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仔细观察下图,然后回答问题。把对的答案选出来。l·Mary and Lina are at the—一一目Seasideswimming Poolfish PondMaryThey are—一to目 leaming eaching waitingSWlm.任呼典4 .The girls’mother 15— beneh.__ona3 .Theinstruetor 15 helPing them·目daneingSWlmmingrUfining目Iying5 leePingsltting5 .She 15 looking at her一一-sjolq宕nUP宕u百uJ甘。I’乙g宕u万11落s’十目u落以山葱从s’乞Iood宕u丁川以弓从s’I目SIStefSdaughtersPuPils看图回答问题@Keane…  相似文献   

She finds a PuPPy in the drain.M脚15 on her way home·She takes it home.She emsses a drain near the road.Mary takes the PuPPy in her hand.Thep即py has hurt its leg..gmoq 41。牡’u碑JP Oq习u下人ddnd仑sPuU叫Ss。职一。qs’p能q JOqu万左ddnd Oqls侧u飞凡J仑城’宕。15一匹扛nqs℃q天ddnd‘价哪。甲几。uu飞甘Jp℃sossOJ。。qs‘姗叫加从泊u uos万俪人:学最~..口看图写短文@Kavan…  相似文献   

同学们呢?试试看!,你们能不能在二十分钟内用下面的单词至少造出十个有关“A co玉e shoP”的句子JI︵2内j4︸、︶zb勺了n谷 ’sX。万一sdoq。。sn。山05‘01’uoods仑q一落从犯。。UJoS .6’。。落J宕ul一仑。脚。uloS‘8’sOIP0ou名u落犯。。犯。uloS’L’℃。1习u飞习upP OJ仑。tUoS’9‘。明o。宕u落叫1 PUn0)甘SJIUqoOJ习耳u万JP韶含肚。J℃勺IUOSg ‘501单4左瑰uJ OJU。甲柑容坦一15 OJ℃即。牡‘乙’doqsUO山0从PuU u0HO熟UoO甘s丁S西q工’十£’sOIqUI’s0lq甘l.国攀目造句游戏@Johnston…  相似文献   

一一.一一~-—一--~~~~~一一-一~----—·脚百dsoq。中ol台u!0言s!JOq一o以。qJJ’。可u落105旦叼O一3u落o月s万J叫娜。吐‘g’Iooqos 01君u!o暴加U 左。月刀,川JoJ枣un Iooqos且u哪。从邻甘天。q工.粉’IJ万宕仑Puu天oq甘砚人。q刀’u锹Pl!qoo从1 OA℃tl 左。蚝工.£’。sjnu仑s!Joq一。山。q刀.J娜加p℃s落JOq奉叮。耳工’艺‘左[冬山PJ仑Jo韶nl。!d Oq一S生只落q上‘t:攀最作文园地(英文)@Jed…  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.(多媒体出示Jim跑步的图片)T:What is Jim doing?S:He’s running.请生熟读句型:What is xxx doing?He’s…2.xxx,run,please.(该生做跑步的动作。)T:What are you doing?生边跑边说:I’m running.请生熟读句型:What are you doing?I’m…请该生继续做跑步的动作,T:What is she doing?Ss:She’s running.3.Work in pairs:What are you doing?I’m…S1:What are you doing?S2:I’m…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.询问某人正在做什么事1.—What are you doing?—I am studying.——你在做什么?——我在学习。2.—What is she doing?—She’s cooking.——她在做什么?——她在做饭。3.—What’s he doing?—He’s reading the newspaper.——他在干什么?——他在看报纸。4.—What are t  相似文献   

请仔细观察下图,然后根据括号内所提供的词汇回答问题。 LILY’5 BIRTHDAY_彝崛、七洲.厂、、、、产夕、肠曰门︸一12/﹄1 .Wllat 15 today? 1’O day2.W】lat are Lily and her brother doing?(decorating/sitting room Lily一—--一’3 .W】lat 15 their father doing?(arranging/tableslchairs) 口rlleir4.Where 15 their mother?(kitehen) Theif5 .Wllat 15 their mother doing?(making food/b irthday Party) She6 .How 15 everybody?(busy)看图回答问题@Keane…  相似文献   

一、听力测试(25分)A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1.What colour is the woman’s car?A.Red.B.Red and blue.C.Blue.2.Howold is his brother?A.16.B.17.C.19.3.What does the woman mean?A.She doesn’t want himtosmoke.B.She doesn’t have anycigarettes with her.C.She wants himtosmoke.4.Where does this conversation take place?A.In the restaurant.B.In the library.C.In the classroom.5.What’s the flat like…  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.出示D部分Look and talk的挂图,请学生仔细观察图片。2.师指图片上的一个男孩,问:Who’s he?S:He’s Ben.T:What does Ben have?S:He has a kite.T:What is he doing?S:He’s flying a kite.3.结合句型"What do/does…have?He/She has…"/They have…What is/are…doing?He/She is…/They are…进行同桌间问答。4.Act it out."非生态"问题:1.学生在看了图片后兴致不是很高,致使同桌之间问答操练的效果也不是很好。2.在表演的过程中,虽已给  相似文献   

<正>〔教学目标〕1.Enable the students to learn the four skill sentences by heart:What is it doing?It’s eating bananas.What is she doing?She’s jumping.2.Enable the students to use the sentences to ask and answer questions.3.Help the students to understand the sentences:The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.〔教学重点〕1.Enable the students to learn the four skill  相似文献   

第一部分 单元教学提示 (一)教学要点参考 1.能力目标 (1)学生能够用现在时提问并回答动物正在做什么,如:What is it doing? It's jumping.What is mother kangaroo doing?She is walking. What are thetigers doing? They are swimming.  相似文献   

淆蒸瀚组;丫,,1.根据下列对话情景,选出最佳答案。1.一,please? 一1 think it’5 abouts:30. A .Wllatd盯15 it B.What’5 the date C.从飞ere,5 the dateD.W11at’s thetime2一Wh妞td6能your motherdo? A.She’5 tallB,She’sadoetor C .She’5 very wellD.She’;inanomce3.一Would扣u like oneofthelnop”9旗es? D .It doesn’t matter9.当别人说:“你的衣服很漂亮’卜时,你应该说 A.Yes,Please B.Yes,1 would C .No,Please D.No,1 don’t4.一May 1 sPeak to Tom,please? A .Yes,Iam C .Yes,you may5.一My mother 15 in …  相似文献   

看图回答:双休日,天气晴朗,同学们都忙起来了。他们要去做什么呢?请同学们试试用英语回答好吗?1.例:What is she going to do?She’s going to go fishing.3.What are they going to do?They’re________________________2.What is he going to do?He’s_______________________4.What is she going to do?She’s________________________Keys:2.He’s going to swim.3.They are going to have a picnic.4.She is going to the zoo.它们去做什么@梦妮…  相似文献   

正一、教学内容Part A二、教学目标(1)能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词morning,home,help,math。(2)能听懂、会说、会读和会写:What is/are...doing?He’s/She’s/I’m/We’re/They’re...(3)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:The telephone is ringing.Are you free now?What are you doing?What is she doing?How about...?Can you come and help...with...?See you this afternoon.(4)让学生能用英语打电话,同时养成乐于助人的好习惯。  相似文献   

请仔细观察下图,然后根据图意,依照次序把下列句子重写,以成一篇短文。注意:勿超过十五分钟。界黔…{I弓色:)’石.ThreeboysstoPthethief..APolieemaneomesandtakesthethieftothePolieestation..Awomaniswalkingwithl一erhandbagoverhershoulder..Itisabusystreet.It 15 ’uo落4U一s。。1 Iod Oq10一J。!q-。ql soX甘一Puu soujoou仑川。。耳IodV,J。落q李。甲do〕55天oq。。Jq上‘sunJ Pu仑分uqPuUtl oq一soq。一仑usJ。万甲v。。plnoqs JouJ。、o乳qpuoqJ叫甲万、宕u可万I。,、万u。。o、v·;。。、s‘、nq。(、万,x)睡象看图…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.——Ⅵ‘here is Kitty? I can’t“nd her an)rwhere. 一She’s . A.in a doctors’ B.at her d()ctor’s C.in the doctors’ D.at doctor’s2.一I’m sony t0 haveA.】’m sorrv.tooC.Never mindkept you waiting so 10ngB.Y0u are rightD.That will doyour timely help and I’m not just A.Y0u’re weJcome B.Thank C.1)on’t say s0 D.You’d4. 一So it’s nothing se订ous, D0ctor? —— ~一.T11e child wiJl he all right A.5.Mr A.Yes B.No.Green suggestedit is C.N0£hat the letterVOUhetter not…  相似文献   

请仔细观察下图,然后根据图意,至少造五个句子(你可选用这里所提供的单词)。注意:勿超过十五分钟。Atlhe件井甲拟侧日}日〕杀口「f([ ·左dd甘q众。A魏左。牡’g’勺s落ou Jo一oIU。耶uIu即Pl落q。。q工’十’分u落从5 oq一uo3娜众Id 05砰。犯uoJP一I贝。o从L’E’从甘5005。甲uou翻甲1川。o叫。J仑锹。q工‘艺·pun咖众Id叫,,。u脚I万q。‘皿。二。。牡·2.星勇Train Your Writing Ability@Jed  相似文献   

下列图片下的英文单词是不完整的。你能把欠缺的字母填补上去吗惬‘’毋…澎磷‘’豁’赓OCaet CtCI lltbd6.了健彝7.昌8.粤9. l禽‘”嘟nleSitbanSfte1 1.飞‘2’臀‘3执扁.瞿暨‘4.衡15.诵Snp___nCnt____ykCl6.‘鞠’7’日18‘酬19.趣黔20‘4馨鲡…一万一个几 ,闷即一;或 ’,。一佩气 m乏曰、二-账11二二「芷二!套怎l淤粉群帆.渐r,倾:l·尸,Jg 1eS___pCUrdCf de11、0 o云u仑uI’0艺。I甲oooJ。‘61 PJ甘oqdn。’Sld明一s’Ll明仑J万宕’91 左。平n革’十Iu从01。’仁Iu从仑Jd’艺1 uoods‘11 01扛nl’01 JoP万ds’6一。I吕u落…  相似文献   

::A·shopping ‘C .swimming 4.一What’she,a 洲 B .fish D .boat rePorter or a doctor? 今 护令 申奋 奋 巾俘 今奋 子于 今今 幸今 ,今 奋勺 盛击 令今 奋合 牵奋 介今 加今 令今 稼每 会奋 令公 ‘9 争争 盆介 诀吞 扮今 令 A .Yes,he’5 a rePorter B .No,he’5 a doctor C .An reporter D.A doetor 5.一1刀ok,_15 the girl doing? 一Ustening to musie. A .How B.What C.Wlly D.When 6.一_you told us! 一Thank you· A.How interesting story 7 B .How an inte比sting story C .What an interesting story D .What i…  相似文献   

}蘸{粼蝶薰霎鬓雪铆课堂体共场参考答素1 .Whatare”u doing?5 .What animals doyou like?2 .Where 15 he frorn?3 .Does he know Chinese?4 .11此6.They stay in the晚e‘7 .What doth叮eat?课堂练兵场  相似文献   

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