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George W.Bush(即布什总统)visits an elementaryschool and the 4th grade class is in the middle ofa discussion(讨论) related to words and theirmeanings.The teacher asks the President(总统)ifhe would like to lead the class in a discussion ofthe word“tragedy(灾难)”.So George W.Bush asks  相似文献   

The weld nugget formation in the resistance spot welding(RSW) of aluminum alloy was investigated in the present study. The nugget formation process was directly observed by using a digital high-speed camera. Numerical simulation was also employed to investigate the nugget formation process. The results showed that for the RSW of two aluminum alloy sheets, a nugget was first formed in the workpiece/workpiece(W/W) interface and grew along the radial direction and axial direction of the sheets, and then it became a large elliptical nugget. For the RSW of three aluminum alloy sheets, two small nuggets were firstly formed in two W/W interfaces and grew along the axial direction and radial direction; finally they fused into one nugget. Besides, there existed a critical welding time, after which the nugget size remained nearly unchanged. This indicates that a long welding time is unnecessary for the RSW of aluminum alloy. In addition, the calculated nugget radius was compared with the experimental results, which showed that the simulation results agreed well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.W e(拯救)the boy who fellinto the river.2.W ater(流淌)to the lowestlevel.3.The teacher m ade Friday afternoon the(最后期限)for handing in allbook reports.4.The house(震动)when a traingoes  相似文献   

The refrigerant mixture of ethanol aqueous was applied to the parallel type pulsating heat pipe (PHP). The operation characteristics of the PHP were analyzed by means of experiment and nonlinear chaotic theory. Moreover, the relationship between the running state and attractor was described. The results indicate that starting power, stable running power and dry burning transition power are about 64.08 W, 148.68 W and 234.0 W respectively. The cycle and amplitude of PHP initially decrease and then increase with the increasing power. However, the data are welldistributed in a certain range. The running state is in agreement with the attractors, and the changing process for attractors is as follows: the attractors first disperse in the whole phase space, then present mass status, and finally show band distribution.  相似文献   

Using composite field arithmetic in Galois field can result in the compact Rijndael S-Box. However, the power con- sumption of this solution is too large to be used in resource-limited embedded systems. A full-custom hardware implementation of composite field S-Box is proposed for these targeted domains in this paper. The minimization of power consumption is implemented by optimizing the architecture of the composite field S-Box and using the pass transmission gate (PTG) to realize the logic functions of S-Box. Power simulations were performed using the netlist extracted from the layout. HSPICE simulation results indicated that the proposed S-Box achieves low power consumption of about 130 μW at 10 MHz using 0.25 μm/2.5 V technology, while the consumptions of the positive polarity reed-muller (PPRM) based S-Box and composite field S-Box based on the conventional CMOS logic style are about 240 μW and 420 μW, respectively. The simulations also showed that the presented S-Box obtains better low-voltage operating property, which is clearly relevant for applications like sensor nodes, smart cards and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags.  相似文献   

周鲁成 《初中生》2011,(18):52-54
The curtain of the 16th Asian Games(亚运会)has fallen,but the 15 days of exciting competitions will be recorded in the history of the Games.The Games held in Guangzhou,capital of south China’s Guangdong Province,  相似文献   

1 .The seienllsts fror。United StateslivC iflA .the;Ninth Stl℃ettheB./;the C./;/ D.the;/ India and China are of Saflle Cofltlfleflt. A./;the B.The;the C./;/D./;a3 .W己ean’t see_sun on a rainy day. A.a B.theC/D.an4.Greens are on visit to a beantiful city in China. A./;a B.A;the C.The;a D.The;/5 .Mike 15_Ameriean boy.He studies In一university in Lanzhou. A .the;a B.a;a C.an;a D.an;an6.es一What’5 that over there? -It,5 boat. A.a B.an C.theD了7 .This 15—一emPty bottle.Could …  相似文献   

趣句12,动物12,改一字母,填在横线上。1.The Iazy丝里15 niee and一2.oneea旦鲤坐鲜Iived in aes.3.The white丝立些15 looking for some food in the一snow·4.Bad—.The旦丝‘丘fell info a well讲).5.He 15 drawinga五旦卫诫tha--.6.The仓丝绒蛙)—a small lake nearby. It came here to Catch some inseets(害虫).7.1一一j】lere 15 going to bea互旦些,show in the Park tomorrow.8.The housewife Iooked after the五旦丝晚子)with一9.Th叮Put the些兰into a big--.10.The查互旦旦卫15 very tired .It wants toweat onee.11.Th…  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a two-dimensional numerical analysis of the conjugate natural convection and radiation heat transfer in a double-space enclosure with two semitransparent walls. Two kinds of boundary conditions are considered, the first being the isothermal process of the opaque wall, and the other the incidence of a constant radiation flux in the left semitransparent wall. The renormalization group k – ε model is adopted to simulate the turbulent flow in the enclosure. To compute the radiation heat transfer in a semitransparent medium, the discrete ordinates model is used. We compare the behaviors of enclosures with single and double semitransparent walls and determine the difference in the results obtained for semitransparent and opaque partitions. The results indicate that a semitransparent partition facilitates a reduction in the heat loss or obtains a higher temperature distribution. The transmittance of a semitransparent wall has a great effect on the thermal and flow characteristics in an enclosure. The change of wall temperature is found to be significant when the thermal conductivity values range from 0.05 to 0.5 W/(m·K), and to be small when ranging from 0.5 to 10 W/(m·K). These conclusions are helpful for green design and energy saving in solar buildings.  相似文献   

This is a reaction paper from The Ballet Called Swam Lake. Cyril W. Beaumont set out to provide us with an in-depth study of the ballet Swan Lake in his book The Ballet Called Swam Lake. He takes the reader through the history of this great ballet in detail. His discussions include the conception of this ballet, the original story, the music and its composer, the people involved in the production, the settings and the costumes. Beaumont also provides his own criticism of this ballet in all three acts.  相似文献   

People cried over their children whodied in the tsunam is in Chennai,India.On Sunday m orning,a strong earthquake(地震) hitIndonesia (印尼) and then bigtsunam is(海啸)followed.They soon wentonto other countries in the south and southeastAsia as wellas EastAfrica.Tsunam isare especially dangerousforchildren.By W ednesday,nearlyol60,000people died because of the tsunam is.One third of them werechildren.Children m ake up atleasthalfofthe people in Asia.The hugewalls of water have wiped away …  相似文献   

In1837,the historian Carlyle m ade the firstrecorded use of the word“queue”(排队).H e spoke ofthe French and their“habit of standing in a queue”.Forty years later Paris was the best place to wait inline.H owever,queuing becam e popular in Britain too.The Second W orld W ar was the golden age of queuing,and people joined any line in the hope that it was aqueue for som ething to buy.This was the source ofm any Second W orld W ar jokes:Shopkeeper to custom er:Excuse m e,m iss,are youpregnant(怀孕)?Custom er:W ell,...  相似文献   

1IntroductionIt is well known that the solubility of carbon in Fefor both body-centered-cubic (bcc) and face-centered-cubic (fcc) structures is very low, even in a liquidstate. The maxi mum solubility of carbon in ferrite isonly about 0 .1 atompercent .The difference of atomicradius between Fe and C is so large that C is em-bedded at the interstitial site in the bcc or fcc Fe lat-tice . Hume-Rothery rules suggest that the atomic sizeof the solute and solvent should differ by less than15 %to…  相似文献   

英语中表示方位的介词很多,易于混淆。如果能巧妙地借助简笔画,就能化难为易,轻轻松松地掌握它们。40picture1e郾g—W here’s the ball?—It’s on(in、under、near、behind)the box.oninunderbehindneare郾gThe bus is com ing郾The driver is at the front of the bus郾(在……内部的前面)The wom an is at the back of the bus郾(在……内部的后面)The old m an is in front of the bus郾(在……外部的前面)The little girl is behind the bus郾(在……外部的后面)behind in front of穴in雪at the front ofat the back ofpicture2pic…  相似文献   

A large press conference(会议,商谈) is currently underway in Beijing, 1 part of the National People's Congress. China's environmental authority(官方) 2 that the Songhua River in northeast China is unlikely to suffer 3 water pollution this year. This announcement was made by the Minister of State Administration for Environmental Protection, Zhou Shengxian.The M inister said the conclusion4from test results by both Chi-nese and R ussian authorities.W ater in the Songhua R ive…  相似文献   

The World Park     
The W orld Park which is far away from the centre of Beijing was com pleted in 1994. It alm ost contains all the places of interest in the world, such as the G reatW all,the Suzhou Park, the Pyram id, the W hite H ouse,the W estm insterA bbey and so on.There you can visit m any countries such as China,A m erica, England,France,R ussia,Egyptin just one day.In the W orld Park, the things are sm aller than they really are.For exam ple, you can hold up the W hite H ouse with your hand.It…  相似文献   

The Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. At this time,many colourful stamps are published to mark the great games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25,1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on,publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule.chool arden g h D uring the 4th W inter O lym pic G am es a group of stam ps were published in G erm any in N ovem ber 1936. The five rings of O lym pics were drawn on the fron…  相似文献   

The hot hardness behavior of Zr_(52.5)Al_(10)Ni_(10)Cu_(15)Be_(12.5) bulk metallic glass is studied from ambient temperature to the temperature over T_x (the onset crystallization temperature) using a hot macro-hardness tester and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The results show that the hot hardness behavior of Zr_(52.5)Al_(10)Ni_(10)Cu_(15)Be_(12.5) bulk metallic glass can be classified into 4 zones:the glassy zone in which the hardness almost linearly decreases with the increase of temperature,the viscoelastic zone in which the hardness is nearly unchanged,the viscous flow zone in which the hardness quickly tends towards near zero with temperature,and the crystallization zone in which the hardness sharply increases.The high temperature deformation behavior and the easy processable deformation region for bulk metallic glasses are also discussed on the basis of the hot marco-hardness.  相似文献   

下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并加以改正。1.Mr W ang left his keys in the office,so he had to go into his houseacross the window.2.W alk down the road,and turn to right.Y ou ll find a shop betw eenthe theater and the bank.3.The children are having fun to play the gam e.4.W hen you arrive Beijing station,please call m e.5.M r G reen often by taxi to work.6.C ould you please visitm y uncle during you are in Shanghai.7.Id like going sw im m ing.W illyou com e together?8.The police is looking for…  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of ultrasound treatment on cellulase adsorption and lignocellulose hydrolysis.The activity of cellulase remained constant upon lowpower ultrasound treatment(120 W) and decreased using high-power ultrasound(280 W).Oscillating cellulase adsorption occurred upon ultrasound treatment with any intensity.The maxima for desorption and adsorption were41.9 and 83.1%,respectively,during 1 h of 90 W ultrasound treatment at 50 °C.A comparison between the shorttime with long-time ultrasound experiments indicated that ultrasound treatment tended to desorb cellulase from substrate.However,ultrasound treatment also led to further surface erosion of biomass,which increased cellulase accessibility.These joint actions of ultrasound treatment induced the oscillating adsorption of cellulase.The increase in cellulase accessibility caused by ultrasound treatment led to a significant enhancement in lignocellulose hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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