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高等教育性别平等是高等教育公平与社会进步的重要标志,也是平等社会性别文化构建的体现.我国女性高等教育在近年得到了迅速的发展,女性大学生在高校比例也逐年增加,但我国女性高等教育仍然存在着诸多问题.文章从社会性别视角分析了我国女性高等教育发展现状、性别差异及其成因,并在此基础上提出了促进女性高等教育的若干对策.  相似文献   

西方早期女子学院为不能进入传统大学学习的妇女提供了接受高等教育的机会。美国走在了西方女子高等教育的前列,这一点突出地表现在早期女子学院的创办和发展上。女子学院作为一种专门提供给妇女的男女分校式的高等教育,其特点非常鲜明。早期女子学院的创立和实践改变了整个高等教育的结构,并且作出了严肃对待妇女接受高等教育的历史贡献。直至今日,女子学院仍是世界各国女子高等教育的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

中国女子高等教育是中国男性思想启蒙和身体力行的产物,它由男性倡导,极具功利性。针对我国女子高等教育先天不足的弱点和男女地位差异的现状,导引积极的社会性别文化,建立男女两性和谐的教育是21世纪高等教育努力的方向。为此,应将基本国策和性别意识真正纳入高等教育发展政策和教育实践中;大学要促进妇女研究学科化建设,并积极引导社会舆论;在大学课堂中应引入女性主义视角,努力构建男女两性和谐发展的校园文化。  相似文献   

Women in higher education appear to lag behind their male colleagues in many respects. Research has shown that women are less likely than men to have full-time positions, tenure, or senior status. In research -- crucial to an academic career -- they tend neither to lead research teams, nor to apply for, nor to hold large research grants. Female academics are often seen as less productive, especially when it comes to publication rates. Women just beginning or resuming their careers appear particularly vulnerable. This paper draws on data from a study of PhD graduates in Australian universities in order to investigate the research experiences of women and men at an early stage of their careers. The findings presented in the paper suggest that some of the traditional disadvantages seen as affecting university women are now diminishing. The paper goes on to argue, on the basis of the data, that some documented phenomena such as women's lower publication output and their non-participation in collaborative networks are due to factors not always highlighted in the literature -- factors, for example, such as women's choice of discipline area. While the paper rejects the proposition that an explicitly 'gendered agenda' exists in academia, it notes that newly-graduated female PhDs in Australia are still more likely than their male colleagues to report dissatisfaction on a number of levels. The paper concludes with a call for further research on the more affective aspects of academic women's research experiences.  相似文献   

Influences on women's entry into male-dominated occupations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article focuses on women's entry into male-dominated occupations in the United States. It looks at the impact of Title IX and related legislation which opened access to colleges and universities to women and examines the effects of initial or pre-enrollment student characteristics, organizational attributes of the college of university, student performance and experiences in higher education and the attributes of employing organizations on women's entry into male-dominated occupations. The article concludes with a model for measuring the relative influence of each.  相似文献   

In Western societies the past two decades have witnessed a great increase of women's participation in higher education and a multiplication of responsibilities as a result of the expanded role of women. This article examines higher education enrollment between 1970 and 1987 in the United Kingdom and the United States. It is guided by a theoretical model contending that educational expansion occurs where people choose education as an adaptation to increased deprivation and uncertainty. By linking the expanded role of women to the expansion of women's participation in higher education, and by using the rising rate of divorce as an indicator of the increased disenfranchisement among women in patriarchal societies, this study attempts to uncover the hidden forces behind the recent expansion of women's participation in higher education. Multiple regression is used for the statistical analysis. The results show that the divorce rate is positively related to women's enrollment in higher education in the United States. The results also show divergent enrollment patterns between the two sexes regarding the effect of unemployment in both the United States and the United Kingdom. It is argued that gender role expectation is crucial to understanding the different effects of divorce and unemployment on the divergent enrollment patterns of men and women. The article also explores important differences in the areas of educational opportunities, the magnitude of the impact of divorce, government policies regarding women's welfare, and the differing role of credentials in social mobility in the two countries under study.  相似文献   

This study reviews the nature of politics within Peruvian universities, seeking to identify the extent to which they have considered gender issues. Since university students have traditionally been active in politics and have sought to address national issues involving democracy and the protection of human rights, the article focuses on student politics. Student politics have been controlled by men and their various outcomes, ranging from demonstrations to guerilla warfare, have occured in the context of an analytical framework that gives predominance to economic forces to the exclusion of ideological influences. The students have wanted, therefore, to defend and ally themselves with workers and peasants, and assumed that women's issues are secondary to the promotion of social and economic justice. The universities in Peru have undergone a tremendous expansion in the last two decades. Despite this growth, the faculty continues to be mostly male. The growing presence of students from low-income sectors has contributed to radicalizing the university, yet the prevalent Marxist analysis subsumes gender within class issues. Although one of the most radical departments in the university - education - has also a large number of women, this has not yet led to the adoption of a feminist agenda. In the meantime, the feminist movement in Peru is growing outside the university and becoming very effective in the promotion of women's rights. The article proposes a number of measures that could facilitate the university's adoption of a stronger position regarding women's concerns.  相似文献   

王珺 《煤炭高等教育》2007,25(3):100-103
女性学是西方女性主义学者介入大学课程领域的新建树。女性主义学者希望通过建立以女性学课程为媒介的研究和教学机构,使被边缘化甚至隐形化的众多与女性有关的问题纳入课程体系,改变大学课程文化的男性权威形象,为女性融入高等教育体系,成为真正的知识主体,提供一个重要的知识基地和平台。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代女权主义运动兴起以来,妇女学开始在西方大学里建制化。今天在妇女研究从政治立场转向学术立场的大背景下,女性主义本身也开始更多地被视为一种认识论或方法论而不仅仅是社会运动。尤其重要的是,在今天的西方大学里妇女学以及性别研究的兴起已经对大学学科的知识结构以及大学制度本身产生了重大影响。通过引入性别分析视角重构大学学科制度甚至于重建大学制度已经成为未来时期世界范围内大学与学科发展的一个重大问题。  相似文献   

从金融危机看我国台湾地区高等教育的改革与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与过去历次相比,2008年爆发的世界金融危机对我国台湾地区社会经济体系尤其是高等教育的影响显得更加明显与直接,台湾高等教育发展过程中已显现及潜藏的矛盾与问题被进一步激发出来。对此,台湾当局、教育主管部门、高校及社会各界全面启动应急机制,并建立起推进高等教育新一轮改革与发展的长效机制,力图化危机为转机,以促进台湾高等教育健康、平稳地向前发展。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是高等教育产业化发展的典型,国际教育产业为其带来了巨额的经济收益。在产业化进程中,澳大利亚高校对于国际学生的依赖程度不断增加。自道金斯改革以来,澳大利亚高等教育系统被分化为一个高度管制的国内学生市场和自由放任的国际学生市场,在公共经费匮乏和大学排名的压力下,扩张国际教育产业成为大学经济理性下的必然选择。然而对教育经济价值的强调和市场效率的过分倚重,引发了舆论对教育公平、教学质量、教育目的多方面的质疑,也导致一场高等教育公共性的危机。  相似文献   

周期性经济动荡对社会的影响是广泛而深入的,处于社会轴心地位的大学受到的影响则更为显著。从历史来看,三次经济危机既对高等教育造成了冲击,也为高等教育自身的变革提供了契机与动力。美国高等教育在危机时代通过教学、课程等方面的调整,促进了自身发生变革,同时也成为美国摆脱危机的重要推动力量。  相似文献   

金融危机对美国高等教育的影响及思考   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
金融危机已经对美国高等教育产生了严重影响,这表现在高等教育投资市场紧缩和学费上涨,迫使大学管理必须强化风险意识,增收节支以提高大学运营效率.从高等学校的招生情况看,高等教育主体并没有受到很大影响,但危机带给人们的思考是大学如何更好地参与市场,如何进一步提高效率促进教育公平.  相似文献   

This paper has two distinct foci. The first is an introductory focus on the current position and problems of academic women working in UK universities (despite the valorization of Equal Opportunities (EO), and within the context and constraints of the 'New Managerialism'). The second and main focus is on the personal impact of university work on the lives of academic women, towards exploring and uncovering how higher education's institutional structures and processes impact upon academic women's identity structures and processes. Idiographic analyses of a small number of case studies suggest that despite considerable recent gains, some academic women's identities are compromised, challenged and made 'vulnerable' through feelings of being undervalued, overburdened and often the subjects of unequal treatment – more than 30 years after the Equal Pay Act and almost 30 years after the Sex Discrimination Act. The paper's conclusions therefore warn that continued valorization of EO policy without its assimilation into the underlying core institutional culture will sanction the valediction of any tangible or effective progress in HE's ability to produce more robust academic identities and more satisfying daily working lives for academic women. Insofar as such assimilation is not achieved, the policy, practice and rhetoric of equal opportunities and equal treatment in UK higher education will remain little more than 'lipstick on the gorilla'.  相似文献   

目前,我国高校债务危机的问题已日益突显,巨额债务已成为制约高校尤其是地方性高校发展的重要因素,对我国高等教育事业的可持续发展造成隐患。文章从地方性高校债务产生的根源、办学债务形成的根本因素入手,就偿还债务的责任和化解债务的机制提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

女性高等教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,实现女性高等教育公平事关高等教育和社会整体的发展。建设社会主义和谐校园,努力促进女性高等教育健康、持续、快速发展,在经济社会发展中发挥更大的作用,是女子高校改革发展的重要任务。因此,要以自主创新为动力,不断增强女性高等教育发展活力,建设特色鲜明、和谐文明的校园,促进女子高等教育的公平发展。  相似文献   

目前,中国高等教育理论研究对通识教育的功能研究存在着严重的偏差,更多地关注通识教育的创新功能,忽略了其文化精神传承功能,而在人文精神发生集体性危机的中国当下和全球化语境下,通识教育在某种意义上更多的是文化精神的传承。作为一种重要的文化精神传承途径,高校戏剧艺术通识教育应该把“文化自觉”理念贯注到每个大学生心中,促进对全球化时代中国文化主体性的理论思考和实践关怀,铸就主体精神的文化自觉,这是当前高校戏剧艺术通识教育的灵魂。  相似文献   

In this article, Lalita Subrahmanya explores some of the factors that have contributed to the choice of science as a specialization by a group of academic women scientists at the University of Madras in South India. She looks at two aspect of women's entry into science: the encouragement they received to pursue education to the highest level, and the circumstances that led to their pursuit of science as a specialization. Research in India has shown that within the context of a patrifocal family structure characteristic of many parts of the society, educational decisions are not made by individuals but by families. Moreover, they are different for sons and daughters, most often in favor of the former. This study illustrates how such a patrifocal family structure and ideology affect decisions regarding women's entry into education in both ways: negatively, by creating obstacles to their progress, but also under special circumstances very positively.Despite the participants' perceptions that their educational decisions were mainly taken by themselves individually, parental and family involvement in the process has been significant. In two of the cases in which parents have been extraordinarily encouraging and have supported the women through their school and college very actively, as well as in others in which there has been strong opposition, patrifocal factors have played a key role in affecting women's decisions to pursue higher education. According to the author, the study shows evidence of a possibility that, under the present social structure, and given the financial burden that education entails, women from poorer families will not make it to the top if they have brothers who are brilliant. But in spite of patrifocality and within certain boundaries set by society, the reasons for the participants' choice of science have been personal or school-related.The article also points to an interesting challenge to patrifocality in the form of mentors and rolemodels in schools and in work-place who are able to help women focus their interest in science, and in some cases, even influence family decisions in favor of girls and women. Further study of how decisions are made may show that instead of national policies or legal mandates, organized personal intervention may be more effective in India in improving the acces of women and other disadvantaged groups to education or to science and technology.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association, Boston, March, 1994.  相似文献   

为学术还是为职业?--德国大学学习传统及其变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪初形成的德国现代大学以突出科学研究而著称,大学的学业因此具有明显的学术取向。这种学术型大学对学术的贡献有目共睹,但却忽视了大学教育的职业预备功能。而在大众高等教育时代,多数大学生的求学主要是为了未来的职业发展。德国大学重学术的教育传统与现代社会对大学教育期待之间的矛盾,是当代德国大学教育中长期存在的问题。  相似文献   

韩国高等教育规模的持续扩张引发了教育质量的下降,尤其是近年来随着适龄入学人口的下降,使主要经费来源依赖于学生学费的私立大学开始面临财政危机,它们不得不通过合并与兼并等重组的方式以增强生存能力.政府也通过立法或制定政策促使大学,尤其是私立大学进行重组改革,以提高其竞争优势.  相似文献   

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