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联系教学体会,提出了上好高中第一节生物学课的基本要求,即培养学生的学习兴趣和思维性习惯,激发求知欲,让学生树立科学态度,同时对学生渗透社会主义核心价值观教育。  相似文献   

在新课程理念指导下,我们应该如何上好新学期的第一节课?首先,教师要备好课,包括备课标、备教材、备学生、备课程资源、备老师自己。其次,要选好教法,要考虑教学任务以及学生的年龄特征、知识水平、学力现状,让学生在第一节课掌握相应的基础概念,建立初步学科感性认识。此外,教师还要在第一节课介绍本学科的魅力和新教材特点,要跟学生讲明要求,要让学生明白今后应该怎么样做,以及如何学好这一科目。  相似文献   

何纲  唐林 《教书育人》2008,(9):38-39
一位新教师如何上第一节课呢?又如何上好第一节课呢?这是许多新教师面临的问题,因为这节课成功与否将决定他今后教学活动能否顺利展开,具有举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育改革的全面启动,中小学体育发生了翻天覆地的变化,体育教育中不断出现新思想、新理论和新方法,体育教学中也不断出现新知识、新内容和新观点,这都给体育教育提出了新的要求,同时也给体育专业大学生的体育教育实习提出了新的目标和新的挑战。那么作为一名体育专业的实习生,如如何能够上好第一节体育课,这是所有实习生所面临的现实问题,因为这节课的成功与否将直接决定自己今后在实习过程中乃至以后的体育教学生涯中能否顺利开展教学活动具有举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

陈金锁 《中国教师》2009,(Z1):488-488
<正>好高中第一节生物课具有重要意义。第一节课教学应把激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生认识学习生物学的重要意义,了解生物学的学习方法,培养学生的生物学意识做为主要内容。第一节课任务繁重,难度极大。学生来自不同的初级中学,教师对学生的知识基础、性格特点不了解。由于生物学为非高考科目,社  相似文献   

物理这门学科比较难学,要突破这个难关,物理教师上好第一节物理课是十分重要的,也是必要的,因为这将对学生未来的物理学习,提高学生学习物理的兴趣是至关重要的。  相似文献   

第一节课既是介绍课又是动员课 ,所以应起到调动学生积极性和激发他们学习热情的作用。随着知识经济社会的到来 ,更应该加强学法指导 ,让学生掌握学习方法。由于学校目前尚未脱离“应试教育” ,所以多数学生对生物课都是不重视 ,因此在难度极大的情况下上好第一节《生物》课是非常重要的。近年来我们作了如下尝试 :1 培养和谐的师生情感准点、稳步进入课堂 ,表现出和蔼、平易近人的教态 ,用这样的导言开头 :同学们 ,你们好 !进入了新的学年 ,有着更浩瀚的知识海洋在等待着你们去遨游 ;有着更宽阔的知识沃土在等待着你们去耕耘 ;有着更崎岖…  相似文献   

新生第一课以了解学情为目的开展问卷调查及其分析,受到"2典型:古代孔子重视学情和当代杜郎口中学的学情调查"的启迪,分析新生存在的"4期望:期望教学方法、教师能力、课堂改革、评价手段"等符合学生心愿的倾向,促使教师对应将采取4项相应措施实施课堂改革;学情把握的重要性要求创新学生问卷方式的"提案式",体现快捷、及时、随便的优点。  相似文献   

我是一名从教十多年的专职生物学教师。在教学过程中,特别是课程标准和新教材的使用,越来越觉得有必要对生物学课进行连排(或部分课节连排),以达到更佳的教学效果。  相似文献   

数学是日常生活和进一步学习必不可少的基础和工具。掌握一定的数学基础知识和基本技能,是每一个人应当具备的文化素养之一。如何让初一学生明确数学学习的目的,增强数学学习需要,应用恰当的方法,激发初一学生学数学的兴趣。本文浅谈了如何上初中数学第一节课,激发初一学生对学习数学的渴望。  相似文献   

有思想的历史课堂应该是求是、求真、求实的课堂。构建有思想的历史课堂,需要在有思想老师的领导下,打造有思想的课堂,培养有思想的学生,让学生在课堂思考的过程中获取真知,同时得到感情上的升华。  相似文献   

对于教师,人们有许多美好的比喻。“教师是人类灵魂的工程师”,“教师是蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人”,“教师是辛勤的园丁”。还有一句非常朴素的语言,也道出了对教师职业的认识:“教师要给学生一杯水,自己要有一桶水”,教师在这里成了“水桶”,当然不是一般意义上的水桶,而是盛装知识之水的“水桶”。“工程师”“蜡烛”  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from a study that examined how high school biology teachers describe their instructional use of reading and textbooks. In the study, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected—by self-report mail questionnaire and personal interview, respectively. Eighty percent of 184 sampled teachers responded to the questionnaire, and, of these, a subsample of 16 teachers—selected to be broadly representative of the questionnaire sample—were interviewed subsequently with their instructional materials present to increase recall. We found that biology teachers modified their use of textbooks according to the academic level of the biology class that they taught. In lower academic level classes, teachers provided students with many reading activities but expected them to learn biology content in class. In higher academic level classes, teachers expected students to learn from both independent reading and classroom instruction. Biology teachers viewed both reading and inquiry activities as important to learning biology, but they appeared unsure of how to incorporate reading comprehension strategies into their science instruction.  相似文献   

在讲读课文的教学中 ,人们研究得最多的是第二课时的教学 ,不管是哪一级的观摩课、研究课 ,大家上的几乎都是第二课时 ,即对课文内容的分析、理解。笔者在平时听课中发现 ,多数教师对第一课时的教学存在着很强的盲目性和随意性 ,目标不明确 ,重点不突出 ,学习效率低 ;除了学习掌握生字新词以外 ,不知做什么 ;不少观摩课、研究课还有“垫底”的现象。就讲读课文的教学来说 ,不但有全课的总目标 ,而且有每一课时的分目标和具体的教学任务 ,每一课时的教学都同等重要。第一课时的教学是二、三课时教学的基础。第一课时的教学 ,同样应以以人为本…  相似文献   

Teachers can perpetuate stereotypic cultural beliefs regarding girls' ability in, aptitude for, and suitability for science by their teaching practices and behaviors. As teachers have a major influence on girls' career choices their equitable teaching practices in the classroom are important to encourage all students, but especially girls, to continue with science. Researchers have studied science classrooms and have defined common strategies and practices that can help create an equitable classroom environment. The purpose of this study was to determine if high school biology student teachers could transfer learned equitable teaching strategies to actual teaching and the support conditions necessary for that transfer. Two support conditions were assessed: cooperating teacher and peer group support. Seven preservice teachers were placed into three groups. One group had both support conditions, the second group had only one condition (peer support), and the third group did not have either support condition. Both qualitative and quantitative data sources were collected. Results showed that preservice teachers could transfer learned equitable teaching into actual teaching practice. However, they were more successful in achieving the transfer if they were supervised by cooperating teachers who are sensitized to the issue of gender equity in education. Being involved in a peer support group was not as crucial to using the strategies as having a supportive cooperative teacher.  相似文献   


This study investigated university teachers’ characteristics and their influence on teaching practices: Coming from expectancy-value theory, teachers’ personal value of teaching was introduced as a possibly relevant variable and examined along with constructivist and transmissive teaching beliefs as to how they affect various aspects of university teaching. The sample consisted of 79 university teachers, whose data were combined with the teaching assessment of 2552 students enrolled in their courses and of external observers. Multiple regression analyses showed that value of teaching affected observed structuring, student active involvement, and rapport. Transmissive beliefs impacted the observed quality of instruction, and constructivist beliefs were positively related to student-reported clarity of instruction, the stimulation of student involvement, and rapport. Notably, the predictors displayed a data source specific result pattern. As potential reasons for the link between student-reported variables and constructivist beliefs a general factor in the students’ assessment and a survivor bias associated with teachers’ constructivist beliefs are discussed.  相似文献   

浅谈对生活经验导入高中化学新课的理解,提供若干由生活经验导入新课的具体实例,以期能在高中化学新课导入方面起到抛砖引玉的作用,提高化学教师教学水平,培养学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

教学反思能力是新时期高中教师的必备能力.建议通过以下方式提升高中化学教师的教学反思能力:变革培训方式,增强化学培训的学科针对性;增强教师对问题的敏感意识,提升教师捕捉关键问题的能力;做好文本叙事,促进教师对教学实践的深度反思;开展课例研修,以集体反思帮助教师改进教学行为.  相似文献   

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