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“讲坛哲学”的大学方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公式化、教条化、简单化倾向显明讲坛哲学异化为非哲学。其实,讲坛哲学与哲学具有同一个内涵、同一个哲学精神。哲学是一种大学,讲坛哲学作为哲学的运动态、实践态,其典型特征是“劝”。讲坛哲学的大学方向,就是大学要义、大学理念、大学精神这种指向,就是通过劝知、劝智、劝善的修为方式,超越知境、智境,抵达善境。讲坛哲学的特质决定了必须以伦理的、隐喻的、“震惊”的、“震撼”的方式去劝智、劝善。  相似文献   

高校钢琴教学是高校教学内容的重要组成部分,本文重点探讨的是在钢琴教学中应加强对中国钢琴作品学习的必要性。  相似文献   

试论自学能力的培养与实践课教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从学生自学、教师辅导、实践课教学三个方面论述了提高和培养学生自学能力的方法及途径。现代教育的今天,这一课题的重要性变得更为突出。  相似文献   

Instructional Science - Informal learning environments can be a fun and effective means of introducing visitors to a variety of topics in evolution. Our study examined 120 sixth-grade...  相似文献   

"体验式学习"能从体验中掌握打篮球的技巧和策略,不但能调动同学们的积极性以及参与体育锻炼的兴趣,还使学生能顾释放压力,缓解长期学习的疲惫感。本文就对体验式学习的内涵简要介绍,并通过论述体验式学习存在的问题,从而探讨出体验式学习如何更好的应用于高校篮球教学中。  相似文献   

风格是文章家成熟的标志.主观因素和客观因素是形成文章风格的两个重要方面.文章的风格不仅体现在内容方面,同时也体现在形式方面.只有加强作者多方面的修养,才能形成独特新颖的文章风格.  相似文献   

Approximately 70% of Australian Teaching and Learning Centres have been restructured and/or have undergone leadership changes in the last three years. The volatility of this environment reflects the number of significant challenges faced by Teaching and Learning Centres. In determining what makes Centres successful, the issues that are likely to impact on their ability to succeed were examined. It emerged that a myriad of factors influence whether or not a Centre was recognised as being an integral and valued part of the university's teaching and learning community – a hallmark of having reached maturity. This paper identifies four factors as being critical to the ability of Centres to succeed, noting that a combination of other factors, appropriate to each unique context, must also be in place in order for Centres to maximise their value.  相似文献   

在党的十一届三中全会以来的改革实践中形成了伟大的改革精神。改革精神是一场思想大解放的精神,是尊重现实、实事求是、勇于寻求客观事物发展规律的精神,是不怕困难、不畏艰险、积极探索、敢闯敢干的精神,是自强不息、积极进取、不甘落后的精神,是继承传统、顺应世界潮流、面向未来发展的精神。伟大的改革精神是贯穿在邓小平理论之中的一条红线,也是邓小平理论的重要内容。正是有了伟大的改革精神,我国的改革开放才能顺利向前推进,社会主义现代化建设才能不断取得新成就  相似文献   

名师作为一个特殊的教师群体.除了具有教师的共性特征外.还有区别于其他教师群体的特征.包括名副其实性、信念坚定性、人人可及性、自然生成性、诲人不倦性、风格独特性、绩效显著性与影响广泛性等.  相似文献   

严歌苓作品以隔岸审视的姿态和视角观看中国现代史,展示出东西方文化交融和碰撞的华丽光彩。本文以饥饿、集体、英雄与爱为视角,阐述严歌苓作品独特的“后革命叙事”特征。  相似文献   

Clients and practitioners alike are often confused about the ultimate purpose of action learning (AL). Because of the title of the method, many believe the primary goal of AL is to generate learning. This article clarifies the relationship between action, learning, and solutions. It also provides historical evidence to support the conclusion that the first purpose of AL has been, and should be, achieving effective and creative solutions to complex, critical, and urgent problems. The power of AL to develop leadership skills is explained and a useful problem-solving mental model, the cycle of effective problem-solving, is presented. The cycle can be used by the coach to generate questions that encourage teams to reflect on its problem-solving process and thereby promote the learning that will improve the team's performance and lead to higher solution quality. Several examples are provided to illustrate how the cycle of effective problem-solving can be used.  相似文献   

The brain is the seat of our consciousness and the prime organ of learning. Recent discoveries by neuro-scientists have begun to reveal how it works. These findings are of great significance to educationalists and could revolutionise our ideas about teaching and learning. One area of particular interest concerns how the brain changes with age, the nature of learning and the importance of early childhood experiences. There are also grounds for questioning the present bias in the school curriculum and the way that education is currently organised.  相似文献   

Teaching and research: Establishing the vital link with learning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Much time and effort has gone into trying to demonstrate an empirical link between research activity and teaching performance. In general, the correlations between these factors have been shown to be low. This paper argues that the attempt to find such a link will always be confounded by different conceptions of the two enterprises. The debate about the relationships between teaching and research as presently conceived is not fruitful. It there is a link between the two it operates through that which teaching and research have in common; both are concerned with the act of learning, though in different contexts. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the ways in which knowledge is generated and communicated. Those aspects of teaching which lead to learning and the learning which occurs through research provide the vital link. This is important if the debate is to progress beyond a political defence of the status quo and be of practical use to considerations of whether, in higher education, teaching without research is to be encouraged.  相似文献   

建国后,在译介与斯蒂芬·茨威格相关作品的过程中,出现了茨威格的国籍、茨威格与其第一任夫人的结识、茨威格及其作品在中国的首次译介以及作品的出版时间等译介错误。本文依据德文原版资料,采用史料分析的方法,对这些错误进行指正,以期使读者能更准确地了解茨威格及其作品。  相似文献   

本文论述了沈从文人格与创作和水的关系,认为沈从文不仅人格中具有水的特性--柔弱顺从却可以冲击一切比它坚强的东西.而且他的创作多抒写河上、水边的人生,在作品中表达的情感又如涓涓细流般淳厚、绵长.  相似文献   

分析了英语讽刺性幽默作品,主要是讽刺小品(burlesque)、滑稽改写(Parody)、故作严肃的小品剧(mockepic)、滑稽模仿(travesty)、闹剧(farce)、幽默剧(skit)、特定场景歪曲夸张(spoof)、反语(irony)和打油诗(Limerick)等等题材的作品的主要特点。英语讽刺性幽默作品常常运用夸张的滑稽模仿形式,利用宗教及神话故事方面的题材或人物毫不留情地抨击人性弱点。它们的主要实现手段通常是模仿、反语和夸张描述以及语域、用词和体裁的故意混淆等。  相似文献   

The digital age has not simply changed the nature of resources and information; it has transformed several basic social and economic enterprises. Contemporary society—the settings where we live, work, and learn—has likewise changed dramatically. Both the amount of information and access to it have grown exponentially; a significant potential for using varied resources in numerous ways for instruction and learning has emerged. However, several issues related to the educational uses of varied resources (e.g., people, place, things, ideas) must be addressed if we are successfully to implement resource-based learning environments. In this paper, we trace the changing nature of resources and perspectives in their use for learning in the digital age, describe the overarching structures of resource-based learning environments, and identify key challenges to be addressed.  相似文献   

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