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Mr Reece had a farm in the south of England. Mr and Mrs Reece grew a lot of things. They worked very hard. One day , Mr Reece said to her, “Let's go to London next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we can go and see aplay.”  相似文献   

Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football matches. And he often reads newspapers(报纸). He does his best to know where and when a football match will be.  相似文献   

In the 13th century ,the famous Italian traveller,Marco Polo,travelled a long way to china.During his stay in China,he saw many wonderful things,One of the things he discovered(发现)was that the Chinese used paper money,In western countries,  相似文献   

An English traveller spent a few weeks in Sweden(瑞典). When he was about to return home, he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that as it was only a two days‘ voyage(航行)he could get home without eating anything.  相似文献   

Chinese New Year     
The Chinese New Year is now known as the Spnng Festival because it starts trom the beginning otspring. Though there are some sayings about its origin (起源), all agree that the word Nian, which inmodern Chinese means “year”, was originally the name of a beast (野兽) that started to eat people thenight before the beginning of a new year.  相似文献   

此文是一篇故事性的趣味读物。主要讲述Tony因车祸手受伤做了手术,出院时他问医生他是否能弹吉他,医生说能,他十分高兴,因为车祸前他根本不会弹吉他。  相似文献   

胡仁昌 《英语辅导》2002,(11):12-12
One day Jack broke his mother‘s glaa. When she saw the broken glass, she cried,“Jack, you fater is going to punish(惩罚)you.”  相似文献   

It was a beautiful spring morning. There wasn‘t a cloud in the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot, so Mr Green was surprised(惊奇的)when he saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong black umbrella(雨伞) in his hand. Mr Green said to him, ““Are we going to have rain today, do you think?  相似文献   

廖晓玲 《英语辅导》2002,(10):26-26
In schools,boys and girls are learning foreign languages.  相似文献   

Computers are already widely used in industry and in universities. They can help us do a lot of difficult work in learning. They can solve the most difficult math problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. Computers can also be used for surfing on the lnternet. By using computerized translating machines,  相似文献   

本文把《史记》写人的成就与人类自我意识的觉醒——即“人的自觉”联系起来考察,认为自中华民族进入文明期以来到汉代大一统的稳定帝国的建立,是一个大的(或说极大的)历史阶段,作为这第一大周期的总结归纳者,前期的代表人物是孔子,他是思想文化集大成的归纳者。在后期的代表人物是司马迁,他是人的自我意识成果的归纳者。文中对人类自我意识的形成与发展过程作了概要勾勒,并论述了《史记》所写出的人,既是历史的人,又是人性的人;既是历史的人,又是艺术形象的人,是司马迁所谱出的中国历史上第一曲伟大的人的赞歌。  相似文献   

喜鹊宝宝看着其他的鸟儿在飞行,“我也应该飞了,只是我不知道该怎样起步.”  相似文献   

Lavinia  Chang  耿佳 《中学生英语》2005,(11):14-16
我是怀着两个梦想长大的:一个梦想是骑单车,另一个是飞翔。现在我已经47岁了,而直到现在,我一个梦想郁还没有实现呢。其实这些梦想的种子萌发于我童年时做的两个梦。  相似文献   

从前有一只小鹰,它的巢筑在悬崖上,可以俯视美丽的山谷,那里有瀑布、小河、树木和许多小动物,一边跑动一边享受着他们的生活。  相似文献   

这首歌原曲本是一首华尔兹舞曲,叫做(《In Other Words》,1954年由BartHoward创作?1962年经Joe Hannel改编后大受欢迎?而爵士女歌手Diana Krall随性的现场演唱版.则给这首被翻唱和重新演绎了无数次的歌曲,赋予了新的活力。  相似文献   

余莹 《音乐世界》2010,(15):64-65
7月7日,金汎刚刚度过了21岁生日,不过身为超级大忙人的他,这个生日仍然在忙碌的工作中度过,一直以来,他的内心比外表成熟很多,很让人猜不透。工作的时候全神贯注,把演员的职业看作是一生的追求,金汎的未来不容小觑。  相似文献   


A profile is sketched of engineering statistics by contrasting it with statistics courses for students of mathematics on one hand, and for social science students on the other. Aspects which play a role comprise level of abstraction, amount of technical detail and choice of subjects. A brief outline is given of feasible forms and contents of statistics courses for engineers. Special attention is devoted to the nature of exercises suitable in this context. Questions addressed concern the degree of adaptation to the student's own field of study and the (dis)advantage of embedding the pure statistical problems into a technical ‘story’.

Statistik für Ingenier Studenten wird durch Vergleich von Vorle-sungen über Statistik für Studenten der Mathematik auf der einen Seite und für Studenten der Sozialwissenschaften auf der anderen skizziert. Aspekte, welche eine Rolle spielen, umfassen das Niveau der Abstraktion, die Anzahl technischer Details und die Wahl der Themen. Eine kurze Übersickt wird gegeben über mögliche Formen und Inhalte von Vorlesungen über Statistik für Studenten der Ingenieurwissenschaften. Spezielle Beachtung wird den Übungen gewidmet Dabei wird gefragt, wie stark der Einfluss des eigenen Gebietes der Studenten auf die Art der Aufgaben sein soil, und welches die Vorund Nachteile sind, wenn die eigentliche statistische Fragestellung in eine technische ‘Geschichte’ eingebettet wird.  相似文献   

王安忆在《长恨歌》中塑造了很多男性,但由于女性作家的视角,决定了她不能很好的塑造男性,笔者认为《长恨歌》中没有男人,有的是被妖魔化的男性。  相似文献   

The degree to which men's current or most recent access to professional psychological help was influenced by others, and their future independent help-seeking intentions were measured. Seventy-three males currently accessing, or who had recently accessed a mental health service, completed a questionnaire that asked about their pathway to care and future help-seeking intentions. Ninety-six percent of participants reported their decision to seek help was influenced to some degree by others, with G.P's, and intimate partners most influential. Thirty-seven percent indicated that without this influence, they would not have sought help at all. Once in therapy, treatment helpfulness was a significant predictor of future help-seeking intentions for a personal-emotional problem or suicidal thoughts, irrespective of the pathway to care.  相似文献   

<正>It was six men of Indostan To learning much inclined Who went to see the elephant Though all of them were blind That each by observation  相似文献   

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