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Developing the connection between biology and mathematics is one of the most important ways to shift the paradigms of both established science disciplines. However, adding some mathematic content to biology or biology content to mathematics is not enough but must be accompanied by development of suitable pedagogical models. I propose a model of pedagogical mathematical biological content knowledge as a feasible starting point for connecting biology and mathematics in schools and universities. The process of connecting these disciplines should start as early as possible in the educational process, in order to produce prepared minds that will be able to combine both disciplines at graduate and postgraduate levels of study. Because teachers are a crucial factor in introducing innovations in education, the first step toward such a goal should be the education of prospective and practicing elementary and secondary school teachers.  相似文献   

为了引起教师对高等数学第一堂课的重视,本文以博弈论的观点,阐明了第一堂课对学生和教师的重要性,尤其是对教师自己.最后就如何上好高等数学的第一堂课提出了自己的建议.  相似文献   


In this editorial, we provide an introduction to the special issue on Inquiry-Based Learning in First and Second Year Courses. We also discuss the essential features of inquiry-based learning and provide a brief overview of the literature and evidence for its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Responsiveness to intervention (RTI) is an innovative approach to the identification of learning disabilities (LD). The central assumption is that RTI can differentiate between two explanations for low achievement: poor instruction versus disability. If the child responds poorly to validated instruction, then the assessment eliminates instructional quality as a viable explanation for poor academic growth and instead provides evidence of a disability. For children who do respond nicely, RTI serves a critical prevention function. Most of RTI research has been focused on early reading. In this article, we describe two ongoing programs of research on RTI in the area of mathematics: one on a comprehensive mathematics curriculum at first grade and the other focused on word problems at third grade. For each research program, we describe the sample, explain how students are identified as at risk for mathematics disability, provide an overview of the interventions to which responsiveness is gauged, and describe some results to date.  相似文献   

首应效应存在于课堂教学的师生交往互动中,上好高等数学第一堂课,让学生对高等数学及任课教师留下良好的第一印象,对以后教学的有效开展极其重要。文章主要探讨高等数学的第一堂课的目标定位以及具体教学建议。  相似文献   

医药高等数学作为医药类院校学生的一门重要基础课,其教学研究已引起了越来越多的专家学者重视。在多年的医药高等数学的教学实践里,笔者逐渐认识到医药高等数学第一堂课需要做好高等数学与初等数学的知识衔接。本文以反三角函数、分段函数和函数的有界性内容为例,对如何上好医药高等数学第一堂课作了探讨。  相似文献   

函数与极限是“高等数学”的第一部分内容,而极限思想方法对学好高等数学起到重要作用。文章从五个方面详细介绍了如何上好高等数学的第一堂课。  相似文献   

高职数学课程第一课教学将过去教师以介绍课程性质为主要目的的单独说课创新为学生首先说课,学生、教师相互倾听,教师融入对话再跟进说课,它为有效解决高职学生数学学习过程中对自己数学学习信心不足、对高职数学课程认识偏颇以及数学知识脱节等问题做了必要的铺垫,也为高职数学课程在教学中融入课程意识、实践课堂教学民主、探索有效教学带来新的启示.  相似文献   

教育数学是具有教育形态的数学   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
数学有3种形态:原始形态、学术形态和教育形态.体现数学本质要做到返朴归真,平易近人,言之有理,感悟真情.实际教学中,数学本质常被“过度的形式化”与“教条式的教学改革”所掩盖.数学教学中,应反对“去数学化”的倾向,突出数学的文化本质,以本原问题驱动展现数学本质,利用数学史加深学生对数学本质的理解.  相似文献   

在面向年轻人的数学教育中,人们几乎将全部的关注放在概念学习和技能发展上,很少为他们提供表达数学信念的机会。然而只要环境适宜,他们能够通过辩论提出极好的见解。本文描述了在提供住宿的环境下涉及10年级学生的一套7节训练课。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated the academic and cognitive characteristics of persistent mathematics difficulty (MD-p) from first to fourth grade. Ninety-nine children were retrospectively categorized into one of three groups: MD-p, transient mathematics difficulty (MD-t), or typically developing. MD-p was defined as persistently low mathematics achievement (≤25th percentile) in at least 2 years from first to fourth grade. The results indicated that the MD-p group was more likely than other groups to have deficits in calculation, practical problem solving, number facts, and reading. In terms of cognitive characteristics, MD-p was specifically characterized by deficits in math concepts and phonological decoding, though there was some evidence for the involvement of working memory, processing speed, and numerical reasoning.  相似文献   

基于学生评价标准———学业成绩和各种参考资料的影响 ,目前学生课业负担过重 .为了达到即提高教学质量 ,又能更好地推进素质教育 ,在数学教学中最关键的办法是精心设计课堂教学的内容 ,使学生将知识当堂消化 ,从题海战术中解放出来 .  相似文献   

彰显数学意识:幼儿数学教学的诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿园数学教育对幼儿数学意识的生成起着关键的作用。幼儿数学意识就是幼儿能直观感知、领会他们生活中的数、形及其关系,并能主动、自觉地感受和运用数、量、形、数学符号、简单的数学方法的态度和意识。镶嵌式数学教学是彰显幼儿数学意识教学的有效途径;问题、操作、挑战和兴趣是彰显幼儿数学意识教学的有效条件;宽容幼儿数学学习中的“不正确”行为是彰显幼儿数学意识教学的环境保障。  相似文献   

六年级学生数学学习能力调查--学数学必须懂数学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学数学、懂数学和提高学生的数学能力和创造性是目前数学教育界所倡导的.有关中国六年级学生的数学理解水平和数学能力的研究结果显示,学生们计算能力明显高于他们的数学概念理解和在实际生活中的应用.在数学教学中,强调解题熟练能力固然重要,然而懂得数学及数学能力的培养,却对学生的终生教育受益.教育工作者必须要意识到我们在教学中学生理解数学和在实际生活中应用的弱点,然后把改善这个弱点作为重点贯穿到教学之中去.研究提倡对教学大纲以及教材上的改革.  相似文献   

Brian O'Toole 《Prospects》1995,25(2):311-319
Conclusion Few CBR programmes have developed beyond small-scale projects to large-scale innovations. Few governments have made any significant commitment to and investment in the development of national CBR services. Most CBR programmes are regarded as ‘additional programmes’. Moreover, the attempts that have been made to work within existing infrastructures have often meant the programmes become little more than a minor facet of existing service provision, to which no particular priority is given. However, despite these limitations, CBR has demonstrated, through several successful examples, what can be achieved. For relatively little money, CBR can create better opportunities for disabled children and engenders in parents a sense that they can play a significant role in the development process. Communities have become more aware of disabled persons in their midst and, at times, have played a major role in planning ways of meeting their needs. CBR offers a new approach to rehabilitation, policy makers, professionals, planners, community leaders and to the disabled persons themselves. Progress has been slow and uneven over the first decade of CBR. It is significant, however, that some of the most creative examples of parental-professional collaboration have come from some of the poorest nations. It may be time for the developed world to look towards the developing countries to find innovative approaches to meet the needs of disabled persons. It is quite clear that traditional approaches can do no more than scratch the surface. A radical reappraisal of our respective roles in the rehabilitation and education of disabled persons is required. CBR offers this new approach. If, however, the vision and courage to tread new paths are lacking, then the danger is that more conferences will be held, more declarations will be written, more slogans devised, and still 98% of the disabled population will remain totally unaware of the international concern being voiced on their behalf. Ph.D. An educational psychologist, O'Toole has been working in Guyana for the past sixteen years. He introduced the first training programme in special education at the University of Guyana, and has been the Director of the Guyana community-based rehabilitation programme. He has written widely on the issue of community-based rehabilitation and has co-edited a book with R. McConkey entitledInnovations in developing countries in disability. He has carried out consultancies for the World Health Organization and a number of non-governmental organizations.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of high school dropout rates, identifies what risk factors cause students to be more likely to drop out, and examines the types of programmes in existence that serve as alternative educational settings. The traits and characteristics of successful alternative high school programmes are also identified and critiqued using theoretical perspectives from behavioural, social cognitive, cognitive, and motivational psychology, emphasising particular aspects that significantly contribute to developing and implementing successful alternative programmes. Educators can use the information presented in this article to help create a successful educational experience, not only for those at risk of dropping out of school, but for all of the students they serve.  相似文献   

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