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Mr.Brown has five sons .They are Ted, Tom , Bob, Jack, and John...John has no elder brother and he was four years old when his firstyounger brother was born .Tom is very lucky . The number of his elder brothers is the sam e as his younger brothers.Jack wi…  相似文献   

Media is abuzz with advertisements of multitude of antibacterial products ranging from toothpastes, toilet soaps, and handwashes to disinfectants and cosmetics. While, almost every manufacturer claims that their product has 100% efficiency in eliminating microbes, the truth really is questionable. On 2 September 2016, the Food and Drug Administration of USA, banned 19 compounds used in antibacterial products. These ingredients, as per FDA experts, are not effective as antibacterials as they are claimed to be, and few of them even have adverse effects on humans. India is the largest consumer of such antibacterial products, but is yet to take any regulatory measures against these products. This article focus on the need of creating large scale public awareness about these products.  相似文献   

What are they?     
四个好朋友各有不同的工作,究竟谁是教师?谁是医生?谁是农民?谁是司机?你能根据这篇短文做出判断吗?  相似文献   

A woman was having some trouble(毛病 ) withher heart(心脏 ) ,so she went to see the doctor.Hewas a new doctor,and did not know her,so he firstasked some questions,and one of them was,“Howold are you?“Well”,she answered,“I don't remember,doctor,but I will try(尽力 ) to think.”She thoughtfor a minute and then said,“Yes,I remember now,doctor!When I married (结婚 ) ,I was eighteen yearold,and my husband was thirty.Now,my husbandis sixty,I know,and that is twice(两倍 ) thirty.So Iam twic…  相似文献   

A sample of 60 children in Grade 3 was followed over one year. In the first year, an extensive battery of assessments was used including aspects of reading, arithmetic, and working memory. Teachers rated the children on 7-point scales on various motivational dimensions summarized to a total score tentatively called task orientation. In the follow-up assessment one year later, the testing and teacher ratings were repeated. The cross-sectional correlations between reading, arithmetic, and task orientation were all high (about +.70). The high correlation between reading and arithmetic decreased significantly when task orientation was partialed out, and it was further reduced when working memory as assessed by backward digit span was added to the controlling factors. Also, teacher ratings of cognitive ability and language development accounted for some of the common variance between reading and arithmetic. The correlation between task orientation and school achievement cannot be causally interpreted in cross-sectional designs. Some support for a “causal” hypothesis, however, was obtained in crosslagged correlation analyses indicating that task orientation in Grade 3 may have a causal impact on the level of performance in reading, and in arithmetic in Grade 4. Most likely, however, there is also a reciprocal relationship.  相似文献   

This study explores new directions to study and combine measurements of instructional expertise and teachers’ interpersonal relationships with students. The sample comprises 34 in-service teachers. The My Teacher questionnaire (MTQ) was used to operationalize teachers’ instructional expertise. The Questionnaire of Teacher Interaction (QTI) was used to describe teachers’ interpersonal relationships with students. Hypotheses were tested using circular mixed-effects models. Results indicate that teachers’ interpersonal relationships differ at successive levels of instructional expertise. Results further indicated that increases in instructional expertise are associated with a sharp decrease in the within-class variance in interpersonal relationships. Specifically, the higher teachers’ instructional expertise, the more teachers' interpersonal relationships are described as “directing” and “helpful” by all students in the class.  相似文献   

孙栋莉 《现代教学》2011,(1):141-141
A:如果我在课堂上提出较难的问题,刘杰就一定能够帮我救场,同时接受我的赞许及学生们羡慕的眼光。B:吴芳婷是二年级才从希望小学转来的学生,经过_。学年的刻苦学习,考试成绩居于中等偏上,但她上课较沉默。C:林慧是一个令教师感到头痛的学困生,她记忆力差,一个4个字母的单词在没有教师的帮助下她前背后忘,往往十多分钟还未背出。  相似文献   

This study aims to illuminate the phenomenon of learning outcomes. Although a wide range of studies in education have examined the phenomenon in various ways, few have investigated how scholars themselves conceive of it. To provide insight into this issue, the paper explores the following questions: How is the term “learning outcome” defined? By whom? When? Where? The investigation is based on a document analysis of a selection of 33 scholarly written documents in which the concept is discussed. Findings indicate that there is a dominant established definition of the term learning outcome. However, a wide range of alternative definitions are also identified. These assert that learning outcomes involve more than what can be described in pre-specified and measurable terms.  相似文献   

In this case study, the professional mathematics teacher identity (PMTI) of final year mathematics education students is investigated in terms of their self-perceived and actualised identity. These prospective teachers were required to discuss and describe their own PMTI in terms of three aspects: mathematics specialisation, teaching-and-learning specialisation, and caring. Subsequently, they were observed in the classroom, where the actualisation of their PMTI was considered in terms of the same three. The participants’ perceptions of their own PMTI and the actualisation of that PMTI in the classroom were found not to be congruent. While their self-perceptions regarding their prowess as Mathematics Specialists were accurate, since this is concretely tested as part of their studies, their self-perceptions as teaching-and-learning specialists and particularly as Carers, were not verifiable in their classroom practice. Espoused theory, theory that the individual perceives as true and valid, and which may thus be seen as intrinsic to their PMTI’s, is not necessarily enacted.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of the incidence of maltreatment-related child mortality depends on reliable child fatality review. We examined the inter-rater reliability of maltreatment designation for two Alaskan Child Death Review (CDR) panels. Two different multidisciplinary CDR panels each reviewed a series of 101 infant and child deaths (ages 0–4 years) in Alaska. Both panels independently reviewed identical medical, autopsy, law enforcement, child welfare, and administrative records for each death utilizing the same maltreatment criteria. Percent agreement for maltreatment was 64.7% with a weighted Kappa of 0.61 (95% CI 0.51, 0.70). Across maltreatment subtypes, agreement was highest for abuse (69.3%) and lowest for negligence (60.4%). Discordance was higher if the mother was unmarried or a smoker, if residence was rural, or if there was a family history of child protective services report(s). Incidence estimates did not depend on which panel's data were used. There is substantial room for improvement in the reliability of CDR panel assessment of maltreatment related mortality. Standardized decision guidance for CDR panels may improve the reliability of their data.  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming up1.Greet Ss.Show the picture"Welcome to our English class".2.Show a cartoon of the song"Ten little Indian boys"and make Ss familiar with the numbers.T:Let’s enjoy a song together.3.Review numbers.T:What can we learn from the song?The students say the twelve  相似文献   

This study evaluates the reliability of profile analysis for assessing differential abilities on the McCarthy Scales for Children's Abilities (MSCA). Subjects were enrolled in private schools and ranged in age from 5–5 to 6–5. The test-retest interval ranged from 3 to 6 weeks, with a mean interval of 24 days. Results indicated 70.9% of the sample showed profile variability not reasonably accounted for as real fluctuations in measurable abilities. General application of the null hypothesis procedure for calculating statistical significance of scaled score differences as a basis for interpretive judgments is discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings of a 2-year longitudinal study that examines the stance taken by a group of Western Australian teachers to the introduction of compulsory performance management in 1997. It shows that during the first year of implementation (1997), teachers responded to the new programme with significant levels of scepticism, mistrust and anxiety. By the second year (1998), despite continued reservations, the teachers found they could take charge of the process, maintain a sense of autonomy and control over their work, and capitalise on the limited opportunities for professional growth provided by annual appraisal cycles. A concluding theme emerging from the teachers' reported experiences and reflections is that management-inspired programmes of performance review have little impact on authentic teacher learning compared with active teacher participation in strong, accountable professional learning communities developed within and across schools.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence that teacher emotional intelligence is important for pupil adjustment and learning and for teachers in managing the emotional demands of their work, little is known about the levels of emotional skill of teachers and beginning teachers. Using Mayer and Salovey's emotional intelligence (EI) model and the MSCEIT test of EI, this study investigates how emotionally skilled student teachers are (N = 352). Results show lower than average levels of EI among student teachers, but with important differences between students and across emotional skill areas. The implications of the findings for pre-service teacher education are explored.  相似文献   

放假了,小辣椒想去找朋友们玩。可是,她发现朋友们都没空。瞧,他们正忙着呢!原来,同学们正在为社区的春节晚会排练节目。4.She is()a piano.5.They are().卡通形象:录音机tape recorder学英语椒辣6.They are().1.He is()a book.3.She is()pictures.73本期“小辣椒学英语”答案K  相似文献   

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