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Alice Prof was the first female sport physician in Germany and she influenced ideas on female bodies and female sports for more than 40 years. Her dream to become a doctor could be realized only in Switzerland because women were not admitted to universities in Prussia before 1908. After her examination and her PhD she established herself as one of the first female doctors in Berlin in 1905 and she worked there until her death in 1946 as general practitioner and medical specialist for pediatrics and sport medicine. As an expert on the female body she was active in many committees and organizations. Alice Prof worked her whole life for the improvement of the situation of girls and women. The focus of her work was physical education and sport and she was always active in different types of sports herself. Her first article on this topic was published in 1906. In the following years over and over again she 'took the floor' criticizing traditional stereotypes of women and the female body, demanding resources for the education of girls and women. Her efforts also helped to reduce anxieties about women in sport and to encourage women to participate in sport. In her articles and in her lectures she encouraged women to decide for themselves about their involvement in sport. She rejected all attempts to patronize female athletes and refused to accept their exclusion from many sports. Prof propagated ideas which were not popular and she never swam with the tide. In one obituary it is stated: 'you never changed your ideas about life for material rewards or professional advancement. You stayed yourself'. Her ideas are relevant even today.  相似文献   

《狮吼记》中的柳氏历来被认为是一个“妒妇”的形象。其实她是一位敢爱敢恨、对不平等男权社会进行抗争的女性。其“妒”的内涵是对丈夫的爱和要求丈夫感情专一。最后,柳氏在游历了阿鼻地狱之后,尽弃“悍妒”,皈依了佛教。作品在客观上揭示了封建势力和佛教互相扶持的实质,这使得柳氏的形象具有了深刻的社会意义。  相似文献   

张爱玲是一位女性意识极强的作家,从而在其文本创作中体现出强烈的女性主义倾向,她以个体经验走入文本创作之中,塑造了具有内囿、沉默、匮乏、依附等特征的女性形象以揭示痼疾,引起疗救,在"五四"以来的现代女性文学史上,有着不同寻常的意义。  相似文献   


Turkey has a distinctive position with regard to its geography and history among Muslim countries. Particular features are its secular system and far reaching modernization processes particularly with respect to the ‘emancipation’ of women. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze sport and body politics as part of the modernization processes in Turkey and to explore in particular the multiple roles of different groups of women in the reforms initiated by the Turkish Governments. A focus will be on the intersecting influences of gender and social class. The famous archaeologist Halet Çambel will be used as an example of the ‘modern’ woman who embodied reformist ideologies. Çambel was the daughter of an elite family; she was born in Berlin where her father was an attaché at the Turkey embassy. She studied in France and participated in the Olympic Games in 1936. She and another Turkish fencer were the first women from a Muslim country to participate in the Olympic Games. Later she became the most famous archaeologist in Turkey and she stayed physically active all her life. In particular, horse riding became a favourite activity as she travelled to archaeological sites on horseback.  相似文献   

Sir Galahad, alias Bertha Eckstein-Diener, was a famous Austrian author writing in the first half of the twentieth century. Her most important books include the novel The Conic Sections of God (Die Kegelschnitte Gottes [1921]), which contains much autobiographical material, and Mothers and Amazons (Mütter und Amazone [1932]), a cultural history of women focusing on matriarchies. Bertha Eckstein-Diener had an unusual life: the daughter of a well-to-do factory owner, she grew up in Vienna, married polymath Friedrich Eckstein against her father's will, divorced her husband after several years of marriage, survived a tragic love affair and travelled constantly. She was proud both of her slim figure and of her sporting achievements. As a young woman, she was one of Vienna's best figure skaters, an excellent horse rider and a mountaineer. She gave up skating for skiing, which became her main pastime in winter. She also learned ski jumping. The little information that is available about her skiing activities clearly demonstrates that this sport played a key role in her life. Besides perfectly keeping up with her self-image as a competent woman, skiing provided her with the opportunity of escaping normal life and experiencing freedom and adventure.  相似文献   

H.G. Wells called her 'that unforgettable heroine'. But she was forgotten, most particularly in New Zealand, where she was banned from mention in the newspapers under the War Regulations for her 'safe sex' work during the First World War - a very hypocritical move as it happened just as her work was officially taken on by the army. For this work she was dubbed the 'guardian angel of the ANZACs' by a French venereal disease specialist and awarded the Reconnaissance Franaise by the French. After the war she settled in London, marrying her long-time friend and wartime colleague, physical culturist Fred Hornibrook. Rout went on with her venereal disease prophylaxis campaign after the war. She also entered the birth control movement in the 1920s, playing a major role in the last big birth control court case, a role often attributed to Dora Russell, while Rout again is 'forgotten'. In her books, like the best selling Safe Marriage, a safe sex guide (which was banned in New Zealand), she encouraged women to own their own bodies and take responsibility for their own sexual health. She linked exercise and sex, arguing in books like Sex and Exercise, that exercise would enhance women's sex lives. She and Hornibrook, who wrote a best-selling book entitled The Culture of the Abdomen, presaging the current obsession with rocklike 'abs', made a pair, teaching fitness techniques, holding 'native dance' evenings, and being hailed as modern dance proponents. Rout also wrote books on vegetarianism, wholemeal cookery and Maori culture. The word most commonly used by people describing her throughout her life was 'energy'. She herself was very fit. But she did not fit in. Once her marriage to Hornibrook was over, in 1936, she returned to New Zealand, was rebuffed by former friends. She sailed for Rarotonga and died there, of a self-administered overdose of quinine that September. As she had remarked to H.G. Wells, 'It is a mixed blessing to be born too soon'. She anticipated many of the enthusiasms of our own time - in diet, in dance, in ideas about exercise and sexuality. But because she was so far ahead of her own time in her 'safe sex' campaign, she became persona non grata in her own country. With the advent of AIDS her contribution snaps into focus - and the AIDS clinic in the city of Christchurch where she used to live has been named after her.  相似文献   

迟子建擅长以抒情的笔调讲述着她的“故土”故事 ,她的小说中呈现出别具一格的温情 ,然而这种温情的叙述在对自然的关注、对生命的叙写和对爱的探讨中也流露着难以掩饰的感伤  相似文献   

Lesbian athletes, no matter their gender performances, are viewed as masculine. The on-court persona of Amélie Mauresmo illustrates this. Even though Mauresmo’s gender expression was indistinguishable from other women on the pro tennis tour, her sexuality, being an out lesbian, led the public to view her as masculine. Judith Butler’s ‘heterosexual matrix’ (a sex-gender-sexuality tripartite system) accounts for how we make assumptions based on what we see. Her theory explains the experiences of most people, where sex and gender are the known categories, so the viewer, then, assumes a particular sexuality. However, the concept does not work for people who are out, when the known categories are sex and sexuality. This leads the viewer to assume a particular gender and, for Mauresmo, the assumed gender was masculinity. This paper transforms Butler’s theory, extending the usefulness of her ‘heterosexual matrix’.  相似文献   

It is argued here that Margaret Stansfeld, as Principal of Bedford Physical Training College from 1903 to 1945, succeeded in developing a strong and distinctive 'female tradition' which was widely disseminated by her students. She was realistic in recognizing the strength of opposition from a male-dominated society to women's participation in sport and physical exercise, and steadily overcame it. She achieved this partly by insisting on acceptably 'ladylike' behaviour from her students in conventional social situations, and also by bringing the work of the college into the public arena, through displays of gymnastics, through the use of elementary schools for part of the student teaching experience, through the running of a physiotherapy clinic where treatment was given free of charge, and through the use of students in the outpatients ward of the local hospital. Stansfeld herself was PE organizer for Bedford from 1923. But she was not afraid to fight against prejudice which was demonstrably based on false premises, e.g. medical opposition to women taking part in strenuous physical exercise, or to insist on appropriate clothing for women, however indecorous some might have considered it. The college's long-term success resulted from a series of factors: its curriculum and ethos, the networking process it fostered, the quality of the teachers it produced, the strength of the Old Students' Association, Stansfeld's willingness to embrace new ideas, and the growing academic respectability of the subject. The pivot of the whole process was Stansfeld herself - autocratic, austere, but an inspirational teacher - feared and loved. Students who succeeded were empowered - 'She prepared us for LIFE!' The success of her Old Students was the most important feature, e.g. Phyllis Colson, originator and director of the Central Council of Physical Recreation. Hundreds of others, less well known, in schools all over Britain and abroad, gave their pupils pride in themselves, not only through the experience of games, gymnastics and dance, but through moral example - 'fair play' - and many brought the newest innovations into schools (e.g. Elizabeth Swallow was the first to introduce Laban into a maintained school in 1939). Stansfeld's indomitable spirit was always in evidence, even at the end of her life - she returned to the office of Principal in 1948 at age 88, three years before her own death, after the unexpected death of her successor. It was this strength of will and character above all else which empowered her students as women and as teachers, and which enabled them in their turn to empower their own pupils, and so to replace the myth that physical activities were damaging to women with the growing realization that sport and physical recreation are as beneficial to women as they are to men. Stansfeld was justifiably recognized in her time as a pioneer in the advancement of women's PE, e.g. by the McNair Report (1942), which argued that nothing comparable had been achieved for men. She was the last survivor of the originators of women's PE, and the most influential. It is ironic that the rise of feminism in the second half of the century coincided with the dissipation of the female tradition, epitomised by Stansfeld, as physical education for women, developed by women, in the first half of the century increasingly came to be controlled by men in the second half. It is perhaps the ultimate demonstration of the success of Stansfeld's work that, despite this, at the beginning of the twenty-first century women are free to participate in and enjoy sport and physical leisure in a way that would have seemed impossible at the beginning of the twentieth.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors make use of narrative inquiry from the position of a story teller by using creative nonfiction to bring forward the complexities of abuse in sport. Through the use of vignettes, one female athlete’s story of how she self-managed her abuse post sport by acting out sexually is made known. As taboo stories tend to be silenced in sport literature, this research foregrounds how one athlete took back the power and control with men as a way of self-managing the physical and emotional abuse she experienced from male coaches. Although a temporary fix, the vignettes highlight how this athlete’s self-management strategies were a complex form of empowerment, a contrast to what she felt when she was the recipient of abuse. The reader is encouraged to construct their own understanding of the athlete’s stories, thinking with her story rather than about her story. This paper contributes to understandings of athlete abuse by providing insight into the lack of support an athlete received post sport and further how she was expected to fend for herself, formulating her own self-management/coping strategies. Sport managers developing interventions and strategies related to abused athletes should consider the diverse challenges that they face.  相似文献   

李娜2006年法网比赛的技术统计与分析研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对2006年法国网球公开赛我国女子网球选手李娜三轮比赛场次的技术统计资料进行分析研究,并与法网女单16强第三轮比赛技术统计资料进行对比分析,结果表明:李娜发球攻击力不够,非受迫性失误过多,打法单调是阻止李娜成为一流选手的主要因素,要想在2008年北京奥运会取得优异成绩,必须有针对性地解决这些问题。  相似文献   

《可以吃的女人》是阿特伍德最早出版的一部小说,真实再现了加拿大社会中现代女性。尤其是知识女性的生存困境。文章分析了小说文本,揭示了女主人公认识自我,追寻自我,成长自我,并最终摆脱被动无为状态,不再逃避现实,以积极乐观的态度面对生活的心路历程。  相似文献   

相比暖和,配备齐全的南方基地,郑洁现在的训练环境看起来未免有些寒酸。但是这位在去年大红大紫的球手却并不在意这种落差,相反有些兴奋。因为她知道她拥有了其他22名队友所没有的“特权”;她已经和网球运动管理中心签订了协议,正式成为自我管理,自负盈亏的职业球员。  相似文献   

加拿大小说家阿特伍德的著作《浮现》讲述了无名女主人公短短几天的返乡旅程。这次旅途成为一次她对人生和人类文明的思考和探索。作者透过小说对生态问题、人与自然关系的问题进行了深刻的反思。本文将用生态批评的方法和理论对其进行解读,揭示作品所蕴涵的生态意识,及强烈的社会批判意义。  相似文献   

《红字》是美国杰出小说家纳撒尼尔.霍桑的代表作。它叙述了发生在17世纪北美殖民地的一个爱情悲剧。霍桑运用象征、对比、反衬及心理描写的艺术手法,通过对小说中男、女主人公截然不同的刻画来表达他对社会中两性关系的看法,流露出女性主义意识。表明了作者想为他所处的美国社会提供一条出路的理想和愿望:那就是要改变妇女在男权社会中的无权地位与失语状态,充分认识和发掘女性在各个方面的、尤其是在社会事务中的优势和力量,为社会注入新鲜的血液和清新的力量,使得美国社会健康地发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how one secondary physical education teacher understood gender at her school and how that understanding developed. Theoretical perspectives on feminism and the nature of teachers' knowledge guided the inquiry. Data were collected through 20 teacher observations and 60 interviews over 4 months and analyzed using constant comparison with frequent member checks to facilitate accuracy. Three main findings emerged. First, this teacher identified two aspects of the broader school culture, which she believed sent students, particularly girls, gendered and patriarchal messages of social positions. Second, she described a number of practices in the traditional physical education program, which she believed contributed further to girls' disempowerment. Finally, this teachers' stance in the political structure of the school both constrained and enhanced the development of her understanding of gender. Findings are discussed in relation to feminist theoretical stances and feminist teacher knowledge development.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine how one secondary physical education teacher understood gender at her school and how that understanding developed. Theoretical perspectives on feminism and the nature of teachers' knowledge guided the inquiry. Data were collected through 20 teacher observations and 60 interviews over 4 months and analyzed using constant comparison with frequent member checks to facilitate accuracy. Three main findings emerged. First, this teacher identified two aspects of the broader school culture, which she believed sent students, particularly girls, gendered and patriarchal messages of social positions. Second, she described a number of practices in the traditional physical education program, which she believed contributed further to girls' disempowerment. Finally, this teachers' stance in the political structure of the school both constrained and enhanced the development of her understanding of gender. Findings are discussed in relation to feminist theoretical stances and feminist teacher knowledge development.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, there have been a number of sociological investigations of participation by women in sports that had previously appeared to have been played exclusively by men. These investigations have rightly celebrated this participation as examples of greater physical empowerment, choice and freedom for women in sport. Several of these investigations have gone further by utilizing McCaughey’s notion of physical feminism to argue that participation in these sports is indicative of a broader feminist political challenge. This paper contends that this characterization of the broader political challenge is a misinterpretation of McCaughey’s physical feminism. Further, this misinterpretation is indicative of the theoretical underpinnings of the shift from a second wave radical feminism to a third wave celebrity feminism. This paper proposes a set of commitments that would be necessary, although not sufficient, to see these women’s leagues as feminist organizations that politically challenge patriarchal power.  相似文献   

鲁迅的小说以新鲜多样的艺术形式,深刻丰富的思想内涵和深厚的人生体验显示了中国现代小说所能达到的水准。《狂人日记》将新奇的故事与整体的象征相结合,使启蒙思想获得陌生化的艺术效果;《孔乙己》在典型环境中塑造典型人物,“这一个”中包含着丰富的社会文化内涵;《阿Q正传》则将讽刺揉合在滑稽的故事中,喜剧的外壳下藏着悲剧的内涵。以鲁迅小说为代表的中国现代小说重新激活了读者的阅读感觉,并加强了与读者人生体验的内在联系。  相似文献   

女权主义运动与奥林匹克运动的互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了女权运动的历史沿革以及女权主义运动与现代奥林匹克运动的历史渊源。奥林匹克运动在女权主义运动的影响下,不断做出相应的政策调整,鼓励妇女平等参与其中。不仅在历届奥运会中不断增加妇女的参赛总人数及女子项目,而且逐渐增加在奥林匹克领导层中的女委员人数。  相似文献   

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