampling stations. Many insects have one or more foveas, together with specialized visual habits, but even without a fovea, turning to look is probably a basic part of insect behaviour. Accurate alignment of the head axis then allows the estimation of distance without necessity for stereopsis. The form of the eye in many insects strongly suggests that they measure range over long distances by parallax rather than by binocular overlap.  相似文献   

Introduction: Diversified Nationalities After World War II, America has achieved a rapid overall development in economy, science and technology, this has made its national power rank top of the world, particularly since the end of Cold War, America has become the only superpower, along with its economic invasion to many other regions, the culture intrusion is inevitable. In China, English learning has never received such attentions as we do today, so it is not unusual that new generations …  相似文献   

本文就新形势下会计的发展趋势提出几点想法,包括重视公司未来风险、环保会计、会计管理、成本控制核心、网络会计、会计国际化,与大家共同商榷。  相似文献   

The First Mile     
This article argues that the current universal service policies fail to appreciate first-mile issues, that is, how connectivity looks, feels, and behaves from the subscriber's perspective. For individuals and households, connectivity is not just merely a stretch of wire but an important connection that takes them out to a broader world, encapsulating network interface devices, the software, and training, as well as incentives to create content and contribute to the community. Universal service should represent the sum total of the capabilities that extend users into the networked nation, rather than just a "last-mile" collection of vendor-related concerns and constraints.  相似文献   

For today‘s civilized world,with its dotcoms, sitcoms. ATMs,and ATVs.the first 3.5 billion years of life on Earth are a bit of an emharrassment.It was only a few hundred million years ago that trilobites prowled the seas, More primitive life subscribed to two or three basic lifestyles: algal mat spineless worm, or bacterial blob. Before that, in the Archean Eon more than 2. 5 billion years ago-well, that kind of life is what Lysol is for.  相似文献   

Economic studies that aim at comparing the patent system social efficiency versus an ex post reward system rest on an outdated view of patents. They assume that firms use the patent system only in order to be granted a short-term commercial monopoly rent. This assumption is convenient because it allows straightforward comparisons between patents and rewards but it is not confirmed by empirical studies, which stress that in many industries most firms use patents as strategic devices to trade technologies and to ease R&D collaborations. This change leads to rethinking the framework of the patent-reward debate.  相似文献   

基于对谈判管理的系统思考,提出应转变“情景式管理”为“制度化战略管理”的观点,将谈判的管理从过程控制层面延展到战略、过程、组织三个层次,并结合实例对如何制定谈判战略,如何把握利益和关系以及如何进行组织支持进行了说明。  相似文献   

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