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在英语中,用于表述“看”的词语很多,常见到的有:look,look at,see,watch,look after等,这几个词语都有“看”的意思。但是,你知道它们各自“看”法有何不同吗?那我们一起来看一看吧。1、look表示“看”时,是不及物动词,后不能直接接宾语,着重于看的动作,可单独使用以使提醒对方注意。如:1)Look!Who's thatgirl over there?2)Look!What're those in English?2、look at意为“看……”指看具体的人或物,at为介词。如:1)Look at the blackboard,please.2)Don't look outof thewindows.Youmust look atme.3、see为及物动词,意为“看见,看到…  相似文献   

look(at),see,watch和read都有“看”的意思,但彼此用法却不近相同。1.look 表示有目的地使用双眼来“看”,意为“看”、“注视”,强调看的动作。例如: Look! What are the children doing overthere?看!孩子们在那边干什么? He looks out of the window.他向窗外看。  相似文献   

look,look at,see,watch与read5个动词(短语)译成汉语均有"看"的意思,但用法却迥然不同:1.look"看"、"注视",着重强调看的动作,表示有意识地看,可以单独使用,以提醒对方注意。如:Look!What are the children doing on the hill?看!孩子们在山上干什么?2.look at"看某人或某物",接宾语时常与介词at连用。如:Please look at the new computer援请看这台新电脑。3.see强调"看"的结果  相似文献   

1.Look!The bus is coming.看,公共汽车开过来了。look常用在开头,意在引起别人注意,其后面的句子多用现在进行时。2.Look at the picture of Jim’family.看吉姆家的这张照片。  相似文献   

本文主要谈一谈动词look的用法。供同学们学习时参考。一、look可以用作不及物动词,意为“看”。这时它可以单独使用,位于句首。例如:Look,these are m y teachers.看,这些都是我的老师。Look!They are com ing.瞧!他们来了。二、look可以用作系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。例如:The m an looks very strong.这个人看上去很结实。三、look还可以和某些介词或副词一起构成短语动词,表示不同的含义。现分述如下。1.look at意为“注视”。例如:Look atthe blackboard,LiPing.李平,看黑板。The baby looked atm e and cried harder and harder…  相似文献   

Look大“看”台1 在初中范围内,有关look的词组很多,现将使用频繁,经常在中考试题中有所体现的用法加以总结归纳如下:1. look at看Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。2. look after照看、照顾Will you please look after my baby when I am out ? 当我出去的时候你能照看一下我的婴儿吗?3. look for寻找I am looking for the key to the door. 我正在寻找房门的钥匙。4. look like 看起来像Your cat looks like Lily's hat. 你的猫看起来像莉莉的帽子。5. look over检查身体He was badly hurt.Th…  相似文献   

1.read,look,see,watch这四个单词均有“看”的意思,但用法有别。(1)readv.读;阅读read作“看”讲时,多指看书、看报、看杂志等。例如:Hereadsnewspaperseveryday.他每天看报。LiLeiisreadingapicture-book,andImreadingastory-book.李雷在看一本画册,我在看故事书。(2)lookv.看look通常为不及物动词,强调“看”这一动作。若后跟宾语时,需加介词at,构成短语lookat,意思是“看……”;此外,look还有“看上去”,“看起来”之意。例如:Look!Theboyisswimmingintheriver.看!那个小男孩正在河里游泳。Lookatthegirlinredhat.Shesmysister,Kate…  相似文献   

Look at these two funny pictures. The penguins are skating happily! Do the two pictures look the Same? No! There are ten differences (不同) in the pictures. Canyou find all of them?  相似文献   

Look at these two pictures. The dog and the wolf are looking at a falling leaf. Do the two pictures look the same? No! Them are twelve differences (不同) in the pictures. Can you find all of them?  相似文献   

Mask Maze     
Look at this mask (面具). Is it cool? Please look carefully. Oh, it' s a mask maze. Can you go through the maze? Have a try!  相似文献   

在中学英语学习阶段、表示“看”的方式有多种,且各不相同。现归纳如下,供同学们参考。1.look at…看某人或某物,表示看的动作如:Please look at that tree. It's very tall.请看那棵树。它太高了。2.take/have a look…看一看……如:We'll have a look at the woolen sweater.我们将  相似文献   

Look, there are eight Cupids(丘比特) in the picture. Among(在……之中) them, two Cupids look the same. Can you find them? Have a try!  相似文献   

在英语的学习中,常会遇见一些词义相同的词,同学们在使用时常出错。现选择几组典型的词,作以下浅析。一、see、look、watch这三个词都有看的意思,但其用法以不用。1、look(看)是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语;如若要跟宾语,必须加介词at(盯着…看)。eg:Look,They are swimming in the river.看,他们在河里游泳。Look at the blackboard,please.请看黑板。2、see(看见,看望)是及物动词,能直接跟宾语。eg:Icanseesomestudentsintheroom.我能看见一些学生在房间里。Iamgoingtoseemymothertomorrow.明天我要看望我的妈妈。3、watch(观看)是及物动…  相似文献   

1. Please give the book ____ me. 2. Look at the picture ____ Page 10. 3. There is a bird ____ the tree. 4. There are many apples ____ the apple tree. 5. There!s some money ____ the purse. 6. Take the bags ____ the classroom. 7. Who!s the girl ____ the green skirt? 8. The boy ____ the bike is Tom. 9. You must look ____ your things. 10. Please look ____ the blackboard. 11. She looks ____ her mother. 12. Don!t look out ____ the window. 13. It!s a car ____ English. 14. They, ____ the cat, oft…  相似文献   

对面的同学看过来——看看用英语怎样说“看”。英语里的“看”可没有汉语里这样简单,我们至少可以说出三个表示“看”的单词:see,look,watch。那么这三个单词都在什么情况下适用呢?see:眼睛睁着时自然映入眼睛的东西。如:I see him.我看到他了。look:有意要看,有意识地将视线朝向它时。如:Look at the blackboard.看黑板。(上课时老师经常这样说)watch:利用一段时间注意去看动态的或可能移动的东西;观察如:watch TV看电视I see something on the floor.I look at it.It is an ant.I watch it.我看到地板上有什么东西,(仔细)一看,是只蚂…  相似文献   

My Classroom     
I see a chair and a desk Look at the whiteboard.What do you see? story:All of the students greet Miss Grant as she stands beside the whiteboard.She then tells the students to look at the whiteboard.“What do you see?”asksMiss Grant.Everyone looks up and answers,“I see a chair and a desk.”  相似文献   

一、look译为"瞧、看、望"常用来引起别人的注意;还可以译为"看起来",常作连系动词,后接形容词构成系表结构.如: Look! They are playing basketball.看!他们在打篮球. He looks very angry.他看起来很生气. 二、look around参观;游览(某地或某建筑).如: They looked around Beijing last week.上周他们参观了北京. 三、look up查阅(指在词典或参考书中查).如; You can look up his number in the phone book你可以在电话本中查到他的电话号码.  相似文献   

考测点导航 (一)现在进行时的基本用法 1.表示说话时正在进行的动作常与now,具体时间连用,有时用一个动词如look(看),listen(听)。如:Hurry up!We’re all waiting for you. Now he is living in Shanghai. Look!The bus is crossing the bridge!  相似文献   

A Slip of Paper     
一、故事内容 It's a sunny day. A little lizard walks on the grass. While he is walking, he finds a slip of paper. It says, "The snake is coming!" The lizard is very afraid. He cries. There are three frogs. They are dancing in the pond. They hear the lizard crying and jump to him. They look at the paper and say, "Don't be afraid! Look, this is a slip of paper, not the whole paper! There must be another slip of paper."  相似文献   

请看下面一道高考题: Look at the trouble I am in! If ordy I____your advice. A. followed B. would follow C. had followed D. should follow  相似文献   

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