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该文讨论了任意体积力的弹性力学问题的边界元法。  相似文献   

三峡工程对洞庭湖环境影响的几个主要方面的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从三峡工程对洞庭湖水文的影响着眼、分析了三峡建设坝对洞庭湖环境影响的几个主要方面,如土地潜育化、鱼类资源、鸟类资源以及血吸虫病流行等。  相似文献   

学生给老师打分现已成为高校普遍的课程反馈方式,某高校改革教师教学质量评估方式,学生给老师打分列入学生成绩查询系统,没有按时提交评老师的分数,就看不到自己的分数。涉及每门课、也就是每位老师的打分科目近20项,每项满分10分。一学期七八个任课老师,因为想快点看到自己的成绩,很多学生一律给满分。  相似文献   

在日常的教学中,学生出错是在所难免的,那么一线的广大教师是如何对待这一棘手的问题的呢?针对这一现象,文章首先列出了几种常见的对待错误的态度,并从语言学的角度对它们进行了分析。然后从课程资源的角度探讨了如何把学生的错误转变为日常教学中可利用的资源,并针对错误的两种不同的类型提出了具体的做法,以期和同行共勉。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The principle that emergent writing is supported by talk, and that an appropriate pedagogy for writing should include planned opportunities for talk is well researched and well understood. However, the process by which talk becomes text is less clear. The term 'oral rehearsal' is now commonplace in English classrooms and curriculum policy documents, yet as a concept it is not well theorised. Indeed, there is relatively little reference to the concept of oral rehearsal in the international literature, and what references do exist propose differing interpretations of the concept. At its most liberal, the term is used loosely as a synonym for talk; more precise definitions frame oral rehearsal, for example, as a strategy for reducing cognitive load during writing; for post-hoc reviewing of text; for helping writers to 'hear' their own writing; or for practising sentences aloud as a preliminary to writing them down. Drawing on a systematic review of the literature and video data from an empirical study, the paper will offer a theoretical conceptualisation of oral rehearsal, drawing on existing understanding of writing processes and will illustrate the ways in which young writers use oral rehearsal before and during writing.  相似文献   

Most U.S. children and adults use computers and the Internet on a daily basis. The pervasiveness of electronic communication in a variety of contexts, including home and school, raises ethical and legal concerns for school psychologists and those in related fields of practice, because of the risks to privacy and confidentiality, boundaries, competence, and students’ well‐being. We detail the legal and ethical dilemmas school psychologists may face in electronic data storage and transmission, use of social networking, and efforts to address cyber bullying. We review relevant legal and ethical guidelines and provide recommendations for training and practice.  相似文献   

本文利用2003年北京大学课题组进行的全国范围内的高校毕业生调查数据,使用由威尔斯于1974年提出的检验方法,对中国高校毕业生劳动力市场进行筛选理论的验证。实证结果发现,在中国的高校毕业生劳动力市场中,高等教育作为“信号”的作用较为明显。  相似文献   

Under the sponsorship of the European Communities, an action project linking selected school districts and universities has been set up in order to combat illiteracy. This article describes the working of this project in a school in a difficult neighbourhood in Toulouse, France. The organizational aspects of the project and the pedagogical setting and processes are described in detail. The method presented of stimulating writing skills in early primary school children so that these skills may underpin the acquisition of reading has produced very good results as have also the methods described of inducing these children to work independently in small study groups in school.  相似文献   

过去,教育与营利似乎是一对相斥的概念教育属于公立机构,通过政府财政预算获得经费,而营利活动则属于企业行为。在新的经济和社会环境下,这种格局开始发生变化,一方面部分大学组织的性质发生了变化,营利性机构渐渐涉足过去公立机构的职能范围;另一方面公立大学不再完全依靠政府拨款,开始向学生收取学费,并且从事一些营利性的活动。《民办教育促进法》在制定过程中,也无法绕开教育与营利性这对矛盾。为了解决《教育法》对教育机构属性的规定与现实情况之间的矛盾,《民办教育促进法》对于教育机构的营利问题进行了模糊处理,“合理回报”就是妥协的结果。目前人们在“教育产业化”认识问题上依然存在着较大的分歧。在国外虽然没有“教育产业化”这样的提法,但遇到的问题却是相同或相似的,因此高等教育市场化、商品化、私有化等是学术界十分关心的问题。特别是营利性高等教育机构的出现和迅速发展,更引起人们的高度关注。为此,本刊特别组织了这次笔谈,邀请国内外研究者分别从各个角度发表自己的看法。  相似文献   

Providing high-quality mathematics instruction in the classrooms of the future is essential to the development of educated citizens and a competent workforce. W hile this need is growing, the United States is facing a critical teacher shortage. An estimated two million teachers are needed, and this situation will only worsen in the next decade. An increasing number of prospective teachers begin their college experience at two-year colleges, and many future elementary and middle school teachers take all of their college-level mathematics and science coursework at these institutions. Two-year colleges must be integrally involved in teacher recruitment and preparation. The National Science Foundation report Investing in Tomorrow's Teachers recommends two-year college involvement in teacher preparation, including recruitment of prospective teachers; strengthened undergraduate courses; preteaching experiences; liaisons between two-year colleges and four-year institutions; and connections with business, industry, and professional societies. The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) has several strong teacher preparation activities and related guidelines. One successful model for two-year college involvement is the National Science Foundation-funded collaboration between Reynolds Community College and other two-year and four-year institutions in the area that has produced new and redesigned courses and a Teaching Apprentice Program. An emphasis on preparing prospective teachers to take licensure testing in mathematics is addressed through another program. A statewide initiative of the Virginia Community College System has produced a set of policy recommendations developed via a statewide task force and colloquium.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine, within an integrative predictive model, the relative contributions of sociodemographic variables, personal resources, and work wellbeing to teacher burnout. The research was conducted with special education teachers at Italian preschools—a context in which few previous studies have been carried out—and primary schools. A cross‐sectional survey‐based study with a sample of 194 kindergarten and primary school teachers was conducted. The results indicated that teachers’ happiness at school and job satisfaction incrementally predicted variance in personal, work‐related, and student‐related burnout, even after controlling for the effects of sociodemographic factors and personal resources. Furthermore, the final integrative predictive model was similar for both kindergarten and primary teachers.  相似文献   

International students frequently encounterproblems in adjusting to their new social environmentwhen studying at American institutions of highereducation. This paper contends that an importantstrategy used by international students in theadjustment process is to establish social relationshipswith other persons with a similar cultural background ornationality and form ethnic communities within the context of the university. Participation insuch an ethnic community serves to buffer internationalstudents from problems associated with a lack ofassimilation of American culture and an inability to effectively interact with Americans. This papertests the conditional hypotheses that assimilation ofAmerican culture and the establishment of social tieswith Americans influence the personal adjustment of an international student, only when thestudent has not established strong ties with otherpeople from a similar cultural background. The number ofstrong ties established with other coculturals was found to have the strongest relationship withthe personal adjustment of international students. Therelationship between assimilation of American cultureand personal adjustment was found to be conditional on the number of strong ties established withother coculturals whereas the establishment of strongties with Americans was found to be independentlyrelated to personal adjustment.  相似文献   

Since the onset of modernity, Jewish all-day schools have widely aspired to the curriculum integration of Jewish and general studies. This article surveys some of the most significant reasons why this ideal has largely remained unrealized. It argues that schools committed to an integrative ideal might benefit from reconceiving of integration in a manner which involves grounding it within constructivist/cognitivist assumptions about teaching and learning. A working model is offered for what the integration of Jewish and general studies might look like when conceived in this way. The article draws evidence from the curriculum of a recently established Jewish day school in Britain, suggesting that the instances displayed by this case, while constituting a weak form of integration, strongly embody a fertile notion of how students might be initiated into making sense of their world in an integrated fashion.  相似文献   

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