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The purpose of this research was to explore the relative effectiveness of intensive reading interventions for struggling high school readers. A yearlong randomized control study was conducted to estimate causal effects, as measured by the criterion-referenced state assessment test, for 1,265 ninth-grade students in 89 classes across 7 high schools in a large school district. Students in the high risk group and the moderate risk group were randomly assigned to one of four intensive reading interventions (three new interventions and a “business as usual” control condition.) Results indicated that for all four interventions, gains made by students in the high risk group exceeded the benchmark for expected annual growth. For the moderate risk group, random effects mixed modeling showed that reliable differences were observed in the state outcome gain scores between two of the intensive interventions and the “business as usual” control condition (Glass's adjusted Δ = .27, .30).  相似文献   


Fifty-two low performing schools were randomly assigned to receive Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math, a supplemental mathematics software and instructional program, in second/third or fourth/fifth grades or to a business-as-usual control. Analyses reveal a negligible effect of ST Math on mathematics scores, which did not differ significantly across subgroups defined by prior math proficiency and English Language Learner status. Two years of program treatment produced a nonsignificant effect. Publication of evaluation results from large-scale real-world supplemental mathematics instructional implementations such as this one can provide a realistic view of the possibilities, costs, and limitations of this and other computer aided instruction supplemental interventions.  相似文献   

阅读是一项复杂的认知过程,涉及整合、组织、精加工、监控等过程。阅读教学要培养学生调节和控制上述认知过程的能力,而不能仅仅停留在促进学生对课文内容的理解上。区分阅读与阅读教学,对明确阅读教学的目标至关重要。  相似文献   

The study investigated elementary school pupils' ideas concerning the concept of electricity and the effect of school instruction on the pupil's views. Pupils of different cultural backgrounds were assessed to ascertain their knowledge in four areas: Relation of certain natural phenomena to electricity; Mental models (images) of direct current in a circuit; Images possessed regarding electricity and electric current. Pupils' ideas were investigated before and after instruction, thus providing information about the effect of instruction on the views of pupils. In construct to the previous findings, certain phenomena (lightning and thunder among them) were related by the pupils to electricity even before those were taught. Evidently, the instruction changed the mental models and images of electricity and electric current.  相似文献   


This article presents a randomized experiment evaluating a computer-assisted tutoring program. The software program, Alphie's Alley, provides reading tutors with assessment and planning tools and performance support. It provides students with animated presentations and engaging activities. In a yearlong study involving 25 schools using the Success for All reading program, 412 low-achieving first graders were randomly assigned to be tutored daily for 20 min with or without Alphie's Alley. Tutors were also randomly assigned. On individually administered reading measures, controlling for pretests, there were no significant differences overall, but among students with tutors rated as “fully implementing,” those who experienced Alphie's Alley scored significantly better on three of four measures. These results suggest that if well implemented, technology that enhances the performance of tutors has promise in improving the reading performance of at-risk children.  相似文献   

阅读能力是中小学语文教师的一种职业能力。语文教师自身的阅读能力,是教学生阅读取得成效的先决条件。因此,对于中小学语文教师而言,其阅读能力的内涵比一般人的要丰富得多,要求也会更高一些:掌握科学的阅读方法,具有较强的文本解读能力,具备阅读资源开发利用能力,练就科学的阅读指导能力。  相似文献   


?Multitiered systems of reading instruction and intervention, including response to intervention, are widely used in early reading by schools to provide more intense services to students who need them. Research using randomized controlled trials has compared innovative Tier 2 interventions to business-as-usual Tier 2 approaches and established a number of important components that compose effective Tier 2 interventions in early reading. The purpose of this study was to test the impact of a Tier 2 intervention with Tier 2 compared to Tier 1 instruction alone using regression discontinuity. A cut score was used to assign first-grade students at risk for reading difficulties to Tier 2 intervention plus Tier 1 instruction. Students who missed the cut score in the control group received Tier 1 instruction only. Students in the treatment group, just below the cut score, made greater gains on the SAT10 total score and the individual subtests than students just above the cut score. Outcomes were not significant on oral reading fluency.  相似文献   

“第四届教育家论坛暨首届两岸三地有效教学高层论坛”活动向与会者提供了台湾、香港和大陆的三节小学语文阅读课,这三节课生动地体现了“两岸三地”小学语文教师对阅读教学的深刻理解,分别展现了评点感悟的传统路向、策略指导的技术路向、汇报表演的展示路向等三种课型的阅读教学魅力,为我们理解和把握阅读教学的本质提供了有益的启迪。  相似文献   

This discussion of the sources of Reading Recovery presents the results of an investigation into whether or not this relatively costly, tutoring remedial reading program, designed for primary-grade students, is based on relevant experimental evidence as to how these students best learn to read. The general finding of the study was that Reading Recovery principles and practices are not based firmly on the experimental evidence that supports the so-called bottom-up model of children's reading development. To the contrary of Reading Recovery, Marie Clay, favors so-called top-down principles and models of reading instruction. Reading Recovery uses several empirically unverified procedures to decide which students are admitted to its tutoring sessions, to determine the progress in reading rehabilitation these tutees make, and to judge when students should be discontinued from Reading Recovery tutelage. The details on the shortcomings of Reading Recovery are judged to be prima facie evidence that it may not be a cost-effective educational innovation. Further authentication in that regard, it is pointed out, are recent studies by disinterested researchers who report that: (a) the initial successes of Reading Recovery in helping disabled readers overcome their handicap are only temporary in nature, and (b) the majority of the precepts and procedures prescribed for Reading Recovery by Marie Clay reflect a top-down orientation to reading development, as does the Whole Language (WL) philosophy of reading attainment. Educators and school boards should take this orientation of Reading Recovery under advisement when considering its purchase, it is urged.  相似文献   

小学语文阅读教学的最优化策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
优化在教学领域早已有人提及,20世纪60年代苏联教育学家尤.克.巴班斯基就提出了教学教育过程的最优化原则,这一理论一提出就有许多的教育学家纷纷响应,但发展至今,应用范围和重视程度并不像想象中的那样。从探讨影响最优化教学的因素出发,探讨小学语文阅读教学的最优化策略。  相似文献   

在大学英语阅读教学中建构学生的语篇分析能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语篇分析是大学英语阅读教学中不可缺少的方法和手段。在阅读教学中重视文章的体裁、辨别篇章组织模式、识别衔接手段、了解文中修辞手法、找段落主题句、得出结论与推断出隐含意义等是建构学生语篇分析能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

Principles of Integrated Instruction for Engagement in Reading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our purpose in this article is to propose a set of design principles to serve as a structural framework for enhancing engagement in reading. We provide a rationale for our emphasis on engagement, which we believe is an important aim of reading instruction. We discuss the sources of the proposed design principles. These design principles consist of a set of features of the classroom context including: conceptual themes, real-world interactions, self-direction, interesting texts, social collaboration, self-expression, cognitive strategy instruction, time for engaged reading, and coherence. We present empirical support from the educational psychology literature for each principle. For illustration, we provide a brief depiction of each principle functioning within a framework of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI). We emphasize that each principle is dependent on several others, and we describe how the functioning of each principle is contingent on the occurrence of several affiliated principles in the vignettes of CORI.  相似文献   

阅读教学是语文学习的重要内容之一。本文介绍了日本小学说明文阅读的概念、定位、选文、教学及从中得到的启示,对我国的阅读教学有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

首先构建了一个基于主题依托教学(Theme-based Instruction,简称TBI)阅读教学模式,然后通过教学实验、问卷调查和个人访谈等手段对其有效性进行科学评估。研究发现:TBI阅读教学模式有利于培养学生的英语学习情感,提高其阅读技能和阅读水平,但还存在形式关注不足、阅读量过大等问题。解决的措施为:指导学生学习词汇和处理难句的方法、在查找文章环节给学生提供帮助、培养学生查找资料的能力等。  相似文献   

王会香 《成才之路》2021,(14):138-140
群文阅读作为新兴的具有突破性的阅读教学方法,可突出学生的主体地位,提高学生的阅读能力、阅读思维、阅读兴趣,让阅读回归本质,并促进学生的思维发展。在具体教学中,教师可以主题、单元内容及教材内容为依据选择群文阅读的文章,并注重培养学生的应用能力,以全面提高学生的阅读水平。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficacy of Accelerated Reader, a computer-based learning program, at improving student reading. Accelerated Reader is a progress-monitoring, assessment, and practice tool that supports classroom instruction and guides independent reading. Researchers used a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the program with 344 first- through fourth-grade students in three schools in a large Midwestern U.S. city. The results of hierarchical linear modelling analyses indicated that the computer-assisted learning program had a statistically significant positive impact on student reading gains when compared with traditional reading instruction alone. The impact corresponded to a moderate effect size (d = 0.38).  相似文献   

体验对于语文阅读教学具有重要意义,它不仅可以促进学生阅读个性的发展,可以调动学生已有的知识经验,还可以促进情感的内化。体验式语文阅读教学,非常重视学生主体的参与、思想的陶冶和情感的涌动。在阅读教学中,我们可以从阅读兴趣、生活经验、角色转换以及对话交流等角度出发,促进体验的生成,增强阅读教学的魅力。  相似文献   

意境是具有鲜明民族特色的美学范畴。文章通过对意境及其特征的分析,认为文学之所以有意境,是因为它通过了读者这一主体的审美观照或审美感受,意境内蕴着对阅读者的主体性的尊重。语文阅读教学要体现学生的主体性,进行创新教育和人文关怀,就应引进意境这一范畴,注重对作品的意境的品赏。语文阅读教学过程应该是走入意境的过程,因为走入意境的过程正是对学生主体性的尊重和落实的过程。  相似文献   

体验对于语文阅读教学具有重要意义,它不仅可以促进学生阅读个性的发展,可以调动学生已有的知识经验,还可以促进情感的内化。体验式语文阅读教学,非常重视学生主体的参与、思想的陶冶和情感的涌动。在阅读教学中,我们可以从阅读兴趣、生活经验、角色转换以及对话交流等角度出发,促进体验的生成,增强阅读教学的魅力。  相似文献   

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