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Current theory about writing states that the quality of (meta)cognitive processing (i.e. planning, text production, revising, et cetera) is, at least partly, determined by the temporal distribution of (meta)cognitive activities across task execution. Put simply, the quality of task execution is determined more by when activities are applied than by how often they are applied. Planning and revising are two extreme writing styles, in which (meta)cognitive activities are temporally differently distributed across the writing process. Planners are writers who generate plans before text production. Revisers use text production as a means to arrive at a content plan. The present study investigates the question whether the online (meta)cognitive processing of secondary school students during writing tasks, as measured by think aloud techniques and keystroke logging, can be predicted by their responses to an offline questionnaire which measures to what degree students considered themselves to be planners and revisers. It was expected that different reported writing styles would entail different temporal distributions of six (meta)cognitive activities: reading the assignment, planning, text production, reading own text, evaluating own text and revising. This hypothesis was partly confirmed. The results show that the online temporal distributions of reading the assignment and planning are different for different degrees of reported writing styles. On the basis of these results, the validity of both the questionnaire and the concept of planner and reviser styles are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, an application of a nonlinear predictive controller based on a self recurrent wavelet network (SRWN) model for a direct internal reforming solid oxide fuel cell (DIR-SOFC) is presented. As operating temperature and fuel utilization are two important parameters, the SOFC is identified using an SRWN with inlet fuel flow rate, inlet air flow rate and current as inputs, and temperature and fuel utilization as outputs. To improve the operating performance of the DIR-SOFC and guarantee proper operating conditions, the nonlinear predictive control is implemented using the off-line trained and on-line modified SRWN model, to manipulate the inlet flow rates to keep the temperature and the fuel utilization at desired levels. Simulation results show satisfactory predictive accuracy of the SRWN model, and demonstrate the excellence of the SRWN-based predictive controller for the DIR-SOFC.  相似文献   

为了解决基于后向解码的三节点中继信道Chong-Motani-Garg容量界可达通信方案的解码延时过长问题,提出了一种新型的基于前向解码的三节点中继信道通信方案.在该方案中,假定在第b个分组中的发送消息为W=(w1,w2),则中继需要在第b个分组结束时对消息w1进行解码并生成一个新的消息z,而接收机需要在第b+1个分组结束时对消息W1进行解码,然后在第b+2个分组结束时对消息Z和w2进行解码.分析结果表明,该通信方案也可以达到Chong-Motani-Garg容量界,并且该方案的解码延时只有2个分组长度,大大短于基于后向解码的通信方案的解码延时.因此,三节点中继信道Chong-Motani-Garg容量界可以通过基于解码延时短的前向解码的通信方案达到.  相似文献   

In this autoethnography inquiry, seven counselor educators from diverse intersectionalities discuss how they leverage their selfhood to promote antiracist counselor education. Based on two cycles of pattern coding, the authors identified themes of perceiving, experiencing, creating, and facilitating. Implications for future research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

This article discusses the importance of self assessment as a means of children controlling their own learning. It starts from the premise that in order to be meaningful, all assessment should be integral to the teaching and learning cycle, rather than being ‘bolted on’ to the curriculum. A variety of strategies are suggested to enable teachers to build children's self assessment into ordinary classroom routines.  相似文献   

现代教育的基本特点 1.资源共享 资源共享是一种节约资源,促进交流的有效形式。传统教育由于其分散性,往往受到地域分布的限制,无法充分发展。而在现代教育中,共享教育资源既可以节约国家对于教育的投入,又可以使得不同学校在教育的内容和形式上进行交流,从而缩小不同地域教育水平的差距,使全国的教育水平得以提高。  相似文献   

分析了Word打印功能的局限性,利用VBA编程给出了Word所不能实现的几个打印功能,使Word的打印功能得到了扩充;利用宏去调用VBA生成的用户窗体,在窗体中给出扩充打印功能的对象,分别写出每个对象的过程代码,再把宏以命令的形式嵌入到Normal.dot模板的“文件”菜单中,有效地解决了在Word中不能自定义打印的问题,提高了工作效率,具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

王宁 《高中生》2011,(16):57
16岁的时候,我在高原一个很破落的镇上读中学。我背着10斤红薯和一袋子莜面,住在可以做饭的10人宿舍里。冬天的夜晚,没有炉子取暖的房间,已经滴水成冰。深夜下了晚自习后,我常常不脱衣服就整个人钻进被筒里读书,以抵御漫漫寒夜的侵袭。条件的艰苦我能够忍受,我珍惜着每一分每一秒的时间,在期末考试取得年级第一的成绩后,我乘坐大巴回到远在牧区的家。我冲进毡房,黑黢黢的一片,父亲蹒跚着走过  相似文献   

农村自学考试人才培养模式创新研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本根据教学论与课程论、终身教育理论、学习型组织理论、现代信息科学理论等理论和多年对农村自学考试的研究与实践,提出“自学 多媒体课件模式、自学 高校助学模式、自学 乡镇自考网络体系、自学 学习型企业培养模式、自学 社会实践基地的培养模式、学历与非学历考试相结合的培养模式、自学 现代远程教育的培养模式”的农村自学考试人才培养体系的基本框架。  相似文献   

本文以认知学习心理学为理论依据 ,以“人机交互”型多媒体学习课件为手段 ,结合历史学科特点 ,介绍了分层自主学习的教学模式  相似文献   

基于自由轴法设计了数字电感测量仪,采用单片机外加一些常用元器件实现。与更高精度的LCR测试仪比对的测量结果表明,该电感测量仪测量速度快,精度较高,操作方便,电路整体结构简单,对元器件精度要求较低,成本低廉,非常适用于高校电子电路实验教学和对电感测量精度要求不太高的实际应用场合。此外通过修改单片机的程序还可以轻松测量待测器件的阻抗,具有较好的扩展性。  相似文献   

1 改进演示实验的方法 1.1实验器村: 规格相同的小灯泡三只、6V直流电源一个(务必用干电池或蓄电池)、变频交流电源一个、滑动变阻器一个(R1)、电阻箱一个(R2)、电感线圈L(用可拆变压器线圈作为电感线圈,当铁芯不闭合时为线圈L1、当铁芯不闭合时为线圈L2)、400uF电容器(C1)和2000uF电容器(C2)各一只、双刀单掷开关(S)一个、导线若干(一端带有鳄鱼夹的导线4根).  相似文献   

提出一种采用交流恒流源实现电感测量的方法,采用一些常用元器件实现,电路结构简单,成本低廉.该电路既可用于高校电子电路相关实验室测量电感,也可将其设计成教学实验内容,要求学生自行设计开发,对提高学生的实践动手和创新能力有一定的促进作用.实际测试结果表明,该电路性能稳定,测量精度较高,且具有较强的扩展性.  相似文献   

认知神经心理学预测要去了解一复杂的系统,最好的方法就是去观察当某一零件过程抛锚时,发生了些什么.文章大量利用了这一原理,通过检验记忆被自我疾病所影响的方式和记忆失调对自我的危害,可以发现自我创造记忆和记忆如何提供了自我感.  相似文献   

拉普拉斯变换是分析复杂线性动态电路系统的有力工具,但对含互感电路进行复频域分析的文献不多。研究拉普拉斯变换方法在互感电路中的应用,简化了电路的求解过程。  相似文献   

采用自我价值感量表与自我和谐量表对贵州省560名在校大学生进行调查研究,结果显示贵州省大学生的自我和谐总体处于中等水平;贵州省大学生的自我价值感与自我和谐在性别、生源、家庭经济状况、年级和母亲受教育程度等方面均存在显著性差异;大学生自我价值感与自我和谐呈显著性负相关。建议第一,引导大学生正确认识自我、评价自我;第二,注重因需施教,有针对性地开展心理健康教育工作;第三,注重家庭配合,实施科学教养;第四,努力创建优良校风。  相似文献   

致密砂岩气藏是我国近年来重要的天然气增长气藏类型,新探明的延长、川西、塔北及吐哈油田天然气均属于这种类型。通过对延长致密砂岩气藏的研究,发现这种致密砂岩气藏发育在煤系中,是一种典型的岩性气藏,这种岩性气藏存在自生自储成藏模式。延长晚古生界致密砂岩气藏发育在煤系中,部分致密砂岩含有大量煤屑或炭质泥岩颗粒。从岩心上来看,含炭屑的岩心多者可占表面积的10%~15%,少者也在2%~3%,一般均在7%~8%。这些煤屑或炭质泥岩颗粒来自于沼泽中的泥炭,是潮汐对泥炭沼泽的冲洗和河流在洪水期决口后进入泥炭沼泽对沼泽中沉积的泥炭进行侵蚀和搅浑的结果。在成岩作用中,泥炭颗粒发生煤化作用,释放出大量以甲烷为主的天然气。延长晚古生界致密砂岩气藏的R_o值大部分超过了2.0,已进入有机质变质阶段。又由于砂岩本身致密,煤化过程中释放的大量天然气就会保存在砂岩中,形成这种特殊的自生自储型致密砂岩气。只要煤系中含有一定量有机质碎屑的致密砂岩就可以形成致密砂岩气,因此我国煤系致密砂岩气的储量十分巨大。  相似文献   

In this paper, the reliability of contactor relay is studied. There are three main parts about reliability test and analysis. First, in order to analyze reliability level of contact relay, the failure ratio ranks are established as index base on the product level. Second, the reliability test method is put forward. The sample plan of reliability compliance test is gained from reliability sample theory. The failure criterion is ensured according to the failure modes of contactor relay. Third, after reliability test experiment, the analysis of failure physics is made and the failure reason is found.  相似文献   

小学自然第三册第十九课<什么力量使大气流动成风>中有这样一个演示实验:如图所示.这个实验演示的目的是让学生看到,在木匣内的蜡烛未点燃时,檀香的烟是竖直向上升的(无风),在匣内蜡烛点燃时,檀香的烟从小洞里钻进匣内,从蜡烛上方的烟囱里升上去(风把香烟吹进了匣内).  相似文献   

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