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一、be going to是一个固定结构,一般用来表示按计划或安排将要发生的事;有时也可以表示经推测将要或肯定要发生的动作,有“准备、打算”等意思,因此它应当与表示将来意义的时间状语连用。其中be是助动词,有(I)am,(He/She/It) is, (You/We/They)are三种形式。助动词be没有实际意义,与主语搭配时与系动词be的变化形式一样。to是不定式符号,后接动词原形。例如: They are going to play football this after-noon after school.他们准备今天下午放学后踢足球。  相似文献   

古人有云:宁当鸡头,不做凤尾。中考复习已经进入白热化阶段,我们相信,广大的中考家庭都开始思量如何选择高中阶段的学校。对于绝大多数的成绩中等的同学而言,选择去普通中学做"鸡头"还是去重点中学做"凤尾",是摆在你们面前最棘手的一道难题。同学们,也许你们正在"鸡头"和"凤尾"之间感到两难,那就让《中考月刊》帮助你们选择一条更为适合的人生道路吧。  相似文献   

哎呀呀,真是冤家路窄呀!咋个(怎么)我们又碰到了嘛!(这可是阿呆送给久违的Sunny姐姐的见面礼物哦!呵呵,别看他重庆话还说得挺地道的哦!)哼,你以为我是来看你的啊,我是奉阿Sir之命,重出“江湖”(脸红ing),把SunnyEnglish这个店铺经营起来,让大家常来坐坐,在闲聊中学点English!当然呢,对于像你这种applehead肯定是不适合的了……抠什么脑门儿啊?又不知道什么意思了吧?那就听Sunny姐姐的话好了!applehead就是“大笨蛋”的意思!好了,不说了!还是来看我们可爱的将来时小精灵begoingto吧!  相似文献   

英语中used to...意为"过去做……"、"以前是……",表示与现在的情况进行比较,这种动作已经成为过去的事实,现在已经不再这样了。例如:There used to be an old house near the river.从前在  相似文献   

H. Ramesh  V. Vinay 《Resonance》1998,3(4):72-87
When can one call a sequence of heads and tails truly random? This article is about the Kolmogorov or algorithmic complexity of a sequence. This complexity tells you how random a sequence is.  相似文献   

How to Be Happy     
I believe happiness is what all the people are longing for. No matter what we are doing now, our ultimate goal will always be happiness. But how can we get happiness? A lot of people think that happiness is really hard to get. They're living a lonely and …  相似文献   

How long has it been since you had the feeling of being moved? Do you feel grateful when you taste the delicious dinner your mother prepares  相似文献   

新闻背景>>2008年5月27日的《广州日报》发布了一则题为"校外租房开始低龄化高中生瞒着班主任租房"的新闻:"我们班共有50个同学,大约有10个在外租房午休或者住宿,"华南师范大学附属中学高三理科班学生罗明说,"主要是同学们觉得宿舍太旧而且管理制度严格,所以干脆花钱在外租房,更自由一点。"连日来,记者调查发现,在外租房已不再是大学生的专利,这一现象开始低  相似文献   

在现代英语中,有多种表示将来时间的方法,其中begoingto+不定式是继will/shall+不定式之后表示将来时态的一个最重要的句式。按照传统的看法,begoingto+不定式结构的语义,主要表示“不久的将来”这一时间概念,但在实际的语言交际中,从它所表示的主题意义来看,往往还具有以下一些语义功能。1.表示说话人的意图或打算。例如:Heisgoingtopostthatletterthisafternoon.Howlongisshegoingtostayhere?He’sgoingtobeadoctorwhenhegrowsup.从上述例句可以看出,这种结构表示打算将来做某事时,是属于意志的将来,它体现了句中主语的决心和意图,而这…  相似文献   

Describing behaviors as reflecting categories (e.g., asking children to “be helpers”) has been found to increase pro-social behavior. The present studies (= 139, ages 4–5) tested whether such effects backfire if children experience setbacks while performing category-relevant actions. In Study 1, children were asked either to “be helpers” or “to help,” and then pretended to complete a series of successful scenarios (e.g., pouring milk) and unsuccessful scenarios (e.g., spilling milk while trying to pour). After the unsuccessful trials, children asked to “be helpers” had more negative attitudes. In Study 2, asking children to “be helpers” impeded children's helping behavior after they experienced difficulties while trying to help. Implications for how category labels shape beliefs and behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

在斯诺克英国锦标赛上,年仅18岁的中国台球运动员丁俊晖以10比6的比分战胜连续六次夺冠的英国老将戴维斯取得冠军。  相似文献   

One of the most common mistakes many people make is to wearill-fitting shoes.Women in particular tend to be embarrassed by a shoe size that seems large;in many cultures a small foot is thought to be a sign of womanliness.Towearashoethatistoosmallissilly.Firstofall,theshoeswilleventuallystretch,andthesizeofone’sfeetwillbecomeobvious.Second,thereisnothingmoreunattractivethanafootthathasbeensqueezedintoashoe.Third,thediscomfortoffootshowsupontheface.Fourth,thenaturalgraceandeaseinone’swalkwill…  相似文献   

I'm a tiger.My name is Jim.I'm ten years old.I live in a zoo now.Five years ago I lived in a big and beautiful forest.I had lost of friends,such as elephant,monkey and dog…We sang songs,danced and played games together.Every day I was happy.  相似文献   

Mark Twain(马克·吐温)once went to borrow a certain book from a neighbor in Tarr town.“May I borrow a book from you?”he asked politely.“Yes,you are more than welcome to it,”the neighbor told him,“But I must ask you to read it here.You know I make it a rule never to let any book go out of my library.”  相似文献   

Be going to是一个非常实用的词组,在很多场合都可使用。下面我们来对它作一个了解。1.be going to结构后接动词原形,多用于口语(正式文体中用will),其中助动词be的形式应随主语的人称和单复数而变化。例如:  相似文献   

Theology courses can offer perspective on a multitude of other disciplines. The course described in this article is one model of how theology and other courses might be integrated to provide a theological perspective on a topic. For our purposes, biblical studies and conflict were combined. The model, however, may serve as impetus and inspiration for other disciplines to provide an opportunity for integrated learning. This article describes how the case study method was used with biblical studies to explore another discipline, conflict and negotiation.  相似文献   

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