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民办高等教育已经历了三十多年的发展,在我国教育事业中扮演着重要的角色。为了了解国内关于民办高校教师专业发展的研究现状,笔者对相关文献进行了梳理和分析。通过对文献量、理论视角与方法和研究内容的分析发现,现有研究水平整体不足、理论内涵界定不清、问题与策略研究不够深入。  相似文献   

为构建教师专业标准体系,建设高素质专业化教师队伍,2012年9月13日,教育部制定并印发《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》《小学教师专业标准(试行)》《中学教师专业标准(试行)》,该标准规定了我国中小学教师及幼儿园教师专业发展的基本理念、知识构成、能力要求等,对促进教师专业发展,提高教学质量有着重要作用。本文通过探究我国教师专业标准的主要内容及特征,对教师专业发展的实践活动做了启示分析。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外学者提出了“教师自主专业发展”的理念,认为教师的专业发展不能是外在于自我的工具性发展和受他人规约的被动式发展,关注教师的主体地位,强调教师在专业发展过程中的主动和自觉。该理念一经提出,就得到了国内学术界的一致认可,不少学者对这一问题展开了广泛而深入地研究和探讨,研究成果颇为丰富。  相似文献   

教师专业发展是当代教育改革的必然要求,校本教研是教师专业发展的重要途径之一。对基于校本教研的教师专业发展的已有研究进行简要的述评,以期有助于当前我国教师专业发展的理论与实践。  相似文献   

教师专业合作研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业化是国际教师教育改革的主要趋势,教师专业合作对于实现教师专业化、完成教育教学目标、全面提高教育教学质量和促进学生的全面发展具有十分重要的意义。在我国新课程改革的背景下,我们必须从时代的特点与要求出发,对教师专业合作做进一步的研究,从而便于我们在清晰地认识该领域的研究历史与现状的同时,更好地指导我们的实践与理论探索。  相似文献   

在霍姆斯小组三个报告的推动下,教师专业发展学校(PDS)在美国诞生后,广泛传播到世界各地。对于教师专业发展学校的研究具有时间短发展快、理论研究者多一线工作者少、以美国为中心遍及世界各地、理论研究多实践操作少、肯定支持多于质疑犹豫等特点。当前教师专业发展学校的研究内容涵盖理论和实践两方面。其中既有可喜的成就,也有些不足之处。  相似文献   

朱小青  何晋中 《物理教学》2013,(7):33-35,41
探索如何从实践层面搭建物理教师专业发展的有效平台、高效提升物理教师的教育教学技能和教学艺术水平是一项长期而又迫切的任务,本文介绍了开展物理精品课程开发建设的组织策划和具体做法,并认为,物理精品课程建设工程是促进物理教师专业发展的有效平台,是地方物理教研工作的新形式,能够促使广大物理教师全方位地深入研究学习物理教学的各个方面,包括物理教学理论、课程标准和教材、课堂教学艺术、物理学习心理、教学设计和规划等,从而确保物理教育教学质量的稳定提高。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,人才的培养成为了社会的主流,而教师作为人才培养的主要力量,扮演着非常重要的角色,在学生的教学中,物理教学是中学学生学习的基础,为提高教师的教学能力,很多学校不断的开展教研活动,全面促进物理教师的专业发展。物理学科是我国自然学科中非常重要的一门课程,也是现代科研的基础,在现代经济的发展中,物理人才更是稀缺。作为物理教师更是肩负重任,所以物理教师的专业发展方向成为了关注的重点内容。  相似文献   

教师专业发展研究述评   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从教师专业发展的概念和理论两个方面对教师专业发展的本体论问题进行介绍,从多学科的视角对教师专业发展的研究进行梳理,同时对教师专业发展研究的方法论和方法进行分析,可以呈现出一个比较完整的教师专业发展研究的知识图景,对当前教师专业发展研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

探讨影响教师专业发展因素是促进教师专业发展的前提和依据。基于此,本文主要从基本特点、因素分析及反思与展望三个方面对我国教师专业发展影响因素研究现状予以述评。  相似文献   

论教师的行动研究与专业发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
实现教师专业的持久性发展是一个值得关注的问题。教师的行动研究对教师教育科学理论的完备与深化、教学实践知识的养成以及教学研究能力的发展具有重要意义。目前 ,教师行动研究的有效开展还存在明显的障碍 ,应树立正确的教师教育 (教学 )研究观 ,依据实际情况 ,采取分阶段突出重点、复合型培训等策略 ,并改革学校管理 ,为行动研究的有效开展营造良好的环境与条件  相似文献   

This study reports on a longitudinal inquiry into professional identity construction among six novice cross-border English language teachers from mainland China, who completed their pre-service teacher education in Hong Kong (HK) and began their teaching practice in local HK schools. The findings indicate that the participants navigated obstacles in teaching by deploying their own multiple languages as a cultural and linguistic repertoire. The findings also show that the teachers experienced difficulty legitimising their professional identity in the teaching community, where contextual issues and power interplays mediated the process. Furthermore, it is found that the participants’ commitment to teaching was negatively influenced by their non-legitimate position in the teaching community and the discordance between their teaching beliefs and the norms and values of their workplace. This study suggests that complex inter-relationships between marginal status in and legitimate membership of the community, between historical and cultural background, present practice, and future expectations, between social discourse and personal location, are involved in the process of identity construction. Measures to legitimate these teachers’ position and to transform the linguistic and cultural repertories of these teachers into valuable resources of the local schools are suggested. Implications for future research are outlined.  相似文献   


Teachers’ professional knowledge is considered one of the most important predictors of instructional quality. According to Shulman, such professional knowledge includes content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge. Although recent research shed some light on the structure of the dimensions of professional knowledge, little is known how teacher education impacts pre-service physics teachers’ professional knowledge. In an effort to address this issue, we examined the content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge of N?=?200 pre-service physics teachers enrolled in different years of teacher education at 12 major teacher education universities in Germany. We used structural equation modelling (1) to examine the relations amongst pre-service physics teachers’ content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge, (2) to explore how the three kinds of knowledge and their relations differ across different stages of teacher education and (3) to identify factors affecting the level of each component of professional knowledge. Our findings suggest that content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge represent distinct types of knowledge. Furthermore, our findings show that in the first years of professional education, pedagogical content knowledge is more closely related with general pedagogical knowledge while in later years, it is more closely related with content knowledge, suggesting that it develops from a general knowledge about teaching and learning into knowledge about the teaching and learning of specific content. Finally, beyond school achievement and years of enrolment as predictors, we find in particular the amount of classroom observations to have a positive impact on the professional knowledge of pre-service physics teachers.  相似文献   

美国教师专业发展的几种模式及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教师专业化的发展,美国对教师专业发展采用不同层次的发展模式,主要有教师专业发展学校;学习型组织与团队学习;教师个人专业发展计划与自我教学实践反思等。将教师的职前培养,初任教师的过渡,在职教师的继续教育一体化,促进教师的专业成长。其成功的经验可以为我国教师专业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article reports on findings from research aimed at investigating teacher collaboration and professional development in the workplace. It draws upon a broader study carried out in a school in Northern Portugal. Data were collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and written reflective accounts. In total, 80 teachers participated in phase 1, 11 key informants participated in phase 2 and 10 teachers participated in an intervention/training project (phase 3). Findings suggest that problems and limitations in relation to collaborative work are situated at the organisational level, such as time and working conditions. Lack of training in collaboration, and issues such as motivation and personal difficulties, also emerged from the data. Teachers tend to stress the importance of interpersonal relationships at school, but they also identified formal meetings when they described the contexts and opportunities to work collaboratively in the workplace, namely department meetings and projects driven by central government or school administration initiatives. Implications for teacher collaboration and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a professional development programme aimed at equipping teachers for the challenges of teaching in urban schools. The contribution of the programme to teacher quality and teacher retention was evaluated using a mixed research design in which both quantitative (N?=?133) and qualitative (N?=?42) approaches were used. The results showed a significant effect of the programme on teacher knowledge and self-efficacy. Furthermore, teachers greatly appreciated the programme and they perceived a positive impact on their competences, self-efficacy and professional orientation. The opportunity to share experiences within a network of teachers was considered the most valuable element of the programme.  相似文献   

人性假设不同,学校管理者应用的行为规范和准则也会不同,教师的行为与思维方式也会随之受到影响,并且还可能导致教师专业化发展进程受到影响。所以,深层次地研究人性假设问题对于教师专业化发展具有重要意义。其对于学校管理机构进行科学管理和决策具有积极的促进作用,并且能够为教师专业化发展的人性论奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

基础教育正在进行新一轮课程改革.从课程目标、教学方法到学生的学习方式以及成长要求,都在发生根本性的变革。课程目标由社会为本、知识为本转变为以人的发展为本。这就要求中小学教师的教育理念、能力素质随之变革和发展。  相似文献   

Since closing the gap between different levels of professional development for teachers has been identified as a particular need in our profession, capturing the results of professional coursework can help teacher educators better understand and meet the unique needs of teachers with different levels of experience. This study examined the effects of professional development on early career (EC) and experienced (EXP) teachers during an advanced master’s degree programme in the USA. Qualitative analysis of 47 teacher portfolio reflections and 11 post-programme interviews investigated how EC and EXP teachers engaged in programme learning experiences to determine the ways that coursework influenced their professional growth. Differences between EC and EXP teachers were noteworthy, indicating that these two groups responded to professional development experiences differently. Ongoing research to determine effective differentiated approaches toward professional development for both novice and EXP teachers remains a key area for teacher education research, most particularly with a goal of measuring the results of professional development on improving PK-12 student performance.  相似文献   

Professional development is deemed necessary for university teachers at all levels, as it helps to enhance teaching quality. However, the extent of English language university teachers’ professional development might depend on a number of factors. This paper reports on a study investigating English language university teachers’ professional development in Thailand, the factors related to their development, the activities they used and the obstacles they encountered. The study was conducted through the use of a questionnaire to collect data from 217 full-time English language university teachers at 14 universities in Bangkok metropolis, selected through the multi-stage sampling technique. The results indicate that the overall mean score of Thai university teachers’ professional development was at a moderate level, and the factors of gender, academic title, degree and job responsibility were not related to professional development. Only one factor, university type, was found to be related to their development. This means that private university teachers had more professional development than those in Rajabhat and government universities. Discussing or sharing knowledge with colleagues was the activity they used to develop themselves most, with heavy teaching loads being the main obstacle. In addition, students’ background knowledge was the main obstacle to implementation of the received knowledge in teaching.  相似文献   

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