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Researchers in the behavioral and social sciences, particularly psychology, are beginning to conduct laboratory experiments on the World Wide Web. The Web venue offers conveniences that are apparent to market researchers and academic investigators, who have used the Web extensively for survey research. Like traditional experimental researchers. Web experimenters must assure the reliability and inferential validity of their experiments to determine whether a causal relationship exists between independent and dependent variables. In research design and implementation, therefore, Web experimenters must avoid the many artifacts of the experimental situation that threaten internal validity, construct validity, and external validity. This article discusses the application of methodological techniques to social science Web experiments and suggests topics in library and information science most conducive to research on the Web.  相似文献   

开办福建公共频道的实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公共频道是有线电视迅速发展的产物.是加强宣传管理的需要。1993年.福建省率先在全国实现全省有线电视微波大联网.省广电厅为基层广电部门长远发展着想.将收视费全部留给各地.基层广电事业有了自我发展的能力.面目焕然一新.其社会地位也迅速提高。在有线电视事业迅速发展的同时.县级广电部门独立办台的能力和水平与有线电视  相似文献   

This study explores the Web content of the Internet-based radio stations and the terrestrial radio stations streaming online. It also compares the different strategies adopted by these two groups of Internet radio stations as reflected by their online contents. The websites of 176 stations were analyzed to examine two broad interactive dimensions-audience-oriented and source- oriented-and six strategic patterns (2) virtual information space, (2) virtual promotion space, (3) virtual distribution space, (4) virtual communication space, (5) virtual sponsorship space, and (6) virtual transaction space. The findings indicate that the online presence of information, promotion, and communication was highly visible for both the terrestrial and Internet-based radio stations. However, the terrestrial and Internet-based radio stations had very different means of structuring these functions online. Strategically, the terrestrial radio stations have acted more as information providers, while the Internet-based stations have acted more as the communication facilitators.  相似文献   

网络媒体的开放性、多元性、实时性、交互性、海量性、易检性、多媒体化以及个性化等特性给传统媒体造成前所未有的生存和发展压力.在互联网大量普及的条件下,面临生存挑战的传统媒体惟有在做得更好上下功夫.  相似文献   

Conclusion Unfortunately, for all four types of museums surveyed, the amount of digitized object offerings is not as robust as one would hope or expect. And, it is not entirely clear as to why this is the case. Copyright concerns? Cost issues? Unclear benefits? While museums may have sound justifications at this point in not offering a wide assortment of images, there is no clear reason why documentation was found to be so often lacking. Documentation is one of the crucial areas in the networked digital environment. It can help ensure that issues such as authenticity and ownership are well-managed in the digital realm. The WWW would also appear to provide an ideal mechanism through which to host non-current exhibitions, providing over future years rich collection tools of continuously available highly structured content.  相似文献   

我国广播电视网站现状分析与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来.我国广播电视网站发展建设列入重要日程。2006年4月28日,央视国际(中央电视台网站.2008年4月易名央视网)网络改版.以崭新的姿态扬帆起航。11月16日,国际在线(中国国际广播电台网站)正式启用新域名cri.cn.这一新域名由中国国际广播电台的英文缩写(China Ra- dio International.CRI)而来.在国内属最简短、最具价值的简洁组合域名之一.开始了在网站铸造旅程上大踏步迈进。2007年,北京广播网(北京人民广播电台网站)开始大规模行动.  相似文献   

This paper examines the way in which Taiwan is connected to on the World Wide Web in South Korea. The Web may represent a new channel for the communication among a global society's members and a reflection of international relations. Thus, it is necessary to explore the distribution of relations formed and maintained on the Web and the contents of those relations as well. This paper traced South Korean Web pages hyperlinking pages hosted in Taiwan, using a search engine. The context in which Taiwan appears in South Korean pages was also examined. Specifically, the structure of hyperlink connectivity from South Korea and Taiwan was analyzed. It was found that the hyperlink network was very sparsely connected in terms of the number of South Korean Web pages hyperlinking to the pages of the other country. The contents of hyperlink-connected information were categorized and analyzed. The most often occurring content category was ‘Computers & Internet’ in Taiwan. This suggests that South Korean Web users including organizations are more interested in computer-related products in Taiwan than any other things. The implication of this paper is to examine the state and form of international information flow from South Korea to Taiwan based on the patterns of hyperlink relations inscribed on South Korean Web pages and the type and content of information.  相似文献   

This article outlines five Web 2.0 resources and looks at the use of these tools among medical and nursing professionals and students at the Hospital, Medical School, and Nursing School of the University of Pennsylvania. Questionnaires showed that a majority of the individuals surveyed were unfamiliar with Web 2.0 resources. Additional respondents recognized the tools but did not use them in a medical or nursing context, with a minimal number using any tools to expand their medical or nursing knowledge. A lack of time to set up and use the resources, difficulty of set-up and use, skepticism about the quality of user-generated medical content, and a lack of perceived need for Web 2.0 resources contributed substantially to non-use. The University of Pennsylvania Biomedical Library is responding by increasing the availability of basic, quick, and easy-to-use instructional materials for selected Web 2.0 resources.  相似文献   

In this short essay, I discuss various meanings of “interface,” borrowing from fields such as software design, human/computer interaction, and music technology, and I consider ways in which the metaphor of “interface” could benefit the study of radio. As radio shifts from the one-to-many, temporally dependent medium of terrestrial broadcasting to the many-to-many, play-on-demand media of podcasts, Internet radio, and other emerging forms, considering the variety of interfaces at play in radio will help scholars and archivists to study, preserve, and perhaps recreate the phenomenological experience of radio in its various forms and transmutations.  相似文献   

Television and Children: Priorities for Research (New York: Ford Foundation, 1976—free on request, paper),

Bob Shanks' The Cool Fire: Flow to Make it in Television (New York: Norton, 1976—$9.95).

Clas Zilliacus' Beckett and Broadcasting: A Study of the Works of Samuel Beckett for and in Radio and Television(Acta Academiae Aboensis, Library, 20500 Abo 50, Finland—priced at 40 FmK, paper),

Edward N. McNulty's Television: A Guide for Christians (Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon, 1976—$3.50, paper).  相似文献   

TVPE (1826 Spaight St., Madison, Wisconsin 53704; to begin publication on a monthly basis in February 1973 at $6.00 per year)

Television Quarterly

Terry Galanoy's Tonight! (New York: Doubleday, 1972 -- $7.95)

Gene Kievan, Turn That Damned Thing Off: An Irreverent look at TV's Impact on the American Scene (Indianapolis: Bobbs- Merrill, 1972 -- $6.95)

John Gambling's Rambling with Gambling (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972 -- $6.95)

Mary Francis Rhymer (ed.) The Small House Halfway Up in the Next Block: Paul Rhymer's Vic and Sade (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972 -- 9.50)

Charles E. Lowman's Magnetic Recording (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972 -- $14.50)  相似文献   

《类型化电台的子群体》一文,是云南人民广播电台台长、总编辑覃信刚撰写的关于类型化电台系列讲座文章的第3篇。作者以大量资料和自己收听记录的材料,对当前国外、境外类型化电台的种类进行了梳理,有助于广播界同仁开阔眼界。在传媒业激烈的竞争中,资源整合成为一个重要话题。尤其是广播电视媒体通过整合,优化配置内部资源,能减少内耗、形成合力,从而有效地促进广播电视业的创新与发展。浙江广电集团祁汉忠的文章《广电节目联动与资源整合策略》一文,对此进行了论述。电视栏目剧作为一种新的节目形态,近年来出现在各地荧屏,取得了好的收视效果,但也存在一些不容忽视的问题。杭州电视台影视频道唐红的文章《电视栏目剧热俏荧屏反思》一文,提出面对热俏荧屏现象,从业人员应该对当前栏目剧制作中存在的某些问题进行理性思考。  相似文献   

Ralph M. Jennings and Pamela Richard's How to Protect Your Rights in Television and Radio (Office of Communication, United Church of Christ, 289 Park Ave. South, New York 10010—price not given, paper)

Ted C. Smythe and George A. Mastroianni's Issues in Broadcasting: Radio, Television, and Cable (Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1975—price not given but around $7.00 we learned from editors, paper)

James D. Secrest's Electronic Industries Association: The First 50 Years (Washington: EIA, 1974—price not given)

Ann M. Velia's KOB: Goddard's Magic Mast, Fifty Years of Pioneer Broadcasting (Las Cruces, N.M.: New Mexico State University Press, 1972—$6.95)

Harold Niven's Broadcast Education 1975: 14th Report (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1975—$5.00, paper)

Broadcast Programming and Production (bimonthly/$7.00 per year, with first three issues free on request)

Joel L. Efrein, Cablecasting Production Handbook (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$12.95)

NCTA is Over the Cable (Washington: National Cable Television Association, 1975—free on request, paper)

Community Antenna Television Journal (4209 N.W. 23rd St., Suite 106, Oklahoma City 73107)  相似文献   

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