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工业考古学的概念在诞生不久,由英国传播到美国,美国掀起了全国性的工业遗产保护的热潮,逐渐形成了完善的工业遗产保护体系。文章主要介绍美国工业遗产保护体系萌芽及建立的过程,总结了美国工业遗产保护体系的组织机构、法律基础以及资金保障,分析了保护体系的人才培养与公众教育,最后总结了美国工业遗产保护体系运行模式。  相似文献   

赵怡 《考试周刊》2009,(2):238-238
长期以来,英国法院在涉外侵权案件法律适用问题上一直奉行双重可诉原则。英国抛弃该原则后,对英联邦国家产生了重大影响。本文以加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡为例,对该影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

东南亚的政治环境于二战后发生了重大变化,新加坡华侨要在新加坡安家乐业就得获取当地公民的身份。他们原本可按英国国籍法归化英籍民以享有公民权利,但绝大部分华侨因不谙英语而不能归化,与此同时,他们也不愿放弃中国国籍以归化殖民地宗主国国籍。当时作为华社最高领导机构的新加坡中华总商会遂负起历史使命,为华侨争取新加坡公民权。该会与英殖民地政府经过十年的博弈后,新加坡立法议院终于在1957年10月通过新加坡公民权法令,让华侨可登记为当地公民。当年新加坡还不是一个独立国家,新加坡公民权只是一种地方上的法律身份,但这身份可拥有参政权,并根据英国国籍法获得英籍民与英联邦公民的地位。  相似文献   

新加坡公诉制度起源于英国,受英国的影响很大,但同时结合自己国情,又有自己鲜明的特色。新加坡没有独立的检察系统,公诉部门是政府行政当局的一个部门。新加坡检控署是主管检控工作的职能部门,其地位与中国的最高检察院完全不同。专职检察官是受政府长期雇佣的公诉人,但检察官具有绝对的独立性,成为世界上最廉洁的法律工作群体之一。了解新加坡公诉制度,有助于中国司法制度的改革与借鉴。  相似文献   

王皓 《成长》2007,(9):82-86
在今日英国,种族歧视、性别歧视都被视为违反法律,但中老年人遭到“年龄歧视”却往往得不到法律的保护。英国议会曾进行过一次大辩论,企望通过立法来保护那些“业已失去年龄优势”的上了些年纪的人,但仍以失败告终。[第一段]  相似文献   

当今工业设计纵横   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在阐明工业设计概念,工业设计目的和工业设计范围的基础上看重论述了当今世界工业设计和我国工业设计现状。指出产品要在激烈的市场竞争中保持优势,必须重视工业设计。  相似文献   

张东娇 《教育研究》2012,(4):115-121
经过二十多年的探索,美国、英国、新加坡等国在学校评估的研究和实践领域各自积累了丰富的实践经验:国家主导规则,学术积累丰厚,评估实践完整。中国学校评估设计在高度、长度和效度方面存在欠缺,国家教育评估能力建设需要从专业性、系统性和操作性等方面进行。  相似文献   

职业教育学生权利法律保护制度的构建是职业教育治理体系的重要内容和关键环节。通过对英国、德国、美国的职业教育学生权利法律保护制度体系进行梳理和分析发现,三个国家相关制度背景具有共通之处,表现在广泛运用基于横向信任的自力救济方式,借助社会力量打造多元治理结构,法律介入保护程度与本国制度传统紧密相关。其职业教育学生权利法律保护制度具备三项核心特征,分别为教育法与劳动法两驾马车协同保护,受教育权与劳动权有效配比,实体性权利与程序性权利保护并重。完善的学生权利保护制度构建应在以法律干预为主要工具的基础上,合理兼顾经济、政策等多重手段。  相似文献   

英国的现代法律始于1066年,在随后数百年间,英国发展了集中的司法和统一的法律无论其社会和经济如何变化.英国法律有意识地强调了与过去的联系,更多地依帧了传统的思维方式;因此,数十个世纪以来英国法律一直保持了其固有的风格,从而使其法律生活避免了重大的骚动,作为英国法律缔造者的具有贵族精神的英国法官在这一过程中起了重要作用对于中国的司法改革来  相似文献   

本文依托国际经济大背景,从国内法与外国法以及国际经济法相比较的视角,对民族工业的法律进行保护了分析论证.文章认为,对民族工业的法律保护是一种高层次的综合性保护,是一项具有长远意义的战略性措施,在社会主义市场经济下显得尤为重要.文章分析指出,对民族工业的法律保护应当做到:一、前提公平化;二、对象层次化;三、范围全球化;四、手段多样化.本文对民族工业的法律保护和民族工业企业参与世界市场竞争,具有很大的指导意义.  相似文献   

根据中职学生的实际情况,结合室内效果图制作的特点,从实际出发,探讨了3ds max(室内设计方向)课程教学与专业岗位对接的经验与感受。对提高课程教学与工作岗位的对接程度、解决教学内容与岗位脱节问题有重要意义。  相似文献   

塔帽和重檐的泰缅式建筑设计元素和装潢工艺被广泛应用在云南周边地区的人文景观、地标建筑和星级酒店渡假村的建筑之中。它们的工艺构成有着自身独特的方法,塔帽的基础构件分为金属铸件与焊件两种,塔帽的装饰构件图案多为植物类单独纹样等;重檐装潢工艺构成分为基础金属装饰构件两部分。  相似文献   

Designs in which there are repeated measures on some subjects, and not on others, are found in two different applications. Statistical inference on contrasts of main effects, or of interactions, are still possible. The derivation of the standard errors of such contrasts is illustrated for a 2 X 2 design. The same logic can be extended to larger designs, but considerable algebraic complexity results.  相似文献   

In this study we examined variations of the nonequivalent groups equating design for tests containing both multiple-choice (MC) and constructed-response (CR) items to determine which design was most effective in producing equivalent scores across the two tests to be equated. Using data from a large-scale exam, this study investigated the use of anchor CR item rescoring (known as trend scoring) in the context of classical equating methods. Four linking designs were examined: an anchor with only MC items, a mixed-format anchor test containing both MC and CR items; a mixed-format anchor test incorporating common CR item rescoring; and an equivalent groups (EG) design with CR item rescoring, thereby avoiding the need for an anchor test. Designs using either MC items alone or a mixed anchor without CR item rescoring resulted in much larger bias than the other two designs. The EG design with trend scoring resulted in the smallest bias, leading to the smallest root mean squared error value.  相似文献   

借助于技术的迅猛发展,人类社会已经开始进入一个以"设计"为标志的时代,一个设计观念不断更新的时代。各种设计在生活中无处不在,设计已渗透到人类生活的方方面面,衣、食、住、行中无不充满了设计的痕迹。现代艺术设计与我们的世界息息相关,人与设计的完美结合,不仅构建着人类的生活方式和行为模式,而且在潜移默化地改变着人类自身的价值判断和审美思维,不断地丰富了人们的感知经验和心理震撼。  相似文献   

本文分析了高职机械制图项目化课程的教学内容、教学设计、教学方式、考核方式等特点,引入项目教学法,教学过程中教师创设项目活动情境,学生以小组为单位,理论联系实践,发挥学生自主意识,使学生学会自主学习、主动探索和合作学习。  相似文献   

This research paper is about the role of the principal in enabling teacher leadership for pedagogical innovations and school improvement studied in two Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements in Schools (IDEAS) schools in Singapore and Australia over a 3-year period from 2005 to 2007. The research reported is based on the developing relationship between principals and teacher leaders as they collaboratively engage in a process of whole school improvement. Both case study schools used the IDEAS school improvement program which originates from the Leadership Research Institute, University of Southern Queensland. The cases trace the facilitation of the IDEAS process in each school and highlights the centrality of teacher leadership in bringing about change in school-wide pedagogy and a process of school re-culturing. It underlines the fact that principals need to support the enabling of leadership among teachers by giving them the space, time and responsibility to make decisions about curriculum work and ensuring that these are aligned with new organizational structures and processes. The paper discusses how the schools were different and yet similar in many ways between the two countries, Singapore and Australia, with regard to the nature of the enabling processes for organizational revitalization and school capacity building. It draws out some implications for school leadership and school improvement.  相似文献   

In the past, blast-resistant designs for structures were often constructed with massive type structural systems, which relied more on brute strength than on finesse to achieve the required blast resistance. However, structures composed of COLD-FORMED steel components, such as sheet metal and metal studs, have shown great promise in providing blast resistance with the added benefits of low cost and ease of construction. Some examples of using such structures to provide containment for package handling facilities (PHF) are described in the paper for situations where blast containment is needed, such as a potential package bomb being discovered during the package vetting process. Results from tests and analytic data are used to illustrate aspects of design peculiar to such types of applications. Designs for specific capacities of PHF are described.  相似文献   

In this study we propose a methodology for the analysis of text based interchanges on computer mediated conferences which is based on Speech Act theory and which takes the illocutionary act as its unit of analysis. This methodology is used to compare messages from two different conferences — one based on methods for fostering learner independence and one based around a guest speaker seminar — and to show the differing patterns of interaction provoked by the differing task designs.  相似文献   

新加坡经济发展对我市招商引资的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
新加坡从一个经济落后、资源匮乏的国家迅速于2000年跨入发达国家行列,积极有效地利用外资发展经济是关键,其吸引外资的做法对我市有颇多启发之处。借鉴新加坡的经验,我们要在招商引资中做好关键环节,推动经济上新台阶。  相似文献   

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