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lan 《当代体育》2011,(2):86-87
关注我!我是风向标!新春将至,你的兔年礼物是什么?一双球鞋,一部新款手机,还是一部贺岁大片呢?风向标为你推荐!  相似文献   

新一期风向标将最前沿的运动潮流带给大家,在这里你可找到适合自己的装备、惊怪的战靴、“感冒”的品牌……当然还有最最最最最新的资讯。关注我,我是风向标。  相似文献   

lan 《当代体育》2011,(16):84-85
"风向标"栏目,代表着当今最受关注的运动产品、潮流单品的走向。《扣篮》通过多种渠道,将每一季的新品整合并呈现给大家。在介绍产品的同时,也为大家普及运动鞋与潮流的知识。这是我们大家的风向标,谢谢八个月来所有朋友的关注,关注我!我是风向标。  相似文献   

lan 《当代体育》2011,(8):lan-85
"风向标"栏目,代表着当今最受关注的运动产品、潮流单品的走向。《扣篮》通过多种渠道,将每一季的新品整合并呈现给大家。在介绍产品的同时,也为大家普及运动鞋与潮流的知识。这是我们大家的风向标,谢谢八个月来所有朋友的关注,关注我!我是风向标。  相似文献   

又到一年金秋时,背上你的行囊出发吧。去乡间感受金秋的硕果,去树林体会迷醉的枫红,爬上高山体味秋高,站在船头回味气爽。不过,请别忘记我,风向标为您参考金秋最佳出行装备。关注我,我是风向标!  相似文献   

BIG BLUE 《当代体育》2010,(21):90-91
音乐季,没错!这是风向标音乐季,给疲劳的心灵寻找一个宁静的庇护所。音乐!无疑是最好的选择。它能伴随你的旅途,无论你身处闹市,还是寂静的远山,只要你需要它,它就在。关注我,我是风向标。  相似文献   

想和球星一样在球场上挥洒自如吗?没有那么出众的球技,至少配—双和他们相同的充满高科技的战靴,就算失败,我们也比那些“脚下无光”的胜利者更乐趣无穷啊。  相似文献   

鞋子的表情 不知道你想过没有.只运动鞋也会有表情?一个店铺也会有它的性格?或许你也知道.全世界有很多人在收集可口可乐各式各样的罐身?全世界网友热议一种叫Google Doodle的标志?  相似文献   

lan  李慧男 《当代体育》2011,(20):106-107
关注、探究、分享、交流一直以来是风向标栏目的宗旨,将运动、潮流、生活文化加入以及介绍给所有热爱这里的朋友,风向标未曾改变过,关注我,我是风向标。1.Adidas OVER DYE MIDDye系列鞋款,此系列鞋款使用了斜纹面料,加上洗水的处  相似文献   

还有什么能比开赛更让人兴奋呢!去选择一双适合你的战靴,让篮球来陪伴你度过这个愉快的冬天吧。关注我,我是风向标!  相似文献   

lan 《当代体育》2011,(5):86-87
很多人都无法拒绝Air Foamposite One的美丽,而这双球鞋外观最大的亮点,莫过于鞋面立体感超强的纹路,而这都是拜Foam这种特殊发泡材料所赐。可能你还不了解,这种纹路设计,除了有设计师艾里克的思想外,哈达威本人也参与了意见。  相似文献   

应广大读者的要求,"风向标"特意挑选了一些价格相对平易近人的鞋子,介绍给大家。而在通过QQ的交流中,读者们也提到了一些问题,比如球鞋是否正品,球鞋的购买方式等等。在此,小编郑重向所有读者承诺:通过我刊购买的球鞋,均为Nike、adidas中国公司正规渠道商品,购买方式详见本栏下方。  相似文献   

YDL 《当代体育》2010,(18):74-75
“风向标”不仅仅网罗最新的潮流资讯,同时也带您一起去了解潮流单品,所以,关注我!我是风向标。  相似文献   

扶风 《当代体育》2012,(24):20-23
你千万别为这张图片所迷惑,认为迈阿密热火的著名星球员德怀恩·韦德是在忙里偷闲,在激烈的季后赛中还有闲中心时尚杂志拍摄酷照。事实上,这组照片是韦德在NBA季后赛序幕拉开的前夜拍摄完毕的,他与90后美艳超模卡莉·克洛斯的合作珠联璧合。韦德俊美的面庞和健美的身材让他在超模身边也毫不失色。超模克洛斯生于1992年,在最近一年多的时间里迅速蹿升,已成为"世界超模Top 50排名"榜单中的前5名。"那么,韦德先生,请问您能在NBA排第几呢?"于是,韦德不得不花  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the changes in plasma concentrations of inflammatory cytokines induced by training and competition in professional cyclists. We report the serum concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), tumour necrosis factor receptors I and II (TNFR-I and -II) in a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial involving the administration of AM3 (Inmunoferon), an oral booster immunomodulator, or placebo to 16 professional cyclists (n = 8 in each group) for 65 consecutive days. Serum was collected just before treatment began (baseline), at the end of pre-competition training, before the mountain stage of the competition (60 days), 4 h after finishing this stage (62 days), and 18 h after the fifth and last day of competition (65 days). To determine the normal levels of cytokines and soluble TNF receptors, individual samples from 14 moderately trained healthy controls were studied. After 60 days of training, the serum concentrations of IL-6 did not differ significantly from those at the beginning of the study for either group of cyclists (placebo and AM3). A significant rise was seen in IL-6 concentrations in both the AM3 and placebo groups at 62 days, 4 h after finishing the mountain stage. The increase was significantly greater in the placebo group than in the AM3 group. At 65 days of treatment, 18 h after the fifth and last day of competition, IL-6 concentrations were similar to those recorded at the end of the training, but were significantly higher in the placebo group than in the AM3 group. At the end of training, serum TNFR-I concentrations in both groups of cyclists were significantly lower than at baseline. The concentrations of serum TNFR-I and -II both 4 h after finishing the mountain stage and 18 h after the fifth and last day of competition were significantly higher than those recorded after training in both groups. Professional cycling competition is associated with increases in serum IL-6 and TNFR-I and -II concentrations. Inmunoferon treatment reduced significantly the concentrations of IL-6 but not those of TNFR-I and -II.  相似文献   

在欧洲各大联赛的球队中,巴西后卫非但占据了越来越多的名额,而且普遍在本赛季表现不俗,在各自球队取得佳绩的过程中居功至伟。  相似文献   

嗨,大家好,我的名字叫骨头,35岁,1.72米。对,没错,这是我的真名。什么?你问我为什么叫这么古怪的名字吗?因为……因为我身体太脆弱了,大家都这么叫我,以至于时间一长我都忘了自己的本名。作为一名纯粹的NBA球迷,我和所有人一样希望能像NBA的巨星们那样扣篮,但这并不是一件容易的事,很多时候,我们只能在梦里才能实现。可是史蒂夫教授一直坚  相似文献   

Strenuous physical exercise of the limb muscles commonly results in damage, especially when that exercise is intense, prolonged and includes eccentric contractions. Many factors contribute to exercise-induced muscle injury and the mechanism is likely to differ with the type of exercise. Competitive sports players are highly susceptible to this type of injury. AM3 is an orally administered immunomodulator that reduces the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and normalizes defective cellular immune fractions. The ability of AM3 to prevent chronic muscle injury following strenuous exercise characterized by eccentric muscle contraction was evaluated in a double-blind and randomized pilot study. Fourteen professional male volleyball players from the First Division of the Spanish Volleyball League volunteered to take part. The participants were randomized to receive either placebo (n?=?7) or AM3 (n?=?7). The physical characteristics (mean±s) of the placebo group were as follows: age 25.7±2.1 years, body mass 87.2±4.1?kg, height 1.89±0.07?m, maximal oxygen uptake 65.3±4.2?ml?·?kg?1?·?min?1. Those of the AM3 group were as follows: age 26.1±1.9 years, body mass 85.8±6.1?kg, height 1.91±0.07?m, maximal oxygen uptake 64.6±4.5?ml?·?kg?1?·?min?1. All participants were evaluated for biochemical indices of muscle damage, including concentrations of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase (CK) and its MB fraction (CK-MB), myoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase, urea, creatinine and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase, both before and 30 days after treatment (over the peak of the competitive season). In the placebo group, competitive exercise (i.e. volleyball) was accompanied by significant increases in creatine kinase (494±51 to 560±53?IU?·?l?1, P?<?0.05) and myoglobin (76.8±2.9 to 83.9±3.1?μg?·?l?1, P?<?0.05); aspartate aminotransferase (30.8±3.0 to 31.1±2.9?IU?·?l?1) and lactate dehydrogenase (380±31 to 376±29?IU?·?l?1) were relatively unchanged after the 30 days maximum effort. AM3 not only inhibited these changes, it led to a decrease from baseline serum concentrations of creatine kinase (503±49 to 316±37?IU?·?l?1, P?<?0.05) and myoglobin (80.1±3.2 to 44.1±2.6?IU?·?l?1, P?<?0.05), as well as aspartate aminotransferase (31.1±3.3 to 26.1±2.7?IU?·?l?1, P?<?0.05) and lactate dehydrogenase (368±34 to 310±3?IU?·?l?1, P?<?0.05). The concentration of CK-MB was also significantly decreased from baseline with AM3 treatment (11.6±1.2 to 5.0±0.7?IU?·?l?1, P?<?0.05), but not with placebo (11.4±1.1 to 10.8±1.4?IU?·?l?1). In conclusion, the use of immunomodulators, such as AM3, by elite sportspersons during competition significantly reduces serum concentrations of proteins associated with muscle damage.  相似文献   

Strenuous physical exercise of the limb muscles commonly results in damage, especially when that exercise is intense, prolonged and includes eccentric contractions. Many factors contribute to exercise-induced muscle injury and the mechanism is likely to differ with the type of exercise. Competitive sports players are highly susceptible to this type of injury. AM3 is an orally administered immunomodulator that reduces the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and normalizes defective cellular immune fractions. The ability of AM3 to prevent chronic muscle injury following strenuous exercise characterized by eccentric muscle contraction was evaluated in a double-blind and randomized pilot study. Fourteen professional male volleyball players from the First Division of the Spanish Volleyball League volunteered to take part. The participants were randomized to receive either placebo (n=7) or AM3 (n=7). The physical characteristics (mean+/-s) of the placebo group were as follows: age 25.7+/-2.1 years, body mass 87.2+/-4.1 kg, height 1.89+/-0.07 m, maximal oxygen uptake 65.3+/-4.2 ml.kg(-1).min(-1). Those of the AM3 group were as follows: age 26.1+/-1.9 years, body mass 85.8+/-6.1 kg, height 1.91+/-0.07 m, maximal oxygen uptake 64.6+/-4.5 ml.kg(-1).min(-1). All participants were evaluated for biochemical indices of muscle damage, including concentrations of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase (CK) and its MB fraction (CK-MB), myoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase, urea, creatinine and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, both before and 30 days after treatment (over the peak of the competitive season). In the placebo group, competitive exercise (i.e. volleyball) was accompanied by significant increases in creatine kinase (494+/-51 to 560+/-53 IU.l(-1), P < 0.05) and myoglobin (76.8+/-2.9 to 83.9+/-3.1 microg.l(-1), P < 0.05); aspartate aminotransferase (30.8+/-3.0 to 31.1+/-2.9 IU.l(-1)) and lactate dehydrogenase (380+/-31 to 376+/-29 IU.l(-1)) were relatively unchanged after the 30 days maximum effort. AM3 not only inhibited these changes, it led to a decrease from baseline serum concentrations of creatine kinase (503+/-49 to 316+/-37 IU.l(-1), P < 0.05) and myoglobin (80.1+/-3.2 to 44.1+/-2.6 IU.l(-1), P < 0.05), as well as aspartate aminotransferase (31.1+/-3.3 to 26.1+/-2.7 IU.l(-1), P < 0.05) and lactate dehydrogenase (368+/-34 to 310+/-3 IU.l(-1), P < 0.05). The concentration of CK-MB was also significantly decreased from baseline with AM3 treatment (11.6+/-1.2 to 5.0+/-0.7 IU.l(-1), P < 0.05), but not with placebo (11.4+/-1.1 to 10.8+/-1.4 IU.l(-1)). In conclusion, the use of immunomodulators, such as AM3, by elite sportspersons during competition significantly reduces serum concentrations of proteins associated with muscle damage.  相似文献   

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