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One hundred forty-four 10th-grade students received training on one of three processing methods: coding-mapping (simultaneous), coding only, or decision tree (sequential). Then they learned a biconditional rule under one of eight transfer test conditions based on a 2 (paradigm: rule vs complete learning) × 2 (memory aids: 0 vs 4) × 2 (focus instance: presence vs absence) design. Although the coding-mapping students processed concept instances in much the same way as the coding-only students, they acquired the target rule more frequently, and they processed instances more quickly and more consistently than the decision-tree students. The observed ordinality of the responses of four truth-table classes was found to be more consistent with the simultaneity than with the sequentiality hypothesis. As expected, training interacted with paradigm and also with memory aids and focus instance. The induced simultaneous processing strategy apparently works optimally under rule learning, while the sequential strategy is difficult to induce and/or not optimal for rule-learning operations.  相似文献   

A set of forward and backward digit, letter, and color-form span and IQ scores were obtained from 144 10th-grade students. Subsequently, each student learned a bi- or triconditional rule with zero, three, or six memory aids. Forward-letter, forward-digit, backward-letter-digit, and color-form span memory factors emerged from the factor analysis of the span scores. Only the color-form (coding) span memory factor and IQ substantially predicted rule-learning proficiency. The predictive power was traced to the similar combinatory coding process shared by both (a) rule-learning and (b) color-form span tests and also to certain information-free operations shared by both (a) and intelligence tests. The observed facilitative effect of memory aids was interpreted as resulting from their availability as a dependable base for rehearsing coded information while inducing a conceptual rule. The external memory aids appeared to be more effectively utilized by students with long rather than short color-form spans.  相似文献   

Various types of discrimination learning tasks, such as so-called nonconditional, conditional, and biconditional tasks, are generally held to differ in complexity and to require different amounts of training. However, rather than a difference in rule complexity, between-task performance differences may reflect a difference in number of underlying rules. Accordingly, in the present study, human participants were subjected to tasks differing in number and/or complexity of rules. In Experiments 1 and 3, participants learned to differentially respond to visual-target stimuli, each of which was preceded by a visual feature. Conditions differed in the number of different features and in the informational value of individual features and/or targets. In Experiment 2, participants were fully informed about all relevant stimulus-response mappings prior to each trial. Performance accuracy was primarily determined by number of underlying rules in the initial phase of discrimination learning, especially when the time available for responding was restricted. However, when participants had attained a high accuracy level, performance was solely determined by rule complexity. Apparently, number and complexity of rules have a different weight, depending on the stage of discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Three different techniques were employed to analyze the associative structures mediating performance on an instrumental biconditional discrimination. In all three experiments, rats were trained concurrently on two tasks in which different stimuli signaled which one of two responses would be followed by reward. In each task, one response was rewarded in one stimulus and the other response was rewarded in the other stimulus. Correct responses earned pellets in one task and sucrose in the other task. The transfer procedure was used in Experiment 1A to identify whether or not an association developed between a biconditional discriminative stimulus and its instrumental outcome. Evidence was obtained that a biconditional cue elevated preferentially a new response trained with the same outcome. Experiments 1B and 3 examined the potential contribution of this stimulus-outcome association to biconditional performance by training the biconditional cues as signals (S-s) for the nonreinforcement of a different response. There was no evidence that this operation interfered with the ability of a biconditional cue to control performance of its correct response. In Experiments 1B and 2, the value of the instrumental outcome was reduced in an attempt to assess the contribution of stimulus-response associations to performance on the biconditional discrimination. The results of Experiments 1B and 2 reveal that correct responses were depressed following devaluation of the outcome used to train them, suggesting that learning about the response-outcome relation occurs. The implications of these results for binary and hierarchical models of instrumental learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Children extend regular grammatical patterns to irregular words, resulting in overregularizations like comed, often after a period of correct performance ("U-shaped development"). The errors seem paradigmatic of rule use, hence bear on central issues in the psychology of rules: how creative rule application interacts with memorized exceptions in development, how overgeneral rules are unlearned in the absence of parental feedback, and whether cognitive processes involve explicit rules or parallel distributed processing (connectionist) networks. We remedy the lack of quantitative data on overregularization by analyzing 11,521 irregular past tense utterances in the spontaneous speech of 83 children. Our findings are as follows. (1) Overregularization errors are relatively rare (median 2.5% of irregular past tense forms), suggesting that there is no qualitative defect in children's grammars that must be unlearned. (2) Overregularization occurs at a roughly constant low rate from the 2s into the school-age years, affecting most irregular verbs. (3) Although overregularization errors never predominate, one aspect of their purported U-shaped development was confirmed quantitatively: an extended period of correct performance precedes the first error. (4) Overregularization does not correlate with increases in the number or proportion of regular verbs in parental speech, children's speech, or children's vocabularies. Thus, the traditional account in which memory operates before rules cannot be replaced by a connectionist alternative in which a single network displays rotelike or rulelike behavior in response to changes in input statistics. (5) Overregularizations first appear when children begin to mark regular verbs for tense reliably (i.e., when they stop saying Yesterday I walk). (6) The more often a parent uses an irregular form, the less often the child overregularizes it. (7) Verbs are protected from overregularization by similar-sounding irregulars, but they are not attracted to overregularization by similar-sounding regulars, suggesting that irregular patterns are stored in an associative memory with connectionist properties, but that regulars are not. We propose a simple explanation. Children, like adults, mark tense using memory (for irregulars) and an affixation rule that can generate a regular past tense form for any verb. Retrieval of an irregular blocks the rule, but children's memory traces are not strong enough to guarantee perfect retrieval. When retrieval fails, the rule is applied, and overregularization results.  相似文献   

Retention of a brightness discrimination avoidance task by rats is impaired (Kamin effect) following a 1-h training-to-test interval (TTI), is enhanced after a 3-day TTI (reminiscence, or long-term spontaneous improvement), and is disrupted following a 21-day TTI (long-term forgetting). An exposure to the conditioned stimulus (CS), delivered 5 mm before a 1-h delayed retention test, not only compensated for the performance deficit that corresponds to the Kamin effect, but induced a large improvement in performance similar to that normally obtained after a 3-day TTI. It can be proposed that such cuing may act either by accelerating a natural memory-trace maturation process or by improving the retrievability of the memory trace. Since these possibilities lead to opposite predictions concerning the length of the facilitation induced by cuing, the effect of a pretest exposure to the CS on performance obtained during a 1-h delayed retention test was studied after several cuing-to-test intervals (0, 5, 10, or 20 min). The results, which indicate that cuing transiently enhanced subsequent retention performance, more convincingly support the retrieval hypothesis. The effects of pretest exposure to the CS (which occurred 5 min before testing) were also examined 10 min, 1 h, or 24 h after initial training. The results indicate that the facilitative effect of cuing obtained when retention performance was disrupted shortly after training (1-h TTI) was also obtained after a 24-h retention interval, in the absence of performance disruption. An interpretation of the facilitative effect of a pretest exposure to the CS is proposed, and implications concerning the memory trace are further discussed in relation to the multidimensional hypothesis.  相似文献   

A paired-associate memory task with pictures and words as items was used to categorize fourth graders into four learner types: HH, high picture-high word; HL, high picture-low word; LH, low picture-high word; LL, low picture-low word. Some children in each classification read prose passages with picture adjunct aids; other children read the passages without adjunct aids. Although free recall for the prose passage yielded inconclusive data, a constructed response test for facts in the prose passages revealed significant Aptitude × Treatment interactions, such that poor paired-associate learners (i.e., LLs) profited more than did good paired-associate learners (i.e., HHs) from picture aids on the prose task. The children's standardized reading scores were positively related to memory performance, but good and poor readers did not differ in their ability to profit from picture aids. It was suggested that less-strategic learners, such as those who perform poorly on paired-associate tasks, are more likely to be helped by externally provided mediational aids, while more-strategic learners are more likely to be helped by instructions to generate their own mediational aids.  相似文献   

Acquisition, extinction, and transfer of facilitation were explored in a series of experiments with C57BL/6J mice. With a procedure in which an auditory target was followed by food only in the presence of a visual facilitator, Experiments 1—4 showed that the facilitator promoted magazine entries to the auditory target. This enhancement effect was eliminated by training the facilitator as a conditioned inhibitor (Experiments 1 and 3B). Enhancement was also reduced by nonreinforced presentations of the facilitator in a discrimination procedure (Experiment 1) and by simple nonreinforcement of the facilitator (Experiments 2, 3A, and 4). In contrast to the results obtained with a facilitator, simple nonreinforcement of an inhibitor, a visual cue that had signaled when an auditory target would not be reinforced, did not reduce its ability to modulate responding to that target (Experiment 4). However, both the facilitator and the inhibitor were found to transfer their modulatory effects to other targets (Experiment 4). Finally, mice demonstrated no evidence of differential responding on a biconditional discrimination procedure in which one auditory target (A1) was reinforced in the presence of one visual stimulus (L1) but not in the presence of another (L2), and a different auditory target (A2) was reinforced in L2 but not in L1 (Experiment 5). The implications of these results for analysis of the function of a facilitator are discussed.  相似文献   

Discrimination and memory for video films of women performing different activities was investigated in 5.5 month-old infants. In Experiment 1, infants (N = 24) were familiarized to the faces of one of three women performing one of three repetitive activities (blowing bubbles, brushing hair, and brushing teeth). Overall, results indicated discrimination and memory for the actions but not the faces after both a 1-min and a 7-week delay. Memory was demonstrated by a visual preference for the novel actions after the 1-min delay and for the familiar actions after the 7-week delay, replicating prior findings that preferences shift as a function of retention time. Experiment 2 (N = 12) demonstrated discrimination and memory for the faces when infants were presented in static poses at the 1-min delay, but not the 7-week delay. In Experiment 3 (N = 18), discrimination of the actions was replicated, but no discrimination among the objects embedded in the actions (hairbrush, bubble wand, toothbrush) was found. These findings demonstrate the attentional salience of actions over faces in dynamic events to 5.5 month-olds. They highlight the disparity between results generated from moving versus static displays in infancy research and emphasize the importance of using dynamic events as a basis for generalizing about perception and memory for events in the real world.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments we asked whether training in multiple contexts could eliminate context-dependent memory retrieval at 6 months as it does for adults. We found that 24-hour retention was disrupted when infants were trained in one context and tested in another but not when they were trained in multiple contexts prior to testing in a novel context (Experiment 1). After a long delay, however, training in multiple contexts did not facilitate memory retrieval in a novel context: An otherwise effective retrieval cue (the training mobile) did not alleviate forgetting 3 weeks later when it was presented in a novel context (Experiment 2). These findings demonstrate that multiple learning contexts can override the debilitating effects of an altered context on memory retrieval at 6 months, but only over the short term. The resistance of older memories to retrieval in novel contexts after long periods of disuse may be adaptive, insuring that potentially inappropriate or irrelevant memories will not be expressed.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to ascertain whether it is possible to create reading contexts that eliminate the impact of word recognition on reading comprehension and permit pupils with reading disabilities (RD) to attain a level of comprehension similar to that of their peers without RD. Specifically, the study compared a traditional reading situation with one of reading with aids (joint reading). In both situations, pupils' comprehension level was assessed by means of a summary and a series of inferential questions, and we controlled the effect on comprehension of word recognition, previous knowledge, rhetorical competence, and working memory. The results showed that the aids provided during reading do not eliminate the effect of word recognition, but they do permit readers with RD to attain a comprehension level similar to that of their peers.  相似文献   

若要侵权人承担责任,则因果关系认定是必不可少的。在不作为侵权责任中,因果关系认定尤显困难。根据是否有介入因素、介入因素之不同,可分为三种情形:一是不存在自然力或第三人行为介入的情形下,不作为与损害后果之间因果关系的认定;二是在自然力介入时,不作为与损害后果之间因果关系的认定;三是在第三人不法行为介入时,不作为与损害后果之间因果关系的认定。其中条件规则、相当因果关系规则、可预见规则、比例因果关系规则、替代原因规则均发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study tested the effects of two instructional aids in a complex, dynamic environment, specifically, a business simulation. Participants studied (1) a “causal map,” which depicted key variables in an interconnected network, (2) a textual outline of the same relationships, or (3) no-aid. With the relevant aid still available, the participants ran the simulation three times. Then, the aid was removed, and the participants ran another three simulations. Both when the aid was available and later when removed, the group receiving the causal map gained a greater market share than the other two groups, which failed to differ. With respect to profits, however, a cross-over interaction appeared. When the aid was available, the causal map group showed lower profits than the other two groups, but, without the aid, the causal map group showed greater profits. The results are discussed in the context of information processing theories of instructional design.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the basic “logic” utilized by individuals in scientific hypothesis testing is the biconditional (if and only if), and that the biconditional is a precondition for the development of formal operations, a sample of 387 students in grades eight, ten, twelve, and college were administered eight reasoning items. Five of the items involved the formal operational schemata of probability, proportions and correlations. Two of the items involved propositions and correlations. Two of the items involved propositional logic. One item involved the biconditional. Percentages of correct responses on most of the items increased with age. A principal-component analysis revealed three factors, two of which were identified as involving operational thought, one of which involved propositional logic. As predicted, the biconditional reasoning item loaded on one of the operational thought factors. A Guttman scale analysis of the items failed to reveal a unidimensional scale, yet the biconditional reasoning item ordered first supporting the hypothesis that it is a precondition for formal operational reasoning. Implications for teaching science students how to test hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological awareness and learning to read Chinese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the nature of morphological awareness and its relation to learning to read Chinese characters among 46 Chinese-speaking preschool children. The children took a morphological awareness task, which varied in semantic transparency and morpheme position. Children’s vocabulary knowledge and extant character reading ability were measured. Additionally, a character learning task was administered. Results showed that children’s performances on morphological awareness were affected by semantic transparency but not by morpheme position. Morphological awareness was related to vocabulary knowledge when partialling out character reading ability but not to character reading ability after partialling out vocabulary knowledge. The results of the character learning task further revealed that morphological awareness was related to character identification in the words that were just taught but not to character identification in the words that were not taught or in pseudowords. The relation between morphological awareness and character identification ceased to be significant when partialling out the variance in children’s prior knowledge of the characters to be learnt. Taken together, the findings suggested that vocabulary knowledge may play a more important role than reading ability in the initial development of morphological awareness and that the facilitative effect of morphological knowledge in reading does not seem to be significant in the very initial stages of reading acquisition.  相似文献   

When switching between tasks, preschoolers frequently make distraction errors—as distinct from perseverative errors. This study examines for the first time why preschoolers make these errors. One hundred and sixty‐four 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds completed one of four different conditions on a rule‐switching task requiring children to sort stimuli according to one rule and then switch to a new rule. Conditions varied according to the type of information that children needed to ignore. Children made significantly more distraction errors when the to‐be‐ignored information was related to the previous rule. When it was not related to a previous rule, even young preschoolers could disregard this information. This demonstrates that distraction errors are caused by children's initial goal representations that continue to affect performance.  相似文献   

The neurocognitive development of moral and conventional judgments was examined. Event‐related potentials were recorded while 24 adolescents (13 years) and 30 young adults (20 years) read scenarios with 1 of 3 endings: moral violations, conventional violations, or neutral acts. Participants judged whether the act was acceptable or unacceptable when a rule was assumed or removed. Across age, reaction times were faster for moral than conventional violations when a rule was assumed. Adolescents had larger N2 amplitudes than adults for moral and neutral, but not conventional, acts. N2 amplitudes were larger when a rule was removed than assumed for moral, but not conventional, violations. These findings suggest that the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying moral and conventional judgments continue to develop beyond early adolescence.  相似文献   

新闻采访中记者的语用角色定位包括:1、从自己的角色本位出发,做好角色自制;2、注意角色的自我认知和角色期待;3、在采访中要“入而不陷,淡而不离;”4、要避免角色误区,防止角色迷失和角色易位等。  相似文献   

In the delayed matching of key location procedure, pigeons must remember the location of the sample key in order to choose correctly between two comparison keys. The deleterious effect of short intertrial intervals on key location matching found in previous studies suggested that pigeons’ short-term spatial memory is affected by proactive interference. However, because a reward expectancy mechanism may account for the intertriai interval effect, additional research aimed at demonstrating proactive interference was warranted. In Experiment 1, matching accuracy did not decline from early to late trials within a session, a finding inconsistent with a proactive interference effect. In Experiment 2, evidence suggestive of proactive interference was found: Matching was more accurate when the locations that served as distractors and as samples were chosen from different sets. However, this effect could have been due to differences in task difficulty, and the results of the two subsequent experiments provided no evidence of proactive interference. In Experiment 3, the distractor on Trialn was either the location that had served as the sample on Trialn ? 1 or one that had been a sample on earlier trials. Matching accuracy was not inferior on the former type of trial. In Experiment 4, the stimuli that served as samples and distractors were taken from sets containing 2, 3, 5, or 9 locations. Matching accuracy was no worse, actually slightly better, with smaller memory set sizes. Overall, these findings suggested that pigeons’ memory for spatial location may be immune to proactive interference. However, when, in Experiment 5, an intratrial manipulation was used, clear evidence of proactive interference was found: Matching accuracy was considerably lower when the sample was preceded by the distractor for that trial than when it was preceded by the sample or by nothing. Possible reasons why interference was produced by intratrial but not intertrial manipulations are discussed, as are implications of these data for models of pigeons’ short-term spatial memory.  相似文献   

Explanation and generalization in young children's strategy learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Children often learn new problem-solving strategies by observing examples of other people's problem-solving. When children learn a new strategy through observation and also explain the new strategy to themselves, they generalize the strategy more widely than children who learn a new strategy but do not explain. We tested three hypothesized mechanisms through which explanations might facilitate strategy generalization: more accurate recall of the new strategy's procedures; increased selection of the new strategy over competing strategies; or more effective management of the new strategy's goal structure. Findings supported the third mechanism: Explanations facilitated generalization through the creation of novel goal structures that enabled children to persist in use of the new strategy despite potential interference from competing strategies. The facilitative effect of explanation did vary with children's age and did not vary between explanations children created by themselves versus explanations they learned from the experimenter.  相似文献   

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