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当今社会已经进入了信息社会.信息化程度和水平已经成为一个国家科技发展和竞争实力的重要标志,各行各业的工作均围绕着不同的信息系统进行。特别是近几年卫生信息化的快速发展.要求医学院校的学生必须掌握一定的信息知识,才能适应实际工作的需要。医学院校应该尽快开展信息能力教育,推进我国卫生信息化的进程。  相似文献   

当今以4G为基础的移动互联网正在加速建设,标志着全新4G信息时代的到来。而移动图书馆信息服务正是当今图书情报领域研究的热点。本文将通过分析图书信息服务工作的现状,结合4G通信技术特点,对现有的图书馆信息化服务方式提出改进建议,使图书馆在新技术变革时代下焕发新的光彩。  相似文献   

Several problem-solving interventions that utilise a “circle” approach have been applied within the field of educational psychology, for example, Circle Time, Circle of Friends, Sharing Circles, Circle of Adults and Solution Circles. This research explored two interventions, Solution Circles and Circle of Adults, and used thematic analysis of questionnaire data to investigate the views of school staff that had taken part in these interventions. 62 participants were involved in a Solution Circle and 31 participants were involved in a Circle of Adults. Findings highlighted key features of these circle interventions which corresponded to those identified from relevant literature. Participants who had taken part in a Solution Circle described the applicability of solutions to other aspects of their work and a greater amount of strategies and solutions generated as a result of the group process. Participants who had been involved in a Circle of Adults session described having a greater understanding of a problem situation and empathy towards the focus pupil and the role of the educational psychologists in facilitating the process. Recommendations were made for educational psychology practice and for further research in this area.  相似文献   

题目图1所示,空气(n汽=1)中折射率为=1.5的玻璃凸透镜,焦点为F,一发光物点处于焦点F时,其发散的入射光线经透镜折射后,将变成平行于主轴的出射光线.现将容器A注入清水(n水=4/3),且使水面刚刚没过透镜.若仍想得到平行于主光轴的出射光线,则发光物点应向上还是向下移动?  相似文献   

This article presents the evaluation of a local government programme on environmental education (Programa Integral d'Educació Ambiental de Cornellà PIDEAC—Global Environmental Education Programme of Cornellà) in Catalonia. The programme aimed to change the habits of the local population. The evaluation has deployed quantitative and qualitative techniques in order to find out if that objective had been fulfilled. Its results show that the common understanding of environmental education has actually changed in the local population, although in a different sense than expected. The relationship of several social groups toward environmental issues should be taken into account to explain these results.  相似文献   

The reading and solution phases of problem-solving are partially interleaved. Solution may proceed by backward inference, forward inference, or a form of meta-level inference termed planstacking.This article suggests three information processing mechanisms to account for the mixture of reading and solving behaviour, and examines four competing explanations of search control during problem solution.  相似文献   

According to the researchers who report in this set of papers there are two causes for the phenomenon that primary- and secondary-school students ignore relevant and plausibly familiar aspects of reality in answering word problems. The first cause is the stereotyped character of common word problems. The second cause lies in the classroom climate. In this article, it is argued that the students act sensibly in their situation. Furthermore, it is noted that the use of stereotyped problems and the accompanying classroom climate relate to teacher beliefs about the goals of mathematics education. Therefore, improving the results on problematic word problems will ask for a change in teacher beliefs. Furthermore, a directed effort to change the classroom socio-math norms will be needed. In relation to this, Greer's suggestion for a change towards a modelling perspective is supported. However, what modelling is, is worked out differently. In line with the RME instructional theory, a plea is made for modelling as an activity of organizing, not of translation.  相似文献   


首先建立了0-1KP和3-SAT的数学模型;然后分别基于遗传算法(GA)与贪心策略相结合给出了一种求解0-1KP的有效算法,基于GA与局部搜索相结合给出了一种求解3-SAT的可行算法;最后通过对0-1KP实例和3-SAT实例的仿真计算,验证了算法的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

This account of practice outlines the Oxyme Action Learning Program which was conducted as part of the Management Challenge in my final year of the MSc in Coaching and Behavioral Change at Henley Business School. The central research questions were: (1) how action learning can help to solve wicked problems and (2) what the effect of an action learning program is on the individual set members, the set and the organization as a whole. This paper also describes my personal development as a facilitator of change and ends with key learnings and recommendations for future action learning programs.  相似文献   

随着高校实验室的建设发展,安全因素日益复杂多样,风险不断增加。该文提出保障实验室安全的两项关键措施,即以实验室安全督导实施对危险源的有效管控,以安全知识考试强化对实验室人员的安全教育,并从高校实验室安全工作的实践阐述了两项措施的作用。  相似文献   

Four guidelines for teaching quantitative problem‐solving are presented, based on research results. These guidelines are interrelated: for instruction with proper orientation, exercise and feedback (guideline 4) students need both clear and accessible overviews of Key Relations (guideline 3) and an appropriate system of heuristics (guideline 2). The analysis of students' difficulties (guideline 1) is a good starting point for the development of a system of heuristics, Key Relation charts and for the design of instructional procedures aimed at improving the way students solve quantitative problems.  相似文献   

The study presented here will examine the connection between teaching and development, focusing in particular on how children solve “missing addend” story problems. Vygotsky’s theory of development will serve as the framework. Ordinarily, when second graders are forced to solve a problem of this type by choosing an arithmetic operation (+ or ?), half of them fail. The most frequent error is choosing addition. The subjects in the experiment presented here were second graders who had always been given the opportunity to use objects or drawings to “act out” (model) the actions expressed in the problem statament. They had never been in the above “forced-choice” situation. Moreover, they had been taught to use a “forward strategy” to solve subtraction problems like 42–36 (to get from 36 to 40, it takes 4; and then to get to 42, it takes 2 more) and a “backward strategy” for subtraction problems like 42–6. When given the following missing-addend problem: “Pierre has 63 pieces of candy and paul has 4. Paul wants to have the same number of pieces as Pierre. How many pieces of candy must Paul buy?” none of these children performed an addition, approximately half did a subtraction, and the others succeeded by using a breakdown strategy or a drawing. The overall success rate was 92%. The results obtained suggest a way of operationalizing the notion of “zone of proximal development” for problem solving of this type.  相似文献   

在古典概型中,全概率公式既是重点也是难点.要使学生对属于全概率公式求解的题目做出准确的判断,需要正确地进行分析.通过对典型题目的分析,总结出求解此类问题的方法和解题步骤,并给出了全概率公式的记忆方法.  相似文献   

运用整体思维策略解题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
整体思维是把研究对象看成是一个由相互联系的多种要素构成的.具有一定空间结构的整体,它反对把对象仅仅看做一个点、一条线、一个侧面的孤立片面的思维方法,而是将所研究的问题看做一个整体.统筹全局,从整体结构变化的前后比较中,寻找变量或不变量来设计解决问题的最佳途径.  相似文献   

本文用数列、解析几何等数学方法,求解几道物理习题,示例如下: 1.数列知识的运用类 这类题目的内容常常涉及到等差数列、等比数列等,主要利用数列的通项公式和求和公式.在等比数列的问题中,还经常应用无穷递缩等比数例.  相似文献   

举例说明在对命题的论证时如何构造适当的数学问题。  相似文献   

The study challenged the current practices in cognitive load measurement involving complex problem solving by manipulating the presence of pictures in multiple rule‐based problem‐solving situations and examining the cognitive load resulting from both off‐line and online measures associated with complex problem solving. Forty‐eight participants were recruited from a subject pool in the Educational Psychology department in a large research university in western USA. Results showed that the presence of pictures had no effect on learners' complex problem solving as measured by the response time and accuracy. However, the online measure (eg, pupillometric measures) revealed a change in cognitive load associated with the presence of pictures in complex problem solving. The authors concluded that different measures of cognitive load may actually be measuring separate aspects of cognitive load. Discussions were made on how research on multimedia learning and cognitive load could be advanced by carefully considering multiple aspects of cognitive load and by including the use of convergent measurement techniques to capture the variations of cognitive load involved in learning.  相似文献   

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