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The Pacifica Radio Network has served as a template for community broadcasting, introducing listener-sponsorship, the program guide, and key fund-raising techniques. This article offers a critical reading of the Pacifica Foundation's history, based on the social theory of Max Weber and Anthony Giddens. Over the last half-century, crises at the Pacifica Radio Network—a progenitor of community broadcasting—have been reported around the world. What are the root causes of these tensions: and what do they tell us about the production and distribution of radical, community-oriented media?  相似文献   

Major changes are pressuring the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Its cultural centrality has been questioned as a result of these changes. The CBC was set up as a public, rather than a state, broadcaster with some arm's length characteristics. Recently, its mandate has focused more on increasing Canadian content as reflected in its own policy actions, the Broadcasting Act of 1991 and the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission. Despite the CBC's problems, federal appropriations have been held constant in real terms over the last decade, with most of this being devoted to television. Recent changes in programming include more Canadian content, more regional production, and more independent programming. The major threat to CBC's role is technological change, especially new delivery systems that will increase the number of television channels (i.e., channel capacity), increase the number of distribution systems, and change the location of some of the broadcasting signals reaching Canada. These changes alter both normative conclusions about ownership and regulation of broadcasting as well as the positive analysis of how public sector broadcasting is likely to fare in the new environment. The implications for Canada are that distribution is likely to become a competitive industry with reduced or zero excess profits and with greater programming diversity. Several rationales for the CBC will have been seriously undermined. The CBC's future will depend on its ability to meet Canadian content needs that will not be met by the private sector and yet generate sufficient audiences to justify major government support.  相似文献   

The structure, funding, and audience size of public service broadcasting (PSB) revealed in the four countries examined in the articles in this issue of The Journal of Media Economics differ markedly from one another but exhibit few surprises. PSB in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada is highly centralized, but relatively decentralized in the United States. The United Kingdom devotes the largest proportion of its gross national product to PSB, and the United States devotes the smallest. Similarly, PSB in the United Kingdom attracts the largest share of the television audience among the four countries, and U.S. public television attracts the smallest. Although the future relevance of PSB in Canada may be at risk, the provision of PSB in the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States seems likely to continue in its present form for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

In the past few years, American public broadcasting has faced severe pressures from conservative politicians, the challenge of preparing for new technologies, and fickle audiences. Yet it may be as well-off today as it ever has been, in part because public broadcasting has always been on the margins of American broadcasting. It has been in more parlous circumstances and in fact has certain advantages at this point. Public broadcasting in the United States is not essentially a public service broadcaster, although it sometimes acts as one. It thus has a certain flexibility in a time of great change. American public broadcasting is not a unified structure, but an ad hoc assemblage of stations united both by the fluctuating patronage of the institutions that fund them and in their cultivating the capricious support of the audiences they serve.  相似文献   

公共图书馆服务的社会责任探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆事业是社会公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分,必须配合社会的发展进步,承担起全社会适应变革、终身教育、启迪民智、改善民众信息歧视和永久服务民众等多种社会责任,为提高全民族文化水平发挥作用。  相似文献   

社区服务信息化公众满意度指数模型实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将顾客满意度引入到社区服务信息化的测评中:首先在满意度理论基础上结合社区服务信息化的特征,阐述社区服务信息化公众满意度的内涵,并讨论社区服务信息化公众满意度的影响因素;然后借鉴经典满意度指数模型构建社区服务信息化公众满意度指数模型,并运用偏最小二乘法(PLS)对测评模型进行检验和参数求解;最后通过实证研究检验本文所建立的社区服务信息化公众满意度指数模型的可行性,并给出建议。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the 1950 introduction of the commercial radio station, Springbok Radio, into the South African Broadcasting Corporation, a Commonwealth inspired public service broadcaster (PSB) resulting from the Schoch Commission (1948). The paper argues that the introduction of Springbok Radio was prompted by the financial crisis faced by the Corporation; the broadcaster’s attempt to broaden its appeal beyond elite audiences serviced by PSB; and the national imperative to centralise and control the broadcast sector by dominating it completely. Thus, the study examines the motifs of PSB versus commercialisation; high culture versus popular culture; and nationalism versus internationalisation.  相似文献   

With music being one of the key elements of radio, and plurality one of the most important principles of public service, this article’s central argument is that one of the missions of public radio is to foster musical elements produced in the country’s national language. Focusing on traditional musical genres of the Portuguese-speaking countries, we will analyze the role of music in public radio by selecting specific musical shows focused on the Lusophone world. In order to determine the presence and impact of Lusophony in national stations, music will be the common thread for a reflection on how multicultural their programming strategies are able to be.  相似文献   

公共图书馆的社区信息服务   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
社区信息服务的主要工作是,开展文献信息的阵地服务,信息咨询服务,社会教育和如乐休闲活动,为了使公共图书馆更好地开展信息服务,除了一定的投资,馆舍,人员等基本条件外,还应该强调改革体系,健全机制,以法治馆,提高素质。  相似文献   

走向社区:探索公共图书馆新的服务形态和方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当今方兴未艾的社区建设的新形势,认为要适应经济和社会的快速发展以及城市功能和面貌发生深刻变化的要求,公共图书馆传统的服务形态和方式需要更新。论述了建立星罗棋布的社区图书馆格局是公共图书馆在当前条件下适应社会需求的较好途径,提出了公共图书馆这种新服务形态和方式的结构和建设思路。  相似文献   

英国公共广播体制是在社会民主主义思潮的影响下形成的。英国社会民主主义的两个基本原则(公有制和民主)决定了公共广播的两个基本特征(非市场和非政府)。社会民主主义思潮还形塑了公共广播要为民主服务的广播理念。在探讨英国公共广播体制的起源时,只有从这一角度来看问题,才能真正理解英国公共广播的兴衰以及广播的公共服务理念的核心所在。  相似文献   

Notable radio scholars including Christine Ehrick, Phylis A. Johnson, and Caroline Mitchell have explored critical challenges of gender and sexuality radio research and its importance in relation to communities. A major issue faced in studying the early years of women’s history in broadcast is the ephemeral nature of the medium as many of the voices are lost in the ether, unrecorded or once deemed inessential to archive. Web-based radio and podcast archives provide renewed avenues for listening to lesbian and queer women’s radio across transnational borders yet many long running shows in Canada such as The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio have only recently begun to surface as digital collections. As personal and institutional archives of lesbian and queer women radio begin to reach a public audience, analysis of radio works across decades of LGBTQ2+ activism and feminisms must be traced to understand the role of radio and digital radiogenic media in creating space and identity for queer activism. A turn to the past brings forward questions of analog and digital futures for radio and podcasting space as place to construct and shape queer and especially lesbian communities and identities in the North American broadcasting industry. Through research of notable live and pre-produced content including Dykes on Mykes on CKUT 90.3 FM, and The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio, this work offers an exploration of radio and radiogenic media’s role in creating sonic space for queer and feminist subjectivities.  相似文献   

广播电视专业台的出现,要求播音员、主持人具备专业知识,掌握专业台五类语言形式的表达.专业类语言形式表达,应成为播音主持教学中的第三个层面.  相似文献   

公共图书馆社区信息服务的宣传与推广   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张禹 《图书馆学刊》2009,31(9):70-72
我国公共图书馆社区信息服务的研究还有很多未涉及或深入研究的方面,其中一个重要内容就是社区信息服务的宣传与推广。针对这一状况,详细介绍公共图书馆宣传与推广社区信息服务的方法。公共图书馆可以在分析社区和自身现状的基础上,从服务对象和服务地点两个方面考虑宣传与推广社区信息服务。目的是提高社区信息服务的利用率,切实实现公共图书馆的社会效益。  相似文献   

社区服务的发展将会对传统的公共图书馆的服务模式产生革命性影响。对公共图书馆的社区服务模式的概括和分析,可以成为深入了解未来公共图书馆服务模式的逻辑起点和思维取向。  相似文献   

Just over half of the noncommercial radio stations in the United States contributed in some way to the lobbying campaign that led to the inclusion of radio in the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967. Most of these stations were associated with educational institutions, and were uniformly represented to federal authorities as “educational radio,” though the universe of noncommercial stations in the late 1960s was more nuanced and diverse. When federal financial assistance was finally achieved, the programs proved to be too exclusive or too expensive for some of the parties who had helped to move the Act from conception to reality. In the decades following enactment, activists for community, low power, and part time stations endeavored to correct the problems that grew out of the original legislation. For audiences, the primary consequence has been a public radio system that is less inclusive and diverse than it could have been.  相似文献   

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