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Coding is prevalent in generating analyzable data from all kinds of unstructured observations and meaningful textual or visual phenomena. Coding is essential to content analysis and social research, including computational linguistics, which concern interpretations of meaningful matter. The usual protocol calls for observers or readers to categorize, scale, or measure each of a given set of predefined units of analysis, in effect characterizing them by one value from each variable of analytical interest. However, there are many occasions in which texts and nonverbal phenomena have multiple interpretations. Until now, there has been no practical way to measure their reliability. This paper proposes a coefficient to measure the reliability of multi-valued data. It adds to Krippendorff’s family of alpha coefficients, briefly reviewed. We offer a motivation for using the new coefficient, develop it mathematically, exemplify its computation, explore its behavior, and provide access to open source software to compute its most simple case.  相似文献   

轻松备份ILAS系统数据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要介绍一种简单可行的自动备份ILAS系统数据的方法。  相似文献   

为图书馆学正名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张永新 《晋图学刊》2002,(1):13-14,9
新形势下图书馆学面临新的考验,造成这种情况的原因是多方面的.本文从学科本身、学科教育和图书馆事业等几个方面进行了分析和论证,认为随着时代的发展,图书馆学仍然是图书馆学,仍会取得进步与发展.  相似文献   

In content analysis and similar methods, data are typically generated by trained human observers who record or transcribe textual, pictorial, or audible matter in terms suitable for analysis. Conclusions from such data can be trusted only after demonstrating their reliability. Unfortunately, the content analysis literature is full of proposals for so-called reliability coefficients, leaving investigators easily confused, not knowing which to choose. After describing the criteria for a good measure of reliability, we propose Krippendorff's alpha as the standard reliability measure. It is general in that it can be used regardless of the number of observers, levels of measurement, sample sizes, and presence or absence of missing data. To facilitate the adoption of this recommendation, we describe a freely available macro written for SPSS and SAS to calculate Krippendorff's alpha and illustrate its use with a simple example.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆在知识社会发展中扮演着重要角色,政府数据开放共享有利于人们利用数据创造知识,分析政策要素可以协助图书馆在收集、管理、处理、服务上厘清权益问题并制订实施方案。[方法/过程]调研国外开放政府数据政策,从执行方案、权责声明、服务政策三个方面综述政策要素,并以综述结果为基础分析图书馆的作用。[结果/结论]完善的政策体系有助于数据共享,而且图书馆可以协助推动良好实践,其中政策要素包括:执行方案(界定政策范围、组织推进小组、明确执行任务)、权责声明(建立问责机制、遵循既有法规、坚持开放边界)、服务政策(规划基础设施、提出服务要求、设定屏蔽原则)等。  相似文献   

This case study investigates how participants in public dialogue sessions engaged in what they term “civil disagreement.” These sessions encouraged participants to explore a wide range of policy options on a public issue and consider diverse perspectives and possibilities for action. Using Action Implicative Discourse Analysis, we examine civil disagreement as a discursive problem. We argue that “civil disagreement” in public dialogue sessions is temporally bound, involves extended engagement in disagreement, and is viewed as productive by group members. Group members use discursive strategies such as challenging through questions, rearticulating claims while acknowledging other perspectives, and editing or reframing. Group members also use silence to demonstrate listening or to indicate their assessment of the situation as finalized. These discursive strategies demonstrate aspects of participants' situated ideals about public dialogue, which are related to their role in the disagreement and their construals of time. We offer practical implications for facilitators' use of guidelines, discussion of timing, and awareness of the multiple meanings of silence during disagreement.  相似文献   

Coefficients that assess the reliability of data-making processes, that is, coding text, transcribing interviews, or categorizing observations into analyzable terms, are mostly conceptualized in terms of the agreement a set of coders, observers, judges, or measuring instruments exhibit. When variation is low, reliability coefficients reveal their dependency on an often neglected phenomenon, the amount of information that reliability data provide about the reliability of the coding process or the data it generates. This paper explores the concept of reliability, simple agreement, three conceptions of chance to correct that agreement, and sources of information deficiency, and it develops two measures of information about reliability, akin to the power of a statistical test, intended as a companion to traditional reliability coefficients, especially Krippendorff's (2004 Krippendorff, K. 2004. Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology, 2nd, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  [Google Scholar], pp. 221–250; Hayes & Krippendorff, 2007 Hayes, A. F. and Krippendorff, K. 2007. Answering the call for a standard reliability measure for coding data. Communication Methods and Measures, 1: 7789. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) alpha.  相似文献   

在高校的课题研究论文中,学术论文挂名现象相当普遍,其产生的原因及表现是多方面的,主要是某些人急于发表论文,利用不正当手段挂名;感谢他人指导.还人情挂名;帮助亲朋好友.照顾关系挂名;利用名人效应,抬高身价挂名.论文挂名侵犯了他人的著作权,滋长了学术腐败,影响了刊物信誉.对职称评定带来了负面影响.文章根据<著作权法>和国家标准GB7713-87规定的署名应具备的条件,认为从倡导求真务实的学术道德规范、加强学术论文的署名管理,严肃处理署名中的侵权行为、职称管理部门需改变某些职称评定方式预防论文挂名.  相似文献   

This study examined the need for cognition as a mediator between aggressive communication traits and tolerance for disagreement. Previous research suggests that argumentativeness is a positive predictor of tolerance for disagreement, while verbal aggressiveness is a negative predictor of tolerance for disagreement. Our findings indicate that need for cognition positively mediates the relationship between argumentativeness and tolerance for disagreement, as well as verbal aggressiveness and tolerance for disagreement.  相似文献   

无征古史寄幽思写字累了,便闲翻报纸,看到报上说某地要公祭炎帝陵,显然受到祭祀黄帝陵的刺激,有人在报纸上郑重其事地大声疾呼:都说是“炎黄子孙”,怎么可以厚此薄彼,并引经据典考证了炎、黄的分野与系谱,证实着他们各自作为“祖先”的资格。其实,发思古之幽情,本来是对当下有所思有所感,借了古代的人或事来抒发情怀、一吐胸中的块垒,本不必真的计较这怀古的历史真实性,像杜牧诗中说的“东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔”,就不能认真追问,否则便引起了关于曹操征江南的意图的疑问,也不必拘泥这追思的地理真实性,《红楼梦》…  相似文献   

在高校的课题研究论文中,学术论文挂名现象相当普遍,其产生的原因及表现是多方面的,主要是某些人急于发表论文,利用不正当手段挂名;感谢他人指导,还人情挂名;帮助亲朋好友,照顾关系挂名;利用名人效应,抬高身价挂名。论文挂名侵犯了他人的著作权,滋长了学术腐败,影响了刊物信誉,对职称评定带来了负面影响。文章根据《著作权法》和国家标准GB7713—87规定的署名应具备的条件,认为从倡导求真务实的学术道德规范、加强学术论文的署名管理,严肃处理署名中的侵权行为、职称管理部门需改变某些职称评定方式预防论文挂名。  相似文献   

化石千层下 在野外山崖上找到一块有螺壳的化石,好奇地看来看去,不由想象着千万年前的沧海桑田,这里真的可能是经过了“百川沸腾,山冢 崩,高岸为谷,深谷为陵”。一个小小的螺壳化石里,仿佛压缩了很多年的历史。 经历了亿万年,草木鱼虫都成了石头,漫长的时间仿佛被Winzip压缩过,按照年轮积攒了层层消息,等着有朝一日后人来“释放”历史。其实,过去的历史就是化石,仿佛曾经是动物植物的过去,压得久了成了石头,成了石油,成了煤炭,变了形也变了质。只要有历史,什么都可能是化石,就说文学罢,唐诗宋词,看上去是文字文本,其…  相似文献   

An experiment (N = 272) demonstrated that disagreement—either civil or uncivil—may have a chilling effect on the public discourse vital to a deliberative democracy. Both forms of disagreement—in comments posted on a news story about abortion—caused negative emotion and aggressive intentions. However, only uncivil disagreement led people to respond back uncivilly and indirectly led to greater intention to participate politically, if it aroused aggressive feelings. Findings support extending face and politeness theories to the computer-mediated space of online commenting. Results are discussed in relation to the impact on the public discourse.  相似文献   

王鹏 《编辑之友》2017,(12):68-73
大数据时代的到来,使人们比以往更需要对数据的理解,而数据的选择和应用都可以直接影响受众的理解,产生不同的效果.我们应该对它持怀疑态度,对于随新闻衍生的数据如何影响和左右新闻故事的发展持清醒态度.文章分析了数据新闻中数据运用的误区,如数据缺失、数据虚假、处理技术欠缺、数据被利用等问题,并提出相应的策略,主要从数据本身、数据外部因素和数据之外的社会条件三个方面来阐述如何应对数据新闻中数据运用的问题.  相似文献   

漫谈数字遗产的保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代社会中越来越多的信息是以数字化的形式存在和保存的。解决好数字化信息的长期保存问题是具有重要意义的,它涉及各个国家的不同行业和部门。这些信息若保存得不好,就会永久丢失,因此我们要像保护自然遗产和文化遗产一样重视保护数字遗产。联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)一直关注数字遗产保护的问题。2002年11月,UN-ESCO在广泛征求各国对数字化产品保护的意见后,制订了《数字遗产保护草案》,呼吁成员国及早重视这个问题。一、数字遗产的概念根据UNESCO的定义,数字遗产包括从现存的任一种形式的知识转化成的数字产品或…  相似文献   

论文论述了分类法、主题法、分类主题一体化法以及本体论等知识组织方法的系统论基础。  相似文献   

王磊 《图书馆建设》2012,(12):25-28
灰色文献是信息资源的重要组成部分,对于科技的发展和知识的创新具有重要意义。与国外发达国家相比,我国灰色文献资源建设工作在文献特征、建设背景、制度保障等方面均存在较大差距。国家图书馆通过划分灰色文献等级的方式决定文献采选层次、确定文献来源、指导文献体系化建设,有利于扩大灰色文献的采集范围和深度,充分发挥灰色文献在整个文献体系建设中的作用。  相似文献   

通过分析兰登书屋日渐成熟的电子书、有声书经营以及跨媒体出版方式,总结它在实现出版全球化过程中的宝贵经验。面对出版全球化、数字化的浪潮,享誉世界的大众图书出版商兰登书屋在运用数字手段拓展、巩固海外市场方面取得了骄人的成绩。它的数字化发展道路对我国出版业具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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