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In recent years, theorizing regarding the role and importance of media entertainment in everyday life has garnered much serious attention by media effects scholars. The role of moral judgments, sanctions, and lack thereof are areas in which theoretical development has expanded. The present study examines narrative exposure, identification, and moral judgment as indicators of the degree to which individuals may morally disengage during mediated entertainment experiences. In addition, this study attempts to further expand disposition theory and theorizing about the role of moral disengagement by moving beyond conceptualizations of good, bad, and morally ambiguous characters to explore more subtle moral distinctions between characters as they exist within the same narrative and along a continuum. Results suggest that identification and moral judgment serve as important mediators predicting moral disengagement; however, the nature of these relationships are moderated by the perception of the character’s moral fortitude.  相似文献   

This study investigates disposition-formation processes in entertainment by predicting perceptions of media heroes and villains by their behavior in specific moral domains. Participants rated self-selected heroes and villains from television and film along the moral domains of care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and purity (Haidt & Joseph, 2007 Haidt, J. & Joseph, C. (2007). The moral mind: How 5 sets of innate moral intuitions guide the development of many culture-specific virtues, and perhaps even modules. In P. Carruthers S. Laurence & S. Stich (Eds.), The innate mind (Vol. 3, pp. 367391). New York, NY: Oxford.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) as well as along dimensions of warmth, competence, and duplicity used in impression-formation research (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002 Fiske, S. T., Cuddy, A. J. C., Glick, P. & Xu, J. (2002). A model of (often mixed) stereotype content: Competence and warmth respectively follow from perceived status and competition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 878902. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.82.6.878[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Results show that heroes violate moral norms in domains of authority and purity, whereas villains violated moral norms in the domains of caring and group loyalty. Furthermore, these moral violations are associated with personality dimensions of warmth and competence differently for each character type, such that impressions of heroes are driven by their work in the care domain (i.e., saving or protecting people), whereas for villains, violation of purity norms is most strongly associated with subsequent impression formation processes.  相似文献   

我的父亲龚学范留给我一本党的"七大"的《中国共产党党章》. 父亲留给我的七大《中国共产党党章》是一本袖珍精装版,封面是精装的红绸封面.整个封面显得朴素、庄重,上方是七个银色的繁体字:中国共产党党章,七个大字自左向右排列,字体则是凹凸的.封面中央有一枚由镰刀和锤头组成的中国共产党党徽,四周印有凹凸的边框,边框四角又各印有一枚五角星.  相似文献   

姚名达是我国目录学史上杰出的目录学家,文章探讨了他的目录学思想,并揭示出他对现代目录学的突出贡献。  相似文献   

清末民初,渭南严氏父子严遨、严谷孙不但酷爱藏书,精于版本目录之学、金石书画鉴藏,而且还亲自研读、点校、编纂、刻印、发行传播珍善本书籍。这一系列文献活动,使他们成为全国重要的文献学家。  相似文献   

在酒都宜宾流传着这样一个家喻户晓的故事:解放前,宣纸、景泰蓝、五粮液是当时战败的日本迫切希望带走的技术。曾有一位日本游客在参观五粮液老窖池的时候,脚底下沾上了些许窖泥,小心翼翼带回国后,日本科学家如获至宝。他们利用当今先进的科学技术,分析五粮液窖泥的成分,试图培养自己的"老窖",但至今都没有成功。  相似文献   

文章以清代著名藏书家鲍廷博为研究对象,就鲍廷博的年谱工作和学术界论及的《鲍刻六种》之真伪问题提出了自己的看法,并就如何深化鲍廷博研究提出了一些建议。  相似文献   


This article discusses different accounting treatments of investment expenditures as evidence of financial losses that justify a finding that a newspaper is failing under the Newspaper Preservation Act. It then analyzes the accounting practices used by the Detroit Free Press to show operating losses and the implications of those practices to public policy decisions.  相似文献   

Palestinian national consciousness has been institutionalized into the Palestinian Liberation Organization (P.L.O.), one of the most significant terrorist organizations today. The application of rhetorical concepts derived from studying American New Left rhetoric from the 1960s reveals that the P.L.O. is a social movement that rejects the existing order as it confronts society in a moral enjoinment.  相似文献   

相关链接:王尽美(1898-1925),原名瑞俊,又名烬美、烬梅,字灼斋,中国共产党的创始人之一,山东党组织最早的组织者和领导者,中共一大、二大代表。王尽美同志有两个儿子:长子王乃征是吉林省军区原副司令员,已于2009年去世;次子王杰,现居上海。  相似文献   

Norman Lear's return to commercial network television in 1983 after an absence of five years resulted in the first prime time series about and starring Hispanic‐Americans. The lack of a coherent and sustained rhetorical vision resulted in the failure of the series. This essay uses fantasy theme analysis to examine the series’ narrative and production discourse and suggests how Pablo might have achieved success.  相似文献   


Subjects differing in cognitive complexity formed impressions of another based on positive information about the other's work behavior and negative information about social behavior, or vice versa. Immediate impressions written to one context, and work‐ and social‐evaluation measures, reflected the valence of the information; general evaluative measures tended to neutrality. Impressions (written to the other context) and evaluations obtained two weeks later showed similar results. These results, in conjunction with those of subsidiary analyses involving Fishbein's attitude model, were interpreted as supporting a view of beliefs as substantive cognitions rather than as vacuous elements functioning only to contribute increments of affect.  相似文献   

"小燕子,穿花衣,年年春天来这里……"若说电影《护士日记》,可能知道的人并不多,但一提起该片的插曲《小燕子》,那可是无人不知、遍地知音。这首歌在电影中由演员王丹凤演唱,半个世纪以来唱红了大江南北,而它的作曲者正是我的父亲—被称为"中国电影音乐一代宗师"的音乐家王云阶……  相似文献   

钢丝背心和假手:爸爸的战争烙印 1950年朝鲜战争开始后,爸爸担任志愿军第九兵团第二十军副军长,五次战役时期代理军长职务,妈妈在二军大学习,我们兄妹三人(小弟是后来出生的)被分别寄养在华东保育院和亲戚家,散养在各处.1953年,爸爸回国.妈妈读完课程,通过了国家考试,因为学习成绩优异,立三等功.  相似文献   

Libel suits filed against media organizations have become an increasingly serious problem in recent years. The potential for inhibiting news coverage or even putting a news organization out of business has never been greater. This article explores the evolution of libel laws, emphasizing the consequences of their development for the First Amendment. It defines libel, examines the First Amendment theories that shaped contemporary libel standards, and explains why state-by-state development of libel laws prompted the Supreme Court to begin a twenty-year effort to develop national standards. Richard Labunski is an assistant professor in the School of Communications at the University of Washington. He is the author ofLibel and the First Amendment, from which this article has been reprinted. Copyright 1987 by Transaction Publishers. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.  相似文献   

《档案春秋》2012年第1期涂胜华文《父亲涂作潮:代号"木匠"》,提到我们父亲柳中燧当年帮助建立中共第一座秘密电台的事.最近,记述解放军通讯史的《历史风云中的红色电波》(张进著,长城出版社2013年10月第1版)一书,又几次提到父亲名字,让我们回忆起父亲生前曾对我们讲过有关他经历的几件往事.  相似文献   

We used Symbolic Convergence Theory to analyze 2,000 political cartoons on the investigation, impeachment, and trial of the president. The cartoonists' vision incorporates components from Starr's and Clinton's visions: “Our public figures (Clinton, Starr, Congress, the news media) are engaged in a tawdry burlesque drama.” The number of levels in a rhetorical vision depends on the vision's complexity. We show that multiple, independent, rhetors can create a rhetorical vision. These messages, highly visual and generally critical, freely use metaphor and allusions, allowing multiple interpretations and rendering the fantasy themes in these dramas accessible to readers with widely divergent attitudes. Despite their fictionality, these messages concern important issues and make moral judgments on these public figures.  相似文献   

在举国欢庆祖国五十华诞来临之际,我心潮澎湃,感慨万千.当年我率领华北战车团参加开国大典的情景,历历在目.  相似文献   

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