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衷心感谢江苏省委宣传部和省新闻工作者协会,把“戈公振新闻奖”这一江苏省新闻界的最高荣誉授予我。也衷心感谢在我新闻从业生涯中。关心、扶持、帮助过我的所有新闻界前辈和领导。  相似文献   

“企业报日评”,是新开辟的一个专栏。本刊是中国企业报协会会刊,为了搭建协会与会员间的桥梁,沟通协会与会员之间的信息,本刊邀请中国企业报协会有关同志,对企业报目前存在的问题、倾向以及好的做法、经验、撰写评论文章,每月发表一篇,供企业报的领导和编辑记者参考。  相似文献   

伦敦:这一天,将以北京和伦敦之间的一次碰撞留在人们的记忆中,这个碰撞火花四溅,充满躁动;巴黎:有些举着‘藏独’旗帜的小孩,还笑着和我打招呼,似乎根本不知道手中旗帜的含义;旧金山:奥运火炬的传递过程,好似一部美国大片,声东击西。  相似文献   

“青记”是中国青年新闻记者学会的简称,系抗日战争时期新闻工作者的进步团体。1937年11月8日晚7时,在上海山西路南京饭店举行了中国青年新闻记者协会的成立大会,作为协会发起人的《大公报》记者范长江、章丹枫、王文彬等15人出席。大会之前,范长江向国民党中央主任部申请立案.  相似文献   

沈季谐 《新闻实践》2009,(12):41-41
本刊讯 10月26日,由中国广播电视协会、浙江省新闻工作者协会等联合主办的"雪莉广播作品研讨会"在宁波举行。来自北京、杭州等地的专家学者从策划创作、播音主持、社会传播、学术积累等角度,对雪莉近年来的优秀作品进行专业化的研讨,也为新时期广播的进一步全面、协调、可持续发展献策建言。  相似文献   

2009年10月26日,由中国广播电视协会、浙江省新闻工作者协会、浙江省广播电视学会、浙江传媒学院、中共宁波市委宣传部、宁波市新闻工作者协会、宁波广播电视集团、宁波市广播电视学会等联合主办的“雪莉广播作品研讨会”在宁波召开,来自全国的60余位专家学者,在对雪莉作品做出高度评价的同时,还探讨了新时期如何进行广播创新、精品创优等问题。  相似文献   

2015年1月",呼格吉勒图再审被判无罪"在北京被评为"2014年中国新闻法治十大影响力事件"之一。而推动冤案得以昭雪的新华社记者汤计从幕后走向台前,他以"人民至上"的情怀引发了新闻界关于如何当好记者的思考,笔者的感受是:新闻工作者要把"人民"记在心中。  相似文献   

让奥运成为一座桥,而不是一堵墙。正在法国留学的蔡印同,几天前和天涯社区的编辑华子GG共同开创了一个先河:第一次以网络直播的方式,向国内即时播报在异国举行的大型活动。这个活动就是4月19日法国巴黎举行的大规模华人集会。旅法华人华侨和中国留学生,在当地时间12点到16点自发举行和平集会,支持北京奥运,反对西方媒体的不客观报  相似文献   

中国最古老的一种农业生产方式,叫做"刀耕火种"."火种",现在还偶能见到.我小时候在家乡,农民为了来年的好收成,每到冬天,就常常有放火烧山的做法.至于"刀耕",究竟是怎么个耕法,就无从体会了.不过,就字面来理解,我想不外是用一种很简单的工具,在很小块的土地上进行很落后的耕作罢了. 不知怎的,我常常把它和木刻版画联系起来.我总觉得,木刻版画的制作方法和过程,就很有点"刀耕火种"的味道,虽然它的成果是艺术品,而且还是鲁迅先生誉为"力之美"的艺术品. 说这段话的人,就是中国版画界泰斗级大师——杨可扬. 诚如其言,他的人生便是一段"刀耕火种"的传奇. 鹤发童颜的老人 我和可扬老人的女儿杨以平、女婿张子虎都是多年好友,约老先生访谈倒也不难.2009年,我有幸对可扬老人进行了采访,印象深刻.还记得上次见到他是2002年夏末秋初,我搬了新家,请了阿平、子虎和他们的儿子张飚来玩.敲门声响起,我兴冲冲开门迎向走廊,只听阿平笑道:"来了来了,还带了一个蹭饭的!"杨伯伯低沉爽朗的笑声响起.我真是受宠若惊,喜出望外,张飚的手上还捧着杨伯伯送我的书法作品——李白诗:朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还.  相似文献   

1896年8月11日在上海徐园内的"又一村"进行了中国历史上的第一次商业性电影放映,使徐园一举成为中国内地的第一家"电影院",由此揭开了中国电影历史和电影商业的新篇章.  相似文献   


Five years ago the Association of College and Research Libraries published “The Value of Academic Libraries” report, spurring academic libraries to action concerning assessment. Communicating library value is especially important when reaching distance learning populations outside the walls of the library. By employing marketing and branding strategies combined with the library's inherent characteristic of compassionate service, the library can use its powers for good to communicate value and gain advocacy for the library. This article discusses one distance learning librarian's experience building campus partnerships by assessing library services, and using assessment to build advocacy for the library within the institutional distance learning community.  相似文献   


Scholars increasingly use text and data mining (TDM) methods to discover trends and relationships within complex digital data sets. In order to support this development in scholarly communication, librarians and publishers need to be knowledgeable about TDM methods, build partnerships with TDM researchers, and address challenges related to licensing and access to large document sets. The presenters of this NASIG session shared their experiences of supporting TDM as a library subject liaison, acquisitions librarian, and publisher representatives. Audience members discussed issues involving TDM of data from multiple publishers, local hosting of data sets and TDM activity by undergraduate students.  相似文献   

Open data is information that is provided by public entities to be accessed and reused. Publishing open data is an excellent way to improve an organization’s transparency and provide insight into the value of the organization. Libraries are uniquely positioned to assist their patrons in the use of open data by making them aware of it and helping them access and use it. This article provides a short history of open data and explores ways that library trailblazers are already using open data as well as contributing open data for others to use. Getting started with open data involves identifying key open data resources such as data.gov, identifying library information that would be beneficial to publish, and creating programs that provide digital literacy training and create opportunities for patrons to engage with open data in new and creative ways.  相似文献   

《无极》vs.《馒头》:大众传播功能主义学的解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从大众传播的功能主义学派的视角,对所谓网络短片“一场馒头引发的血案”侵权电影“无极”一案进行解读,并就网络传播的功能主义提出了自己的假设。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):249-265
The current proliferation of computer-based sources and resources challenges librarians to teach the commonalities of using a computer to retrieve relevant sources, rather than to instruct users how to cope with the quirks of individual databases and systems. Since the spring of 1991, Bobst Library at New York University has been teaching open workshops on the use of DIALOG Information Service's Classmate system to students with a wide range of computer skills, academic levels, and in different disciplines (often in the same class). A core group of librarian instructors designed a syllabus which stresses the common techniques and strategies of computer-based research. Teaching just the basics allows these classes to focus on casting a research question in terms of computer logic, and to demonstrate the recursive process of an evaluative path. Applying this approach to any computer-based resource (whether OPACs, CD-ROMs, or online databases) will address the need to create an integrated framework for how these tools fit into the research process.  相似文献   


Writing in plain language aims to help users find what they need and ensures that the information is both useful and understandable. This is key for distance students whose primary library interaction may be with the library Website. A mix of user research and readability scores can be used to measure whether content is findable, useful, and understandable. There are several strategies authors can adopt to help them write in plain language, including keeping the users' needs and tasks in mind and structuring the content so that it can be quickly scanned. Converting existing Website content to a plain language format can be a large task; running a content audit can help determine which pages should be prioritized for revision. Once the Website is written in plain language, an ongoing content strategy is necessary to help it stay that way.  相似文献   

<正>1892年5月27日朱屺瞻出生于江苏太仓浏河镇一个颇有艺术气息的富商望族,祖父长熠公,父亲朱大堃,生母施氏。他的父亲37岁时才得这个独子,取名为朱增钧。因幼年丧母,常思母啼泣,塾师童颂虞就以《诗经·魏风》句:"陡彼屺兮,瞻望母兮"为之赐字:屺瞻,后以字行。也是受这位塾师的影响,他从8岁开始摹写兰竹和山水。1908年,朱屺瞻进入邮传部上海实业学校(上海交通大学前身)就  相似文献   

通过对国内首个成功实现“知识付费”的语音付费APP“分答”的盈利模式进行分析,文章探讨了“知识变现”的特点、现状和前景,认为以社交网络为关系平台,将智力资源与技能资源带入信息网络实现流动与调配,并同步达成资本变现,“知识付费”为新媒体产品的盈利模式创新提供了参考.  相似文献   

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