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Arguing that the First Amendment does not allow for the suppression of ideas, constitutional scholars and historians have long been concerned about legal attempts to censor books in the United States. In this article Kenneth C. Davis explores the complex relationship between pivotal court cases on censorship, congressional committees, various movements, and secular and religious organizations in attempts to curtail the publication and distribution of certain types of books in this nation. Davis's trenchant analyses enrich our understanding of censorship and the history of the book in the United States. Most of the publishers engaged in this sordid competition operate in the field of cheap reprints selling [for] from 10 to 75 cents. —Reports of the Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials (1952)It is not so much the publisher's right to publish that needs protection as the reader's right to read. —Douglas M. Black, President, American Book Publishers Council (1952) Kenneth C. Davis is the author of the definitiveTwo-Bit Culture: The Paperbacking of America in which this article originally appeared.  相似文献   

In wartime, governments must develop methods of controlling information. During World War II, for the first time, the British government had to invent policies about speech that could be broadcast on radio. Problems inevitably surfaced. One occurred in 1943 during a transatlantic hookup, when a BBC presenter quoted General Montgomery whom she had seen at a London nightclub and whose whereabouts were classified. The mistake provides insight into three wartime phenomena: British censorship, the government's public relations efforts, and the emerging power of the BBC.  相似文献   

粤剧文献资源建设变革与转型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下,粤剧文献的生成方式正发生着急剧改变。图书馆文献资源建设也处于变革时期。随着粤港澳大湾区成立、后知识服务时代到来,作为岭南地区重要文化遗存的粤剧文献建设面临资源重组与服务转型的重要转折。2005年以来广东省部分地级市相继建立了粤剧专题图书馆、博物馆、纪念馆等,但文献资源建设程度不尽相同、机构各自为政,未能充分发挥资源互补、融合发展的作用。本文通过分析粤剧文献各阶段的发展形态与资源建设现状,指出图书馆应根据粤剧文献资源变革特点与图书馆事业转型发展需要,规划整体资源建设与开展粤剧文献资源联盟协作建设。包括从单一物理空间到复合泛在空间建设,从独立建设到共知共建共享,从单馆文献典藏到文献协同管理与优化分级,从传统基础服务到多元立体化信息服务,使粤剧文献资源建设贴合文献资源变革特点与图书馆转型发展要求,进而传承岭南传统文化遗产,凝聚民族感情、增强文化自信。  相似文献   

潘颖 《晋图学刊》2016,(5):49-53
明代前中期,由于官方戏曲政策的压制及正统观念的深入影响,私人藏书家较少关注戏曲文献.官方出于汇存典籍、声色娱乐等目的,搜集收藏有大量戏曲文献,是明代前中期戏曲收藏的主要力量.本文通过梳理明代官府对戏曲文献的收藏情况,归纳其戏曲收藏的内容、来源、特色,探讨明代官府藏曲对于戏曲发展和传播的影响.  相似文献   

王蒙  许鑫 《图书情报工作》2015,59(14):15-21
[目的/意义] 目前,非物质文化遗产信息资源的组织以网站为载体,多采用传统树状或星状链接进行导航,且以地域分割,无法全面展示非物质文化遗产特色,弱化了其价值。采用新技术合理组织非物质文献遗产信息资源对非物质文献遗产的宣传与保护有重要意义。[方法/过程] 基于主题图理论和方法,建立非物质文化遗产信息资源主题图模型,并以作为世界非物质文化遗产的京剧、昆曲为例,辅以Ontopia主题图开发工具,展示非物质文化遗产信息资源主题图的生成及组织效果。[结果/结论] 主题图不仅能够合理、全面地组织非物质文化遗产信息资源,还能够以可视化的方式直观展示非物质文化遗产的历史渊源、传承脉络、流派发展等特殊属性,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的持续发展和人民群众物质生活水平及文化素质的提高 ,公众对生活质量的要求也愈来愈高。作为高雅文化休闲场所的博物馆也将日益受到人们的关注。那么 ,在新的世纪里 ,博物馆应如何更好地发挥自己的功能和作用 ,更好地为人民服务呢 ?笔者认为应在以下几个方面努力 :  一、创造优美的环境无论何人 ,置身在优美的环境中 ,就会感到身心舒畅、流连忘返。博物馆的环境包括 :1.博物馆周边环境 ;2 .博物馆内部环境。周边环境又包括博物馆所处的地理位置、交通是否方便、博物馆的建筑风格是否有特色、是否吸引人 ?这些都直接影响到潜…  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence is rapidly giving rise to new automated technologies. Among the most important of these innovations is the development of artificially intelligent machines that produce increasingly sophisticated forms of oral and written discourse. As more of our communicative encounters are with artificial agents, our notions of communicative labor, surveillance, and digital rhetoric will have to contend with these extensive shifts. As a step in this direction, the present article evaluates several trends in the automation of oral and written discourse, examining their social and economic impact.  相似文献   

一般来说,目录学对于掌握历代文献的状况,了解一门学问的盛衰,以及略知其源流及发展演变的历史过程具有极大的帮助。戏曲从它产生发展到今天,其地位都不能与正统学术相抗衡,戏曲作者或作品每每遭到冷遇。如果  相似文献   

现代戏曲在传播过程中,试图激活戏曲的细胞并使之健康发展。在现代戏曲中,主题与形式达成高度的谐和,艺术美与观赏性双美并举,继承和创新形成高度的共识,寻找着戏曲既立足本源又触摸未来的发展基点。这是现代戏曲之所以传播并持续发展的重要原因。  相似文献   

<正>上海滩是全国重要的戏码头,南北戏曲名角、中外各种艺术都在上海的舞台上荟萃际会,争妍斗丽,呈现出百花似锦的繁荣景象。上海涌现出了一批戏曲艺术大师、大家、名角。如京剧的周信芳、盖叫天,昆剧的俞振飞,越剧的袁雪芬、尹桂芳等,上海土生土长的本地剧种沪剧则有杰出的代表人物丁是娥。丁是娥从九岁开始学艺,五十多年始终在沪剧这块民族艺术的园地里兢兢业业地劳作耕耘。她在努力继承沪剧传统艺术的基础上,锐意革新,精心创造,以自己的艺术实践丰富和发展了沪剧的剧目、表演和音乐,对沪剧事业作出了卓越的贡献。  相似文献   

二十军文工团是人民解放军里唯一荣获集体大功的文艺团体。1949年5月文工团随军进驻上海,接受了一个光荣任务——复排《白毛女》。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代初是评弹艺术家徐丽仙创作的旺盛时期.那时候,几乎她的每一新作都成了 上海评弹团的保留节目,她的"丽调"到处风靡,戏曲界、音乐界、电影界有不少丽调爱好者,其中有不少是知名的艺术家.歌唱家喻宜萱就曾写信向徐丽仙表示自己的倾慕.有一个时期,江苏省歌舞团的资料室借出最多的是徐丽仙的唱片.评弹女艺人和票友们竞相摹学丽调新腔运用于自己的演唱之中.丽调成为了评弹界演唱最为普遍的女声流派.  相似文献   

Drawing on published research and three new studies, this essay relates analyses of viewing motives and context with analyses of soap opera content and form. As a result, three general claims are made about the nature of student soap opera watching. First, student soap opera watching provides an especially cogent illustration of the social emergence of mass communication entertainment. Second, soap operas provide a particularly important sort of social entertainment: the opportunity to experience the role of communication in facing irresolvable conflict. Third, the pleasure of this social experience is itself an important motive for student exposure to soap operas.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a research agenda to explore the intersection of e-government implementation and the key federal programs – Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, a.k.a. food stamps), (SSI), and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF, a.k.a. welfare) – that provide assistance to low-income citizens in the United States. To lay the groundwork for on-going research, this paper focuses on the implementing statutes that require different levels of automation for delivering these programs to the public. It discusses the programs in terms of their breadth, impacts to recipients, and the effects of automation as implemented for each. It identifies some of the consequences of automation, such as potentially faster service delivery, different approaches to information access, and issues of privacy. It then suggests some points to consider for policymakers and for future research to more deeply understand this unique and little-studied aspect of e-government implementation. By understanding the impacts of implementing statutes on the poor, policymakers can develop a deliberately inclusive strategy that leverages technology to support access to assistance in measurable models that can be implemented at the federal, state, and county levels. This can further democratize the government-to-citizen relationship and support greater accountability to taxpayers.  相似文献   

Recent legislation in Britain and elsewhere has implications for librarians and othersserving people with disabilities. This paper considers one type of disability: the communicationand information needs of deaf people. A review of the literature indicates that the professionaldevelopment of both health professionals and librarians is not preparing them forcommunication with deaf people. A growing recognition of the need for deaf awarenesstraining among library staff is discussed. A number of training resources are mentioned with achecklist of good communication skills.  相似文献   

通过对京剧艺术与图书馆的比较研究,认为两者之间有许多共同点,京剧振兴的许多经验值得图书馆借鉴,其中包括:国家的重视与扶持,措施得力;重视舆论宣传,大造声势;团结一致,勤奋工作,实干苦干;重视队伍建设,狠抓人才培养。  相似文献   

穆藕初先生是民国时期著名实业家,也是热心提倡昆曲、支持昆剧事业的曲友名票。黄炎培《追忆穆藕初先生》一文说:“中年忽爱好昆曲,师事昆曲名家,收藏曲谱多种,朝夕习奏,既卓然成家。乃以起衰救敝自任,捐资立社传习,至今昆曲界犹多先生门弟子。先生且抱笏登场,播为一时佳话矣。”穆氏出资为“江南曲圣”俞粟庐灌制唱片,接办苏州昆剧传习所,创设上海粟社,参加江浙名人会串等等,都是近代昆曲剧史上耳熟能详的美谈。但是关于他的昆曲藏书及其归宿,知之者甚少。现就穆氏后人精心保存的一组珍贵史料,介绍如下。  相似文献   

夏太娣 《兰台世界》2017,(9):112-115
戏曲创作在中国古代被当做不入流的"小道",不惟著者没有版权意识,录者于各家姓氏名号也只略书大概,因此一部作品被著录在多位作者名下,抑或张冠李戴之现象常有发生。研究者如若不察,难免被其误导。关于明传奇《双烈记》的作者著录,几部较为权威的辞书之间多有相悖之处,本文结合文献资料加以考述,并从戏曲文本着手加以分析比照,力图纠其错谬,还原事实。  相似文献   

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