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Radio broadcasting in Spain is still analog and DAB is awaiting its opportunity. Without an audience or receivers, Spanish free-to-air digital radio is inconsequential, merely anecdotal, although the European context is changing and some countries have been investing more in this distribution platform in recent years. This article aims to answer the question why DAB in Spain does not have anyone willing to bring it back to the forefront. To do so, we use the idea of the “window of opportunity” and, along with path-dependence, we place it in the theoretical framework of the main constructivist approaches.  相似文献   

图书馆“班长”自我塑造要旨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆“班长”自我塑造要旨常书智ABSTRACTChieflibrarianistheCEOofalibrary,whoshouldhavethequalityofPR,properuseofpower,integratedvision,justic...  相似文献   

强化一般图书销售的八个关节点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新华书店正面临着内忧外患的尴尬局面.内忧是由来已久的,从最初集体个体书店对图书市场的蚕食,到后来的邮政部门、出版部门、教育部门对图书发行的介入,以及最近网络新贵们对网上售书的钟情,都给新华书店的销售造成压力.新华书店是否有足够的能力将这种压力转换为动力呢?  相似文献   

This study presents the basic lines of electronic administration in Spain. The complexity of the Spanish political-administrative system makes such a study challenging, in view of the considerable degree of autonomy and competences of the regional administrative bodies and local agencies with respect to the central government, the former being more visible in the 17 regions of Spain. Nonetheless, the central government maintains a series of legal instruments that allow a certain common framework of action to be imposed, aside from what is put into effect through diverse programs aimed precisely to develop common tools for the regions and municipalities of Spain. After an introduction that provides some necessary background, this study describes the legislative framework in which Spain's electronic administrative system has developed. The data included in the study refer to investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the services offered by the different Administrations on the internet; internet access by citizens, homes, businesses, and employees, as well as the interactivity existing with administrations by means of the internet; the origins and rise of various political initiatives of the Central Government involving electronic administration; and finally, the situation of civil service personnel, as catalysts of the success of Information Society in the Public Administration within Spain.  相似文献   

Official publications are aimed towards editing and spreading the messages created by governments and other bodies of the public domain. At the beginning, the aim of this activity is twofold: on the one hand, fulfilling the principle of publicity of the norms, as it constitutes a basis for the efficiency of those, and, on the other hand, fulfilling a general function of information about the activities of public authorities. As the action of government generalises, this function of communication between those governing and those governed has extended to other fields of activity, thus, free and pay materials, both printed and electronic, are published.  相似文献   

推动图书馆整体协同发展的三大法宝   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆体系化建设的关键在于如何操作,如何做实并富有成效.区域整体协同发展可以较好地落实、承载体系化的要求,其核心思想在于资源共享、高效运行,特别注重通过科技创新推动目标实现.文章对整体协同发展症结性的三个主要问题:人才梯队、整合方法、技术手段等提出了思考及实践案例.  相似文献   

赵光林 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(7):26-28,30
本文根据网络数据库中的电子期刊的特点,探讨了网络数据库中的电子期刊的著录信息源的选取、资源类型的判断、相关著录要点及编目数据后继维护。  相似文献   


This paper offers a topical overview of textile restoration and conservation in Spain. It discusses the distribution of collections and conditions of research and training. The main textile workshops are described, together with their most important projects, past, present and future.  相似文献   

This article describes information policies in Spain from three perspectives: legislation on information contents, actions to promote and stimulate information exchange, and information management in government agencies. Spanish legislation has been aligned with European Union laws and is, therefore, fairly up-to-date, as is shown by several specific examples. Nevertheless, the country suffers from a certain lack of information ease of access, which is particularly evident when seeking to gain access to government information. This may he caused by the lack of a law that guarantees the right of general access to information. Currently, there is no public debate as to how to turn Spain into an information society, whatever this term is to mean, and what little there is is focused more on infrastructure than on the more important infostructure. The article poses the question, “can Spain's current model of “economic development” continue to be valid without a superseding model of “information development” that provides vital support to the educational system, libraries, and the local information industry?  相似文献   

Based on a carefully selected list of references in Spanish, the following text presents a brief history of the magic lantern in Spain, from its invention to the beginning of its decadence as a social medium of communication. The magic lantern emerged in the seventeenth century, with the application of a series of physical principles that allowed the first attempts and experiences of image projection, such as the one described by Juana Inés de la Cruz in Sueño, a silva strophe published in Seville in 1692. As a device, the magic lantern finally was consolidated during the last quarter of the eighteenth century, mainly due to the popular sessions of phantasmagorias, which, in Spain, were run by projectionists such as Juan González Mantilla, or Robertson himself. After the magic lantern became institutionalized and commercialized throughout the whole Iberian Peninsula—the same as in the rest of Europe—its decline took place in the last decade of the nineteenth century, when it had to compete with the cinematograph.  相似文献   

Between General Franco's agony (October/November 1975) and the constitution's approval (December 1978), European media reported intensively about the democratisation process in Spain. The present paper deals with its examination through the Radio della Svizzera di lingua italiana broadcasts. As the only Swiss Italian-speaking broadcaster, it tried to provide in-depth information and opinion on a country whose solid ties with Switzerland were based on economy, migration and tourism. The study of this non-commercial radio allows us to determine the way the democratisation was approached and portrayed for a Swiss audience and offers a genuine case for transnational historical research.  相似文献   

The concept of international intelligence has taken on a greater importance for companies seeking to internationalize and access foreign markets. An exhaustive environmental scan—including international competitors, suppliers, clients in target countries, legislation and the political situation in other territories, and others—involves gathering the necessary information, its analysis and subsequent dissemination, and decision making. Within the context of the important role to be played by information management professionals who are specialized in foreign information, this article describes the information resources that Spanish companies have available to them that can assist them as they enter foreign markets.  相似文献   

与时俱进,有所作为--谈如何当好新世纪图书馆馆长   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
闻广 《河北科技图苑》2004,17(1):1-1,33
各种工作会议,各种聚集场合,高校图书馆馆长都在谈论、探讨一个重要话题:如何当好新世纪图书馆馆长?本人任职时间不长,可以说在这个话题上无经验体会可谈。但是,经过一番思索,也难免会有一些个人陋见,今欲借“图苑寄语”这块园地播洒出来,与大家共勉。  相似文献   

高校网络图书预约失败原因的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络环境下图书预约模式作为高校图书馆流通服务工作中的一种新生事物,现阶段还存在着诸多不够完善的地方,由于受网络因素、读者因素、图书馆员因素及书籍因素的影响,导致了一部分网络图书预约的失败。本文针对图书预约失败原因进行问卷调查,分析图书预约失败的原因并提出保持网络的维护与通畅,加强读者教育,提高图书馆馆员素质,处理好破旧书籍修复与读者急需之间的矛盾等相应解决措施,以期为图书预约的完善提供依据。  相似文献   

网络资源与光盘资源编目要点探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
探讨、分析了图书馆网络资源与光盘资源的编目要点, 包括: 著录信息源的选取、资源类型的判断、相关附注字段的著录、网络资源的856 字段(电子资源定位与检索) 和光盘资源的载体形态项字段的著录。提出 CNMARC 在电子资源编目方面还有待进一步的改进和完善, 应适当借鉴和参考西文电子资源编目的思路和方法。  相似文献   

近年来科技界的种种行为失范现象时被曝光,人们始而震惊,继而沉思,为什么在一向认为道德高尚、操守严谨的科技人员中也不断出现很多难以想象的不良行为,甚至腐败现象.很多科学家和社会上正直人士大声疾呼要严肃处理这类科技道德失范的行为,以保持科学的清纯和科技领域的一片净土.科技主管部门和很多科技单位也纷纷制订了各种道德守则和行为规范,情况将会逐渐好转.同时也应看到,这类问题的出现必然有它的深层原因和社会综合因素.对此,应有进一步的分析,采取更根本的措施.  相似文献   

王瑶 《兰台世界》2020,(4):138-140
淮海战役是解放战争时期,人民解放军与国民党军进行的一次规模巨大的战略决战。解放军以少胜多,创造了世界战争史上的奇迹。国民党军在兵力、装备均占优势的情况下,兵败淮海战场,战略失措、指挥不当、派系掣肘、经济腐败以及外交受困等多方面因素都是其失败的导火索,是其反人民战争的必然结果。  相似文献   

This article examines the Romani Holocaust experiences by mapping out the silences that haunt this question. As a case study, the article uses the testimonial documentary Porraimos: Europe’s Gypsies in the Holocaust and argues that the Romani Holocaust question is entangled in a moral discourse described in Lyotard’s Le Differend. Bearing witness to the differend can give new insights into the understanding of the Holocaust, the conceptualization of Romani identity, and the framing of media witnessing. The article concludes with a discussion of the face and its relation to witnessing arguing that the affective feel of the differend that interpellates one as a witness is delivered through the face.  相似文献   

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