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Wordless books: An approach to visual literacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a story about a bear named Goldilocks, and a family of people called The Three Bears. What I mean is that this story is sort of likeGoldilocks and the Three Bears, but the opposite. Get it? Well listen to my story and you'll understand.  相似文献   

浅论人类视觉素养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在“读图时代”,视觉素养是一个新的重要的研究领域。该文通过介绍国外对视觉素养的定义及一项相关的研究,提出了一些自己的观点及问题,并进行了分析,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起国内研究者对视觉素养的重视和本土化的研究。  相似文献   

人类进入图像时代,语言文化与视觉文化发生了地位上的变化。Web2.0时代网络由于其可写性,视觉文化的传播因此变得更加广泛、快捷。青少年作为各种视觉网站的最大用户群体,其视觉素养教育意义非凡。主要体现在四个方面:培养视觉审美、防止视觉污染、引导青少年进行视觉文化创造、传承民族文化与价值观念。本文也提出了一个具体的如何提高青少年视觉素养的模式。  相似文献   

Women comprise more than seventy per cent of those enrolled in the Kenya literacy programme. The reasons for this include: the limited formal educational opportunities available to females; the demands of a changing economy which have forced women to acquire extra responsibilities outside the home; the socializing opportunity made possible by literacy class attendance; flexible work schedules; and cultural beliefs which in some Kenyan communities discourage men from enrolling in the same literacy classes as women.Women literacy learners may find it difficult to sustain their interest in literacy learning because of: their multiple responsibilities; having to operate in environments not particularly conducive to learning; having to contend with professionally unqualified teachers; their limited exposure to reading materials and other learning aids; their very limited mastery of the two languages of official communication in Kenya; as well as the fact that the literacy programme is mainly administered by men.Although changes at the wider societal level still will, to the most part, determine the extent of women's participation in the Kenyan literacy programme, much could be accomplished through involving more of them in the programme's administration and by improving the quality of literacy instruction.
Zusammenfassung Mehr als siebzig Prozent der Teilnehmer(innen) des Kenya-Alphabetisierungsprogramms sind Frauen. Die Gründe sind: die begrenzten Möglichkeiten einer formalen Bildung für Frauen die Anforderungen eines sich verändernden Wirtschaftssystems, das Frauen dazu zwingt, zusätzliche Verantwortlichkeiten außerhalb des Hauses auf sich zu nehmen; die durch Alphabetisierungsklassen ermöglichte Sozialisierung; flexible Arbeitszeiten; kulturbezogene Glaubensrichtungen, die in einigen kenyanischen Gemeinden Männer davon abhalten, gemeinsam mit Frauen an Alphabetisierungsklassen teilzunehmen.Frauen, die lesen und schreiben lernen, können es auf Grund folgender Faktoren Schwierig keiten haben, ihr Interesse an Alphabetisierung aufrechtzuerhalten: die mehrfachen Verantwortlichkeiten; der Zwang, unter lernfremden Bedingungen tätig zu sein; die Betreuung durch beruflich unqualifizierte Lehrkräfte; der beschränkte Umgang mit Lese- und sonstigen Lernmaterialien; die sehr begrenzte Beherrschung der beiden amtlichen Kommunikationssprachen Kenyas; die Tatsache, daß das Alphabetisierungsprogramm vorwiegend von Männern geleitet wird.Obwohl Veränderungen auf dem Niveau der weiteren Gesellschaft die weibliche Teilnahme am kenyanischen Alphabetisierungsprogramm weiterhin zum größten Teil bestimmen wird, könnte vieles dadurch erreicht werden, daß mehr Frauen in die Leitung des Programms einbezogen werden und daß die Qualität des Unterrichts verbessert wird.

Résumé Au Kenya, les femmes représentent plus de soixante-dix pour cent des personnes inscrites au programme d'alphabétisation. Les raisons en sont très variées: les possibilités d'éducation formelle proposées aux filles sont très restreintes, les exigences d'une économie en mutation ont contraint les femmes à assumer des responsabilités à l'extérieur du foyer, la socialisation rendue possible par la fréquentation des cours d'alphabétisation, les emplois du temps flexibles, les croyances culturelles qui dans certaines communautés kenyanes découragent les hommes de s'inscrire dans les mêmes classes d'alphabétisation que les femmes.Les femmes inscrites aux cours d'alphabétisation peuvent éprouver certaines difficultés à maintenir leur intérêt pour l'alphabétisation du fait de leurs multiples responsabilités, qu'elles vivent dans des environnements non particulièrement favorables à l'apprentissage, qu'elles doivent se contenter d'enseignants sans grande qualification professionnelle, de leur expérience insuffisante avec les matériels de lecture et autres supports pédagogiques, de leur maîtrise très insuffisante des deux langues de communication officielle au Kenya, ainsi que du fait que le programme d'alphabétisation est essentiellement administré par des hommes.Bien que ce soient les changements au niveau global de la société qui détermineront encore, en grande partie, l'importance de la participation des femmes au programme d'alphabétisation kenyan, on pourrait faire beaucoup plus en les faisant participer à son administration et en améliorant la qualité de l'enseignement de l'alphabétisation.

现代科技的高速发展和媒体手段的更新、提高,使得网络课程变为当今最为热门的远程教育手段。网络课程相对于以往各种媒体手段运用下的课程有着其鲜明的特点,学习者也由此产生特定的学习心理。网络课程开发人员就必须在此基础上加强视觉语言表达能力、电子信息技术和心理学知识水平等方面的提高,从而提高自身的视觉素养。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,科学的进步,多媒体与互联网技术相继在生活中的应用越来越多,更加强化了人们的视觉意识。通过视觉感知消息已经日益成为一种重要的手段,对图像的直接思考已经是一种能力。在信息技术与媒介的发展下,高院校数字媒体专业学生的视觉素养亟需提高,如何提升和培养学生的视觉素养是教育工作者的重要课题。  相似文献   

美妙的先秦逻辑意识昙花一现,没有结出任何果实。本文在逻辑大师金岳霖先生研究的基础上,分析了造成这一现象的部分原因,如:逻辑意识与思维内容不分,不利于形成专门的学问;先秦逻辑意识的“诡辩”恶名使逻辑意识后继无人;涉及先秦逻辑意识的重要著作语言晦涩难懂,使后人难以继承并发扬光大。  相似文献   

Focusing on the 2006 examination paper on Richard III , this article starts by examining the assumptions about reading Shakespeare that inform the Key Stage 3 national tests for 14-year-olds in England. It then analyses one student's response to the test, contrasting this performance with evidence drawn from classroom observation and digital video data.  相似文献   

2017年以后我国高考改革,实行文理不分科发展趋势,与此同时社会、家长对幼儿教师数学素养的要求也会更高。指出我国幼儿教师数学素养的意义,给出数学素养的含义,根据对我国目前部分地区幼儿教师数学素养的问卷调查分析,可以看出幼儿教师在数学知识能力、数学教学技能、数学教育观念等方面存在问题,并提出学前教育专业学生数学素养的培养措施,为学前教育专业课程建设与教学改革提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This article considers contemporary policy claims about “what literacy is” and “what literacy does.” First, the article reviews in-depth the ways in which development discourses define literacy, and the claims made in development discourses about the “consequences” of literacy for economic and political development. I then draw on 24 months of ethnographic research in Brazil with 41 highly impoverished literacy students from four literacy programs in two cities in order to demonstrate that there is no predictable “impact” of literacy on development. Instead, I show that the opportunities afforded by literacy depend greatly on the types of literacy and the types of literacy programs made available to students, as well as students’ cultural understandings of literacy and the social, political, and economic contexts within which they attempt to assert new literacy practices. The article concludes that we should not consider literacy as an actor with some “impact”; instead, we should examine how people use literacy in ways that are conditioned by social and cultural forces.  相似文献   

The Association of College and Research Libraries recommends incorporating information literacy (IL) skills across university and college curricula, for the goal of developing information literate graduates. Congruent with this goal, the Departments of Biological Sciences and Information Science developed an integrated IL and scientific literacy (SL) exercise for use in a first-year biology course. Students were provided the opportunity to access, retrieve, analyze, and evaluate primary scientific literature. By the completion of this project, student responses improved concerning knowledge and relevance of IL and SL skills. This project exposes students to IL and SL early in their undergraduate experience, preparing them for future academic advancement.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of the “Visual Awareness Education Programme” developed to support the visual literacy skills of preschool children. The study group comprised 40 children (20 children in the experimental group and 20 children in the control group) attending preschool in the 2014–2015 school year. The pre-test post-test experimental model was used in the study. The “Visual Literacy Inventory for Preschool Children” and the “Children’s Visual Literacy Rating Inventory for Parents” were used to determine visual literacy level of children. Study results revealed significant differences in favour of the experimental group children in the sub-dimensions and the post-test scores of the “Visual Literacy Inventory for Preschool Children” and the post-test scores of the “Children’s Visual Literacy Rating Inventory for Parents”.  相似文献   

Today's college students, particularly distance students, are increasingly dependent on the Web for their research needs. At the same time they lack the critical thinking skills required to successfully evaluate the actual credibility of online information, a critical aspect of information literacy. Furthermore, rather than access the online library database, distance students are more likely to employ generic search engines in their research quests, making more critical the need for information literacy. The current study employed an online survey designed to explore the relationships between critical evaluation of online information, as a measure of information literacy, and components of media literacy. Results suggest a significant, positive relationship between these literacies. These findings suggest variety in the types of strategies instructors and instructional designers might employ towards the development of information literacy skills required for today's graduates to successfully negotiate the 21st century information society.  相似文献   

In our exploration of the order of operations we focus on the following claim: “In the conventional order of operations, division should be performed before multiplication.” This initially surprising claim is based on the acronym BEDMAS, a popular mnemonic used in Canada to assist students in remembering the order of operations. The claim was voiced by a teacher and then presented for consideration to a class of prospective elementary school teachers. We investigate the participants’ understanding of the order of operations, focusing on the operations of multiplication and division. We report on participants’ ways of resolving a cognitive conflict faced as a result of relying on memorized mnemonics.  相似文献   

Judging plagiarism: a problem of morality and convention   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper considers the problem of plagiarism as an issue of morality. Outrage about student plagiarism in universities positions it as dishonesty and a transgression of standards. Despite this, there has been little work analysing the implications of positioning plagiarism as a moral matter in the making of judgments about plagiarism and academic dishonesty. This paper sets the scene by reviewing research about the characteristics of students who cheat and analysing student and lecturer differences. It then discusses perspectives from moral behaviour, moral philosophy and moral reasoning. The paper concludes that emotion and reason are brought to moral judgments, and so makes a case for those who are making judgments about plagiarism to reflect on whether they are faced with a matter of morality or convention. Greater awareness of the domains of convention and morality, the issues of justice and care, the roles of emotion and reason and what is involved in making judgments, will open ways of understanding reactions to plagiarism so that better ways to deal with accusations and make judgments can be developed.  相似文献   

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