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沈士达  李群 《体育科研》2010,31(6):61-64
运用激光测速系统、运动学分析系统以及多参数同步触发系统,在上海2名优秀短跑运动员的100 m跑训练过程中进行测试,将运动员100 m途中跑支撑阶段的运动学参数与人体运动的水平速度进行同步分析,来揭示短跑运动员100 m途中跑速度的变化规律,讨论和分析短跑运动员100 m途中跑支撑阶段的不同运动学参数的变化与人体速度的关系,为教练员和运动员提高短跑途中跑的速度和改进技术动作提供一定的数据参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

长期以来,100m跑全程速度节奏所呈现出的“单高峰”和“双(多)高峰”现象一直是这一领域研究中存在很大争议的话题。以往的研究,很少从运动员的运动参数以及中枢热力学疲劳等角度来认识这一问题。从系统的角度并结合最新研究成果综合分析,可以看出,100m跑过程中,“双(多)高峰”速度节奏只是运动员速度能力不断提高过程中一个尚待完善的阶段,将它作为一种值得效仿的加速模式并非最佳选择。  相似文献   

1 前言当今世界体育强国的100m跑提高较快,我国女子100m跑水平虽有较大的进步,但与世界水平相比有较大差距.研究分析国内外优秀女子短跑技术的发展趋向,为稳步提高我国女子100m跑成绩有一定现实意义.本文将用科学理论,对照统计材料与个人短跑实践,着重从影响100m跑成绩的两个因素,步频与步长变化,谈提高我国女子100m跑运动员速度的训练.2 理论概述与分析2.1 速度是步频、步长两个因素的结合,然而速度的增长或减慢是取决于这两个因素(或其中一个)的变化.从100m跑成绩与步频、步长变化的数学公式:百米成绩=100m/(步频×步长)可  相似文献   

本文对世界优秀短跑运动员100m跑相关数据进行分析研究,探讨了加速跑的距离和达到最大速度后保持的时间。1.100m跑过程中,加速跑的距离多长为宜。我们主要通过三点判断运动员加速能力的优劣:速度最高点的高度(低水平运动员低于高水平运动员);最大速度出现的位置(低水平运动员早于高水平运动员);达到最大速度所消耗的时间。从100m跑加速段的运动学特征看,无论水平高低,大多数运动员均是在30-60m段达到个人最大速度。然而,加速的质量(加  相似文献   

世界优秀男子短跑运动员100 m跑速度规律的生理学分析   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
为揭示100 m跑速度规律的生理学实质,采用动态分析方法对参加第6、第7两届世界田径锦标赛男子100 m决赛运动员的速度参数进行分析,研究结果表明,世界优秀男子短跑运动员100 m跑的速度变化与其能量供应有着密切的对应关系,关键是利用训练和营养等手段提高体内CP的含量,降低糖酵解供能的比例.  相似文献   

最大速度对提高100 m成绩作用的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越来越多的研究表明,最大速度是提高100m成绩的关键。然而,我国的100m成绩并未随着运动员最大速度的提高而得到相应的显著提高。为此,运用影片解析等方法对我国和世界优秀女子短跑运动员100m的相关数据进行对比分析,结果表明,最大速度值本身并不能完全代表它对100m所起的作用,我国100m成绩的提高有赖于短跑所需的各种速度能力的综合提高,而其中最为关键则是加速跑的质量(加速节奏和能达到的速度最高值)。  相似文献   

随着田径跳跃项目运动技术的发展,运动员的助跑能力已成为决定成绩的主要因素之一.增加速度训练比例是现代跳跃训练的特点和发展趋势.跳远的助跑训练应从短跑开始,教练员应该去培养具有快速跑能力的跳远运动员,努力使这些运动员成为100m跑和跳远的"双料"冠军.  相似文献   

本文从理论与实践上,研究100m跑运动员速度与耐力的规律,通过中外优秀短跑运动员的比较分析,找出我国运动员与世界短跑运动员的差距。从能量代谢的特点、量与强度的控制等方面,揭示了速度耐力训练在短跑训练中的重要作用,并提出了自己的见解,以促进我国短跑运动水平的提高。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和数理统计等方法,对世界高水平男子短跑运动员200m跑全程速度分配与成绩的关系进行了分析.结果表明:50m~100m段速度最快;最快与最慢速度之间,前后100m成绩之间的差距越小,成绩则越好.  相似文献   

一九七三年冬训中,我们比较系统的采用了上坡跑的方法进行训练,经过三个多月的实践证明,跑长段落的上坡跑,对发展短跑的力量耐力,改变短跑运动员跑到后程感到腿部无力的状况起了促进的作用,对发展短跑运动员的速度耐力,取得了初步的效果。一、上坡跑的运用:1.采用上坡跑的目的:近些年来,国内、外都有人采用上坡跑的方法,来发展短跑或中长跑运动员的速度耐力,但是如何运用这一手段,却记载不多。我们认为,短跑运动员必须具有强大的腿部力量和力量耐力,才能保证短跑运动员,通过合理的短跑技术,表现出良好的成绩,采用什么方法对发展短跑运动员的力量耐力最有  相似文献   

我国优秀女子短跑运动员100m跑速度节奏分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越来越多的研究发现:从整体上把握百米跑全程速度节奏是进一步提高成绩的有效方法。为此,通过对参加第九届全运会女子百米跑决赛运动员以及世界优秀女子短跑运动员的百米跑全程速度节奏对比分析发现:与世界优秀女子短跑运动员相比,我国优秀女子短跑运动员在贯彻百米跑的整体观,合理使用短跑所需体能等方面尚有一定差距,这是影响其百米成绩进一步提高的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的男子100m项目得到了迅速发展,但仍与世界水平,尤其是世界短跑王国——美国存在一定的差距。本文通过文献法、比较法等研究方法,对中美两国男子100m技术特征进行了比较,并进一步分析差距背后的种种原因,最后提出了改变中国男子100m项目落后局面的几点建议。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对近10年国内外优秀400 m自由泳运动员共111人次的决赛成绩进行分析,探讨该项目配速方案的总体特征和阶段特征,尤其是“第1次加速”现象,旨在对今后我国该项目训练与配速研究提供理论参考。结论:大多世界级选手途中游段都存在“第1次加速”现象;世界优秀选手的竞技水平与其比赛中该现象的出现概率及提升幅度呈正相关;目前我国优秀选手大赛中暂无“第1次加速;”产生该现象的原因可能包括生理生化、比赛战术、心理状态等3个方面。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法和比较法,对1980-2009年世界男女百米短跑年度最好成绩进行研究,并分析世界百米短跑速度30年的发展变化情况,旨在为探索当今及未来世界百米短跑发展趋势提供依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare sprint performance over 10 and 20?m when participants ran while towing resistances, weighing between 0 and 30% of body mass. The sample of 33 participants consisted of male rugby and soccer players (age 21.1?±?1.8 years, body mass 83.6?±?13.1?kg, height 1.82?±?0.1?m; mean?±?s). Each participant performed two sets of seven sprints over 20?m using a Latin rectangular design. The times were recorded at 10 and 20?m using electronic speed gates. The sprints of 13 players were video-recorded to allow calculation of stride length and frequency. For both sprints, a quadratic relationship was observed between sprint time and resistance as sprint time increased from 2.94?s to 3.80?s from 0 to 30% resistance. This relationship was statistically significant but considered not to be meaningful for performance because, over the range of resistances used in this study, the quadratic model was never more than 1% (in terms of sprint time) from the linear model. As resistance increased, the stride length shortened, with mean values of 1.63?±?0.13?m at 0% body mass and 1.33?±?0.13?m at 30% of body mass. There was no significant change in stride frequency with increasing resistance. The results show that in general there is an increase in sprint time with an increase in resistance. No particular resistance in the range tested (0?–?30%) can be recommended for practice.  相似文献   

The initial steps of a sprint are important in team sports, such as rugby, where there is an inherent requirement to maximally accelerate over short distances. Current understanding of sprint acceleration technique is primarily based on data from track and field sprinters, although whether this information is transferable to athletes such as rugby players is unclear, due to differing ecological constraints. Sagittal plane video data were collected (240?Hz) and manually digitised to calculate the kinematics of professional rugby forwards (n?=?15) and backs (n?=?15), and sprinters (n?=?18; 100?m personal best range?=?9.96–11.33?s) during the first three steps of three maximal sprint accelerations. Using a between-group research design, differences between groups were determined using magnitude-based inferences, and within-group relationships between technique variables and initial sprint acceleration performance were established using correlation. Substantial between-group differences were observed in multiple variables. Only one variable, toe-off distance, differed between groups (d?=??0.42 to ?2.62) and also demonstrated meaningful relationships with sprint performance within all three groups (r?=??0.44 to ?0.58), whereby a stance foot position more posterior relative to the centre of mass at toe-off was associated with better sprint performance. While toe-off distance appears to be an important technical feature for sprint acceleration performance in both sprinters and rugby players, caution should be applied to the direct transfer of other kinematic information from sprinters to inform the technical development of acceleration in team sports athletes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 7 weeks of high- and low-velocity resistance training on strength and sprint running performance in nine male elite junior sprint runners (age 19.0 - 1.4 years, best 100 m times 10.89 - 0.21 s; mean - s ). The athletes continued their sprint training throughout the study, but their resistance training programme was replaced by one in which the movement velocities of hip extension and flexion, knee extension and flexion and squat exercises varied according to the loads lifted (i.e. 30-50% and 70-90% of 1-RM in the high- and low-velocity training groups, respectively). There were no between-group differences in hip flexion or extension torque produced at 1.05, 4.74 or 8.42 rad·s -1 , 20 m acceleration or 20 m 'flying' running times, or 1-RM squat lift strength either before or after training. This was despite significant improvements in 20 m acceleration time ( P ? 0.01), squat strength ( P ? 0.05), isokinetic hip flexion torque at 4.74 rad·s -1 and hip extension torque at 1.05 and 4.74 rad·s -1 for the athletes as a whole over the training period. Although velocity-specific strength adaptations have been shown to occur rapidly in untrained and non-concurrently training individuals, the present results suggest a lack of velocity-specific performance changes in elite concurrently training sprint runners performing a combination of traditional and semi-specific resistance training exercises.  相似文献   

So far, the relationship between wind and athletics performance has been studied mainly for 100 m sprint, based on simulation of biomechanical models, requiring several assumptions. In this study, this relationship is quantified empirically for all five horizontal jump and sprint events where wind is measured, with freely available competition results. After systematic scraping several elite and sub-elite results sites, the obtained results (n?=?150,169) were filtered and matched to athletes. A quadratic mixed effects model with athlete and season as random effects was applied to express the influence of wind velocity on performance in each event. Whether this effect differs with performance level was investigated by applying the model on subgroups based on performance level. In the fitted quadratic model, the linear coefficients were significant (p?p?p?=?.138). A 2.0?m?s?1 tail wind provides an average advantage of 0.125, 0.140 and 0.146?s for the 100, 200 and 100/110 m hurdles, respectively, and an advantage of 0.058 and 0.102 m for long jump and triple jump, respectively. Performance level had a significant effect on the wind influence only for 100 m (p??1 tail wind than elite athletes (~10?s). Practical formulas are presented for each event. These can easily be used correct results for wind speed, allowing better talent scouting and championship selection. This study demonstrates the efficacy of answering scientific questions empirically, through freely available data.  相似文献   

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