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目前以Second Life(SL)为代表的虚拟世界在互联网上广泛流行并引起学术界的诸多争议。通过界定SL的定义、介绍与其相关的概念,探讨高校图书馆利用SL开展虚拟参考咨询(VR)服务的目的性、服务时间、问题类型、服务方式和服务内容等,指出融入SL过程中开展VR应注意的问题。  相似文献   

When Off-Campus Means Virtual Campus: The Academic Library in Second Life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article discusses how a library's consistent policy of accessibility and foresight positioned itself to serve its students, faculty and staff in the virtual world of Second Life. Always ahead of the technological curve, this library has been the front-runner in providing services to distance learners via text messaging, “chat,” e-mail, and telephone services and via its laptop librarian project across the campus. It now is poised and ready to provide service in Second Life. Collaboration between the library and teaching faculty culminated in the creation, development, and furnishing of a library in Second Life, an environment that gives new meaning to “off-campus” learning. Without marketing, but as a visible presence, the Second Life library was able to attract both off-campus guests and affiliated students and faculty and even participated in campus-wide projects. This experiment has enjoyed the support of both the university and library administration.  相似文献   


Digital collections of full-text e-books are proliferating on the Web and provide a wealth of open content for students. To examine whether academic libraries are providing a digital gateway to these resources, ten e-book titles from open digital collections were searched in the online catalogs and Web pages of ten academic libraries serving distance learners. Only three of the digital collection e-books were available from any of the library catalogs, and none were found on library Web pages. Availability of the ten e-book titles through Google and other digital discovery tools also had mixed results. Continued projects for improved delivery of open online content are necessary. In order to fulfill their role as digital gateways for their academic communities, libraries must pursue metadata standards to support cross-searching, collaborative projects, and development of e-resource search software, which integrates with the library catalog.  相似文献   

Training is an important factor for successful employee growth within an academic library. The purpose of this article is to scrutinize the option of using the virtual world, Second Life, as a training tool within an academic library. In doing so, various topics will be examined including training within libraries, the use of Second Life in educational settings, and Second Life as a training tool. Second Life offers unique opportunities for training but also presents a definite set of challenges, the first of which is the steep learning curve. Second Life is a virtual world that is being used with varying success as a training technique within corporate settings; however, little has been documented within a library setting. Nonetheless, libraries may find that Second Life can be an asset toward achieving their training goals.  相似文献   

The challenges that virtual reference staff volunteers in Second Life (SL) are facing are opportunities at the same time. There are a lot of differences between doing reference work in Real Life (RL) and in SL, but for the most part reference work in-world is quite the same as in the daily life of any reference specialist. In essence, that is. Of course new skills are needed, but this is just for now. In the end, working at a virtual reference desk, especially as one member on a team of international pioneers, is as exciting as it is new!  相似文献   

The Portal to Texas History (http://texashistory.unt.edu) and the University of North Texas (UNT) Digital Library (http://digital.library.unt.edu) contain more than 445,000 items collectively, hosted by the UNT Libraries. These collections include a variety of serial publications such as newsletters, magazines, scholarly journals, annual reports, and yearbooks. Many of these serials are key resources for the user groups of both repositories. In this article, we discuss the importance of serials within our collections, some of the challenges, the standards we use, and how we leverage metadata to facilitate access to serials for diverse global users.  相似文献   

国内外图书馆虚拟参考咨询环境的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先介绍了虚拟参考咨询的特点,然后比较分析了国内外虚拟参考咨询环境的异同,最后结合我国实施虚拟参考咨询所存在的问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

我们可以从"它是什么"或"它不是什么"来讨论新兴事物,借此揭示其本质。文章围绕元宇宙这一热点话题,采用头脑风暴法,组织五位图书馆学博士研究生进行讨论。讨论的视角有虚拟与现实的边界、科幻作品中的虚拟世界、技术变革与社会变革之间的关系、技术的工具理性与价值理性,落脚点是设想元宇宙中的图书馆。讨论的结果可以为人们理性认识元宇宙提供参考,为探析元宇宙中图书馆可能的模样提供不同的视角。  相似文献   

虚拟世界是一个由互联网计算机模拟虚拟空间,用户可以通过自己的虚拟形象栖息其中,并可以与其他虚拟对象展开互动,在这种虚拟环境中图书馆的服务又有了新的发展。现在众多图书馆在虚拟世界中建立了自己的虚拟图书馆,提供了各种各样的特色服务。通过对各个大学图书馆在Second Life中的应用,文章探讨了WEB 3D技术在图书馆领域内的应用潜能,进而探索该研究对当前大学图书馆发展的启示。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对美国图书馆特藏资源版权政策与服务调研结果进行分析,总结美国图书馆版权政策制定与版权服务的经验,得出对我国图书馆特藏资源版权政策与服务发展的启示。[方法/过程]通过对美国高校图书馆版权馆员进行访谈调查、问卷调查,并对调研结果进行详细分析总结,以期从中吸取经验,制定适于我国国情的版权政策。[结果/结论]首先,应组建专业的版权管理机构,主要包括设立版权相关职位以及职能部门,制定版权政策文件,重视版权政策文件的宣传和学习,重视合理使用和免责声明4种方式。其次,工作方案应流程化,提出版权服务流程、特藏资源进馆版权确认流程以及特藏资源版权处理的流程。最后,寻求外部合作,积极响应高校知识产权信息服务中心建设。  相似文献   

The Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) is a consortium of the twenty-one university libraries in Ontario, Canada. Since 1967, OCUL member institutions have worked together to share costs and workload through collective purchasing and licensing of information resources and more recently through the establishment of a shared digital infrastructure known as Scholars Portal. Under the auspices of OCUL, Ontario's university map librarians formed the OCUL Map Group in 1973 to seek opportunities to communicate and collaborate to improve the collections and services they offer their users. The opportunities provided by collaboration have ensured a greater capacity to manage evolving collections of geospatial data. The group has served as a community of practice, which has provided educational opportunities and facilitated collaborative problem solving through a listserv, conference calls, and face-to-face meetings. This collegial environment has also led to the completion of a number of projects, which have resulted in the creation of new technical infrastructures and strategies for sharing the workload of data management tasks. This paper discusses the role of collaboration in OCUL projects and offers some suggestions for others considering embarking on collaborations of their own.  相似文献   

马骏 《图书情报工作》2011,55(11):99-103
通过对国内100所示范性高职院校图书馆的虚拟参考咨询服务内容与方式进行网络调查,分析高职图书馆VRS服务开展的现状,指出目前高职图书馆VRS服务中存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

陈丹  张毅 《图书情报工作》2021,65(4):135-143
[目的/意义]通过对国外大学图书馆国际图像互操作框架(IIIF)应用情况进行分析和总结,为国内大学图书馆建设IIIF数字资源提供参考.[方法/过程]以加入IIIF联盟中的大学图书馆为研究对象,从图像来源、图像浏览器和图像服务器、网站功能、技术参数、项目基础、管理团队几个方面归纳与总结IIIF在国外大学图书馆中的应用经验...  相似文献   

华盛顿研究图书馆联盟是当今美国网络环境下,开展资源共享活动中较为成功的实体。2002年,基于联盟会员图书馆馆藏数字化的需求,联盟扩大资源共享服务范围,在联邦政府基金的帮助下建立了数字化生产中心。该中心由会员图书馆集资,集中利用技术力量、管理人才和设备进行数字化生产。经过四年多的实践,该中心在管理模式和数字化生产技术以及资源共享等方面均有一套独特的合理可行的策略和方针。本文作者以第一手资料详细介绍该中心的服务、管理、数字化馆藏的技术结构以及集中型数字化生产中心的优点。希望将这个模式介绍给国内同行。  相似文献   

The networked world is characterized by high-speed, universal access and application of information and computer technology in schools, government offices, libraries, businesses, health care facilities, and homes. Such a networked world is synonymous with the information society characterized by universal access and the ability of people to seek information, evaluate it, and use it meaningfully. The networked world, like the information society, affords an opportunity to use e-mail as the preferred communication method, use government Web portals to deliver information services to citizens, access to digital libraries from any point with a Web connection, and undertake electronic learning. The networked world generates and moves large amounts of electronic information. This poses great challenges for effective organization and management. This paper assesses the challenges of information management in the networked world and the implications for libraries and information centers in Africa.  相似文献   

Digitization of journal collections in libraries is inevitable with the advent of Information Communication Technology (ICT). There is a need to digitize journals in the academic library in order to preserve and to give wider visibility and accessibility to information resources for teaching, learning, and research. This article describes the processes of journal collection digitization in Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. Underfunding and copyright clearance are the challenges encountered, among others. The study recommends adequate funding and concludes that the benefit of instant access to digital information is the most distinguishing attribute in this present information age.  相似文献   

The authors review how access to historical aerial photograph collections has evolved in response to technological developments and addresses areas for further advancement, with a particular emphasis on developing, preserving, and sustaining online collections. The authors focus specifically on the areas of metadata, the Semantic Web and linked data, and sustainability through collaboration. The article includes brief case studies, highlighting various projects involving the aerial photography collections at the University of Minnesota. The conclusion asserts the critical role played by geographic information librarians in effectively carrying out the strategies described in the article as they relate to the long-term sustainability of digital geospatial collections.  相似文献   

选取美国排名前20的高校图书馆主馆,从利用社交网络、利用计算机技术、教学教参、学科馆员、进入教学课堂等方面调查其嵌入用户教学环境的概况。总结美国高校图书馆嵌入用户教学环境的经验及启示,以供国内高校图书馆参考。  相似文献   

通过对福建省83所高校图书馆开展网上参考咨询服务情况进行网络调查,明晰福建省高校图书馆开展网上参考咨询服务的现状。将具体数据展开分析,发现存在的问题,建议从统一规范称呼、合理设置类目,丰富FAQ内容、建设合理的搜索引擎,适当延长服务时间,推广"学科馆员"制度,大力发展联合参考咨询五个方面进行改进。  相似文献   

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