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Where is the cat?The cat is in the tree.Draw a line from the picture to the right place.把图用线连到相应的位置上。  相似文献   

1.A.W hat蒺s the tim e?B:It蒺s .A:It蒺s tim e forus to go school.B:Ok.Let蒺s .2.A:W hat蒺s itin his hand?B:It蒺s apple.A:Do you like apples芽B:Yes,I like apples very.3.A :Can you play football?B:No熏I .Canyouhelpm e?A : .Play itlike this.B:Letm e have a try.4.A:Can he jum p high?B:Yes,he .A:W hataboutyou?B:Ican蒺t.It蒺s hard.5.A :H ow m any people are therein the river?B:Only .A :Can she swim ?B: 熏she can.6.A:W hat蒺re they in the tree?B:They蒺reabirdanda .A:W hatcolouris th…  相似文献   

根据下列各/」·题的图示,{月方框中所给的词语填空:3 .A: B: A: B:I;there_money?丫es,there 15_money. there Polieemen?Yes,thereare_polieemen.1 .A: B:thereYes,there 15fish?fish.big eats near theBut there arefish.!尸代,r气尸,,,ll闪以飞I Iam2 15真词Mike看图填My2.A:Are there earrots?Yes,thereare_earmts.Oh dear!Idon’t wantno、V-a nUrse- 11 havea些一~five.He has川any15 a pol反忱拍an.My一呈一‘.He铸 5介.lhaveagood 6 .7B:A:黝黔篡沁看图填词(英文)@刘世一$山东临清市先锋中学…  相似文献   

在Ⅰ栏中找出能紧接 Ⅱ栏中的句子的选项根据下面几幅图片,把图片下面的句子按照顺序排列成文,并把序号填在括号内。( )a.Quickly,he ran into his room to fetch his butterfly net.( )b.One day,Xiaom ing was playing in his garden.( )c.H is m otherwashed his knee and putsom e m edicine on it.( )d.Soon,Xiaom ing was chasing the butterfly overthe garden.( )e.H e saw a beautifulbutterfly resting on a flower.( )f.But,when Xiaom ing was aboutto catch it,he tripped over astone and injured his knee.K ey:(A )1.B…  相似文献   


读卜面的歌谣。把右边的图与歌谣中相应的部分用线连起来。1 .one,two,Put on your shoe.2 .Three,fou几Go tothe door.3 .Five,sixrPiek uP stiCk(棍子).4 .Seven,eightDon,t be late(迟到)!5 .Nine,ten,Cateh the hen(母鸡)〕’g日’卜V’仁0‘乙日’T:毒最看图连线@黄凯悦  相似文献   

看图,判断句子是否符合所给情景,用√或×表示1.A:CanIhelpyou?B:Yes,aneraser,please.2.A:Whatdoyouwant?B:WantanewcolourTV.3.A:Howmanypineapplesdoyouwant,MissGao?B:Three.A:They’refouryuan.4.A:WhatcanIdoforyou?B:Yes,please.I’dlikeanewdress.5.A:Howmuchisthetelephone?B:It’sahundredandeightyyuan.6.A:CanIhelpyou?B:Acupoforange,please.A:Hereyouare.B:Thankyou.案:1.√2. √3.×4.×5.×6. √责任编辑/于哲E看图判断正误(英文)@周森…  相似文献   

Use these prepositions to complete thesentences. (用下列介词完成句子。)on with for at to  相似文献   

仔细观察下图,然后回答问题。把对的答案选出来。  相似文献   

1.The children are——. A.in the pa出 B.in the school2.Betty is——. A.100king and smiling C.I_eading a b00k3. feels hot.C.in the lake D.in a hotelB.making a planeD.eating and“nking A.DaVid B..Lily c.Mary D·Sam4.David feels——.. A.tried B.hot C.happy D.hungry and tllirsty5.Lily is——. . A.嘲ndil唔 B.出1wing C.雌Lking a pb【ne D.e撕ng and商nl(ing (答案本期找)≮看图选择填空》答案:、I.1lI lI.看图选择填空(英文)@刘世一…  相似文献   

看图,将符合题意的句子的序号写在图下的括号内A. Gotothedoor.B. Givemeabook,please.C. Pointtoadesk.D. Drawafish,please.E. Spell“bus”.F. Gobacktoyourseat.责任编辑/于哲E答案:第一组:DFEBAC第二组:BEDAFCA. Let’splaygamesnow.B. Let’shavesomecakes.C. Let’swritenow.D. Let’ssingnow.E. Let’scleanthejeep.F. Let’sdancenow.第一组第二组看图填序号(英文)@周森…  相似文献   

看图完成下列句子。1.The hat is______(under/on)the chair.The balls______(is/are)orange.2.______(Where/What)is the lamp?It’s______(on/over)the table.3.The sandals(拖鞋)______(aren’t/isn’t)white.They’re blue.They are______(under/behind)the chair.4.______(What color/Where)is the basket?It’s pink.It’s______(under/in front of)thetable.5.The table______(is/are)green.The balls are______(on/in)the basket.温馨提示under在……下on在……上in在……里面near在……附近behind在……后面in front of在……  相似文献   

根据图画写一篇短文,叙述小明与他妈妈发生的故事。注意:1.不仅要表述出图中的内容,还要发表自己的感想;2.词数:120左右;3.开头已给出。One day,Xiao M ing saw a little girlfall over.One possible version:One day,Xiao M ing saw a little girlfall over.H e wanted to help the girl up,buthis m other stopped him and said,“Don’t dothat,otherwise others will think it was youwho knocked her down.”Another day,XiaoM ing’s m other was shocked to see XiaoM ing just let the fallen oil bottle be.AndXiao M ing s…  相似文献   

、、’7一01 .A.You’rea邵od girl.B.Yes,1 can. C .Yes,Please.D.Good一bye2 .A.Ve万well,thank you. B .1’m waiting for the bus. C .1’m’going to sehool. D .Thank you.3 .A.Wllere aml?B.Do you know me? C .Exeuse me.Where 15 the toilet? D .Exeuse me.15 it a toilet?4 .A.15 thereany water? B .Can 1 have some water,Please? C.Where 15 the water,Ann? D.What do you want,Ann?5 .A.Me.B.No.C.Some.D.Yes.6 .A.Are there any earmts?口 B.May 1 have some br七ad? C .15 there any bread? D .Do you wantsome bread?__7 .A.Thank you.B.Excuseme. C...  相似文献   

根据图画所示补全对话,每空填一词。1.A :Y ou re from A ustralia,?B :Y es,I am .A :W hats the w eather of A us-tralia like w hen w e are insum m er?B :Itis season.2.A :W hich do you likebest?B :I I like spring best.A : ?B :B ecause we can see allkindsof flowers everywhere.3.A : are the oranges?B :They re in the fridge.A : oranges are therein it?B :There are eight.4.A :W ould you to com e tom y party?B :Is today your ?A :D on tyou know ?A :Sorry. birthday!5.A :C an I to B ill,please?…  相似文献   

根据图画所示,完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:Doyou know happened?B:Yes.I an accidenthap-pen when I was pastthe postoffice.2.A:W hatwas the worker doingyesterday?B:H is bike was.H e washis bike.3.A:Is English difficult?B:Yes,itis.A:W illyou wantm e to help youyour English Imfree?B:Thanks.Itsvery kind ofyou.4.A:W hatwere they doing afterschoolyesterday?B:They som e clean-ing.A:Oh,they did good deeds forourschool.B:W e should learn them,shouldn twe?A:Yes,we should.5.A:W hatwere they ye…  相似文献   

根据图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats under the bed?B:There are.A:are they?B:They are m ine.2.A:W here is the bag?B:Its the.A:Is it?B:N o,itisn tm ine.Its his.3.A :W hats he doing? B :H e is . 4.A :H ow m any cats are there in her hands? B : . 5.A :W hich are LiH ua and Y iLa in? B :They are in Class O ne. A :W hich row are they in? B :They re in . 6.A :W hat are they doing? B :They re watching . A :A re they the sam e row? B : , .7.A :W here is the book? B :Its t…  相似文献   

根据图画完成下列对话,每空一词。1.A:Isthisbox?B:No,itisbig.A:Canhecarryit?B:Yes,he.2.A:Thisbottleisempty.CouldIhaveaone,please?B:Yes.Hereyou.A:Thankyouverymuch.B:Thatsallright.3.A:Letmehelpyou.B:you.Taketheboxtheroom,please.A:Overthere?B:Oh,yes.4.A:arethefootballsocks?B:Theyarethechair.A:Aretheyyoursocks?B:Yes,theyare.5.A:Kate,couldyouhelpme,please?B:Certainly.Letmeyou.A:Thanksverymuch!B:Youre.6.A:Whatswithyourplane?B:Itsbroken.Canyoumendit?A:Letmehavea,please.B:Thanks.Key:1…  相似文献   

根据图画所示完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:you like som e bottlesofm ilk,please?B:O K.A:w ould you like?B:Five,please.2.A:H ow m anyin Picture Two?B:Four.A:A re they in the?B:No.Three ofthem are in C lassO ne.The otherone is in ClassTwo.3.A:you m end the bike?B:N o,I can t.A:W hat is he doing?B:H e s his.4.A:W hat are they doing?B:They re their.A:W here are they going?B:They re going to.5.A:C an I borrow your eraser?B:C ertainly,are.A:Thank you very m uch!B:Y ou re.6.A:you an…  相似文献   

根据下列图画所示,完成对话,每空限填一词。1.A:Itsdangerousifyouarent.B:Thankyou.A:Doyouknowwhenitissafetocrosstheroad?B:Yes.Whenthe,youcancross.2.A:Willotherpeoplebepleasedifyoujumpthequeue?B:,.A:Whatmustyoudowhenyouabus?B:Imustwaitinaqueue.3.A:Whatmustyoudoifyouareill?B:Igotoa.A:WhatarethepeopledoinginPicture3?B:Theythedoctor.4.A:thetroublewithyou?B:Ihaveabadcough.A:Illgiveyousomeforyourcough.Takeitthreetimesaday.B:Thankyou,doctor.5.A:Howdoyoufeelnow?B:Ihaveapaininmyhead.A:Illfora…  相似文献   

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