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I live in the city and there always seems to be "noise." At times when my spirit needs a break and my eye catches a lonely seagull, my inner being reaches out to find silence and peace. What a gift to receive.  相似文献   

Today is Sunday.I have nothing to do.I see my wardrobe was messy.I think:" I am 11 years old,I should help my mom with some housework and let my mom happy." So I begin to do the housework. At first,I fold the clothes,then frock shirts,pants and skirts.I tidy up the wardrobe. I can help my mom with some housework,I feel very happy and satisfied.  相似文献   

As a child,I was generally happy,singing and dancing to my favorite songs,smiling and laughing with my friends and family.But as far back as second grade,I noticed a "darkness" about me.I didn't enjoy engaging in many things.I didn't 1)relate to my peers in 2)elementary school because they appeared so happy,and I didn't have that ability to achieve happiness so easily.  相似文献   

Chinese shooter Yi Siling got a score of 502.9 points and became the first gold medal winner of the London 2012 Olympics. Yi Siling,speaking after receiving her medal from International Olympic Committee Chairman Jacques Rogge,said:"I'm very excited and happy.I want to say thanks to China,to my mother and father.I have been away from home for more than a year and now I miss my family a lot."  相似文献   

Everyone has those unforgettable memories they will keep for a lifetime. I've been to many places, from my motherland China to the other side of the world like Canada. But despite all the exciting travelings and all that, I moved back to China in the end, to attend high school. But in my heart, for some reason, Canada was the place I loved the most. Some people might just ask: Then why not go back to where you love? Well... I can't explain it in one sentence, but in a nut shell, you could say that it's a "made-up-my-mind, won't-regret-it" and because "I have to stay with wherever my family takes me" kind of thing.   ……  相似文献   

WHEN I think back to my childhood in the 1920s,what sticks most clearly in my mind is people'sattitudes toward my weight.During that decade— and on up into the '30s —everyone seemed to believe that the fatter childrenwere, the healthier they were.If you happened to be2 a thin child (like me), youwere scolded, nagged3 and made miserable for notbeing heavier. We "skinnies4" were constantly urgedto eat. "Oh, child, if you don't eat more than that, you'llnever get fat!" was said to me time and…  相似文献   

Because my grandmother often mislays her keys, I bought her a key tag beep in response to certain sounds. She decided on the word:"Mama." During one of my visits ,a neighbor took me aside and suggested I might have to pay more attention to the elderly lad…  相似文献   

Many years ago,my uncle owned a restaurant at a small airport in Illinois. My mother was the assistant manager and I was the hostess.One afternoon,my mother and I went to a dine for lunch.Our waitress,Debbie,was so sweet that we took an immediate liking to her,and my mother offered her a job at my uncle's restaurant on the spot. Debbie accepted. We invited her to our home for dinner that evening and during our conversations with her,we learned that she had never married and that she had no boyfriend.She told us that five years before while on a flight back east, she met "her pilot" and that it was love at first sight.  相似文献   

My Dear Rain,I agree that you and I follow similar paths with things! It is pleasant to have your "company" along the way! I got an A on my mid-term and a B on the following quiz. That was the one that I did not have as much time to prepare for. Well, one must live life and tend to do what is important and not always strive for perfection, right? I am learning and enjoying my studies, and that is what is important to me.  相似文献   

My Story     
Hi!My name is Genia and I am from the former USSR.I arrived in Canada in 1994 with all my family:my mother,father and my little brother.I graduated from French high school last year and then applied to Vanier College for the very simple reasons that I prefer to speak English and I have some friends who also applied to Vanier.I hope I have made a good choice.InthefallIwillbeintheComputerScienceTechnologyprogram,becauseeversinceIwasachild,Ilikedcomputersandthoughtthattheywouldplayanimpo…  相似文献   

Sun May 14 SunnyMother's DayToday was Mother's Day. I got up very early. I wanted to give my mother a big surprise(惊喜).I cleaned all the rooms. Then I went to a flower shop and bought carnations (康乃馨). At noon, Icooked fruit salad(水果沙拉)for my mother.When mom got my carnations, ate the fruit salad, she smiled and said to me, "I feel very happytoday, and I like your presents very much, dear."  相似文献   

I have been cross-sitiching on and off since the late 1970's when I was in middle school. What drew me to learn this handcraft was the simplicity of the art yet the intricate designs that one could create. Learning to corss-stitch is very simple since the basic stitch is making "x's" with colored thread on a piece of fabric. I enjoy the ability to easily take my craft with me on trips for something to do when there is a rest period.The first pieces that I corss-stitched were small single character designs that I was able to make into bookmarks or put into very small frames for on top of a desk. The finished fronts on these pieces turned out looking really good, but the backs looked like an explosion of threads. As I cross-stitched more, I began to learn and understand how to stitch my "x's" so that the backs of my cross-stitched pieces looked almost as neat as the fronts.Now people look at the backs of my pieces and admire how neatly my color changes(start and end of threads).  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(8):26-27
On a hot summer morning in 1989 I finished packing my things in my flat in Dublin. Two suitcases were not enough to hold them all so I had to use plastic supermarket bags for the remainder. My friend Tom arrived in his car to take me to the airport. After coffee at the airport we shook hands and said goodbye and it was only then that I noticed my hand was shaking. My voice was also shaking and my breath was coming out in uneven waves. Tom was my good friend from schooldays and in saying goodbye to him I was saying goodbye to so many good memories, saying goodbye to my country.  相似文献   

Family QuarrelThe young newly-weds(新婚夫妇)quarreled.At last she could bear (忍)it no longer and burst into tears(哭起来)."I don't want to have anything to do with you any more.I'm packimg up(收拾)my things and going off to mother.""Fine,my dear,"said the husband."Here are the travelling expenses(路费)"She counted the money and asked: "What about the money for the return ticket?"  相似文献   

I arrived in the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with 76 students who would be my English literature class. Having taught in the US for 17 years, I had no doubt about my ability to hold their attention and to impress on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.  相似文献   

The Will     
Once there was an old man. He had three sons and seventeen horses. One day he told his sons, "I have written my will. I'm going to leave my horses to you. But you must share them."  相似文献   

Help my mother     
正I love my mother very much.when I see her doing housework I often come to help her.One day,my mother was ill and my father was out.so I had to look after my mother and do housework by myself.although I was not good at doing that things,I still tried my best to do everything.After a  相似文献   

ed. forum 1 : Why won't my son go to school? Q. At 8:30 every morning my nine-year-old son says: I don't want to go to school today. There is no obvious reason. I think he would just prefer to stay at home and do as he please. I tell him that he has to go to school, he argues, and we both end up annoyed (2). How can I handle it better?  相似文献   

I went to the woods when my daddy died,to a thicket of blackberry brambles shut off from the rest of the wortd.When the preacher came to find me, I pressed my face deep into the thorns and was still as a stone,Hid for long enough, I thought, and the world would return to normal. The preacher would stop calling my name, and my daddy would come home.  相似文献   

A hotel guest asks the hotel porter,"Could you nip up to my room and see if my coat's there?I've got a taxi waiting outside to take me to the airport,and I don't want to miss my plane.Here's my key.It's Room 502 on the ninth floor."A few minutes later the porter returns,and says,"Yes,sir. It's there all right.It's hanging in the wardrobe."  相似文献   

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