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Individuals in relationships accrue dependence power to the extent that they are perceived by a committed partner to be uncommitted to the relationship and have viable relationship alternatives (Cloven &; Roloff, 1993). This investigation examined how relational dependence power influences post‐hoc appraisals and communicative decisions about problematic events for both problematic event offenders and observers. One hundred and six dating couples participated in this investigation. Each person individually completed measures of dependence power. Then, one person in each couple was designated the offender and the other was the observer of one of five hypothetical problematic events; participants rated the severity of the scenario, as welt as completing several measures related to defining the scenario as a problematic event. Respondents also reported the likelihood that they would not communicate about the situation. Analyses indicated that for offenders, appraisals of problematic event severity were negatively associated with partner's commitment and positively associated with perceptions of partner's alternatives; the opposite pattern was indicated for observers. Moreover, when events were appraised as serious, offenders and observers were less likely to avoid communicating about the situation. Little support was found for the association between dependence power and decisions to communicate about problematic events.  相似文献   

图书馆资源的科学建构是推进图书馆治理能力提升的根本前提。从系统科学的角度看,图书馆资源应是一个由理论资源、历史资源、文化资源、权力资源、物质资源、制度资源、组织资源和人力资源等基本要素构成的有机整体,并可划分为基础性、运作性和保障性资源三大架构。文章认为,在图书馆治理和发展的实践进程中,其资源主要通过政府主导型、图书馆内生型、社会参与型以及"政府—图书馆—社会"的协作型四大模式进行系统配置,并提出应基于图书馆治理体系的"入口"环节、"内部"环节和"出口"环节对图书馆资源做出系统性的结构优化,以期为我国图书馆治理能力提升提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

This study examined customer expectations for interactions with service providers in public, commercial service contexts. Two customer surveys revealed significant differences in expectations for "relationships" versus "encounters," and for personalized service communication in varied service contexts. The surveys also revealed that customers who expect relationships with providers tend to expect personalized service communication from those providers. Customers' current involvement in service relationships predicted their expectations for relationships versus encounters with service providers. Post hoc interviews also suggested that customers have distinct social expectations and time use expectations that coincide with their expectations for relationships or encounters and personalized service communication from different types of providers.  相似文献   

传播力是引导力、影响力、公信力的基础。在全球抗击新型冠状病毒疫情的时刻,《新华日报》作为主流媒体如何做到"居高而声自远"?本研究以"新华日报"与"抗疫"或"防疫"或"防控"或"疫情"为高级检索关键词,使用Gooseeker和八爪鱼采集器进行网页数据采集。通过将数据分为暴发期、平稳期两个参照组,针对"两微一端""政务平台""地方报刊"三个独立结构单位进行考察。结合传播力影响半径公式得出以下结论:《新华日报》抗疫报道在"两微一端"的传播力影响半径最大。"两微一端"倾向于吸收《新华日报》中疫情进展通报、防控政策、民生、交通、社会安全、科普辟谣的相关报道内容。与《新华日报》抗疫报道互动紧密的政务类平台,除了省级相关职能部门,"苏州工业园区管理委员会"和"中国淮安"显示度高。平稳期《新华日报》抗疫报道对政务类平台的传播力指数更高。《新华日报》抗疫报道在江苏以外的地方级报刊中传播力影响半径不大,这与疫情发展态势、媒体性质亦有关系。  相似文献   

With this Report &; Order, we authorize the licensing of two new classes of FM radio stations-one operating at a maximum power of 100 watts and one at a maximum power of 10 watts. Both types of stations, known as lowpower FM stations (LPFM), will be authorized in a manner that protects existing FM service. They will be operated on a non- commercial educational basis by entities that do not hold an attributable interest in any other broadcast station or other media subject to our ownership rules. Initially, only entities located in the communities the stations serve will be eligible to participate in this service. Even once this eligibility criterion is relaxed, we will grant a significant selection preference to locally based applicants. We believe that the LPFM service authorized in this proceeding will provide opportunities for new voices to be heard and will ensure that we fulfill our statutory obligation to authorize facilities in a manner that best serves the public interest.-Report &; Order, MM Docket 99-25 Creation of Low Power FM Radio Service, January 20,2000,  相似文献   

This study takes a qualitative look at illegal radio operations as defined by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). It offers a better understanding of the character and motivations of these broadcasters to operate outside the law. Additionally, the project examined reactions to recent FCC inquiries to create legitimate low power "micro radio" broadcasting for licensed small broadcasters. The study concludes that, depending on the specific broadcaster, there can be several motivating factors influencing the decision to bypass the FCC and start up a radio station. Many of these unlicensed operators do not see themselves as true criminals but rather counter-culture renegades of the air- waves. Researchers also found a strong interest in micro radio pro- posed by the FCC.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):279-296
An ad hoc committee of the Librarian's Association of the University of California (LAUC) was charged with the task of organizing a workshop on diversity for all University of California librarians, and writing a report with recommendations generated by the participants of the workshop. From start to finish the entire operation took almost three years. Difficulties were encountered along the way: with the composition of the committee, the expectations of the LAUC executive board, the hindrance in writing a document by a collective, and the sensitive interrelationshps created among the committee members while dealing, at times, with an explosive topic. The importance and impact of the final report, "The Many Voices of Diversity," may not be recognized for several years since the recommendations presented go far beyond the common issues of cultural diversity. For the committee members it was an invigorating and rewarding experience that will not easily be forgotten and they would like to see this document become a model for other academic libraries.  相似文献   

The publication of Bulgarian serials (called "periodicals" in this article, using the historical Bulgarian term) began in 1844 with the appearance of Liuboslovie. From that time until the recent collapse of the Communist regime, the press has been subjected to censorship and repression, first by the Turkish overlords and later by several of the Bulgarian governments. This article, the first of two parts, focuses on the suppression of the periodical press following the rise of the Communist "people's democracy," which forced virtually all the periodicals that had been published in Bulgaria prior to that time to cease publication. The second part will be devoted to Bulgaria's new-found freedom of the press that has emerged following forty-five years of totalitarianism.  相似文献   

The conceptual framework for explaining advertising content formulated in this paper begins with environmental factors such as culture and economic system, and ends with the ads themselves—with advertising industry factors, such as practices and views/values of its actors, and consumer factors, such as experience making up the middle two layers. An empirical application of this model, through variables derived from it, to Chinese television commercials suggests post‐hoc substantiation for the most part. Future studies could pose and test a priori hypotheses (for other countries, media, and variables) leading to the refinement, clarification, and elaboration of the model.  相似文献   

A course plan is presented for introducing literature searching and critical skills to dental students. Topics include the "life cycle of information," reference sources available, search procedure, abstracting and indexing, and personal information systems. Teaching is structured around planned seminars and student projects. The course design is compatible with traditional dental curricula and is based on students' interest in dentistry rather than in information/library science.  相似文献   

Public and privateorganizations depend, for their disciplinaryand surveillance power, on the creation andmaintenance of records. Entire societies maybe emprisoned in Foucauldian panopticism, asystem of surveillance and power-knowledge,based on and practised by registration, filing,and records. Archives resemble temples asinstitutions of surveillance and powerarchitecturally, but they also function assuch, because the panoptical archivedisciplines and controls throughknowledge-power. Inside the archives, therituals, surveillance, and discipline serve tomaintain the power of the archives and thearchivist. But the archives' power is (orshould be) the citizen's power too. Theviolation of human rights is documented in thearchives and the citizen who defends himselfappeals to the archives. People value storage as a means to keep account of thepresent for the future. In order to be useableas instruments of empowerment and liberation,archives have to be secured as storage memoryserving society's future functional memories.  相似文献   

本文从责权利角度论述了媒体责任、权利与规范之间的一般关系。认为职业规范是由职业责任与权利共同决定的,职业责任与职业权利是促使媒体伦理规范形成和发展一个必然的、永恒的基础和动力。本文认为“完成责任必须用好权利,正确地使用权利是第一位的责任”。具体来说,职业权利=职业权力+职业利益。因此,针对媒体权力部分的规范是为了防止媒体职业权力的异化,对媒体利益的规范是用以保证媒体及记者收益和正当性。  相似文献   

针对仅仅依靠引文数量来评价文献的问题,引入社会网络分析的权力指数指标,将所有文献看作是存在引用和被引用关系的网络。对社会网络分析及其权力指数的相关概念及如何应用这一指标来评价文献进行详细介绍,并结合实例进行说明。达到从文献的引文质量以及科学研究的延续性这一角度对文献进行分析评价的目的,为引文分析和评价提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The Oneida Community -- a communistic settlement that originated in 1848 and was located in central New York State -- made medical history in the areas of birth control, sexuality, and selective breeding. The perfectionist theology of the Community's leader, John Humphrey Noyes, held that the 2nd coming of Christ had already occurred, that true believers had already been "saved," and that he had been designated as an agent of God to proclaim "Heaven on Earth." This spiritual condition involved freedom from sin, universal love, community property, and total unselfishness. All members of the Community were in effect married to all other members, in that Heaven "they neither marry, nor are given in marriage." "Complex marriage" was the term used for this sexual relationship. Some method of birth control was essential as a corollary of complex marriage. Noyes introduced as his "invention" a principle which he termed "male continence," meaning that the man voluntarily avoided a sexual climax. Noyes published pamphlets on the subject of "male continence" and suggested methods for its achievement. From a practical perspective, the successful application of male continence required some special considerations. In the Community, women were accepted on a par with men and were free to either choose or refuse intercourse with any man, as long as there was no "special love" involved. 20 years following its founding, Noyes believed that the Community was economically ready to have children, and during the following ten years 58 children were born. 45 of these were the result of selective breeding.  相似文献   

This essay examines religious, racial, and historical influences on the creation of a major photo-documentary work. Contemporary Jewish American photographer Tyagan Miller's first project stemmed from his commitment to social justice and education in a secular context. Miller's second major photo essay "Covenant," focuses on the life and work of a church. Although Miller began "Covenant" with an interest in social emancipation, the project moved him to focus on the healing process that takes place in a church environment where he saw an "unbroken family" (interview with Tyagan Miller, July 22, 2002) composed out of the sometimes broken lives of individual congregants. This essay deals with the ethics of Miller's fieldwork for "Covenant," his biographical relationship to his subject matter, and the issue of Jewish representations of Black culture.  相似文献   

通过"中国知网"检索2011年发表的主题为"土壤深度"的论文,选择其中90篇查阅并下载图的标目为"土壤深度"及其含义的41篇论文进行图形式样调查统计,以探讨此类图形的正确、规范表达模式。结果显示:有34篇用曲线图,且曲线图出现7种不同的表达形式。对各曲线图式样以及图中标目的量与单位表达的谬误辨析结果表明,有关土壤特征指标曲线图的准确、规范表达模式为:以"土壤深度"为横标目(自变量),土壤特征指标为纵标目(因变量)且纵坐标轴向上,标值均为正数,标值增量方向与坐标轴方向一致,标值线向内。  相似文献   

文章探讨了时下知识付费产品的发展现状,指出知识付费存在的付费土壤尚未形成、内容泛轻知识化趋势以及内容生产端的"二八效应"困境和用户端的"数字鸿沟"陷阱等问题,同时,文章认为知识付费产品应该坚持内容为王,深耕优质内容,建立健全定价机制、评价机制,完善商业模式.  相似文献   

本文点出了档案工作从社会和研究机构得不到承认和没有相应影响力的原因,指出档案工作者的影响力来源于工作的价值内涵,并对其进行分析后指出,确认档案和档案工作的具体价值内涵将清晰地界定我们的职业和直接提升档案工作的价值,增加档案工作的影响力.  相似文献   

Uncertainty Reduction Theory is used to illustrate some advantages of predicating applied research on theory rather than merely alluding to theory as window dressing or invoking theory in a post hoc, speculative attempt to explain the outcomes of applied research efforts.  相似文献   

This article examines how radio talk shows can promote a sense of community among listeners and shape the narrative accounts of show participants. In "Coast to Coast AM" and "Dreamland," Art Bell has fostered the collective generation of conspiracy theories and narratives of the paranormal in a manner that strengthens the identification of his audience as a group in opposition to various projected cabals, and that has some similarities to the formation of "virtual communities" in rumor-filled Internet discussion vehicles. This article outlines how Bell's frontier imageries (associated with the "Great American Southwest" as well as with the Internet) construct a mythic framework that is compatible both with the iconoclastic perspectives of show participants and the kind of group cohesion in which threatened settlers "circle the wagons" for protection. On his shows and website, Bell projects the "quickening" of a new global order and prophecies large-scale technological and climatic disasters during which individuals would indeed want to band together.  相似文献   

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