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历史可以兴旺古老的文化,历史也可以掩盖昔日的显赫。在巍山,好多曾经辉煌一时的古建筑,已随着岁月的流逝而脱下了荣耀的外衣,只有一座座  相似文献   

史前时期先人制作的陶器上有精美的彩色纹绘,考古学家把这些陶器叫做彩陶。其制作年代距今约3000~5000年间,主要分布黄河流域,亦称“黄河彩陶”。我在近20年研究和收藏黄河彩陶中,对于彩陶的起源,祖先因何在器物上描画众多图案各异、着色绚丽的纹饰,文字、文明与审美之间的必然关联及其对于后续的艺术形式的影响……凡此种种,令我既困惑又迷茫。  相似文献   

迟欣 《世界文化》2009,(5):26-26,27,28
肯尼斯·雷克思罗斯(1905—1982)是当代美国著名诗人,20世纪50年代美国“旧金山文艺复兴”运动的领军人物和“垮掉派”诗歌流派的先驱。被誉为“美国最有才智的诗人”,他的有些诗歌被西方读者口头传诵,并被灌成录音带出版发行。然而,他的名字对中国的大多数读者来说还是那样的陌生。  相似文献   

作为“欧罗巴利亚·中国艺术节”的组成部分,《中国:从50年代到现在》新闻摄影图片展日前在布鲁塞尔开幕。比利时文化界和商界人士、中国驻欧盟使团和中国驻比利时使馆工作人员及当地华人华侨150余人出席开幕式。  相似文献   

苏氏蜀学的学术渊源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏氏蜀学是由三苏父子创立的儒学派别,它与荆公新学、二程洛学相对立,是北宋中期儒、佛、道三教融合的时代潮流的产物.苏氏蜀学的学术渊源是以儒为宗、援佛入儒、援道入儒、援诸子以入儒.它的最大的学术特点是驳杂.  相似文献   

孙迎庆 《寻根》2011,(3):78-83
书院是唐宋至明清时期出现的一种聚徒讲授、研究学问的场所,曾伴着琅琅书声与淡淡墨香,成为名流学者们讲经论道之所。北宋时期,苏州尚未建有书院,整个江南地区只有茅山书院。南宋时,随着政治、文化中心的南移,  相似文献   

<正>The Tsinghua University Academy of Chinese Learning reopened in November, 2009 to prelude the 100th anniversary of this prestigious institution of higher lea...  相似文献   

一前言 一九八六年暑假,我開始撰寫<清初的群經辨僞學>一書,在思考明末清初經學發展的一些問題時,閲讀余英時先生大文<清代學術思想史重要觀念通釋>①,余先生以爲清初學術思想史有回歸原典的現象,我受到啓發認爲明末清初的經典研究,是一種回歸原典運動.一九八七年三月,<清初的群經辨僞學>初稿完成,在第二章第三節<新舊典範競争中的回歸原典運動>,即對此一現象有較深入的論述.  相似文献   

许刚 《寻根》2011,(3):4-7
方今中国,日新月异,诚可谓千百年来未有之大变局,何去何从,我们似乎要走一条具有中国特色的道路。有没有特色,能否走下去,不可得知,但倘若总结一下我们固有的数千年传统文化,  相似文献   


John F. C. Harrison, who has recently passed away, was one of the founders of British social and labour History. Along with figures such as E.P. Thompson and Asa Briggs, Harrison put nineteenth-century social history on the scholarly map. He traced the histories of adult education, Owenism and popular millenarianism. Many came to Victorian history through his textbooks about the period. This appreciation traces his life and work, attempting to establish what was distinctive about his work. Harrison eschewed theory but built important bridges between social, labour and intellectual history which give his work an enduring importance.  相似文献   

Algunas veces profundos, frecuentemente estimulantes y otras veces amenzadores son los cambios que a finales del siglo XX están ocurriendo en el mundo. Gracias a los medios de comunicación es fácil estar informado de acontecimientos como la caída de la Unión Soviética, los cambios de Europa del Este y Asia; pero, aparentemente, estamos menos concientes de los cambios que se están dando en América Latina. El fin de la Guerra Fría, el triunfo de la democracia, el colapso del comunismo, la revolucín tecnológica en las comunicaciones, la economía global, los sistemas de libre mercado y el impacto mundial de la cultura popular de los Estados Unidos, son factores externos que han influido de manera muy profunda en los cambios de América Latina. En esta investigación pretendemos analizar brevemente algunos de los cambios ocurridos en Latinoamérica y discutiremos cuáles fueron las causas de dichos cambios.  相似文献   

In the context where immigration divides the political space of Western societies, perceived social polarization as an explanation of collective action is surprisingly understudied in contemporary social psychology. We hypothesize that the more people perceive polarization, the more they will engage in collective action in line with their attitudes. Moreover, this effect should be explained by two interrelated factors: identification and perceived efficacy. Perceived polarization should shape how important immigration attitudes are for individuals’ self-definition and thereby believing oneself capable of making a change, which in turn triggers collective action. To test our predictions, we conducted three studies (Studies 1 and 2 were correlational and Study 3 experimental) among mobilized and non-mobilized samples in two countries (i.e., Belgium and Switzerland). Results partially support our predictions that perceived social polarization on immigration issues relates to engaging in collective action. Indirect effect analyses revealed the predominant role of identity dynamics in the social psychological processes linked to perceiving polarization. These results provide potential explanations to the strong mobilization that emerged since 2015 following the so-called migrant crisis. Implications of our findings for collective action literature are discussed.  相似文献   

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