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David Beckham was born May 2,1975,in England. One of the most renowned footballers in England and pro athletes in the world,he was signed by Manchester United at the age of 14. He began his soccer career at the age of 17 and play for the Manchester United football team.In the 2003,Beckham signed a 4-years contract with Real Madrid. This year,Spanish newspaper reported that Beckham is expected extend his contract at Real Madrid by two years till 2009.The Beckhams announced the birth of t…  相似文献   

同步阅读Passage1I am Kate.I am an American girl.I havea brother.His name is Mike.He is twenty-five.He likes playing football.He has many pic-tures of famous football stars in his bedroom.The pictures are on the wall.He works in acomputer company.In his spare time,he likesplaying football with his friends.In theevening,he often watches football games onTV in our living room.There is a big color TVset there.My father is a professor of a university.He likes reading and sleeping in his bedroom.He can’t live without...  相似文献   

石晓静 《海外英语》2013,(19):188-189
Araby by James Joyce is much more than a story of first love;it is a portrait of a world that defies the ideal and the dream.The writer concentrates on character rather than on plot to reveal the ironies by using the Setting and atmosphere,and furthermore reinforces the theme and characters in Araby.  相似文献   

This is a review on Longfellow‘s poem “The Slave‘s Dream“, in which the poet described vividly the miserable life of a slave who finally died in the field while dreaming about his happy and free life in his previous tribe. This poem is a song of freedom which, on one hand, discloses the evils of the slavery, on the other hand, makes us cherish our own freedom more than before. Freedom is the most valuable thing in one‘s life. The history of the development of the human being‘s society is one that people strived for liberty.  相似文献   

Tao Zhe (陶喆), who had just held a concert at the football playground of Hong Kou of Shanghai, expressed to the press that he was very grateful to his fans and that he would never forget the concert in the rain. Tao Zhe said, "When I was singing 'Love is Simple', I was deeply moved to see rain and smile on your face, and I suddenly realized that you are more than listeners, you are my good friends, good brothers, good sisters, and my family!"  相似文献   

Ⅰ) Introduction——more than just a 'Fairy tale' Besides being prominent in the academic world for his critical and other scholarly works, C, S. Lewis (1805—1965),British writer and professor of medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, is widely accesible to the public through his novels and numerous writings on the place of Christianity in the modern world. Among the best known of his creative works are the seven 'Chronicles of Narnia'.  相似文献   

Sometimes occasionally goes by the rules but mostly does his own thing.He is more worried about being everyone s friend than doing his school work. He gets into trouble a lot but managed to charm his way through it.His parents have gone to school a lot to have parent-teacher conferences. Always is a boy who always goes by the book, never breaks the rules and is never in trouble.He always pleased his family and friends and never let them down.He is usually stressed out and gets headaches and stomach aches from stress.  相似文献   

申利芬 《海外英语》2012,(18):238-240
This study aims to investigate the use of amplifiers in term of gender and disciplinary groups in academic research arti cles,which is based on the British Academic Written English Corpus(BAWE).18 amplifiers were examined across two dimen sions:gender and disciplinary groups.The results show amplifiers are more common in males’ academic writings than in those of females in general,amplifiers are used more often in AH discipline.However,not all amplifiers show significant gender differ ences between men and women.Six words show a significant difference between male and female writers:pretty,by far,perfect ly,quite,a great deal,totally,which are used more often by males.However,the interesting is in LS discipline,most amplifiers are used more often by female than male writers and males tend to use by far more frequently than females.  相似文献   

黄爱琼 《海外英语》2012,(21):227-229,258
Saussure and his linguistic theories have great influences for the study of linguistics and second language acquisition of the world over.Chinese linguistics more or less is influenced by Saussure’s theories.This paper is aiming to review all papers written by Chinese scholars on the records by CNKI(Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure) from 1979 to September 28(2012),meanwhile,and trying to analysis on studies of topics and contents in different periods about Saussure and his theories in China.  相似文献   

English language,which orignated in England,is now widely spoken on six continentsand was the native language of more than 35 0 million people by the late 2 0 th century.Itis themother tongue of more people than any other language except Mandarin Chinese.It is themost widely taughtforeign language and is also the mostwidely used second language.Eng-lish is a member of the western group ofthe Genmanic languages(itself partof the Indo- Eu-ropean language family) and is closely related to Fris…  相似文献   

The article contributes to the theory of action research by focusing upon kinds of action an individual may undertake in relation to their research endeavour. The article explores action as illusion, as occurring at different speeds according to context, as ‘cure’, as repair to maintain a system, as system improvement, as border skirmishes, as deconstruction and as stealth action. Each of these kinds of action has implications for the action researcher seeking to bring about change. The article explores the ways in which the action researcher can challenge the status quo and bring about creative, educative, democratic frameworks for living in society.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the legal classification of Mexican Americans as “other white” as argued in a number of critical court cases that beginning in the 1930s up to the 1970s attempted to desegregate public schools in Texas. Since the Texas constitution declared school segregation as being only for “colored children,” Mexican Americans in their fight against de facto segregation sought to claim their legal classification as white. My objective is to further analyze these cases as presented in the literature in order to examine what the relationship between Mexican American whiteness as a legal category versus their “otherness” as a social category says about the vital role of public schools in reproducing, as well as creating, social, political, and economic marginalization.  相似文献   

高职教育的人才培养目标应定位为:懂理论、会实践的高新技术实施者;懂经营、会管理的企业生产经营组织者;有修养、会协调的德才兼备者。为此,其人才培养必须贴近市场,实行开门办学,注重培养学生专长,突出实践,以全面提高为原则因材施教,在育人过程中着重培养学生良好的习惯。  相似文献   

新建本科院校如何更好地发挥系党总支的政治核心作用?深刻认识政治核心的内涵是充分发挥系党总支政治核心作用的前提;积极参与重要事项决策是充分发挥系党总支政治核心作用的核心;协调各方面关系是充分发挥系党总支政治核心作用的关键;加强党总支自身建设是充分发挥系党总支政治核心作用的保障。  相似文献   

高职院校英语教学的最终目的是培养学生运用语言的交际能力。讨论法是一种师生互动、生生互动的复合性交互活动,学生通过多方位参与课堂活动,快速提高语言交际能力。  相似文献   

小学数学双语教学是以外语为语言背景进行的教与学的交流,其重点在于解决数学问题的同时解决语言问题。因此,教师在处理教学交流时应注意不同交流方式中教学语言的选择,其中,常规性交流适宜用纯英语进行,相关性交流尽量要使用外语,程序性交流应该最大程度地使用外语,构思性交流适宜从使用母语向使用外语逐步过渡,同时,小学双语数学教学要注重学生对语言与数学结合的思维习惯的培养。  相似文献   

随着少数民族山区生活水平的提高和现代传播工具进入村寨,汉语已经初步形成了第二语言环境,对少数民族学生作文教学的水平也比以往有了较大提高。应着力引导、扶持、激发并强化少数民族学生的写作兴趣,培养良好的写作习惯;着力排除民族语言与汉语书面语言转化中的障碍,促进语言能力与思维能力的同步发展;着力把握山区少数民族学生的学习心理动态,加强作文的个性化教学,培养学生的创新精神。  相似文献   

调查我国部分高校女教师的心理健康状况,以探讨心理压力的成因,为改善和提高高校女教师的心理健康水平提供科学依据。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对我国部分高校的1800名女教师进行心:哩测评。结果不同任教科目、不同职称、不同工资水平的高校女教师在心理健康上的差异具有统计学意义;不同教龄的高校女教师在躯体化、强迫、敌对因子上存在显著性差异。结论高校女教师心理健康状况不容乐观,应尽早加强心。理干预。  相似文献   

马克思主义大众化是过程与目标的有机统一、真理性与价值性的有机统一、基本原理大众化与马克思主义中国化理论成果大众化的有机统一.推进马克思主义大众化,还需要坚持群众主体化、教育分众化、形式民族化和理论实践化等基本原则.正确认识马克思主义中国化、时代化和大众化三者关系,对于丰富和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系,推动中国特色社会主义伟大实践,具有重要的理论和实践价值.  相似文献   

高等学校党风廉政建设的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨如安 《高教论坛》2004,(2):140-142,156
近几年高等学校的腐败现象呈现高发势头,如何有效地遏制高校的腐败现象,笔者认为,应该以教育为基础,法制为保障,监督为关键,不断地创新体制,铲除滋生腐败的土壤和条件,推进高校党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的深入开展。  相似文献   

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