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陈晓娩 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(4):491-492,421
分析髋部生理结构,及髋部动作在跑运动技术中的运动形态和重要作用,说明了髋部的正确运动形态有助于提高跑步运动项目技术过程的实效性和经济性。  相似文献   

100m短跑运动具有连续周期的抛射体运动特征。每一个运动周期分为蹬踏腾起、腾空飞越和着地缓冲3个阶段;每一个运动周期的运动、动力和能量消耗过程可以分解为水平和垂直两个主要方向进行分析。总能量消耗包括维持垂直方向周期运动的能耗、维持水平方向动能增加的能耗和克服水平方向的空气和地面阻力做功的能耗。给出了3方面能耗的计算模型以及总能耗和功率的计算模型。分析表明:用该模型计算世界优秀运动员100m短跑总功率等指标与实际相吻合。  相似文献   

探索中跑运动员跑步经济性(running economy,RE)与运动成绩的相关性,通过实验探索出中跑运动员RE测试的最佳负荷。根据.VO2max相对值及800 m运动成绩,最终确定7人为研究对象。研究结果发现,7名受试者运动成绩的排序和RE12的排序相关性呈现出高度显著性(r=0.98,P=0.00)。研究结论表明,800 m运动成绩越好,RE12水平越好;同时也发现,选择12.0 km/h的测试速度评价中跑运动员的RE水平比较适合。  相似文献   

张君涛  付鹏程  周阳 《新体育》2022,(4):97-100
随着人们对于健康追求的不断提高,跑步运动逐渐成为人们的新宠儿。2021年10月10日河北省保定市开展首届马拉松比赛,此举在促进保定市体育事业发展的同时也极大的使跑步爱好者群体不断扩大。本文将保定市跑步爱好者作为研究对象,将了解该市跑步爱好者的参与程度作为研究目的。其中在研究过后发现该区域跑步爱好者的基本情况为跑步爱好者男女数量较为平均,参与频次为每周进行1-4次,在参与情况中以休闲娱乐、强身健体、社交活动为主。  相似文献   

李梓菲 《新体育》2013,(3):84-85
三月春暖花开,又到了人们制定一年运动计划的最佳时节,而跑步无疑是最多人的运动选择。怎样跑步才能实现健康、实现减肥?什么样的强度和环境最有效?究竟应该跑多快?众多的细节决定了运动效果。  相似文献   

通过检索下肢刚度以及跑步运动中下肢刚度特征相关中英文文献,对跑步运动中下肢刚度特征进行系统总结归纳。研究表明:人在跑步过程中可直接计算的下肢刚度类型有垂直刚度(Kvert)、腿刚度(Kleg)和关节刚度(Kjoint),其中Kvert已被多项研究证明与跑速具有显著相关性;下肢刚度和跑步损伤之间的关系是多方面的,依据不同跑步运动的特点提高运动员下肢刚度调节能力可以提高成绩和降低损伤。研究认为:下肢刚度和跑步性能之间的关系是复杂的,跑步运动中下肢刚度的研究仍存在局限性,起跑和加速阶段的下肢刚度有待研究,将下肢刚度与足部结构评估关联应用于实训,将有助于提高运动表现以及降低运动损伤。  相似文献   

陈璐 《中华武术》2023,(3):57-58
小学体育的课程框架中田径教学是主要内容,跑步类作为田径项目,由于其实践方式单一导致学生对跑步类项目的理解与认知十分有限。为协调和处理这一问题,尝试将定向运动这种新兴体育运动方式融入其中,开创趣跑趣合作的新模式,通过对定向运动的价值挖掘,制定具体的定向运动实践方案,并对效果进行检验与评价,为定向运动融入小学体育跑步类教学奠定基础。  相似文献   

跑步太简单了,人和许多动物都会跑步。但正是这项简单的运动,在今天却成为全世界最流行的一项大众健康运动。听听来自不同国度的人们对跑步的解读吧:跑步也许是世界上最民主的运动。跑步者几乎完全没有建立在种族、性别、年龄、阶级或者其他东西基础之上的歧视;跑步是一种有益的瘾。你可以用跑步这种有益的瘾来取代吸烟、酗酒、暴饮暴食等有害的瘾。结果你会变得更健康、更快乐。简而言之,跑步让你超越了许多……  相似文献   

影响跑步经济性的动力学因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索影响中跑运动员个体间跑步经济性(running economy,RE)差异的动力学因素,根据VO2max相对值及800 m运动成绩,最终确定7人为研究对象(年龄(21.43±0.53)岁;身高(172.8±3.79)cm;体重(63.66±3.82)kg;训练年限(4.57±0.98)年;RE(35.65±2.58)mL·kg-1.min-1).研究结果发现,RE分别与力的峰值、力的波动范围及冲量相关性都不显著.研究结果表明,垂直方向、前后方向和内外方向的地面反作用力以及跑步支撑阶段冲量,并不是造成中跑运动员RE差异的原因,但是,RE较差的中跑运动员表现出在垂直方向冲量较大的趋势,RE的差异可能是人体下肢肌肉做功的差异造成的.  相似文献   

本人孟秋渝,身高176,体重70Kg,从小喜欢各种各样的运动,几乎接触过的所有运动都会喜欢上,从小学到大学一直喜欢锻炼身体,练就了一副好身体,并把运动融入到我的血液里,现在我是一个跑步运动的超级狂热追随者。 原来我并不把跑步作为一种运动方式,因为感觉太单一枯燥了,足球、羽毛球、橄榄球、公路自行车、登山……等等部是我经常参与的运动项目。我虽然不是专业的跑者,但是跑步从未远离,我只是把跑步作为我从事其他运动项目的基础。  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that attentional focus instructions can effect running economy. This study assessed spiroergometry, as well as running kinematics as a possible mechanism to explain these effects. Twelve runners had to focus their attention on either their running movement, their breathing or on a video while running on a treadmill at a set, submaximum speed. Spiroergometry and running kinematics were measured. Results revealed worse running economy in both internal focus conditions (breathing and movement) compared to the external focus condition (video), replicating previous findings. In addition, vertical oscillation during the running movement was elevated in the movement compared to the video condition, indicating a less efficient running style. No changes in kinematics were found for the breathing compared to the video condition. Therefore, consciously focusing on the running movement moves runners away from their optimised running pattern and leads to detriments in economy. The decreases in running economy in the breathing condition can be better explained by changes in breathing patterns.  相似文献   

Research has focused on parameters that are associated with injury risk, e.g. vertical acceleration. These parameters can be influenced by running on different surfaces or at different running speeds, but the relationship between them is not completely clear. Understanding the relationship may result in training guidelines to reduce the injury risk. In this study, thirty-five participants with three different levels of running experience were recruited. Participants ran on three different surfaces (concrete, synthetic running track, and woodchip trail) at two different running speeds: a self-selected comfortable speed and a fixed speed of 3.06 m/s. Vertical acceleration of the lower leg was measured with an accelerometer. The vertical acceleration was significantly lower during running on the woodchip trail in comparison with the synthetic running track and the concrete, and significantly lower during running at lower speed in comparison with during running at higher speed on all surfaces. No significant differences in vertical acceleration were found between the three groups of runners at fixed speed. Higher self-selected speed due to higher performance level also did not result in higher vertical acceleration. These results may show that running on a woodchip trail and slowing down could reduce the injury risk at the tibia.  相似文献   

As a wide range of values has been reported for the relative energetics of 400-m and 800-m track running events, this study aimed to quantify the respective aerobic and anaerobic energy contributions to these events during track running. Sixteen trained 400-m (11 males, 5 females) and 11 trained 800-m (9 males, 2 females) athletes participated in this study. The participants performed (on separate days) a laboratory graded exercsie test and multiple race time-trials. The relative energy system contribution was calculated by multiple methods based upon measures of race [Vdot]O2, accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD), blood lactate and estimated phosphocreatine degradation (lactate/PCr). The aerobic/anaerobic energy system contribution (AOD method) to the 400-m event was calculated as 41/59% (male) and 45/55% (female). For the 800-m event, an increased aerobic involvement was noted with a 60/40% (male) and 70/30% (female) respective contribution. Significant (P <?0.05) negative correlations were noted between race performance and anaerobic energy system involvement (lactate/PCr) for the male 800-m and female 400-m events (r = ? 0.77 and ??0.87 respectively). These track running data compare well with previous estimates of the relative energy system contributions to the 400-m and 800-m events. Additionally, the relative importance and speed of interaction of the respective metabolic pathways has implications to training for these events.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of a 12-week home-based strength, explosive and plyometric (SEP) training on the cost of running (Cr) in well-trained ultra-marathoners and to assess the main mechanical parameters affecting changes in Cr. Twenty-five male runners (38.2?±?7.1 years; body mass index: 23.0?±?1.1?kg·m?2; V˙O2max: 55.4?±?4.0 mlO2·kg?1·min?1) were divided into an exercise (EG?=?13) and control group (CG?=?12). Before and after a 12-week SEP training, Cr, spring-mass model parameters at four speeds (8, 10, 12, 14?km·h?1) were calculated and maximal muscle power (MMP) of the lower limbs was measured. In EG, Cr decreased significantly (p?<?.05) at all tested running speeds (?6.4?±?6.5% at 8?km·h?1; ?3.5?±?5.3% at 10?km·h?1; ?4.0?±?5.5% at 12?km·h?1; ?3.2?±?4.5% at 14?km·h?1), contact time (tc) increased at 8, 10 and 12?km·h?1 by mean +4.4?±?0.1% and ta decreased by ?25.6?±?0.1% at 8?km·h?1 (p?<?.05). Further, inverse relationships between changes in Cr and MMP at 10 (p?=?.013; r?=??0.67) and 12?km·h?1 (p?<?.001; r?=??0.86) were shown. Conversely, no differences were detected in the CG in any of the studied parameters. Thus, 12-week SEP training programme lower the Cr in well-trained ultra-marathoners at submaximal speeds. Increased tc and an inverse relationship between changes in Cr and changes in MMP could be in part explain the decreased Cr. Thus, adding at least three sessions per week of SEP exercises in the normal endurance-training programme may decrease the Cr.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a verbal and visual feedback system on running technique, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), and running economy. Twenty‐two female novice runners were randomly assigned to experimental (n = 11) and control (n = 11) groups. The experimental subjects received verbal and visual feedback concerning their running technique prior to and during each training run. Training involved 15 20‐min treadmill running sessions over a 5‐week period. The control group adhered to the same training routine but did not receive feedback concerning their running technique. High‐speed (100 Hz) photography was used to collect biomechanical data. A submaximal oxygen consumption test and Borg's RPE scale were used to collect data concerning running economy and perceived exertion, respectively. Statistical analysis using ANCOVA revealed that the proposed feedback system had a significant (P < 0.01) effect on the experimental group's running technique by affecting the following desired changes relative to the control group: greater relative stride lengths, shorter support time, greater ankle dorsiflexion during support and greater knee flexion during support and non‐support. There were no significant differences between the groups in submaximal VO2 or RPE. The results of this study suggest that verbal and visual feedback are effective means of eliciting modifications in running style in female novice runners. The link between modifications in running style and improvements in running economy and perceived exertion remains unclear.  相似文献   


To develop a track version of the maximal anaerobic running test, 10 sprint runners and 12 distance runners performed the test on a treadmill and on a track. The treadmill test consisted of incremental 20-s runs with a 100-s recovery between the runs. On the track, 20-s runs were replaced by 150-m runs. To determine the blood lactate versus running velocity curve, fingertip blood samples were taken for analysis of blood lactate concentration at rest and after each run. For both the treadmill and track protocols, maximal running velocity (v max), the velocities associated with blood lactate concentrations of 10 mmol · l?1 ( v 10 mM) and 5 mmol · l?1 ( v 5 mM), and the peak blood lactate concentration were determined. The results of both protocols were compared with the seasonal best 400-m runs for the sprint runners and seasonal best 1000-m time-trials for the distance runners. Maximal running velocity was significantly higher on the track (7.57 ± 0.79 m · s?1) than on the treadmill (7.13 ± 0.75 m · s?1), and sprint runners had significantly higher v max, v 10 mM, and peak blood lactate concentration than distance runners (P<0.05). The Pearson product – moment correlation coefficients between the variables for the track and treadmill protocols were 0.96 (v max), 0.82 (v 10 mM), 0.70 (v 5 mM), and 0.78 (peak blood lactate concentration) (P<0.05). In sprint runners, the velocity of the seasonal best 400-m run correlated positively with v max in the treadmill (r = 0.90, P<0.001) and track protocols (r = 0.92, P<0.001). In distance runners, a positive correlation was observed between the velocity of the 1000-m time-trial and v max in the treadmill (r = 0.70, P<0.01) and track protocols (r = 0.63, P<0.05). It is apparent that the results from the track protocol are related to, and in agreement with, the results of the treadmill protocol. In conclusion, the track version of the maximal anaerobic running test is a valid means of measuring different determinants of sprint running performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to quantify the contributions of the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems to 1500- and 3000-m track running events during all-out time-trials performed individually on a synthetic athletic track. Ten 3000-m (8 males, 2 females) and fourteen 1500-m (10 males, 4 females) trained track athletes volunteered to participate in the study. The athletes performed a graded exercise test in the laboratory and two time-trials over 1500 or 3000?m. The contributions of the energy systems were calculated by measures of race oxygen uptake, accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD), race blood lactate concentration, estimated phosphocreatine degradation and some individual muscle metabolite data. The relative aerobic energy system contribution (based on AOD measures) for the 3000?m was 86% (male) and 94% (female), while for the 1500?m it was 77% (male) and 86% (female). Estimates of anaerobic energy expenditure based on blood lactate concentrations, while not significantly different (P?>?0.05), were generally lower compared with the AOD measures. In conclusion, the results of the present study conform with some recent laboratory-based measures of energy system contributions to these events.  相似文献   

孙泊  刘宇  李海鹏 《体育科学》2012,32(9):17-22
目的:研究走、跑模式下健康成年男子单位时间单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系以及单位距离单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系;探讨相同速度走、跑两种不同的运动模式下能量消耗特征;方法:19名男性大学生作为研究对象。使用跑台控制速度,采用走、跑两种运动模式,每一速度至少测试6min,以速度递增的方式进行测试,走、跑模式转换时休息至安静状态。使用VO2000测试安静以及运动中的气体代谢参数,PO-LAR表测试心率;结果:建立走模式以及跑模式下的能量消耗与速度之间的拟合方程;单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速二次曲线拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.88;单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速线性拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.72;两条拟合曲线的交点坐标为(2.35m/s,141.7cal/kg/min);在测试速度范围之内,同等速度下走与跑的单位时间的能耗具有显著性差异(P<0.01),跑的能耗显著大于走的能耗。单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速的2次拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.98,曲线最低点的坐标为(1.14m/s,0.553cal/kg/m),单位距离单位体重的平均能耗与跑速拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.68;结论:1)单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速呈二次曲线关系,单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递增关系;2)单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速呈"U"型曲线关系;单位距离单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递减趋势,说明在一定速度范围内随着跑速的增加单位距离单位体重的能耗降低。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine whether the fatigue induced by a mountain ultramarathon (MUM) led to changes in energy cost and kinematic during level and graded running. Pre- and post-race, 14 ultratrail runners ran on a level, uphill (5%) and downhill (5%) treadmill at 10 km · h?1. Kinematic data were acquired using a photocell system. Post-race, the downhill energy cost increased by 13.1% (< 0.001). No change was noted in level and uphill running. Duty factor and stride frequency were increased, whereas swing time, cycle time and stride length were decreased in all conditions (< 0.05). Contact time was increased and the rate of force generation was decreased only in the uphill and downhill conditions (< 0.05). Positive correlations were observed between performance time and the pre- to post-changes in the energy cost of level (= 0.52, = 0.04) and uphill running (= 0.50, = 0.04). MUM-induced fatigue resulted in physiological and spatiotemporal changes, though the response to fatigue varied considerably between running conditions. These changes resulted in a significant increment only in the downhill energy cost. Incorporating downhill locomotion in the training programmes of ultratrailers may help to improve performance-related physiological and biomechanical parameters.  相似文献   

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