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Name:Savio (gentleman) Years in China:5 years 1.What surprised you the most during your stay in China? Definitely the thing that surprised me most when I came to China the first time was to see how many people you could find in the same place.Since in my home country I was living in a small village,it was very difficult to get used to being always surrounded by so many people. Another one was to realize how "cold" Chinese people are while they greet each other.In my country,every time we meet someone,we would shake hands quite strongly,give hugs and even exchange kisses regardless if we know each other for long time or not.Here in China all those things are not common at all.Sometimes I have to control myself in order to avoid embarrassing Chinese people around me.  相似文献   

School was over and I was both m entally and physically tired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of m y 1 to get hom e. Sitting at the front m ade m e 2 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies. Jane,the driver tried to break the 3 atm osphere by striking the m atch of 4 . I tried to m ind m y m anners and 5 listened, but usually I was too busy thinking of m y day.O n this day, 6 ,her conver- sation was w orth listening to. “M y father’s sick,” she said to no one in 7 .I c…  相似文献   

Motorbike and I     
My friends and I always find an excuse to ride a motorbike. I personally think it is one of the funniest things to do in Guilin.The first time I did it I had to admit I was a little bit nervous. I had never been on a motorbike before and I always thought there was a big possibility of failing off the bike, for the road was too bumpy.  相似文献   

Last Monday was a sunny day. I got up early in order to get to schoo l early, because it was the first day of a week. On my way to school, I saw a ma n standing beside the street with a walking stick in his hand. He was wondering there and moved slowly. It seemed that he wanted to cross the street. At that ti me, a car passed by and nearly hit him. I ran to him only to find out that he wa s a blind man. It was not easy for a blind man to cross the street. I decided to lead him to the othe…  相似文献   

An employer was very anxious to find the most intelligent of the three men who had applied for a job. So he told them: "Here are five conical hats. Three are white and two are black. I shall ask you to stand in 3 corners of the room facing the wall, and I shall place a hat on each of your heads. When you turn round, you will be able to see the other's hats but not your own. The first one to tell me the colour of his own hat will get the job." He then placed a white hat on each man's head. When the three men turned to face each other there was a long silence. Then, suddenly, one of the candidates (候选人) said, "Mine is white." How did he work out that he had a white hat on his headv  相似文献   

Daniel Defoe (1660-1730) is a famous journalist(记者) and novelist in the 18th century in Britain. Defoe wrote his first novel "Robinson Crusoe" in 1719, at the age of 59. The novel was his most famous writing. Let's read some parts of the story. Ⅰ. Go to sea I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family. At a very early age I wanted to go to sea. My father was a wise man, and he begged me not to do so. For a time I decided not to think of it any more. But one day in…  相似文献   

A Dirtier HandWhen he was a child, Mike did not always obey the rules of school. One day the teacher caught him breaking a rule and asked him to come up to be punished. In that school beating the palm of hand(手掌心)with a ruler was the punishment. Mike蒺s hands were very dirty, so on the way to the teacher蒺s desk, he wiped one of his hands on his coat.The teacher looked at it for a moment and said,“Mike, if you can find a dirtier hand in the class, I shall not punish you.”“Here it is…  相似文献   

As I walked home one freezing(极冷的) day,I stumbled on(偶然发现)a wallet some one had lost in the street.I picked it up and looked inside to find some identification(身份证明)so I could call the owner.But the wal let contained(含有)only three dollars and a crumpled(揉皱的)letter that looked as if(似乎,好象)it had been in there for years.The envelope was worn and the only thing that was legible(字迹清楚的)on it was the return ad- dress. I started to open the letter,hoping to find some clue(线索).Then I saw the date line-1924.The letter had been written almost sixty years earlier.  相似文献   

I was in a lift on rny way to my friend's flat. Suddenly the light in the lift went out, and the lift was out of order. I was very frightened because I was alone in it.I tried to force the door open, but I failed. So I felt for the alarm button and pressed it several times.  相似文献   

段翔 《中学生英语》2004,(12):26-27
“May I ... ?” Nobody could imagine how happy and how proud I felt when I was the first one in our little village to become a junior school student! I knew it was not easy for a girl from a moun-tainous area like me to enter a middle school. In the eyes of every villager, I was no longer a little girl with short pigtails but a “a big fish in a  相似文献   

Young Love     
I day at ember school one was a nice day. We were sitting outside and the students were practicing when along came a Chinese teacher I knew. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I'm looking for lovers." I asked if she had found any and she said no, but she would find one. I said I didn't think so and she insisted, "Yes, I will find one." I told her she would not find one but she might find two.  相似文献   

Early one morning a man called for a taxi to take him to the airport, which was a couple of miles down the highway. He patiently waited for about thirty minutes, and called the taxi company again to say that cab had not arrived. This dispatcher assured the gentleman that it was on the way. However, several minutes later, he was still waiting. He had to call a third time, saying, "I need that taxi in a hurry. I have got to make that flight to the West Coast that is due to leave in thirty minutes."  相似文献   

一、NMET2003短文改错评析NMET2003短文改错题难度适中,突出了对学生语言应用能力的考查现分析如下:When I first leam to write in English,I ran into many 76.——difficulties.The main problem was in that I always thught 77.——in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. 78.——My teacher advised me to keep my diary.I followed her 79.——advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. 80.——Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper,as I was 81.——learning to express me in simple English.One day I wrote 82.——a litde story and showed to my teacher.She liked it 83.——very much and reads it to the class.All said the story was 84.——a good one.Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85.——  相似文献   

I feel that this award was not made to me as a man,but to my- work’s life work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit,not for glory and least of all for profit,but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.So this award is only mine in trust.It will not be dif- ficult to find a dedication for the money part of it commensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin.But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too,by using this mome…  相似文献   

One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue,when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks.Why I wished to buy only one pair is unimportant.I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye, and a boy clerk who could not have been more than seventeen years old came forward. "What can I do for you,sir?" "I wish to buy a pair of socks."His eyes glowed.There was a note of passion in his voice. "Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks?"I had not been aware of that,as my entrance had been accidental. "Come with me,"said the boy,  相似文献   

I was really happy as I set my foot in Xiangshan Park.Birds were twittering and the sunwas shining bright on the trees.I t was difficult to find such a fine day in winter.As a student who was afflicted by a large amount ofhomework,I was tired of living in the city.  相似文献   

When I first went to China to teach English I was at a rural school in the south. The closest city was Conghua, with about eighty-five thousand people. I liked to go there on my one day off each week to buy fruit and other things to have in my dorm at the school. Sometimes, I would go with one of the other foreign teachers but many times I would go alone and I would be the only westerner in the city, a minority of one.  相似文献   

Elena was not a good student. Her head was in the clouds most ofthe time. She wanted to listen in class and to study, but other thingswere more important: her boyfriend, her clothes, her hairstyle, andtelevision. Every time she tried to concentrate on her lesson, her mindwandered.  相似文献   

Long long ago,a cat and a mouse were good friends. They ate together, played and slept together. They were the best friends in the woods.  But one day, they weren't friends forever. Fairies wanted to campaign for the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. The cat and the mouse both went to campaign at the appointed time. The morning in the second day the mouse was boring: Should I go to the campaign with the cat?And should I go to call him?The cat was a lazy animal: He was still sleeping now. And the mouse didn't want to call him up. Finally the mouse was the first animal in the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. But the cat was not. So today cats always want to catch mice and eat them. Because they remember this history: Mouse forsook cat!  相似文献   

I remember getting into the class with the feelings of a beginner teacher: nervous, cautious, tense, etc. The school I started my first lesson in was reputed to hold the most troublesome students in the city. With this in mind, my feelings were more nervous than they should've been. But I tried my best to pump myself with courage and  相似文献   

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