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The following bibliography is the first installment of an extensive bibliography of books, pamphlets, theses, dissertations, documents, addresses, unpublished mimeographed and other miscellaneous materials, and periodical articles on religious broadcasting. The years covered are from the dawn of American broadcasting up to the present. Of particular importance is the first section on “Sources of Bibliographical Information” on this subject.

Because of the length of the entire bibliography, only the sections on sources, theses and dissertations, books and pamphlets, and unpublished and miscellaneous materials will be published in this issue of the Journal. The section on periodical articles will be published in a forthcoming issue. It is also intended to update the entire bibliography from time to time.

The importance of religious broadcasting is well‐recognized by anyone who has ever completed the programming section of an FCC application form, or has ever examined the body of law that has ranged from the Scott and Schuler cases of yesterday to the Maclntyre case of today. Those readers who find this bibliography of interest might also wish to read FCC Commissioner Lee Loevinger's “Broadcasting and Religious Liberty” in the Winter 1964–65 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting.

The major portion of this bibliography was compiled as a part of the author's Ph.D. dissertation, completed in 1965 in the Department of Speech of Michigan State University. Co‐chairmen of the guidance committee were Drs. Kenneth G. Hance of the Speech Department and Walter B. Emery of the Department of TV‐Radio. It has been updated and corrected to July 1965. Dr. Dick is Associate Professor of Speech and General Manager of KSDA at La Sierra College in Riverside, California.  相似文献   

A discussion of state and local taxation of broadcast stations appeared in the very first issue of the Journal of Broadcasting (1:70–74, Winter 1956–57), and is now updated to cover important cases and findings of recent years in a number of states. The taxes proposed raise not only questions of income dillution, but of federal vs. state/local regulation of broadcasting. Mr. Kennedy is completing work on an MA degree in telecommunications at the University of Southern California.  相似文献   

Surveyed community leaders perceived: (1) supported points of view do not get enough broadcast coverage, while opposed points of view do, (2) access opportunities would be used and (3) access would improve diversity.  相似文献   


The Eleventh Survey was published in Volume XIII, No. 1; the Tenth in Vol. X, No. 3; the Ninth in Vol. IX, No. 1; the Eighth in Vol. VIII, No. 1; the Seventh in Vol. VII, No. 1; the Sixth in Vol. VI, No. 1; the Fifth in Vol. IV, No. 4; the Fourth in Vol. III, No. 4; the Third in Vol. II, No. 2; and the Second in Vol. I, No. 1 of the Journal of Broadcasting. Dr. Harold Niven, the compiler, is a vice‐president of the National Association of Broadcasters and Executive Secretary of the Association for Professional Broadcasting Education. He has served on the faculties of several academic institutions. A somewhat more comprehensive report, including lists of faculty members, is available in limited supply from the author.  相似文献   


USING THE MASS MEDIA: COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN SOCIETY. By Steven H. Chaffee and Michael J. Petrick. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1975. 264 pp. $6.95 (paper).

THE GREAT AMERICAN BLOW‐UP: PUFFERY IN ADVERTISING AND SELLING. By Ivan L. Preston. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975. 368 pp. $11.95.

TELEVISION AS A SOCIAL FORCE: NEW APPROACHES TO TV CRITICISM. Edited by Richard Adler. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975. 171 pages. $15.00/$3.95.

RADIO BROADCASTING: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SOUND MEDIUM. Edited by Robert L. Hilliard. New York: Hastings House 1974 (2nd ed.). 312 pp. $10.95/$6.95.

COURSE HANDBOOKS of the Practicing Law Institute. Titles as follows. New York: PLI, 1973–75. $20.00 each, with student price available (paper).

COMMUNICATIONS LAW: 1975. (Handbook 67) 835 pp.

CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN CATV: 1974. (Handbook 56) 551 PP.

CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN COPYRIGHT LAW: 1975. (Handbook 64–65, two volumes) 476 and 356 pp.





Domestically produced children’s television is frequently highlighted as both an area of market failure, and also as an area where children’s changing consumption habits necessitate new and different ways of thinking about funding children’s content across a range of platforms. In the light of a recent U.K. proposal to set up a Public Service Content Fund to support “genres” under threat, including children’s programming, this article considers how you fund diverse high-quality children’s content in a more challenging media environment where children’s content is arguably still a market failure “genre.” The first part of the article provides context by outlining the market failure characteristics of children’s content as a framework for analyzing the validity of market failure arguments across a range of platforms. It then investigates the causes of perceived market failure in the U.K. children’s television production market. The final part examines the implications of recent U.K. policy responses to provision for children that seek to address market failure through (1) the possible introduction of a contestable fund for public service content; (2) more stringent obligations on the British Broadcasting Corporation; and (3) the re-imposition of quotas on commercially funded public service broadcastings (ITV, Channel 4, Five). Drawing on regulatory and stakeholder responses, it concludes that attempts to overcome market failure in U.K. children’s television appear unsuited for funding the longer-term curation, distribution, and discovery of new types of content on platforms other than broadcasting.  相似文献   

An analysis spanning 10 years of news reports about Muslims and Islam in Chinese state news media (N?=?15,427) demonstrates that Chinese news reports project an overall negative view of Muslims. An implicit association test performed in the non-Muslim Chinese population (N?=?1479) reveals negative stereotypes of Muslims. In addition, a survey of Chinese Muslims (N?=?384) shows that they perceive negative coverage of Muslims and Islam in Chinese media, and that real-life discrimination might be a consequence of such negative stereotyping. This study reveals that (1) there is an overall negative framing of news coverage of Muslims and Islam; (2) non-Muslim Chinese hold a negative stereotype of Muslims and Islam; (3) Chinese Muslims are cognizant of a negative media portrayal of Islam and of themselves; and (4) some Muslim Chinese experience discrimination in their daily lives. The present study contributes to the literature on global Islamophobia, a phenomenon that is understudied in China.  相似文献   

From the earliest days of the radio era, the United States Department of Agriculture recognized radio's potential importance to rural families. What the USDA did not realize until later was radio's enormous significance to rural women. This article uses the diary of Kansas farm woman Mary Knackstedt Dyck (1884–1955) to trace the vital importance of radio to isolated farm women. Radio provided these women with information, entertainment, and religious programming. For individuals living literally at the margins of society, it provided a crucial link to the world beyond the farm and was a source of human contact that was otherwise unavailable.  相似文献   

Some recent assessments of public communication have demonstrated a concern for “authentic” forms of discourse in public life. This article uses a methodology derived from conversation analysis to examine different forms of public discourse in news interviews. Previous studies taking this approach have outlined the protocols for formal news interviews, but this article also looks at some types of “conversational” news interviewing that are increasingly prevalent in contemporary broadcasting. The modes of address (to the overhearing audience) in these types of interview can be usefully compared to the inclusive, sociable address associated with some genres of popular entertainment. It is suggested that the effect of “communality,” constructed by these conversational forms of talk, might be one factor in the development of new forms of participatory “public‐ness,” around some types of news events.  相似文献   


An independent, commercial mass‐circulation newspaper industry boomed at the end of the tsarist era, one analogous in most respects to that which evolved in the West during the nineteenth century. The Russian press, however, differed significantly from the Western press in the manner in which it functioned politically. Russian journalism, too, helped to open a public sphere in the autocratic environment, in concert with a series of social and political reforms in the 1860s. However, when those reforms failed to create a political order guaranteed by a constitution, the press reconstituted that sphere in a way to actually thwart the evolution of Western liberalism. The pivotal event in this process proved to be the failure of the 1905 Revolution to secure the postreform decades of incremental gains. Like most of the rest of society, journalists became so disappointed by the limited concessions exacted from the government that they lost hope that the autocracy could be reformed. Newspapers sought new political symbols in Russia's past; they found an equally disillusioned intelligentsia, whom they historicized and manipulated so as to undermine whatever substantive part they could have played in using the press as a genuinely transformative institution central to the public sphere.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) efforts to define the television “community” as it formulated a national television system. The first opportunity came with the Sixth Report and Order, when the FCC made no provision for tailoring signal contours to existing communities. The second came when the FCC established program guidelines for new TV licensees and mandated a broad, amorphous community to be served by local programming. Such communities often bore little relation to local political, cultural, or social units. These spatial dimensions, which efficiently served network advertisers, still exist in many U.S. television communities.  相似文献   

QUBE was an interactive cable television system that attracted significant attention when it launched in 1977. The service has been deemed a commercial failure, though many of its ideas foreshadowed current television practices. There is however no detailed study of QUBE, and previous scholarship provides limited information. Using Moran’s concept of an “evolution-revolution,” this study analyzes the content offerings of QUBE to reveal how they were similar, and how they differed, from prior practice. This historical inquiry fills a gap in the historical record, while also exploring the complex nature of innovation in the world of electronic media.  相似文献   

The present study looks at the interplay between cultural traits (need for uniqueness [NFU] and naïve dialecticism) and situational pressure (majority–minority influence) in explaining decision-making behaviors, specifically choosing one option between two contradictory but equally convincing opinions. A total of 435 participants were recruited nationally both from the US and Korea to participate in an online experiment. Findings suggest that the NFU and disinclination toward ambivalence drive US Americans (Westerners) to move toward extreme opinions (polarize) more than Koreans (East Asians) in the majority condition, whereas naïve dialecticism and reluctance to stand out for the sake of harmony drive Koreans to merge into the middle (compromise) more than US Americans in the minority condition.  相似文献   

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