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After briefly reviewing the topic of self-control instruction for retarded students, this article describes a self-recording training procedure. Five moderately retarded adolescents were taught to self-record a training behavior. They were then expected to generalize the self-recording behavior to idiosyncratic behaviors. Subject-observer agreement is reported, along with monitoring effect on the idiosyncratic behaviors.  相似文献   

(1) A consideration of educational services for the mentally retarded in developing countries should take place within the context of existing educational systems and the problems of educational growth. (2) Para-medical teams/primary health care workers can assist in the identification of handicapped persons. (3) Teachers should be helped to develop basic assessment procedures. (4) Much more importance should be attached to the role of voluntary agencies. (5) Governments should consider the integration of the mildly and moderately retarded and the provision of a special education element in teacher training courses. (6) Many problems confront the Community Rehabilitation Programmes which are being promoted by the WHO.  相似文献   

对高职院校就业服务工作的调研发现,高职院校就业服务面临着不能适应社会的需求、岗位的需求、学生个体发展需求的问题.为此,高职院校应建立协调、高效的就业服务运行机制,加强就业指导队伍建设,对学生实行全程化的就业指导服务.  相似文献   

结构功能主义强调社会发展的和谐性与整体性,这就要求职业教育应实践健全的社会服务功能。自20世纪初现代职业教育产生以来,相继受不同哲学范式的影响,我国职业教育发展先后经历了对结构功能主义的意蕴、弱化、失衡和修补四个时期。要实现职业教育的健全发展,必须追寻渗透个体服务功能的完整结构功能主义取向的职业教育发展模式。  相似文献   

In an attempt to clarify the chronological relationship between identity and equivalence conservation, normal preschool-aged children (experiment 1) were exposed to brief videotape demonstrations of a model conserving identity and equivalence, identity only, equivalence only, or neither. Subsequent performances indicate that identity was easier to accelerate than equivalence, and training in both identity and equivalence appeared to be most effective in accelerating conservation. Trainable mentally retarded (TMR) children were then exposed to either the identity-equivalence-conserving or control model (experiment 2). This population, which some have argued remains at a preoperational level of functioning, was more likely to conserve identity than equivalence. In addition, conservation in the training group increased following training, though these gains were not maintained over a 3-week retention interval.  相似文献   

The formation of the Single European Market is the culmination of a series of changes designed to form an economic community in Western Europe. It is designed to encourage the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. The result is likely to be much higher levels of personal mobility, both educational and occupational. The main obstacles towards freedom of movement are non-recognition of qualifications and inadequate mastery of foreign languages. Various steps are being taken by the European Commission to overcome these obstacles and to promote mobility. These developments have major implications for educational and vocational guidance services. In particular, there is a need for extended information on educational and occupational opportunities across the European Community. There is also a need for improved support services for those who move across national boundaries. This is further likely to raise expectations for guidance services in countries where they are currently ill-developed. Initiatives to date in response to these challenges include European-level reports on the state of guidance services, action programmes designed to encourage innovation in guidance practice, and the establishment of a new European association for those involved in student guidance.University of Cambridge Careers Service  相似文献   

高职院校与社会经济发展、产业转型升级之间有着紧密的联系,提升社会服务能力既是经济社会发展的需要,也是高职院校自身生存发展的内在动力。目前高职院校社会服务存在着服务意识不够、服务热情不足、服务内容不宽、服务成效不大等问题。提升高职院校社会服务能力,需要高职院校主动融入社会,提高服务意识;建章立制,改善社会服务环境;整合资源,拓宽社会服务职能;加强内涵建设,提高服务质量;开放资源,服务社会。  相似文献   

社会服务是高职院校服务社会经济的重大责任也是其自身发展的迫切需要。在职业教育大发展的今天,社会对高职教师的社会服务能力也提出了迫切要求。然而在高职教师社会服务工作中却存在认识不够、能力欠缺、激励缺失、平台不足等一系列问题。只有强化教师社会服务意识、健全教师实践进修体系、搭建教师社会服务平台、制定合理有效的政策机制,才能切实提高高职教师社会服务能力,同时也为高职院校自身发展赢得更为广阔的空间。  相似文献   

高职院校图书馆在深化信息服务工作中面临着信息资源不足、信息需求不足、人才短缺等问题。需要增加投入,创新服务,开展培育,加强队伍建设。  相似文献   

高职生不仅处于身体发育和心理发育的特殊阶段,也处在从"准社会人"向承担社会职业的社会人过渡的重要阶段。在这个阶段中,高职生能否顺利完成"社会成长"至关重要。志愿服务作为高职生最直接有效的与社会环境相接触的途径,可有效促进高职生个体社会素质的提升。这是学校教育和家庭教育所不能代替的。志愿服务对高职生社会成长的帮助主要体现在对于高职生社会意识、价值观、情感、认知等多方面引导功能的实现。  相似文献   

城乡职业教育公共服务均等化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共服务均等化是2005年党的十六届三中全会提出的一个新的命题;城乡职业教育公共服务均等化是城乡公共服务均等化的重要内容。准确界定城乡职业教育公共服务均等化的内涵,审视实现城乡职业教育公共服务均等化的意义,才能更好地促进城乡职业教育公共服务均等化建设。  相似文献   

“项目带动式”人才培养模式在高职教育中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人才培养模式的改革是教学改革的重点,是提高高等职业教育质量的关键因素。“项目带动式”人才培养模式将教学与“项目”融为一体,符合高职教育基本规律和现代生产组织模式对人才的要求。应用该模式应注重项目的选择和设计,以项目带动教学过程的实施,以项目完成的质量作为教学评价标准之一。  相似文献   

问卷调查法和访谈法相结合,对高职院校退役复学学生的适应性问题进行调研,发现他们在学习、生活、人际交往及自我发展层面都存在一定问题。主要原因在于学习内容、学习环境以及训练方式方法上的变化。建议进一步强化政策引领,建立具体的管理档案,进行精准帮扶,具体分析学生个性特征并因材施教,着力发挥其特长,引导他们顺利完成学业。  相似文献   

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