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新闻史研究:“问题”与“理论”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国新闻史研究应该力避没有生命力的流水账,必须要有问题意识,才能以抽象概括的理论语言,总结复杂而具体的历史事实,抽丝剥茧,甚至画龙点睛。理论烛照史料,使我们洞察材料背后曲折的意义和内在联系。但倘若走另一个极端,理论先行,生吞活剥,将中国材料硬塞进宏大社会理论的紧箍咒(例如哈贝马斯的公共领域),这种理论霸道也不足取。本文提倡以默顿的中距理论,联系媒介文本到更大的政治、经济和文化脉络。  相似文献   

当下媒介融合方兴未艾,成为学界聚焦的热门议题,但众声喧哗中难免存在误识.笔者希望通过反思性探索,提请人们要避免泛论媒介融合,更应警惕媒介融合认知与实践中的“技术膜拜”“唯市场论”与“去语境化”等问题.本研究旨在一定程度上回应中国媒介融合进程中的迷思,并尝试对当下媒介融合主流话语进行部分纠偏.这不仅有利于加深对发展中的媒介融合的认知,更有利于中国媒介融合实践中风险的规避.  相似文献   

广播媒介与新媒介的资源融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、广播媒介与新媒介的资源融合,是数字化后媒介发展的必然趋势 众所周知,广播是人类进入工业社会之后所创造的依靠电波传递信息的媒介.  相似文献   

媒介变局中的中国广播   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国广播在面对信息的全球化传播背景下,进行了全方位改革。这一年,中国广播表现出了诸多创新,广播产业发展出台了新政策,为广播的健康改革营造了良好的外部环境。传播内容和传播形式不断丰富,广播更加关注民生、关注农民。广播的经营状况进一步好转,创收渠道开始增加。中国国际广播电台的互联网在线广播在全球同类网站中影响力提高,已超过某些发达国家而名列全球同类网站第四。中国广播仍需要下功夫:广播的主流媒介功能再强化,产业化的生存空间再扩大,跨媒体、跨行业、跨地域的联合再拓展。  相似文献   

报刊媒介是中国近代史学学术建制中的重要内容.不少马克思主义史家身兼学者、报人双重身份,参与了报刊的创办、编辑及投稿等活动.马克思主义史学因内在的学术价值,为近代报刊接纳并加以专栏或专辑刊载,但终因刊物的政治性影响了其在学术评价体系中的地位.不过从近代中国史学的整体发展来看,随着报刊的有效传播,马克思主义史学话语权势逐渐从学界的边缘走向了中心.  相似文献   

The author examines radio programs produced by women in the U.S. that feature music by women. Women's music programming offers a variety of music genres and presentation styles. Criteria of music selection also vary, with some programs concentrating solely on women's contributions and musical works, and others that play music by mixed-sex groups and even featuring a male vocal. However, the commonality of all these programs lies in their dedication to highlighting women artists and giving voice to those who would otherwise not be heard. As media artifacts, women's music radio programs offer multiple layers of feminist inquiry.  相似文献   

Student-run radio stations at colleges and universities have thrived for nearly a century, yet their stories have been largely excluded from broadcast histories outside the commonly cited and overly simplified “college radio” era in the 1980s. Offering a more accurate definition of college radio, this article demonstrates the need for broader methodologies to contextualize its history, and advocates for the preservation of unique materials containing the voices of generations of young broadcasters. Audiovisual archivists, scholars, and members of the college radio community must engage in collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts in order to save these materials and make them accessible for research.  相似文献   

日本作为亚洲的发达国家拥有着雄厚的经济基础和高度发达的产业技术力量。这些都为其媒体产业的发展提供了坚实而有利的基础。进入21世纪后.随着数字广播电视的全面展开.双向互动功能的增强,广播电视事业与通信事业的融合发展等.使日本开始迈向’e播送“的时代。由于制度的许可.使异业种可以直接介入广、播电视业界.如lT业.电器产业等.同时.广播电视业者也进入了IT等其它的一些产业领域.一因而建立和加强起来的伙伴关系,将促使他们共同开发新的技术领域,寻求新的流通市场,为今后的广播电视产业探索新的发展前景。  相似文献   

Community radio can serve as an important national resource, giving local voices access to media and providing an alternative to mainstream broadcasters. This study examined the status of community radio in two contrasting settings: Thailand where community stations number in the thousands and Malaysia where community radio has so far not been allowed. Although Thailand's community broadcasters started their operations without formal authorization, successive governments have not taken action to force their general closure. However, steps to create a legal status for them have moved at a sluggish pace. In Malaysia, authorization for community radio stations seems never to have been seriously considered even though public groups have expressed enthusiasm for the idea. In both nations, political considerations have been major factors governing the slow development of policies for community radio.  相似文献   

随着中国经济持续快速发展,国际地位不断提高,如何改变国际传播格局,在"西强我弱"的国际舆论环境中争取话语权,是中国国际广播传媒在新形势下的重任.刘云山同志曾经指出:"面对国际舆论环境‘西强我弱'的总体态势,进一步扩大对外宣传的影响、在国际舆论斗争中赢得主动的任务很重;面对全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,向世界介绍我国经济社会发展情况,为社会主义现代化建设营造良好国际舆论环境的任务很重;面对复杂多变的国际形势和国内经济社会发展的新情况,提高应对重大突发事件的能力、更好地维护我国国际形象的任务很重."  相似文献   

In 2005–2006 the research group DRACE (Digital Radio Cultures in Europe) performed a study on how 43 people in key positions related to the radio industry in 4 European countries and Canada viewed the future of radio and which delivery technologies they considered would be most successful. In addition, it analyzed the motives and reasons certain technologies were seen as more promising than others. Finally, it presented 4 different future scenarios for radio media. The study was published in the Journal of Radio and Audio Media, May 2008.

In 2005 the future of radio was considered much less obvious and clear than it appeared 10 years previously. Instead of a transition from analog to digital audio broad- casting (DAB), there was a selection of alternative technological options for digital audio delivery. When looking back from 2015 and considering the results of expert interviews, the project group about Public Service Media in the HERA project: Transnational Radio Encounters found interesting perspectives in replicating this study—now looking forward to 2025. By using the same questionnaire and interviewing the same experts (or new persons in the same positions) they could compare the predictions with the present situation, looking for technological, regulatory, policy based, and user-oriented contexts. Furthermore, they could ask the experts to look 10 years forward to 2025. Besides from the interviews, desk studies were performed in order to explore the national similarities and differences as background for the analysis of the scenarios for the 2015 and 2025 studies.

This comparative study involves Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, and the UK.  相似文献   

This article investigates the online comments of news items posted on the Facebook pages of two popular Arabic-language radio channels: Radio Monte Carlo—France24 and Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW). This study examines over 184,000 comments with a special focus on the most liked posts in order to understand how audiences of regular radio interact on social media. The results indicate that audiences seem to be more engaged with posts that encourage participating in broad issues, interacting with clever quotes, and entering contests and less so with reading breaking news. With regards to news events and serious issues, this study also examined how social media users of these two Facebook “radio” sites responded to postings that differed from their own opinions, and seemingly actively engaged with contrasting or oppositional views or sentiments.  相似文献   

在本文中,笔者尝试运用产业经济学的一些基本原理就视听新媒体出现后对广电产业结构、产业关联、产业组织、产业博弈、产业安全、产业布局、产业政策等方面可能产生的影响做一些探讨。为了讨论问题方便,文章中把广告、网络、节目制作、相关服务业等称作产业。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,国内广播媒体取得了可喜的进步,但是我们从一些经常性的统计数据中可以看到其自身存在着一些深刻的矛盾、问题:播出频率数量不足,规划格局限制广播功能,制作投入不足影响节目质量,导致接收积极性低、创收乏力。中国广播要借助新媒体的机遇,增加供应数量、提供新的接触方式、延伸媒体的功能,提高中国音像媒体的市场竞争实力。  相似文献   

科学发展观是我党各项事业前进的指导方针。武汉广电系统以科学发展观为指导,坚持在内容、产业、技术、人才、体制机制、企业文化等方面构建核心竞争力,使广电传媒的影响力、竞争力进一步提升.综合实力显著增强。  相似文献   

The Columbia Broadcasting System (C.B.S.) emerged in the late 1920s as the only sustainable competitor to the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) in American network radio. But scholars know far less about C.B.S. than NBC because the C.B.S. corporation failed to retain, and make accessible to media historians, internal archival and documentary materials from its developmental era. This article examines the historical void created by America’s second network while offering two specific historical case studies to establish how the loss of C.B.S. materials continues to hinder knowledge about America’s second network, the American system of broadcasting, and the political economy of the commercial mass media in the United States.  相似文献   

李育全 《传媒观察》2021,(1):95-100
融媒体时代到来,广播电台处于转型发展的关键时刻,如何找准转型方向和构建融媒体平台一直是传统媒体转型过程中遇到的难题.本文主要从内容、传播、产品和平台构建等方面阐述广播电台转型发展途径.提出了构建"电台+两微+APP+网络直播"的融媒体平台,拓宽多元化的融媒体传播渠道.打造以上游内容生产,中游用户社群聚集,下游广告、活动...  相似文献   

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