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为给薄弱学校培养高质量教师,澳大利亚探索出“工作型”路径的教师教育,有别于传统“学院型”教师教育。在薄弱学校遭遇教育困境、国内教师供给改革和国际经验带动等背景下,澳大利亚“工作型”路径主张将高质量生源放在薄弱学校进行田野培养,满足当地学校所需,并尽可能保持较长时间。在实践路径上,澳大利亚在招生、培养、中途退出或毕业、评估四个方面采取多维举措,并形成特色。其特征表现在:由公益组织牵头承载政府意愿,基于“程序正义”严控生源起点,引导学生在具体工作中深度学习,在教育系统与教育结果上产生双重影响。“工作型”路径追求立足学校田野的多元参与,为澳大利亚教师教育带来新面貌。  相似文献   

“网瘾”也称为“互联网成瘾综合症”,网瘾是网络带给现代青少年生活的“潘多拉魔盒”,是教育学、心理学和社会学上的一个新问题,中国青少年网络协会曾公布的《中国青少年网瘾数据报告》显示,我国网瘾青少年约占青少年网民的13.2%,在非网瘾群体中,另有约13%的青少年存在网瘾倾向,面对越来越严重的青少年网络成瘾问题,如何对网瘾学生进行教育和引导,本文通过对中学生网瘾的危害进入深入分析,试图提出针对学校、社会、家长与学生的教育策略。  相似文献   

内地新疆班与内地西藏班(校)作为新时代的边疆少数民族内地办学项目丰富了内地学校场景中的文化多样性,为多民族师生的文化互动搭建了平台。借鉴人类学田野民族志的方法,笔者以英语实习教师的身份进入田野,进行了一年的参与式田野调查,通过一个个案折射内地新疆班维汉文化互动的全貌。维汉之间的文化差异是客观存在的,生活差异、语言差异、学业差异等被维汉师生认为在文化互动的初期带来挑战。个案学校“以宽代严”、“眼高手低”、“共享校园”、“弹性编班”等管理制度和理念对促进维汉师生的文化互动取得了成效。这些经验体现出一个总的理念,即在尊重差异的基础上强调文化深层次的普世性,体现了“尊重差异,包容多样”的和谐社会基本理念。在个案情境下,维吾尔族学生和当地师生互动的过程成为了超越文化差异的过程,双方建立了“背着馕去做客”的跨文化友谊,这种文化互动还进一步延伸到了学校所在的小镇和学生的家庭中。这一个案的启示在于,文化差异对参与互动的双方都会形成挑战,但在积极的文化环境中,不同文化群体间的接触越多,他们彼此的尊重和态度就会越积极。边疆少数民族内地办学增加了不同民族师生的接触与交往,为增进了解、超越差异提供了潜在的机会。  相似文献   

在学校中有这样一个群体——问题生群体。一般来说每个班中问题生的比例大概是6%~10%。问题生是学校教育教学工作中的弱势群体,也应该是关心下一代工作者应该研究的课题。因为,能否较好的转化这些学生,将直接关系到班集体的班风和学风。更重要的是将直接影响这些学生一生的前途和幸福。有人说过:“智育不好是次品,德育不好是危险品,身体不好是废品,心理不健康是易碎品。”可见,问题学生的转化工作是不容忽视的,作为班级的管理者,必须立足于学生一生的发展来从事管理工作,让每一个学生都能健康地发展。几年来,我通过观察、研究班主任在转化问题生的工作中不同的做法产生的不同效应,积累了一些经验,总结出“四位一体”的转化方法。  相似文献   

孙庆忠 《中国德育》2007,2(9):72-75
田野调查是社会学和人类学研究的重要方法,也一直被视为对学生进行专业训练、培养其学科意识的中心环节。我把带学生在乡村的调查实践,称为社会学专业训练的“成年仪式”,意在说明经过了田野的洗礼,学生在对专业的感情、对学问的理解、乃至生活的态度上都发生了深刻变化。三年间,我曾带领四届本科生赶赴田野,深切地体会到这种实践教学的特殊价值。  相似文献   

李文军 《考试周刊》2010,(20):223-224
随着社会节奏的加快和生活压力的增加,各种原因造成“问题学生”成为学校和老师心中“无法回避的痛”,违反纪律、说谎、叛逆、喜好无常成为他们的代名词,“问题学生”逐渐成为目前教育界一个备受关注的特殊群体。如何看待他们。并给予他们正确的引导,成为国内青少年教育专家热议的话题。本文从“问题学生”的成因、表现及相应的教育方式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

一、人类学中田野研究的涵义作为文化人类学的核心,田野研究既是一个人为的过程,也是一个科学的过程。因为文化人类学家不同于所谓“硬科学”的研究者,他们调查和研究的是人类群体。在某种程度上讲,不同文化的人之间有很大的不同,同一文化的人之间也有差别。而且,机会、政治和历史的情况都是因时因地而异,这些情况也就增加了田野调查的独特性。田野研究是一个发展着的概念,最初的田野研究主要是指一种田野调查或是田野作业即fieldw ork,是指人类学的研究者们到调查现场收集材料的过程,逐渐发展成为一种研究范式,即field study,由此就给田野…  相似文献   

一、人类学中田野研究的涵义 作为文化人类学的核心,田野研究既是一个人为的过程,也是一个科学的过程。因为文化人类学家不同于所谓“硬科学”的研究者.他们调查和研究的是人类群体。在某种程度上讲,不同文化的人之间有很大的不同,同一文化的人之间也有差别。而且,机会、政治和历史的情况都是因时因地而异,这些情况也就增加了田野调查的独特性。  相似文献   

张勇 《中国德育》2005,(10):43-44
澳大利亚是个多元文化国家,“民主”与“平等”思想渗透进国民的意识里,体现在国民的日常社会活动中。作为青少年思想教育的重要园地,澳大利亚的学校精心创设。“民主”与“平等”教育环境,通过灵活有效的方式培养学生良好的社会道德和行为习惯。我曾有幸作为访问学者在澳犬利亚考察一年,对当地学校“民主”与“平等”的教育思想和实践有较深刻体会与认识。以下就从三个方面来谈谈澳大利亚学校在这方面的做法、经验以及给我们的启示。  相似文献   

资产阶级与我们争夺青少年一代是当前阶级斗争在教育战线上的一个突出表现。本刊本期发表的石工同志撰写的《历史教学要为培养无产阶级革命接班人做出贡献》这篇文章。提出了这样几个问题:历史教师要不要积极参加到反击资产阶级与我们争夺青少年这一斗争中来?历史教师能不能运用历史知识向学生进行以阶级与阶级斗争为主要内容的思想教育、参加争夺青少年的斗争?历史教师如何通过自己的教学工作自觉地进行和承担起培养坚强的革命接班人的战斗任务?这些问题都直接关系到如何对待党的教育方针的要求问题。因此,讨论这些方面的问题,具有十分重大的意义。我们希望历史教师积极参加这些问题的讨论。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with extending existing understandings about the role of schools as sexualising agencies. It seeks to uncover previously undisturbed spatial and material dimensions of schooling with regards to sexualities and their implication for how young people learn about sexualities at school. In this regard, the paper asks: how do apparently mundane spatial and material schooling arrangements constitute particular sexual meanings and identities for students? A visual methodology is employed to capture schooling places that students identify as constitutive of sexual meanings and identities. How students’ embodied sexual practices negotiate and contest these spatial/material configurations is also investigated. Through this analysis, the paper makes a theoretical contribution to an understanding of space as an in process materiality. It is concluded that the spatial and material arrangements of schooling contribute to a larger schooling project concerned with muting and regulating young people’s sexual subjectivities.  相似文献   

Research apprenticeships for secondary students provide authentic contexts for learning science in which students engage in scientific investigations with practicing scientists in working laboratory groups. Student experiences in these research apprenticeships vary depending on the individual nature of the laboratory in which students have been placed. This study explores potential relationships among student experiences in apprenticeship contexts and desired student outcomes (e.g. science content knowledge, understandings of nature of science, and aspirations for science oriented career plans). The following two research questions guided the study: How do participant experiences in and outcomes resulting from an authentic research program for high school students vary? How does variation in participant experiences in an authentic research program relate to participant outcomes? Primary data sources were student and mentor interviews in addition to student generated concept maps. Results indicated that the greatest variance in student experiences existed in the categories of collaboration, epistemic involvement, and understandings of the significance of research results. The greatest variation in desired student outcomes was observed in student understandings of nature of science and in students’ future science plans. Results suggested that collaboration and interest in the project were experience aspects most likely to be related to desired outcomes. Implications for the design of research apprenticeships for secondary students are discussed.  相似文献   

During the past 10 years in Australia teacher aides have been employed in mainstream schools as support personnel in special education intervention programmes, and their numbers are increasing. At the same time workplace reform in relation to inclusive education is impacting on their employment and deployment in schools to support students with disabilities and learning difficulties. In Queensland, teacher aides have been offered formal career paths, with increased pay scales, based on the recognition and continuing attainment of qualifications or credentials. However, there is increasing recognition in the educational research community that professional development for any change, and especially the complex changes in culture needed for inclusive education, is about developing and managing a collaborative process of change through reflection on, learning about, and sharing meanings and understandings about effective support of all students, in ways that value the diversities and celebrate the differences of the perspectives of the whole school community. How can we move the process of professional development for teacher aides forward? The experiences and knowledge that teacher aides already can have further inform this process of change through professional development.  相似文献   

Partnerships between schools and teacher education institutions are now widely promoted as an effective pathway to the preparation of pre-service students. This paper examines the ways in which one form of school/tertiary partnership has attempted, over a 25 year period, to respond to the key questions on partnership: How do university lecturers share teacher education with their colleagues in schools? When and where does this occur? What can tertiary staff learn from the “new” teacher educators? What strategies are being considered to enhance the spirit of mutual respect which must underpin successful teamwork? How well are the vital roles of adviser, counsellor, guide, support and teacher understood and shared by school and tertiary staff as they work with pre-service students? Do the partners share similar understandings of the theory and practice of the program? The authors conclude, as a result of their own experiences in the Teacher Education Program at Macquarie University in Sydney, and as a result of recent research into the formation of specific links between school teachers and tertiary lecturers, that the success of new experiments with partnership will depend, ultimately, upon the success of the human rather than the structural relationships established.  相似文献   

The paper discusses children’ attitudes towards school and learning soon after entering primary school in Hungary. First and second grade primary school students (N?=?33) were interviewed. The interviews explored the following questions: What are the teachers’ and the children’s roles in the classroom? What is learning? Where do children learn? What kind of learning strategies do students use in arithmetic and reading? How are students evaluated in the school? What do students like best about school? The data suggest that the children quickly adapt to the school environment and, on the whole, have a positive attitude towards school and learning but—with a few exceptions—their views on the role of schooling in life reflect traditional, school subject centred goals and values and little awareness of the learning process.  相似文献   

赵薇 《唐山学院学报》2011,24(1):92-94,99
华侨高等院校的校歌校训不仅有中华传统文化内涵,亦体现华侨高等教育的教育目的。暨南大学、华侨大学的校歌校训在指导学生言行的同时,也具有重要的文化意义,激发着华侨学生的爱国热情,促使其为祖籍国侨居地的建设发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

How do children experience gender? What are the roles of schools, adults and allies in supporting gender inclusion in a world of gendered categories? Despite a growing public discourse on gender and shifts toward fluid understandings of gender in US popular culture and educational institutions, the voices of transgender and gender expansive children remain on the margins. In Spring 2017, fourteen elementary school children in a school in Northern California, USA, who are gender expansive, transgender and in LGBTQ parented families and their allies documented their understandings and experiences of gender in their lives and in the school using Photovoice methodology. Visual and narrative findings traced three related themes of gendered meanings, gendered spaces and gendered allies. This paper asks how we can build more inclusive school environments in which children can come into their fully gendered selves. By documenting meanings and experiences of gender, children illustrate the infinite possibilities of gender and create pathways to institutional and social change for inclusive educational environments. The paper addresses the role of gender justice in light of persistent injustices rendered in and through gendered states to support movements for educational and social change.  相似文献   

如何使初中学生在化学学习中顺利地过渡到高中的学习中,笔者认为应加强对学生学检测结果的分析和利用,充分利用教学教具,巧妙地分解难点,巩固重点,在复习初中知识的基础上,优选教学方法,讲清新概念,有效地利用课堂实验,培养学生的多种能力。  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治工作实施创新教育探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创新教育是深化教育改革和全面推进素质教育的具体举措;是一次教育理念的创新,更是一次以培养创新精神和创新能力为核心的教育实践;既是高校人才培养的方向,也是我国高校教育改革的重点.如何在学生工作中把创新教育落实到实处,保持思想政治工作的生机和活力,这是我们今后工作的重点和难点,我们应以创新的精神投入到创新教育这一伟大的事业中去.  相似文献   

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