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学校转型时期,"新基础教育"关注教师的生命价值,实现教师自我更新。通过研究性变革实践,教师在亲历的各种活动或关系中与他人交互作用,这是自我更新的外部促进机制;教师在个人的教育理念与日常实践行为的双向建构中形成内在关联性体验,这是自我更新的内在转化机制。  相似文献   

学校转型时期,“新基础教育”关注教师的生命价值,实现教师自我更新。通过研究性变革实践,教师在亲历的各种活动或关系中与他人交互作用,这是自我更新的外部促进机制;教师在个人的教育理念与日常实践行为的双向建构中形成内在关联性体验,这是自我更新的内在转化机制。  相似文献   

Studies on the emergence of scientific fields and disciplines produce a number of factors influencing these processes. The present study investigates whether these factors are also relevant in the teaching domain: the emergence of new study programs and specializations within programs. The classification of internal and external factors is applied to such processes of programmatic differentiation. Drawing on social exchange and resource dependency theory, the effects of the governmental funding mechanism of educational provisions (an external factor) and the level of paradigmatic development (an internal factor) are analyzed, using a large data set on processes of differentiation in the Dutch university sector between 1974 and 1993. The two factors proved to be relevant in explaining the emergence of new programs and specializations. In the final section some anomalies and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are increasingly recognizing the importance of organizational change as they face complex challenges. Leadership learning has been identified as an important way of supporting change management. We describe a leadership learning arrangement that arose in the context of two of the authors needing to learn how to become effective university chairpersons of departments. This involved the other author, an expert in educational leadership as a theory broker, who brought theory to the learning arrangement and mediated it. We wish to show how the learning arrangement supports the theory-to-practice connection and personal authoring of leadership for all involved.  相似文献   

上个世纪,英国学者彼得斯带动了分析的教育哲学传统,不仅影响教育哲学,也带动了教育理论的发展。其中,赫斯特扮演着重要的角色。他与奥康纳对教育理论之辩,尤为人所称道。奥康纳致力于将教育理论带往科学理论。前期,赫斯特认为教育理论是实践理论,迥异于科学理论,教育理论应该以其他学门知识的型式、领域为基础,而建构出有助于指导教育实践的原理;后期,赫斯特则更为重视隐而未现的实践意义,修正前期过于重视理性知识的立场。重审赫斯特、奥康纳之辩以及赫斯特前后期立场,将有助于我们理解教育哲学重点在于证成教育政策及开拓新的思考方式,量化研究成果在于拓展新知,质性研究则在于对实践智慧的探究。赫斯特后期念兹在兹于缄默之知等实践知识,哲学论证、量化研究、质性分析都应将之列入重要探索领域,必能有助于教育理论的精进。  相似文献   

经济学关于"发展应该是整体的、综合的、内生的、持久均衡的"新发展观对我们认识和理解教育现代化的本质具有重要的、现实的指导意义,有助于我们从新的视角审视当前教育现代化的路径取向。在推进教育现代化的进程中,学校既要依靠政府的外部投入,又要重视内生教育资源;既要扩张、扩散优质教育资源,又要注意协调发展,减轻教育的两极分化;既要注重教育资产的增长,实现物的现代化,又要把人的全面发展作为教育现代化的终极目标。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This article argues for a new theoretical paradigm for the analysis of change in educational institutions that is able to deal with such issues as readiness for change, transformational change and the failure of change strategies. Punctuated equilibrium (Tushman and Romanelli, 1985) is a theory which has wide application. It envisages long-term change as being made up of a succession of long periods of relative stability interspersed by brief periods of rapid profound change. In the periods of stability only relatively small incremental changes are possible. The periods of transformational change may be triggered by external or internal influences. A recent study of the long-term process of internationalisation in higher education institutions shows evidence to support the theory: long periods of incremental change, events precipitating profound change and the failure of externally imposed attempts to change. Also, as the theory predicts, changes in collegial organisations are slower and more uncertain than changes in managed organisations.  相似文献   

高职数学教学面临新的挑战和机遇。首先教师应热爱教育事业。要练好自己的内功,不断学习新的数学知识和教育理论。其次外功也需要加强,教师要适当运用各种教育教学手段,以适应90后学生的新特点。与此同时,教师应该在科研上花更多的时间和精力,提高自己的创新能力,才能谈到提高自身的素质,达到提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

Children hold many personal theories about education: theories about themselves, knowledge, and the learning process. Personal theories help children predict what their actions will cause, and therefore relate to motivation, self-regulation, and achievement. Researchers typically examine how specific types of personal theories develop independently, but the similarities among personal theories suggest more systematic developmental processes. Accordingly, this article outlines a developmental systems model to organize existing personal theories research. We first identify and define personal theories related to education and then consider the nature of their development as a coherent, hierarchical structure that is shaped through educational experiences. This model provides parsimony while advancing a number of fields by providing clarity of concepts, insight across fields, and a better understanding of development and educational outcomes. We conclude by proposing new directions to understand how holistic sets of personal theories change over time and considering implications for educational interventions.  相似文献   

"元路径"是掌控教育改革的最高之"道","具体途径"是教育体制、机制、方式改革中选用的实然套路。教育改革史上出现了三条元路径,即教育事业的自生逻辑、外力控制的强制变迁与教育理论的实践渗透。教育改革的核心变革力来自教育理论的扩散与衍生,它是三种力量,即教育理论的磁力、教育实践的应变力与教育体制的支撑力在相互角力中合成的。在教育改革中,具体路径存在的使命是侧应教育理论向实践转生的需要,理念优选、范例推销、制度配合与体制拆解等都是把教育改革导向成功的具体路径。  相似文献   

This study probes the career motives of minority special-education teachers in the Bedouin Arab society of southern Israel. The results, obtained via in-depth interviews of teachers, show that the teachers aspire to become agents of social change in three spheres: In the external sphere, they aim for professional autonomy and independence within the Israeli Arab education system. The internal sphere includes a moral-awareness aspect of their society’s view of special education. The personal sphere includes a practical aspect, in which the teachers wish to upgrade their professional qualifications in order to cope better with challenges that they face in the field.  相似文献   

The theory of mindfulness (Langer, 1989a) shares with some current theories of intelligence an emphasis on the importance of cognitive flexibility. The mindfulness approach to cognitive flexibility differs from the intelligence approach in its conception of the relation between individuals and their environment. Intelligence theory employs a criterion of optimal fit between individual and environment. Mindfulness theory emphasizes that individuals may always define their relation to their environment in several ways. We examine the historical background of this difference between mindfulness and intelligence and find that (a) the concept of intelligence is embedded in a theory of correspondence that has been inherited from the 19th century; (b) current intelligence theories continue to focus on thought as adaptively corresponding to external reality; (c) despite apparent differences between unidimensional and multidimensional approaches to intelligence, common reliance on a criterion of optimal fit engenders more similarity than difference; (d) this similarity prolongs the detrimental effects of intelligence theories on self-perception, perception of others, and the educational process. Mindfulness theory rejects an evaluative standard that is external to the individual's capacity to give meaning to experience. We examine mindful enhancement of personal control and the educational process, and contrast this with the limitations of an intelligence approach.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国经历了几次思想大解放.在新世纪新时期,继续解放思想,已经成为了全党的高度共识和我们国家当下时代的主旋律.那么,在新的历史条件之下继续解放思想的动力何在?我们可以从内因和外因两个方面来看新时期继续解放思想的动力.  相似文献   

报纸语言使用不规范的产生,既有“大气候”的“外因”,也有大学生个人的“内因”。其根源是“大学语文面临边缘化”。解决的对策是把规范使用语言的意义提高到“保卫汉语”的高度来认识、提高大学语文在全部课程中所占的比例、采取措施改变“在教育内容上的功利化倾向”。  相似文献   

This article considers how developments in technologies have transformed the kind of social interaction possible over the Internet, making it feasible to undertake discourse and dialogue without having to rely solely on text-based mediation. This represents a fundamental change to learning, shifting from passive acquisition of someone else’s ideas to active learning experiences that empower people to inquire, critique, create, collaborate, problem-solve and create understanding. Such technologies are also about the portability of mobile digital devices which now have the potential to allow any-time access for users either through Wi-Fi or mobile broadband providers and for those devices to become personal. The implications for education are enormous and the anticipated change probably ranks alongside the introduction of the printing press in terms of historical importance. This article considers those implications and draws on research recently conducted in schools and other educational settings in the United Kingdom. The authors conclude that the need to allow use of personal digital devices in schools seems inexorable, the further we go into the new millennium. This simple premise is fraught with many difficulties and challenges, however, which suggest that for many students the current situation is ‘Access denied’.  相似文献   

报纸语言使用不规范的产生,既有“大气候”的“外因”,也有大学生个人的“内因”。其根源是“大学语文面临边缘化”。解决的对策是把规范使用语言的意义提高到“保卫汉语”的高度来认识、提高大学语文在全部课程中所占的比例、采取措施改变“在教育内容上的功利化倾向”。  相似文献   

成人自学能力是近年来教育理论和实践中的一个热点问题。就培养成人体育函授学员的自学能力而言,克服内、外国因素的制约是问题所在,转变思想观念是关键,掌握学习策略是重点,利用学习资源是保障,“学以致用”是目标。  相似文献   

活跃作者是在相对较长的一段时间内拥有持续且丰富的学术产出、在学界产生重要影响的杰出学者。本文基于2016-2020年12种教育学期刊发表的10294篇高等教育研究文献数据对活跃作者开展履历分析。研究表明:我国高等教育研究学者群体存在明显的金字塔型分层结构,1.2%的活跃作者发表了总量9.9%的学术论文;引领研究趋势、多重流动经历、知识多元交叉、注重合作研究是活跃作者最鲜明的群体共性;活跃作者的年龄与发文总量呈M型分布,存在30-39岁的小波峰和50-59岁的大波峰,40-49岁的活跃人数和论文总量相对偏低,活跃作者群体具有内在的持续活跃特征。因此,高等教育学者的学术活跃离不开其个人特质、外部环境以及处于相应生涯阶段三方面的综合效应。研究实际上为把握我国高等教育研究的内在规律、现实轨迹与未来图景提供了一个独特的视角,重视这些规律对加强高等教育科研队伍建设、推动新时代高等教育研究具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代胡兰成创办《苦竹》月刊.社会政治环境的变化是其外在因素,个人行为活动的变化是其内在因素。张爱玲与胡兰成此时的情感纠葛只是两人复杂关系的显在表现,而他们文学方面形成的“对话”关系应予以更深入的探讨与研究。  相似文献   

This paper explores three psychological theories of self – Kenneth Gergen's theory of the crystallised self, Carol Dweck's theory of the incremental self and William Swann's theory of the homeostatic self – for their ability to account for personal change in general, and radical self‐change in particular. Special attention is paid to their educational implications. The overall conclusion is that whereas all three theories provide important insights into self‐change, none of them gives a fully satisfying account.  相似文献   

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