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This article examines the emergence of local radio in a rural southeastern Turkish city called Sanllurfa in the early 7990s following the end of the state's media monopoly on broadcasting. Informed by a media ethnography conducted there in 2001, this article discusses local debates over the content and quality of local radio and the influence of the state's official cultural policies on the programming decisions of local radio owners, managers, and DJs. This paper also illustrates Turkish young people's local and national radio preferences, their responses to local programming and on-air personalities, and the meaning of music and local radio in their lives.  相似文献   

这套22本书组成的丛书,五百多万字,我是以最快的速度读完的。这种快,不是赶任务,而是拿起就被吸引住,手不释卷,一本接一本地读,越读越有一个强烈的想法:这是一部难得的新闻教科书。这套丛书,由新闻作品与新闻论文两部分组成,而且同一个作者的书基本上也是由这两部分作品组成。这样的组成向我们展示了一个事实与理念:新闻  相似文献   

This paper highlights, through a critical political economy approach, a number of inequalities, or “divides,” that have been neglected in digital divides research, divides arising from the domination of social media platform ownership by a few for-profit corporations. As a result, the paper calls for an expansion of digital divides research to include a critical examination of the empowerment relations flowing from the contexts of digital media technologies themselves and not just the contexts of users.  相似文献   

In 1973, the Board for International Broadcasting assumed responsibility for the operation of the joint corporate entity, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc. Broadcasting news, entertainment, and public affairs programs to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union since 1950 and 1953 respectively, RFE/RL, Inc. has also maintained the largest research and analysis activity on these countries in the Free World. This information has been made widely available through serial and monographic publications, notably in the two weeklies Radio Free Europe Research (Eastern Europe) and Radio Liberty Research Bulletin (Soviet Union). Contract and independent researchers make use of rich archival and current affairs library research facilities in New York and Munich. As Federal funding has been maintained and expanded in recent years, facilities and capabilities have been greatly extended.  相似文献   

“新闻理论体系”问题正成为20世纪90年代以来一直持续到目前的学术热点问题。这个问题背后的动力机制是对传统新闻理论建构方式(自然思维方式下的板块式模式)的不满和对更具普世性、学理性和逻辑性的新闻理论体系的追求。目前这种探索主要体现为直接使用传播学的结构性、过程性思维来建构。这种探索的路径固然有其启发的意义和价值,但却容易模糊新闻学本身的学科特质。依据新闻学主体性、理想性、实践指向性的学科特质,本文认为新闻理论的核心部分应包含新闻本质论、新闻关系论、新闻理想论三大部分。  相似文献   

When Rush Limbaugh made his now famous remarks about Sandra Fluke's Congressional testimony he set off a social media firestorm. The ensuing backlash cost Limbaugh many prominent advertisers and damaged his public image. In this study, we examine the characteristics that motivated some to engage in the social media conversation while others remained on the sidelines. We find that political information efficacy, or confidence that one has the knowledge and skills necessary to participate, dictate political engagement online. We discuss the implications of this finding for radio, communication and media scholars, and healthy democratic deliberation among young Americans.  相似文献   

ANCHORS: BROKAW, JENNINGS, RATHER AND THE EVENING NEWS by Robert Goldberg and Gerald Jay Goldberg (New York: Birch Lane/Carol Publishing, 1990—$19.95, ISBN 1-55972-019-0, 399 pp.)

FDR AND THE NEWS MEDIA by Betty Houchin Winfield, 1990—$34.95, ISBN 0-252-01672-6, 276 pp.) takes a broad view of the legendary president and his administration's varied relations with the press throughout his presidency (1933-45)

FOREIGN POLICY AND THE PRESS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE NEW YORK TIMES' COVERAGE OF U.S. FOREIGN POLICY by Nicholas 0. Berry (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990—$39.95, ISBN 0-313-27419-3, 184 pp.)

SOB SISTER JOURNALISM by Phyllis Leslie Abramson (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990—$35.00, ISBN 0-313-26513-5, 144 pp.)

THE COURSE OF TOLERANCE: FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IN NINETEENTH–CENTURY AMERICA by Donna Lee Dickerson (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990—$45.00, ISBN 0-313-27534-3, 272 pp.)  相似文献   

The importance of the media in the Portuguese 1974 Revolution is recognized by the military, politicians, and journalists. In this context, the major role of the radio broadcast in the course of events is undisputable. In the dawn of April 25, a popular Portuguese song was the start signal for the military coup and other counter signals followed, sounds that became symbols of the Revolution. Radio was the medium chosen by the Armed Forces Movement (MFA or Movimento das Forças Armadas in the original) to communicate with the parties involved in the coup and it was also used to inform the population of the goals and progress of the military operations. The following manoeuvres eventually transformed Radio Clube Português, one of the radio stations, in the commanding post of all the operations and the Portuguese people became aware of the MFA goals and victories by the bulletins that were broadcasted by the military on the radio. In a country with high illiteracy, radio played a crucial role in terms of information, which confirms its unquestionable centrality in the course of the April Revolution (also known as the Carnations Revolution). This study aims to explain how this process was achieved and it is based on the recollection of documents, archives, and other information. The recovery of testimonies and reconstruction of events allow us to explore the way military interacted with radio personnel and how radio logics prevailed and helped the military to successfully achieve their goals.  相似文献   

This paper shows that globalization of the Indian broadcast landscape, despite market pressures, has allowed Indian journalists to seek accountability from the government, and has given audiences a broadcast voice. While increasing pro-market focus of news content diminishes emphasis on public service and democratic debates, in many instances, broadcast journalists give voice to the voiceless and seek accountability from the police and political actors. By analyzing news content and journalism practices of several English and Hindi 24-hour news channels, this paper addresses the question as to what extent television journalism's watchdog function continues to strengthen the democratic system and increase democratic participation in India.  相似文献   

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