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Who Studies Abroad? Evidence from France and Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses data from representative samples of university students in France and Italy in an attempt to investigate the determinants of participation in foreign exchange programmes. Empirical results indicate that selection into these programmes is mainly driven by student's academic and foreign language skills. On the other hand, parents' occupation does not seem to have any significant effect on the probability of studying abroad.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - The Integrated Student Choice Model and Theory of Planned Behavior are used to frame an analysis of longitudinal student data. We utilize generalized structural...  相似文献   

Who Is Who?     
Tony was a policeman,andhis younger brother,Bill,was acollege student(大学生).One day the two brotherswent into a restaurant(餐馆)tohave their supper.When theysat down at a table,Bill said toTony,“Oh,three of my class-mates are here having theirsupper.”He pointed to a tablein the corner.Three young menwere sitting at that table talking.“They are Slick,Smiley andMug.”“But who is who,Bill?”said Tony.“My guess(猜测)isthat the one smoking the cigar(雪茄烟)is Smiley,the onewearing the …  相似文献   

Who Counts?     
This article recovers a 1972 essay from James Moffett entitled ‘Who Counts?’ that the National Council of Teachers of English commissioned at the onset of US standards and accountability reforms. The essay historicises NCTE’s positions on teacher accountability by comparing its recent positions on teacher evaluation and the Common Core Standards with Moffett’s opposition to behavioural measurement and business-federal collusion in education reform. These historical juxtapositions highlight how NCTE’s recent policy agenda has reconfigured ‘who counts’ in US English education: its positions now hedge NCTE’s longstanding critiques of behavioural measurement in English, mix quality assurance with professional development, and adopt the educational priorities of federal grants, corporate philanthropy and private sector partners. The article de-naturalises NCTE’s political realignment and considers how Moffett’s prescient critiques of ‘who counts’ in English education might inform individuals’ and organisations’ positions on standards and accountability reforms.  相似文献   

Leaders work at all levels in organizations, but few of them are truly empowered. Why don't organizations do a better job of empowering them? Four factors obstruct organizations' efforts. Most leadership development programs (a) are offered out of context of other organizational development efforts; (b) are generic and not specific to organizations' needs for change; (c) do not last long enough; and (d) are based on either a skill development model or a personal development model, instead of personal development interweaved with skills development. An effective program to empower leaders might overcome these obstacles by drawing on initial and continuing support from top management; implementing an articulated plan including training, reward systems to encourage leaders to develop others, appropriate process and outcome performance appraisal objectives, and regular channels for feedback among individuals across many organizational levels; linking process goals (e. g., building community, envisioning) to organizational outcome goals; developing mechanisms to institutionalize long–term leadership and organizational development goals; and ensuring that training addresses skill and personal areas of development as much in concert as possible.  相似文献   

Who Is Right?     
看英语,读故事,画漫画,欢迎来这里一展才能!看着妙趣横生的画儿,别忘了也要动  相似文献   

Who is Knocking?     
Who 15 knoeking?knoek,knoek,knoek,Charlie,Charlie,ehuek,ehuek,ehuek!Who will oPen?uP,uP,uP,Peter,Peter,hov,hop,hoP!Who is Knocking?~~  相似文献   

Who is this?     
我,来自古生代,看,多么遥远又神奇的谱系啊……哎哟,谁?谁扔西红柿砸我?!要知道,我的家族对于探讨和研究有翅昆虫的起源和演化具有十分重要的价值哦!啊,不好,说漏了!  相似文献   

Who Is Deaf?     
An old man thought his wife was a bit deaf and he decided to try her out. He stepped back 10 meters and asked his wife from behind, "Can you hear me?" He heard no answer from his wife, so he walked forward and stood 6 meters away from her. "Can you hear m…  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
开动脑筋,用英语思维,欢迎如约来到“猜猜猜”!今天的图文谜题,需要你一边看,一边猜,多加油,要努力呀!  相似文献   

Who Are They?     
小动物们在排队做操。大象教师要找两个小朋友,请你帮他找出来吧!A.He is the king of theforest.He wears a cap.B.He is in front of Dogand behind Panda.A is_____.B is______.上期答案:Daniel will go to the ciname.Mark will go to the post office.Mum will go shopping.Henry will go to school.Rose will go to hospital.小画家画了一幅画,但是谁也不知道他画的是什么,请按照他的要求把画涂上颜色,并回答问题。1is black.2is red.3is yellow.4is blue.5is pink.6is green.7is brownQuestions:1.What are they in thepictur…  相似文献   

Who is this?     
"臂"下生风,"脚"下腾空,威风凛凛大英雄!哎呀呀,莫非这次我们请来的朋友是一位"武林高手"?可不嘛,说它不是的话,还真有几分委屈了人家呢!来来来,先请这位朋友做个自我介绍吧!  相似文献   

Who Is Right?     
1 Sam has a piece of chalk.He draws aboy on the wall.2 Tom comes.He changes the boy into  相似文献   

1.A murder(〔’m。:d。〕谋杀) h叩pened at 11:05 pm inan叩artment (〔。’Pa:tlnont〕公寓).Four eollege students hvedin面saP田切lent注lar叮, one Of the housemates,场dead in his secondeefl‘幻rb司“幻m. 2.川lth比e housema‘es面d they heard a gUllshoL】Iar耳~ed very popular~9 girls.He had~ 二ntion己([’men和n]提及)that the 乡r蹦end of one成址5 house双口tes~in love wirhl云m.But the detective Je。弓 didn’tkn眯wl】ich one. 3.叹was tePai6ngmy叨,,B沮面d. “I训tanextensioll([iks’ten如n」延长) …  相似文献   

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