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1 2=?一加二等于几?One and two is three.一加二等于三。Three,three,three.三、三、三,Plant a small tree,种植一棵小树,Birds can fly free.让鸟儿自由地飞。  相似文献   

笑寒 《今日中学生》2004,(11):18-19
1.房前有棵大树。A.There’s a big tree in front of the house.B.There’s a big tree before the house.C.There stands a big tree in front of the house.D.A big tree is standing before the house.2.上周我收到了朋友的来信。  相似文献   

1.Welcome to Bear Country!Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears——Papa Bear,Mama Bear and Small Bear.欢迎来到熊王国!在熊王国的一条洒满阳光的土路上,住着幸福的熊熊一家:熊爸爸,熊妈妈和小熊。2.They live in a big tree.It is a very fine house.There is a big kitchen,a sitting room and two bedrooms.他们住在一棵大树里。那是一个很温馨的房子。有一间大厨房,一间客厅和两间卧室。  相似文献   

An Apple Seed     
I realized I was holding an apple seed in my hand.It could become a beautiful big tree and grow thousands of apples in its lifetime.Each apple has several seeds that could grow a new tree,but why then the world isn’t filled with apple trees?It is a rule of nature that only a few of these seeds grow.And it’s quite often so with our dreams.Wonderful ideas come to our minds but they die too soon.We don’t take care of the little saplings,and we don’t protect them as we should.And then one day we wonder what happened to our dreams.  相似文献   

Stephen  范婕 《英语辅导》2017,(10):32-34
Once upon a time,there lived a big mango tree.A little boy loved to come and play around it. He climbed to the top,ate the mangoes,took a nap under the shadow.He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by.The little boy grew,and he no longer played around the tree.  相似文献   

Clues: I have four legs. I am always wearing a green and white coat. I can live both in the water and on the land. I am small,but I have a big voice. I like eating pests.  相似文献   

Let Γd2nbe the set of trees with a given diameter d having a perfect matching,where 2n is the number of vertex.For a tree T in Γd2n,let Pd+1be a diameter of T and q = d m,where m is the number of the edges of perfect matching inPd+1.It can be found that the trees with minimal energy in Γd2nfor four cases q = d 2,d 3,d 4,[d2],and two remarks aregiven about the trees with minimal energy in Γd2nfor2d 33q d 5 and [d2] + 1 q2d 33 1.  相似文献   

今天是星期天。天气很晴朗。我们家来到了公园。有很多孩子在公园里玩。他们在一棵大树前放风筝。在大树下,我的爸爸正在钓鱼,他很喜欢钓鱼。我和妈妈在大树附近放风筝,放风筝是我的爱好。我们一起度过了一段愉快的时光。T oday is Sunday.It’s a sunny day.M y fam ily isat the park.M any children are playing there.Infront of a big tree,they are flying kites.U nder thebig tree,m y father is fishing.H e likes fishing.N earthe tree I’m flying a kite w ith m y m other.M y hobby isflying a kite.W e are having ago…  相似文献   

My Village     
I live in a small and quiet village in the eastern part of Jiangsu Province. It stands beside the wide river called the Huaihe River. There are many small hills around our village. On the hills there are many kinds of trees and flowers.Before liberation itwas a poor,dirty place.Only a few rich peoplelived in good houses.M any poorpeople had no land and they had to workhard for the landlords all the year round.Of course they couldn t getenough to eat.They couldn t send theirchildren to scho…  相似文献   

In spring, it's always warm and sunny. People like to go outing. ff's sunny today. The Blacks have a picnic in a park. There are many big trees and flowers in the park. They take lots of food with them. There is fruit, drinks, bread and so on.  相似文献   

Do you know?     
Ⅰ.What will the weather be like? What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from birds.When they see birds fly high out to the sea,they know it is a nice day,because birds don't like to fly out when it will rain.When the weather will be bad,the birds come back to the beach.A big wind may come with a rain.Birds do not like to fly in a big wind.They may sit in a tree when rain is coming.Other animals can also tell the weather.If it's a cloudy day and the rain is coming,chickens aren't quiet,and they are running here and there.Frogs(青蛙) are making big noise in the pool.If it is a nice day,the frogs will come out of the water.  相似文献   

欧阳胜美 《教师》2010,(5):60-62
一、教学内容(Teaching content) There is a lion. He is big. He is very strong. His teeth are big and sharp. This is a mouse. She is small. Her teeth are small and sharp.  相似文献   

Narrator: One fine morning, there are four brothers sitting under a big tree. They are all blind. A man comes with an elephant. The four brothers hear the noise and they begin to talk.  相似文献   

Little Peacock lived in a beautiful village with her good friends One day,Peacock moved to a city. Her new house is in a big zoo.The zoo has many tall trees and colorful flowers Now she has a lot of new neighbors.But Peacock misses her old friends  相似文献   

A A poor farmer once had a friend who was famous for the wondertul apple trees which he grew.One day this friend gave the farmer a young tree and told him to take it home and plant it.The farmer was pleased with the gift,but when he got home he did not know where to plant it.He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road,strangers would steal the fruit.  相似文献   

A big tiger and a small tiger are hungry.They are behind the monkeys' garden. :It's one o'clock.Go and have a look.What are the monkeys doing?  相似文献   

Use Your Head     
1.Some students are planting trees in a row along a road.Thereis a tree every other metre. Each student plants a tree.There aretwo students in front of two students and two students behind twostudents,and two students between two students.Please answerthese questions:  相似文献   

Strange things happen to time when you travel because the earth is divided(划分为) into twenty-four time zones(时区), one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.in the hall.3.There willbe a sports m eetin ourschoolnextweek.4.There stands/is/lies a big tree in front of the classroom .5.There used to be a shop on the corner of the street. 6. There are som e /several students on the playground,aren t there? 7.There we…  相似文献   

森林里住着一棵大树和一棵小树,大树非常爱小树。火辣辣的太阳照着森林,大树说:"好热啊!不要把小树给晒坏了。"她赶忙展开茂密的枝叶,为小树遮太阳。  相似文献   

In the golden autumn, being heavily burdened, I came here and became a so-called “Fourth-year Student of a Senior Middle School” in Jinjiang School, a special school for those who failed in the last Entrance Examinations to College. Far away from the city of Liuyang and surrounded by green hills, the school looks quiet and beautiful, with lots of big and tall trees in and around it.  相似文献   

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