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可塑性是指由后天经验引发的脑与神经系统的持久性变化。近二十年来,神经科学开始关注沉思训练对脑可塑性的影响。大量实验证据显示,沉思训练会使练习者的大脑产生结构性与功能性的变化,而且不同类型的沉思训练影响大脑可塑性的神经机制各不相同。本文阐述了沉思训练的类型、内涵与目的,介绍并分析了与之有关的脑可塑性研究,反思并前瞻了当前研究中存在的问题及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

脑的可塑性研究及其对教育的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王亚鹏  董奇 《教育研究》2005,26(10):35-38
大脑是一个复杂而动态的系统,受学习、训练以及各种经验等因素的影响,其结构和功能都会出现动态的修复或重组,也就是体现出所谓的可塑性。当前认知神经科学研究表明,在个体发展的生命全程中枢神经系统都具有一定的可塑性,如儿童大脑、成人大脑以及非正常人大脑均具有可塑性。由于在个体发展的不同阶段可塑性是动态变化的,而且不同脑区在不同时间其功能活性以及可塑性本身也不一样,所以,在制定相关的教育方案或干预措施时,必须综合考虑影响大脑可塑性的这些因素,加强教育的针对性和实效性,实现科学的保护脑、使用脑、开发脑;充分利用大脑的可塑性,重视早期教育;提供丰富而适宜的教育环境,全面开发大脑的潜能,促进大脑的整合式发展;全面了解影响大脑可塑性的因素,寻求大脑可塑性与教育的最佳结合点。  相似文献   

功能性脑成像技术使得人类探索语言发展过程的脑机制成为可能.当前,发展认知神经科学家正试图描绘语言系统的基本因素--话音、词汇-语义及语法在大脑皮层中表征的典型发展进程.脑损伤、脑发育、第二语言习得、个体老龄化及特殊语言训练都会导致语言大脑表征的可塑性变化.儿童语言大脑表征发展的研究对于我们理解儿童语言发展的深层脑机制并科学地制订"基于脑"的儿童语言教育方案具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

同伴互动是人类获取知识的重要途径,揭示其内在学习机制与规律对优化学习策略、提升学习效果具有积极意义。认知神经科学为大脑交互研究提供了基础,打破了以往无法解释互动学习模式的认知黑箱,为多维视角探究同伴互动的内在机制提供了跨学科研究的新路径。研究通过探寻同伴互动的认知科学神经基础与技术应用,揭示出现有研究聚焦于发现或验证单一互动行为的神经指标、复杂互动行为背后人际脑同步指标及其影响因素。已有成果为聚焦以学生为中心的教学实践提供融合生理、心理和行为三者模态数据的有效根据,为教师优化学生协作学习的策略提供科学、精准的依据。最后,作者从数据融合、情境聚焦、设备研发、方法整合等方面对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

认知神经科学的飞速发展为教育理论和实践研究注入了新的活力,而基于脑的教育将会进一步揭示隐藏在学习背后的内部机制.通过从语言学习、阅读、数学认知和学习情绪等几个方面切入来探讨认知神经科学对教育实践的影响,并揭示在认知神经科学视角下衍生出的基于脑的教育理论之意义,并对该趋势的未来研究前景做了展望.  相似文献   

认知神经科学视角下的创造力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创造力研究对于社会进步和个人发展均具有重要意义,逐渐成为心理学研究中的一个重要领域。随着认知神经科学的兴起,研究者从认知神经科学视角开展了丰富的创造力研究,这些研究主要体现在两个方面:(1)从大脑结构、大脑皮层唤醒水平和神经效能三个角度对创造力个体差异的认知神经机制进行了揭示;(2)基于最近几十年认知神经科学的研究成果,从认知神经科学角度对创造力进行了分类。认知神经科学的创造力研究,深化了人们对创造力的理解,但依然存在挑战,通过分析这些挑战,使我们明晰了认知神经科学关于创造力研究的未来方向:改进创造力测量工具和实验任务以满足认知神经科学研究的需要,进一步加强知识与创造力关系、人格特质与创造力关系的认知神经科学研究。  相似文献   

在过去的十几年里,发展认知神经科学已成为儿童发展科学和认知神经科学研究的一个热门领域。专家们预测发展认知神经科学将成为未来几十年里研究儿童语言发展与大脑关系的一个崭新而充满挑战的领域。尽管有关儿童语言习得的发展认知神经科学研究还存在着许多难点,但随着脑成像技术的发展,特别是功能磁共振成像和高密度的脑电、脑磁等方法的运用,这一领域已经取得了丰硕的研究成果。本文将就儿童语言习得的发展认知神经科学研究最新进展与儿童语言教育的关系作一介绍。一、儿童早期如何习得语言语言教育是幼儿教育的重要内容和基础,但幼儿语…  相似文献   

刻板印象威胁发生机制的认知神经科学研究发现,女性数学刻板印象抑制了受威胁个体下前额皮质、左下顶叶皮质、两侧角回等数学学习时所用脑区的激活,激活了与情绪加工有关的脑区扣带前回腹侧;刻板印象威胁使受威胁个体终止对其学业表现的监控,进而从学业表现中脱离出来;刻板印象威胁导致受威胁个体对自我控制进行不恰当地调节,从而把其影响外溢到与当前刻板印象无关的任务中.未来研究应加强刻板印象威胁影响社会任务机制的认知神经科学研究,进一步整合刻板印象威胁发生机制的行为研究与认知神经研究各自获得的成果.  相似文献   

建构教育心理学与认知神经科学之间的联系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教育心理学与认知神经科学的联系有助于两个学科领域的共同发展.本文列举了欧美国家近年来与教育心理学有关的认知神经科学研究的主要成果,探讨了如何有效加强两者进一步联系的途径,这些途径有助于跨越教育心理学与认知神经科学之间的鸿沟,促进教育心理学和认知神经科学的未来发展.  相似文献   

认知神经科学通过将脑成像技术和认知心理学的实验范式结合起来,探索人类的行为的深层机制.大脑作为学习的主要器官,是认识神经科学的主要研究对象.认知神经科学关注学习所激活的脑区、神经回路以及激活的时程,从神经活动的层面上阐述学习的机制.大脑学习机制的阐明可以帮助教育工作者改进教学方法,为教育学奠定科学的基础.认知神经科学还...  相似文献   

What does contemporary neuroscience offer educational practice? The promise seems immense, as we come to understand better how the brain learns. However, critics caution that only a few concrete implications for practice have emerged, nowhere near a rewrite of the craft of teaching and learning. How then can we understand better the relationship between neuroscience and educational practice? It is argued here that to speak to the classroom neuroscience has to shout across two gaps. The first and most familiar are different levels of explanation. The second concerns the epistemological contrast between explanation theories and action theories, roughly the contrast between basic science on the one hand and engineering science and craft on the other. Just as we do not expect Newton's laws in their fundamental generality to deliver specific designs for pocket watches and grandfather clocks, neither should we expect fundamental neuroscience to radically redesign particular practices of teaching and learning grounded in educational research and experience.  相似文献   

In their target article, Byrnes and Fox (1998) argue that many of the recent findings from the field of cognitive neuroscience have particular importance for education. In our commentary, we lend support to their contention by reporting on some of our work that has potential relevance to the proposed interface between cognitive neuroscience and education. Specifically, we discuss the findings from several studies investigating the neuropsychology of intellectual giftedness, and sex differences in the brain, each of which suggest a unique functional organization that differentiates gifted from average ability adolescents, as well as males from females. We further propose that the translation of cognitive neuroscience findings into specialized classroom instructional methods which capitalize on the plasticity of the brain, as well as the apparent individual differences in its functional organization, may be the most significant challenge facing those in the front-lines of educational practice.  相似文献   

Humans are inherently emotional creatures due to our social nature, and emotions are able to influence how well we learn and even affect academic outcomes. Emotions are rarely a chief concern in educational settings, and we will discuss the mechanisms underlying how emotions are processed in the brain and how they influence the key aspects of learning—attention, memory, and motivation. The brain mechanisms of emotional and cognitive relationships are then detailed in order to provide some context within the modern developments of neuroscience. This will help to clarify the relationship between emotions and cognition, and hope to put forward a theoretical map based on neuroscience that helps us to better understand the pivotal role of emotions in students' cognitive activities and ultimately their performance. Various strategies, based on research findings, aimed at creating more positive learning environments are then put forward.  相似文献   

Byrnes and Fox (1998) provide a useful and important overview of the ways in which cognitive neuroscientific research can inform educational research and practice, but leave unanswered the question: What is the function of mind and brain? An understanding of the function of mind and brain has implications for research in cognitive neuroscience and in educational psychology, and a number of these implications are spelled out in this comment.  相似文献   

The promise of educational neuroscience lies in its potential to uncover mechanistic insights into the science of learning. However, to realize that promise, the field must overcome a fundamental difference between the constituent disciplines: neuroscience is primarily concerned with understanding how the brain works; whereas education attempts to change the brain regardless of its workings. Learning is one domain where these orientations align: it is a deep feature of nervous systems and a target outcome of education. This article proposes coupling training studies with neuroimaging to assess the impact of real‐world learning on brain activity patterns, and simultaneously ask fundamental questions about the causal role of specific patterns of brain activity in academic skill acquisition. Finally, planning and implementing these studies requires multiple forms of expertise and collaborating across disciplines, which will contribute to a more cohesive educational neuroscience research community.  相似文献   

Neuroscience has the potential to make some very exciting contributions to education and pedagogy. However, it is important to ask whether the insights from neuroscience studies can provide "usable knowledge" for educators. With respect to literacy, for example, current neuroimaging methods allow us to ask research questions about how the brain develops networks of neurons specialized for the act of reading and how literacy is organized in the brain of a reader with developmental dyslexia. Yet quite how these findings can translate to the classroom remains unclear. One of the most exciting possibilities is that neuroscience could deliver "biomarkers" that could identify children with learning difficulties very early in development. In this review, I will illustrate how the field of mind, brain, and education might develop biomarkers by combining educational, cognitive, and neuroscience research paradigms. I will argue that all three kinds of research are necessary to provide usable knowledge for education.  相似文献   

社会认知神经科学关于自我与他人共享表征观研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会认知神经科学关于自我与他人的共享袁征观建立在认知心理学、社会心理学、发展心理学以及认知神经科学的基础上。目前的研究阐述了人们如何对自我和他人进行区分和辨别,如何协调和对比自我及他人的袁征,同时解释区分自我和他人社会性表征的脑神经机制。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Advances in neuroscience during the past century have yielded important insights into mental functioning, but their implications for the field of education have remained largely unexplored. In a bold attempt to bridge this gap, Immordino-Yang presents findings from 2 boys, Nico and Brooke, each of whom lost half of his brain. The remarkable recovery of functions in the 2 boys highlights the degree to which children's emotional and social experiences shape brain development, as well as the importance of plasticity. Immordino-Yang places emphasis on cognitive plasticity—the ability to use different strategies in solving a task—which is clearly evident in the boys' performance. It is possible, however, that neural plasticity may have occurred as well, either prior to or after surgery. Although it may not be possible to distinguish between cognitive and neural plasticity at this point, Immordino-Yang makes a crucial contribution. By placing these findings in an educational context and presenting their implications in a clear and compelling fashion, she successfully brings neuroscience and education a notch closer.  相似文献   

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