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辛亥革命时期多数地方主要靠新军起义,但上海不同,上海的起义主要靠军警、商团和帮会,发动这些力量的是同盟会和光复会,一举成功的关键在于革命党人与地方绅商的成功合作,这与上海这座城市的特点有很大关系.同盟会、光复会虽然各自在此长期经营,但要取得上海光复,必须抛弃成见,彼此联手,而且必须争取到上海地方绅商的支持.经过多年奋斗,此时上海华人社会已经形成了代表自己利益的政治精英,这就是以李平书为首的绅商集团."在上海的革命党与清政府两极对峙中,得绅商者得天下,绅商的政治取向决定胜负,决定上海的命运".  相似文献   

The printing press helped to spread literacy, civic discourse, and even political dissent in colonial America. Without paper, however, the invention of the moveable type printing press would have been insignificant. This crucial communication medium was hobbled by a critical shortage of the raw material needed for printed matter. Paper was in short supply in the colonies and in the new nation as it could only be made from rags, and there was constant difficulty in obtaining enough rags to keep the presses rolling. Pleas for this essential ingredient were constantly seen in the newspapers in early America and there were severe shortages of both paper and the rags from which it was made during the American Revolution. This article examines how desperate were the early Americans for the paper which was necessary both for firing the muskets and for spreading the rhetoric of Revolution.  相似文献   

新时期图书馆读者服务工作之我见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了新时期图书馆的网络信息环境,对图书馆读者服务应该侧重于发展网络导引,网络参考咨询,信息开发,读者或用户教育以及如何开展这些工作做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

分析了网络时代信息环境发生的巨大变化。并通过对中国社会社会科学二次文献出版物《复印报刊资料》系列刊物和电子版的剖析 ,提出建立新信息环境下信息服务体系的设想。参考文献 4。  相似文献   

河南省交通厅恐怕在全国是出了名的。出名不在它修了多少高速公路,不在它楼高院大,而是三任厅长接二连三的倒台,过起了铁窗生活。出现这种现象,不仅使河南的交通事业蒙受了极大的损失,而且也极大地败坏了交通厅的名声和我们党的威望。老百姓街谈巷议,到底弄不明白是怎么回事,那里是染缸,清白进必然污浊出?还是这些人本身就有问题,到任以后更加肆无忌惮?是制度问题,还是人为因素?清者自清,浊者自浊。人们都生活在充满矛盾的社会之中,人们为了各自的生计和事业都在不懈努力奋斗,都在并非平坦的大道上前行。不言而喻,在这前进的道路上,有勇往直…  相似文献   

因特网时代与图书馆的剪报业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析图书馆剪报业在面对因特网时代的机遇和挑战,阐述了实现从传统剪报向网上剪报过渡的有效途径。  相似文献   

文章论述了信息素质的基本内涵,并阐明信息时代高校图书馆员应具备的信息素质,指出提高馆员信息素质的途径与方法。  相似文献   

网络时代的写作--探讨与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
互联网正在改变我们的世界。它不仅仅是一种单纯的提供信息的手段,而是越来越多地改变我们的生活方式甚至在形成一种全新的生活方式。 自从1990年代初以来,一些传播学家就一直在预言,在下一个十年中,所谓的信息高速公路网络将通过某种正如未来学家乔治·吉尔德所称的电信电脑一种将电脑、电信和个人电脑的特性混合起来的  相似文献   


This article discusses the theory of exhibition presentation as a genre, the specific issues of curatorial styles, and the distinct features of exhibitions in libraries. Based on my personal reflections on taking part in curating the Russin Revolution: Hope, Tragedy, Myths exhibition at the British Library, the article discusses the tension between the nature of collections held in libraries and their transformation when turned into an exhibition display, as well as the tension between the purpose of collecting for libraries and collecting for displays. It also presents the author’s experience of the challenges and solutions that exhibitions in libraries normally face. As the number of exhibition projects in all kinds of libraries is growing, the library communities are looking toward a better understanding of how libraries’ special and general collections can function in an exhibition environment and how information professionals can contribute to curatorial practices. Sharing experience about library exhibitions in the wider framework of art and museum curation will help to recognize exhibition curating as a requisite part of librarianship, which might change our perception of libraries and their relations with users now and in the future.  相似文献   

This article examines the FCC's evaluation of broadcast allocation from 1934 to 1939, focusing on the participation of non-commercial and commercial interest groups in the debate. Its two major themes are: 1) how the commission, while pledging to consider “social and economic” concerns, in actuality gave them only cursory attention and 2) how the commercial interests in the industry began to fracture into individual groups, each arguing for policies advantageous to them. It argues that the commercial industry had vanquished the threat from non-commercial interests in the early 1930s and was now free to splinter into individual factions.  相似文献   

信息时代图书馆的地位、功能、模式探讨   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:57  
通过探讨图书馆在新时代的地位及定位,论述图书馆信息服务功能的重点;并针对文献资料数字化过程中的一些问题,提出自己的初步设想。  相似文献   

This article considers the contributions that Martin Barker and David Morley have made to the ongoing debate about the future of audience research in communications. Considering their positions on theory and method in the field, the article concludes that audience research in the future must incorporate a variety of different methodological perspectives. The article also notes the increasingly political nature of questions posed in the field of audience research and our necessity as researchers to acknowledge the political dimension of our field.  相似文献   

The age of information has made university presses more important than ever before. The Internet has placed knowledge at our fingertips, but limited budgets and reluctance to embrace digital technologies have left many university publishers struggling to prove their worth rather than gathering and disseminating that knowledge. To demonstrate how a university publishing house can make it in this changing climate, this report will analyze the industry by using a specific publisher as an example, however this analysis can be applied to any small press. Pace University Press, an extremely small press, but one with the potential to survive and grow, can do so by implementing new practices in marketing, distribution, and digital content that will not only bring it into the twenty-first century, but ensure its continued role in the communication of scholars for years to come. These strategies can be beneficial to any university press.  相似文献   

Today's fast paced global environment requires information professionals to be leaders keeping pace with user needs. Two academic research libraries share their work seeking to ensure and leverage the creativity in their organizations focusing on the most meaningful innovative opportunities. The premise is that usefulness and appropriateness is achieved through strategic alignment, thereby opening the door of opportunity for innovative products and services. The ability to seize the opportunity each group seeks to meet is due to the recognition by the organization of that alignment. And so, organizational perception, awareness, and value all affect the successful implementation of creativity. The products and services presented in this article, Harvard's Baker Library Historical Collections Online and Purdue University's career wiki, stem from organizational alignment, and the work of the leadership teams to influence perception, create awareness, and demonstrate value.  相似文献   

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