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Grandma, I Love You, said a bright-eyed three-year-old to her foster grandparent at the day care center. This happened one winter morning as I was observing a group of day care children for a research project on children's perceptions about elderly persons. Seeing the little girl run up to her foster grandparent and hug her around the knees confirmed for me the importance of intergenerational reciprocity in sharing feelings.Lillian Phenice is Assistant Professor in Family & Child Ecology at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.  相似文献   

根据海明威的"冰山原理",基于多模态话语理论,文章剖析了《在密西根北部》原作的多模态话语,揭示了处女莉芝对吉姆单相思,在吉姆引诱"猎获"下,在自己身心本能需求助推下,悲切地体验了初次交合,经此"通过仪式",走上了独立坚强的人生之路。  相似文献   

[编者按] <教学技术:领域的定义与范畴>的原著者之一,丽塔·里奇(Rita C.Riclley)教授现任美国韦恩州立大学教育学院教育技术专业的荣誉退休教授.她1964年毕业于密西根大学获语言文学学士学位,1968年在密西根大学获得阅读心理学硕士学位,1971年从韦恩州立大学获得教育技术学博士学位,毕业后在其所主持的韦恩州立大学教育技术学专业始终位居全美一流.1995年至1997年期间,里奇教授任美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)定义与术语委员会主席,有力推动了世纪之交美国教育技术领域的界定工作.作为一名著名的教育技术与教学设计专家,里奇教授的学术兴趣主要集中在教学设计的研究与理论、设计与开发的研究方法、教育技术学专业人员的资格与能力标准等方面,近年来尤其关注教育技术领域的定义、历史与理论,在教学设计的理论建设上做出了重要贡献,主要著述包括<教学设计的理论与概念基础>、<为成人学习者设计教学:整体培训的理论与实践>等.她与芭芭拉·西尔斯(Barbara A.Seels)1994年共同执笔撰写的<教学技术:领域的定义与范畴>一书曾获得1996年AECT颁发的教育技术领域最高奖项--James W.Brown出版奖,并被翻译为多国文字出版.书中提出的AECT94定义对其后10余年整个教育技术领域的发展产生了重要影响,使其获得了国际声誉,2000年获得了AECT杰出服务奖.里奇教授长期从事教育技术学的研究方法并对其保持着热切关注而取得了重要成果,2008年她与JamesD.Klein合著的<设计与开发研究:方法、策略与议题>一书再次获得James W.Brown出版奖.在本次访谈中,里奇教授对教育技术领域的定义、教育技术学研究方法的进展、教育技术专业人员的资格与能力标准建设、教学设计的基础理论建设与发展、Robert Cagné和David Merrill的工作与成就、教学设计与企业环境中的学习与培训、教育技术领域的未来发展等一系列问题发表了个人独特的见解,希望读者能从中汲取一两点教益.  相似文献   

The idea that lawsuits can move a public as well as a legal agenda is not new. In recent years, conservatives have brought high profile lawsuits designed both to vindicate the rights of an individual plaintiff and to educate the public about an important issue. For example, lawsuits filed nearly 10 years ago against the University of Michigan’s race-based admissions system eventually led to the successful passage of the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative in 2006, which amended the Michigan Constitution to ban the use of racial preferences. Terence Pell recounts the legal effort and the effects, both intended and unintended, that it had on Michigan institutions and public thinking.  相似文献   

林革.自1987年师范学院数学系毕业后.分配至扬州教育学院高邮校区(原江苏省高邮师范学校)任教,现为数学系讲师。长期担任“小学数学教材法”课的教学工作.研究方向定位于数学教育.由于教学和培养对象的需要.  相似文献   

For the past several years, Central Michigan University has staffed the advanced composition course required of all undergraduates with faculty from both the English department and also from other departments throughout the university. Central Michigan's experiences in developing a political constituency supportive of improving students' writing skills and in establishing faculty development workshops to assist faculty in preparing to teach this new advanced writing course are discussed. Further, the experiences of non-English faculty teaching this distinctive course are described. The impact of the writing program on other university units is reviewed. This successful program might provide a model for other universities.John S. Dinan received his Ph.D. in composition and rhetoric from the University of Massachusetts. He is Director of the Developmental Writing Program at Central Michigan University. Joseph E. Finck received his Ph.D. in nuclear physics from Michigan State University. He was a member of the first class of non-English advanced composition faculty at Central Michigan University. Dr. Finck teaches a section of the course with a physical science theme. William Miles is Professor, Reference Librarian, and Coordinator of Bibliographic Instruction in the Central Michigan University Libraries. He received his M.A. in English from Wayne State University and his M.L.S. from the University of Michigan. Mary Scheuer Senter received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Michigan. As interim Vice-Provost in the 1980s, she worked with colleagues to improve student writing skills and studied factors affecting the success of nontraditional students.  相似文献   

赵君 《海外英语》2014,(10):27-27
我从未想到自己会爱上她;当我思念时抬头仰望地图上的她,名字依稀熟悉。她就在那里,标上了星,是四面环水的威斯康星州的南部中心。近距离看威斯康星州,无数湖泊河流装点着空旷辽阔的草原、森林和农田。难怪威斯康星的意思是“水的汇聚处”。  相似文献   

Although substantial areas of agreement exist regarding the characteristics of effective community–university partnerships for research, there is little empirical research on the relationship between the characteristics of such partnerships and their outcomes. In this study, we explored the relationship between partnership characteristics and partnership outcomes. Analyses of the relationships between partnership dynamics and perceived benefits show that (1) effective partnership management is associated with increased research on a community issue, problem, or need; (2) co-creation of knowledge is associated with improved service outcomes for clients; and (3) shared power and resources are negatively associated with increased funding for community partners’ organizations. Our findings suggest that effective partnership management and opportunities for the co-creation of knowledge are practices that are worthy of deliberate cultivation within community–university partnerships for research. Miles McNall is the Assistant Director of the Community Evaluation and Research Center, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Minnesota. His research and scholarship focus on program evaluation and the evaluation of university–community partnerships. Celeste Sturdevant Reed is an evaluator with University Outreach and Engagement at Michigan State University. She has an M.S.W. from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Social Science/Labor and Industrial Relations from Michigan State University. Her current evaluation projects focus on comprehensive early childhood services and out-of-school time (K-12) programs. Robert E. Brown is the Associate Director of University–Community Partnerships, Michigan State University Outreach and Engagement. He brokers, facilitates, and participates in university-community partnerships that are scholarly, community-based, collaborative, responsive, and capacity-building for the public good. He has a master’s degree in public administration from Western Michigan University. Angela Allen is an ABD Research Associate with the Charles F. Kettering Foundation. She is completing her Ph.D. in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education at Michigan State University. She holds an M.S.W from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and a B.S. in Urban and Regional Planning from Michigan State University. Her dissertation research is entitled, “Faculty and Community Collaboration in Sustained Community–University Engagement Partnerships”.  相似文献   

In this article we examine a flexible curricular approach known as the “Option.” The Option enables students to supplement traditional majors with a coherent set of courses and other educational experiences in a related, often interdisciplinary field. Options can act as curricular bridges between mainstream academic fields and problems of professional practice. They can also give students experience with emerging subject areas (e.g., biomedical engineering). Options serve as laboratories for experimenting with new subject areas before incorporating them fully into the curriculum as majors and minors. Hence, Options promote creativity and risk-taking by providing a proving ground for potential new academic programs.Roger G. Baldwin received his doctorate in higher education from the University of Michigan. He is currently Professor of Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education at Michigan State University. His research interests include curriculum development and reform, faculty career development, and organizational change. Melissa J. Baumann received her doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. She is currently Associate Professor of Engineering at Michigan State University. Her research interests include biomedical materials research, specifically ceramic scaffolds in bone tissue engineering and biomedical engineering education.  相似文献   

The distinguished US philosopher Elizabeth Anderson, who teaches at the University of Michigan, answers questions put to her by John White about educational aspects of her work in moral and political philosophy. She begins by describing her indebtedness to Dewey in his views on developing students’ capacities for intelligent enquiry and as citizens in a democracy. She elaborates on this in her emphasis on children learning fraternally together with others of diverse class, racial and ethnic backgrounds. She also discusses the control of education, looking at the role of the state and other political authorities in education, the charter school movement and home schooling. Well‐known for her views on democratic equality (as distinct from equality of fortune) and on an adequacy criterion of fairness, she shows how these ideas apply to education for a democratic society. This takes her into critical discussions of equality of educational opportunity, education as a positional good, and the rich variety of educational aims fitting a democracy of equals. Anderson has also written about the errors of theistic religion as well as two award‐winning recent books on the imperative of social integration and on the authoritarian powers of employers. Developing these thoughts in an educational direction, she writes here about religious and moral education, problems with assimilationist and multicultural approaches to schooling, and preparation for work as an educational aim.  相似文献   

鞠斯汀娜是萨德表达对上帝憎恨的替代品。萨德不但让她饱尝暴虐的滋味,还让她的信仰与她一生的遭际形成为柢牾和反讽,用她来完成对上帝的亵渎。  相似文献   

尤三姐是一个反封建的叛逆者的典型.她出自小巷寒门,虽寄人篱下,而绝不屈从于纨绔子弟的淫威,并主动出击,以其特殊方式进行反抗.她公然背叛"父母之命,媒妁之言"的封建礼教,理直气壮地提出自主择夫的主张,明确把爱情置于权势、金钱和门第之上.当她的爱情理想遭到封建势力的扼杀时,她以死进行抗争,表明了她的纯洁高尚,也表达了她对爱情的炽烈和执著.她的死是对封建礼教的控诉.  相似文献   

一如在现实生活中一样,在文学中,女性自我意识也首先表现为对男权家庭进行反面叙述来表现对家庭的否定。爱米莉在《呼啸山庄》中打破了父权家庭的神话,把父亲及男性家长看作家庭混乱、职能丧失、最终解体的根源,为她对父权家庭的否定“找到”了合理的前提与被社会普遍接受的理由,表达了她对充满父爱的非专制压抑的家庭生活的向往。  相似文献   

梅娘:她的史境和她的作品世界   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
抗战时期,中国沦陷区曾一度涌现出许多杰出的作家,梅娘便是其中之一。本文将女作家梅娘置于一定的“史境”之中,阐述并分析了她艺术世界的内在底蕴以及这一底蕴的历史成因。认为其作品中绵延不绝的顽强女性意识和独特叙事风格,正是那个社会环境与历史阶段的必然产物。  相似文献   

《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》中爱米丽小姐的一生就像生活在一个监狱式社会里,随时受到别人的凝视,被男权文化规训和惩罚着。在与规训性权利的较量中她输得一塌糊涂。由于规训性权利内化为对自我的审视,在内省中她认为反抗传统妇道观的行为是错误的,这种强大的心理压力或许就是导致她足不出户离群索居的本源。  相似文献   

丁玲是一个为女性的解放而呐喊和狂奔的女性作家。她的作品(特别是前期)始终响彻着女性觉醒而反叛世俗的主旋律。她塑造了一批觉醒的女性形象,她们所经历的自我意识、女性意识和生命意识三个层次的觉醒,诠释了中国女性现代性觉醒的内涵。  相似文献   

Teacher, I can read all the names on the locker, said Nikki, and to her teacher's amazement, she did. The teacher had expected this class of three year olds to learn to recognize their own names, but she hadn't forseen that some would learn all the other children's names as well.Sally Hruska, a former early education teacher, is a doctoral student at Michigan State University in Lansing. The teachers from Marquette-Alger Head Start provided many of the teaching ideas in this article.  相似文献   

通过分析奥康纳经典短篇小说《好人难寻》中出现的几位女性角色,例如老祖母、孩子的妈妈和萨米老婆,观摩文本中作者对这几位女性角色的处理,从而得出奥康纳在这部短篇小说中体现的矛盾的女性观:一方面她反对南方社会的女性观和女性的社会行为规范,对这些传统的行为嗤之以鼻;另一方面她的作品中也反映了她内化了的父权制影响,对女性被压制地位表现出冷漠的态度。最后,从奥康纳的职业作家身份和"南方淑女"身份分析奥康纳矛盾女性观的成因。  相似文献   

朱淑真一生悲哀,嫁非所爱,漂泊东西。她把满腹愁苦灌注在她的诗词作品之中。尔后虽其大部分作品被其父母一火焚之,亦有少数有幸得以存世,后人结集之,名曰"断肠"。何为断肠?古人云:悲之极也,肝肠为之寸断。纵观朱淑真一生,经历着错嫁、思亲、相思、曲高和寡、叛道的感情煎熬,这些情愫最终凝结成了她的断肠之悲。  相似文献   

美国作家凯特·肖邦发表于十九世纪末的小说《觉醒》备受女权批评家的重视和好评,关于主人公埃德纳许多评论家几乎形成了一定的共识,认为她在短短的几个月中经历了至少三次觉醒,最终以自杀保全了自己的独立人格。然而,小说中的许多细节表明,埃德纳的觉醒过程其实从童年时期就开始了,她向男权思想的抗争经历了从无意识到有意识的转变,而她的自杀实际上是彻底的迷失而不是真正的觉醒。作家其实是让所有女性以此为戒,努力进取,不断完善自己,实现个人价值。  相似文献   

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