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当前,随着信息和网络技术的不断发展,教学模式也出现了崭新的变化。网络的出现已经彻底改变了人们的生活,这种改变同样体现在教育之中。在高校的教学工作中,很多课程已经把教学内容和方法与网络融合在一起。其中,问题探究式教学模式兼备开放性与包容性,更适合于将网络资源整合在自身的教学模式之中。文章探讨的就是基于网络平台的问题探究式教学模式的流程。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine teachers’ use of knowledge sources in meetings where they discuss and formulate initiatives and solutions to develop existing teaching practice based on national test results. While practices of data use have been extensively researched, less attention has been given to the content of data use practices. Analyses of what kind of knowledge sources are used, and how, in discussions about student performance levels and accompanying initiatives to improve teaching can yield important insight into the potential and pitfalls of local data use practices. Based on an analysis of the knowledge sources that Norwegian secondary school teachers draw upon in so-called ‘result meetings’ and of the prognostic frames that teachers initiate, we find that teachers use several knowledge sources and that their data use practices can be characterised as complex and ‘thick’, although the data itself are ‘thin’. However, although teachers draw upon a range of knowledge sources and integrate these when identifying possible solutions, the solutions themselves are often short-term and directed towards improving test results. In order for teachers to ask more fundamental questions regarding existing practices, more attention should be directed towards problem-solving processes and also whether result meetings can provide arenas for complex problem-solving.  相似文献   

Being Valued     
The idea that it is important to make pupils feel valued is central to much of what we do in pastoral care and personal and social education. But like many key concepts, we tend to take this one for granted and what it means to value someone is not usually something we reflect on in detail. In this paper John Wilson does just this by subjecting the notion of valuing to analysis. He argues that it is an idea which is more complex than is often recognized in the way we use it in schools.  相似文献   

首先利用常数变易法建立一个新的向量Bellman不等式,然后利用它建立了判别微分方程解的部分有界性及部分稳定性的判据.  相似文献   

In recent years in China,family education has become more and more important.Family plays the most crucial role in children's education.So more and more parents begin to pay much more attention to family education than before.However,what ways are best for them to use?Most parents have no idea at all and some are trying to use some education methods learned from books.Little Women is a book from which we can learn a lot of useful things,the obvious one is family education.This novel was written by an American author in 19th century.As a result,both time and place are a little far away from people in China.But at that time,the March's family education did work very well and made far-reaching influence.So in the first part in this paper what will be introduced in is about finding out how the March's family dealt with those unpleasant things,and the second part will discuss some disadvantages of Chinese family education,then the third part will see if March's ways could be used in Chinese families or how to make some changes about their ways so that those ways could work in Chinese families as well as they did in the March's.  相似文献   

Multisim在电路分析基础课程教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对电路分析基础课程概念多,理论性强,实践性强,比较抽象的特点,将仿真实验引入课堂教学,通过仿真演示,使学生加深对课程内容的理解和掌握。介绍了基于Multisim仿真试验内容的设计理念,重点介绍了RC电路的时频特性仿真示例。  相似文献   

为了更加精确地估算锂电池荷电状态,建立能够反映电池动态工作特性的二阶RC等效模型。在模型参数辨识的基础上,先用数学分析、电路模型构建相关状态方程与观测方程,再结合扩展卡尔曼滤波算法,针对状态噪声与观测噪声的不确定干扰,提出一种自适应调整方案。通过锂电池放电实验,结合MATLAB仿真分析,验证了自适应调整后的卡尔曼滤波算法可更精确地预估锂电池荷电状态,与扩展卡尔曼滤波算法相比,该算法降低了约2.31%的误差。  相似文献   

恶搞作为一种在娱乐消费、网络影像时代下出现的新兴文化现象,以一种自由肆意的文化姿态颠覆、解构了精英文化,使原本就众语喧哗的文化生态环境呈现出更加多元的态势。但是由于“恶搞”的出现和发展受到了来自各方面复杂多变的动力驱使,这使得它面临着前途未卜的命运。因此对待恶搞,棒杀捧杀皆不可取,应该采取更加理性的态度。  相似文献   

许多物理方程的定解问题,如波动方程、输运方程等,或由于其泛定方程比较复杂,或由于边界形状比较复杂,或由于其它原因,往往不具有解析解,或者其解析解不易计算,所以要采用可行的数值解法。有限差分方法就是一种数值解法,它把表示变量连续变化关系的偏微分方程离散为有限个代数方程,然后利用电子计算机求解此线性代数方程组。  相似文献   

目前针对校园网认证管理使用最多的技术就是802.1X认证。但是使用静态IP地址管理给校园网管理带来很大的麻烦。传统的DHCP协议可实现动态IP地址分配却无法实现接入用户的权限分配,在网络中找到安全性与易用性的平衡点成了一个重要的目标。结合802.1X和Option82技术,构建一个权限清晰的校园网。  相似文献   

关于微分方程组求解问题,是很困难和很复杂的事。但是,如果抓住它的一些特点和正确运用所学知识,就能比较容易解决。本文给出求解微分方程组的三种方法——消元法、矩阵的特征值特征向量法、拉普拉斯变换法。  相似文献   

通过实例探讨利用三要素法、解微分方程法和复频域分析法求解含受控源电路的过渡过程。提出在分析、求解含受控源电路的过渡过程时,应视具体情况而采用适当的方法.  相似文献   

从发生学上看,宗教学思想的产生所必须具备的条件是理性与信仰从神话思维中的分化。在西方,这种分化发生于古希腊,理性之形态表现为概念逻各斯。逻各斯与神话本来一体无分,使两者相互分离的原因,一是希腊宗教祭仪在城邦生活中的公开化所导致的宗教祛魅,二是较具个人性和神秘性的奥尔弗斯宗教对信仰的私密性的强化。另一方面,就最早对宗教进行理性辨析的哲学家塞诺芬尼来说,这种分离则是希腊宗教的能指与所指之间的逻辑上的错位所致。塞诺芬尼率先运用理性对宗教进行批判,在这个意义上可视为西方宗教学思想的萌芽。  相似文献   

在解析几何中,人们建立了几何与代数之间的对应关系.几何中的基本概念及定理可以代数地描述和证明;代数中的基本概念和过程可以几何地解释.当一个几何问题看起来比较困难时,可考虑相应的代数问题.如果在这个特殊情况下,代数工具更加有效的话,我们就先代数地解决这个问题,而后把结果翻译成几何语言.但常常是沿相反的方向进行的.  相似文献   

英语是成人高等教育的必修课程之一。由于成人的学习特点,他们在学习中会遇到诸多困难。本文从成人英语学习的特点,提出教师可以应用的策略,达到帮助成人大学生提高英语学习效率的目的。  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider the problem of truth telling through the notion of parrhesia as developed and explicated in Foucault’s last lectures at the College de France (1982–1983 and 1983–1984) and the figure of the pariah that runs throughout Arendt’s work. In tracing connections and tensions in the way the two thinkers explore questions and dilemmas around the courage to tell the truth in philosophy and politics, I look into the current climate within the UK academia, where there is a lot of ambivalence about whether people mean what they say or say what they mean anymore. In a Foucauldian mode of inquiry, I raise the question: what is the role of the academic when going through ‘dark times’, vis-à-vis questions of truth telling; what are the conditions of possibility for truth telling itself to be recognised as a question or a problem and how can we start mapping the effects of what we as academics do or refrain from doing?  相似文献   

电传动机车控制课程注重电路功能分析,电路控制过程复杂,电路图结构多样,特别是涉及到电路控制的操作实验,由于受到实验设备和实验环境的影响,部分实验通常无法开设,很多理论知识难以直观理解。该自主学习平台采用多样的教学表现形式,如Flash动画编程、三维动画、实验现场视频录像等,对实验课程中的电路进行动态仿真,制作具有交互性并配有教师原声讲解的实验电路,模拟实验教学环境,实现了在线练习、电路图自测练习及与教师的交流互动等,增加了学生对理论知识的感性认识,对提高实验教学质量有显著效果。  相似文献   

网络文学成为文学新宠,是消费社会特有的文学现象。随着电子媒介的兴起和消费社会的转型,网络文学也据此作出了自适性改变:一方面它因无法疏离"图像转向"的时代而不得不与图像频频联姻,另一方面它又因无法避免消费社会带来的挑战而不得不与"符号消费"彼此依附。面对这样一种挑战,对网络文学的"文学性"成分加以考察,对此双重语境加以审视,能够管窥网络文学的新视点。  相似文献   

为更好地展示频率对电路特性的影响,结合实际工程应用,设计了三个仿真实验,即一阶RC串联电路的滤波分析,二阶RC串并联电路的选频分析和RC桥式电路的移相分析。在理论分析的基础上,通过MATLAB仿真实验,帮助学生对相关教学内容建立感性认识,加强对电路理论的认知和理解。  相似文献   

In our paper we argue that (1) autobiography ought to be considered both the telling of one's story and the using of that story with others to understand and use difference productively, and (2) autobiography (as telling and interacting) dismantles the universalistic tug of science and replaces it with a push for science as local knowledge. To accomplish this dual task, we share selective autobiographical accounts of lives (autobiography as telling), and then use these accounts to have a conversation about urban science education (autobiography as interacting). Following these autobiographical accounts we then discuss how our different stories apart and together provide a greater objective insight into what it means to come-to-know science. When talking about their lives, people lie sometimes, forget a lot, exaggerate, become confused, and get things wrong. Yet, they are revealing truths. These truths don't reveal the past “as it actually was,” aspiring to a standard of objectivity. They give us instead the truths of our experiences. (Personal Narratives Group (PNG), 1989, p. 261)  相似文献   

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