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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):175-182

Reference librarians at St. Charles Community College discovered the benefits of cooperation when they began the process of creating an online library tutorial. In the fall of 1999, librarians realized that their walk-in library sessions were becoming ineffective due to poor attendance by students. The tours didn't fit into on-campus students' busy schedules, and failed to serve distance students at all. Two reference librarians decided to work together to create a web-based tutorial introducing students to library online resources. It was an informal process that started with information gathering on what tutorials exist, how they were developed and what type of software was used. After the librarians decided on the format and appropriate software, they brought together their creative and technical strengths to design an appealing and functional tutorial. To create a “virtual tour” of the library's physical layout, the librarians also collaborated with the Instructional Support Center, a group of educational technology specialists who are part of SCC's community college consortium. The tutorial was completed in only a year, partly because working in a small library allows for constant contact between the librarians, but also due to the efficiency of using cooperation. This successful collaborative project eventually won the Missouri Community College Association's 2001 Technology Innovation Award.  相似文献   

The medical education literature is growing, and the result is not only greater knowledge, but an increasing complexity in locating quality evidence-based information. In 2008, eight librarians partnered with the Association of American Medical Colleges to research, conceptualize, and build an online module to develop medical educators’ search skills. Developing an online instructional module is a time-consuming, multi-stage process requiring the expertise of content, technical, and design specialists working in concert. Many lessons were learned, including the power of collaborative tools; the benefits of including specialists, such as graphic designers; the benefit of thoroughly surveying existing resources; and the importance of choosing technology wisely.  相似文献   

As the number of online library tutorials increases, so does the need to create active learning experiences and options for self-assessment. This article looks at embedding short Flash quizzes into tutorials created with Camtasia as a way to address this need. It also attempts to determine how quiz placement affects desire to view online tutorials and information retention.  相似文献   

When students are given assignments with specific information needs, they may turn to the library for help. The UNC Health Sciences Library developed three short online modules to teach first-year pharmacy students how to find early/animal studies, mechanism of action information, and specific study types in an effort to lessen demand on the reference desk. The modules filled two goals: to free up time that had been spent on three common low-level questions and to provide a pedagogically sound online tool to teach students how to find answers to these three questions. The modules were created using Adobe Captivate. Developing and promoting the modules took three hours of the pharmacy librarian's time compared with nearly 23 hours spent answering individual questions via e-mail, in consultations, and at the reference desk before the modules were introduced. After introducing the modules, only one student asked for help from the library compared to more than 60 who viewed the online modules at least once.  相似文献   

In 2010, the University of Iowa's library system administration created a task force to conduct a reevaluation of tools and spaces used for video tutorial creation across a multi-library system. Following this effort, a working group was charged with improving documentation and staff awareness of resources for developing video tutorials. The group observed that librarians were often independently creating videos that were variable in quality, lacked consistent branding, and were not often shared with others. This article will describe experiences at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa in selecting video tutorial software, and striving to establish a more structured process, including team-developed guidelines, for tutorial creation in a multi-library system. Project limitations and areas for future work will also be presented.  相似文献   

This article describes one librarian's experiences with creating, promoting, and assessing online library tutorials. Tutorials were designed to provide on-demand and accessible library instruction to nursing students at Michigan State University. Topics for tutorials were chosen based on the librarian's liaison experiences and suggestions from nursing faculty. The tutorials were created using Camtasia and required the application of several tools and techniques. Tutorials were promoted through Web pages, the ANGEL course management system, blog posts, librarian interactions, e-mails, and more. In order to assess the tutorials' perceived effectiveness, feedback was gathered using a short survey. Future plans for the nursing tutorials project are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the new blended learning methodology implemented in a Drug Literature Evaluation course for pharmacy students that involves combined use of online tutorials and in-class group exercises. Assignment grades earned by 909 students enrolled in the course before and after the new methods were implemented (2008–2010) were studied to measure student performance. Course evaluations were analyzed in order to ascertain students’ perceptions. The hybrid approach used to deliver the course content allowed students to perform at the same level as traditional didactic teaching. Students’ evaluations reported a positive educational experience and favorable perceptions of the new course design.  相似文献   

The library literature evaluating the efficacy of online tutorial methods and delivery tools is a valuable resource for librarians looking for information to inform their choices for developing asynchronous online instruction. This literature, however, examines a wide variety of delivery tools, methods, and student populations. As a result, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions about any one tutorial tool or method. This article compares selected research and concludes that the consensus in the literature suggests that applying adult learning principles to library tutorials has a larger impact on effective online instruction than the individual tool.  相似文献   


Library staff created an online tutorial and resource Web page for Docutek electronic reserve (electronic reserve software) users at Philadelphia University. Created as part of a larger training initiative revision conducted by the Instructional Technology Specialist, the online resource supports a faculty-driven model of electronic reserve usage. Additionally, the revised training initiative places an emphasis on using electronic reserve and BlackBoard as complementary tools better serving the educational needs of faculty and students. This article explores the decision-making process involved in the creation of the Web page and the training initiative.  相似文献   

This study compared two common types of online information literacy tutorials: a streaming media tutorial using animation and narration and a text-based tutorial with static images. Nine sections of an undergraduate biology lab class (234 students total) were instructed by a librarian on how to use the BIOSIS Previews database. Three sections watched a brief video tutorial, three sections used an interactive HTML tutorial, and three sections received live instruction only. The content of instruction was the same across all nine sections. Immediately after instruction, each class was encouraged to complete a brief survey and quiz. One hundred and fifty-four students completed the survey and quiz. In all three conditions, students reported feeling more confident searching the BIOSIS Previews database after instruction. However, the increase in confidence was less for the HTML group. The students who watched the video tutorial scored higher on all five quiz questions than the other two groups. Comparing the HTML and video groups, the difference in scores was statistically significant (p < .05) for questions 1, 2, and 5. Students may learn more from video tutorials than tutorials that use static Web pages. Also, interactivity in tutorials may not necessarily enhance learning.  相似文献   


The Distance Learning Department of the Regis University Library is charged with providing library instruction for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in accelerated courses offered at six distance campus locations and online. The department has created a series of animated online tutorials (i.e., screencasts) accessible via the library Web site. These interactive tutorials cover basic library services and resources and represent an effort to provide asynchronous bibliographic instruction to remote library users. This paper describes the use of screencasting software to create library tutorials and related issues including software options, production tips and techniques, and project management. In addition, the author describes the use of Google Analytics to record usage statistics and perform assessments.  相似文献   

This column describes the creation of an online interactive tutorial for health sciences students in a general library at a large, urban university. The project was a collaborative effort among the health sciences subject librarian, the library’s web programmer, an assessment and user services librarian, and an instructional support specialist. The column details the initial exploration, design, web programming, student usability study, and subsequent upgrades to the tutorial. Implementation of the tutorial is discussed as well as sampled student input. The effort resulted in the design of improved and more versatile open access coding available for any library to use.  相似文献   

This article is intended to serve as a guide for librarians developing mobile Websites to be linked to their current library Website. Kroski (2008a) defines the mobile Web as “the World Wide Web accessed through a mobile device, ranging from a cellular phone to an iPod Touch. It includes the entirety of the Web and is not limited to Websites that are specifically designed for mobile viewing” (5). This literature review focuses on the mobile Web, mobile device usage, and best practices for designing mobile Websites for libraries.  相似文献   


This paper will discuss a method of incorporating demonstrations into online information and technology literacy courses. The demonstrations are designed to increase the visual component and to address point-of-need questions and problems. Also discussed will be experimentations with this method in other library services, such as electronic reference services, one-shot course-related instruction, subject research guides, and outreach to faculty for their own professional development and as a way to incorporate information and technology literacy in their courses. Recent developments in tutorial software have made it possible to quickly create brief demonstration modules to visually illustrate information literacy concepts and research tools. The primary example presented here is the incorporation of short, task-oriented demonstrations into lesson modules, answers to student questions, and assignment instructions and feedback in an online information and technology literacy course. Initial comments from students and instructors indicate high satisfaction with this method.  相似文献   

公共图书馆史研究有助于我们了解公共图书馆的过去,把握其现在和未来。从五个方面对美国公共图书馆史文献进行评述:美国图书馆学者重视对公共图书馆现状的调研,在十九世纪中期和后期出版了两份具有深远历史意义的调查报告;图书馆史学者注重结合当时的社会经济和文化背景,阐释美国公共图书馆运动的起源与发展动因;虽然公共图书馆通史和断代史的著作较为少见,然而学者关注专史特别是馆史和卡内基图书馆历史的编撰;公共图书馆人物传记领域成就突出,产生了大量具有理论价值与史料价值的研究成果;美国图书馆学者还注重公共图书馆服务研究,在公共图书馆的社区服务、青少年服务、成人服务以及战争服务等研究领域取得了丰硕成果,有力地促进了美国图书馆事业的发展。参考文献58。  相似文献   

1997年岁末,青年学者汪冰博士的专著《电子图书馆理论与实践研究》一书由北京图书馆出版社(原书目文献出版社)出版发行。这是国内第一本系统论述电子图书馆的学术专著。该书共分7章,内容涉及电子图书馆及其相关概念、电子图书馆产生的思想基础和现实背景、电子图...  相似文献   


The proliferation of online courses has led librarians to adapt their instructional techniques and follow teaching faculty and students into the online environment. Moving beyond Web pages and online research guides, librarians are now becoming instructional partners in online course management systems. Through an online survey of librarians and a literature review, the authors examine best practices for these “embedded librarians.”  相似文献   

Split-screen tutorials are an appealing and effective way for libraries to create online learning objects where learners interact with real-time Web content. Many libraries are using the University of Arizona's award-winning, open source platform, Guide on the Side. In 2016, Springshare released a proprietary alternative, LibWizard Tutorials. This article reviews the advantages and limitations of this kind of tutorial. It also examines the differences between each platform's distinctive characteristics. These platforms create similar split-screen tutorials, but have differences that affect diverse aspects of installation, administration, authoring and editing, student learning, data management, and accessibility. Libraries now have the opportunity to consider and compare alternative platforms, and decide which one is best suited to their needs, priorities, and resources.  相似文献   

The increasingly ubiquitous nature of online learning has necessarily changed pedagogical approaches in the 21st century. This article will present an overview of the evolution of distance learning with a particular emphasis on current models and emerging methods of instruction for online learners. The authors detail how various learning management systems and tools as well as online learning objects can be used as mechanisms for creating a platform for student investment and ownership in the learning process. Additional discussion will focus on how these methods and approaches can enhance teaching, training, and peer collaboration within the library workplace.  相似文献   

国外图书馆业务外包基本观点分野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪90年代,图书馆业务外包获得快速发展,对图书馆事业产生巨大影响,图书馆业务外包受到学者们广泛的关注,相关文献大量涌现。国外学者的观点基本上可以分为三类:支持图书馆业务外包;批评图书馆业务外包;对图书馆外包持审慎立场。文章围绕国外图书馆业务外包学术观点的基本分歧进行讨论。  相似文献   

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